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Spring's Destiny by Deausha Kristal (15)

Chapter 15



“So, what’s on the agenda for tomorrow?” I ask Nick. He takes a sip of his wine looking over to me.

“Well, training for the men and, honestly, you need to be training as well. We won’t know what we're up against until Mick gets back tomorrow but you need to be ready for anything.”

“Do you think Maddox will try to kidnap her, again so soon?” Sammy asks.

“I do. Someone needs to be with her at all times,” Nick says. As I look around the room, there are times that I just like to be alone. Wiping my mouth, I stand up. The guys stand as well.

“Please sit and finish, I’m going out to the barn for a while. I’ll take the hellhound so that I’m not alone,” I say. I just have to get out of here, all this is starting to build, and I have to let it out.

“I’ll be fine with Stayne; you said he’s a killing machine so what will get past him?” Raising an eyebrow, I look around the table. Nick nods, pushing my chair out I call for Stayne he comes trotting up with Tanner in tow. Smiling, I pet Tanner, and he kisses me like crazy. When he’s older, he will be enormous and dangerous in his own right.

  Walking to the laundry, I put my boots and raincoat on. Opening the door, the wind and rain whip at me hard. Taking a deep breath, I run for the barn, jumping over the puddles that I can and going through the other’s that are just too big. I just about run into the side of the barn because I couldn’t see it. Finding the door, I swing it wide and the dog's barrel inside the barn. Following them, I shut the door behind us and flip on the lights. The dogs start to shake their-selves and water flies everywhere. Laughing, I fetch an old towel and start with Tanner trying to dry him off. Boy, he’s a wiggly little thing. As I look him over, it’s going to be the best that I can do. Looking over at Stayne, he walks over to me, and I wipe him down as well. Getting to his face, I can’t believe he has red eyes, yes red eyes. He reminds me of a wolf but way more significant. And his teeth almost look like a lion’s. He growls a bit and walks away to find a nice pile of hay to lie on top of. Tanner looks at me cocking his head to the side.

“Go,” I tell him, he jumps with a bark and goes and finds Stayne. I can’t believe how good that hellhound is with him. Walking down the aisle, I locate a jumpy Storm waiting for me. Opening the stall door, I stroll in and pet him. Running my hands along his side, I just want to snuggle with him; he’s so soft and warm. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I snuggle my face into his hair. I love the smell of a horse, the barn, the hay everything about them.

Pushing away, I grab a brush and start brushing him; he begins to lean into me, it must feel good. Getting done with him, I leave the stall throwing two flakes of hay to him. Walking to the other stall I pet the mare, which belongs to Mick. Walking in, I brush her out and then give her some hay. Going to the grain room, I grab two scoops and provide them with food. I don’t have to worry about the water it's automatic. Which, is apparently lovely in the winter. I look around; there’s no more hay down here. Walking over to Stayne, he lifts his head. “I’m going to the loft for hay I’ll be throwing it down, keep Tanner by you?” Stayne growls and lies back down. It’s only right that I let him know where I’ll be. Heading to the ladder, I start to climb up when lightning strikes close and thunder booms, making me jump. The lights flicker, but they come back on. I don’t like it pitch black out. Shivering, I make it to the top of the ladder. The lights are on but are a bit dim up here. Walking over to the hay I lift one and step to throw it down in the aisle, getting about ten of them I walk over and open up the loft door. Sitting on a bale of hay, I watch it pour outside. If it keeps this up, it’s going to start flooding. We will be fine up here on the mountain, but I worry about the townspeople.

  Hearing a noise behind me, I see Andy making his way up here. Turning, I watch as lightning streaks across the sky.

“What are you doing out here?” I ask him.

“Nick told me to come check on you,” he says. He gently puts his hands on my shoulders and starts rubbing. Groaning I lean into his hands. It feels wonderful. After about fifteen minutes I look over my shoulder up at him.

“Your hands are amazing,” I say smiling at him. Andy lets out a heavy breath and comes to the side to straddle the hay his knees touch my leg as he sits down.

“Why are you out here just sitting?” he asks.

“I just needed to get away from everything; it helps me think,” I murmur. Thunder cracks and vibrates the ground. Jumping, I feel Andy wrap his arm around me pulling me to him. Tensing up, he chuckles.

“Let’s not lie to one another, hmm? You feel the tension between us just like I do.”

Turning around so that I straddle his legs, but not entirely on top of him.

“Why me? Is it just because of the bond? Is this all it will be with you, all of you?” I ask looking up into his eyes.

“There has to be an attraction there already, Spring, I watch you with the others, and I want that so bad it hurts. It means we are made to be more. Plus, we don’t have to make the bond, we get a choice.”

None of them had to. They had a choice that does make me feel better. It does. Looking back to him, I swallow hard. He gently grabs my chin, slowly he leans forward giving me the option to move. Closing the space between us, I press my lips to his. I feel that electrifying current go through me. He wraps his arms around me kissing me back; he runs the tip of his tongue along my lips. Opening my mouth, I take his tongue into mine, he is teasing me. I can only imagine what it could do elsewhere.

“I would love to show you what my tongue can do to you in other places,” he growls in my ear. Shivering, he wraps his arms around me and pulls me to straddle him. Our privates on top of each other’s I can feel how hard he is.

He doesn’t try anything else, just holds me close. Letting my breathing go back to normal, I start to feel my arm tingle. Stiffen up I untangle my limbs from him. He looks at me questioningly. Standing up, I flex my hand.

“We’re not alone,” I say. “Stayne,” I yell. Looking over at Andy he’s got a wicked looking dagger pulled out and at the ready.

“I’m on it my Queen,” I hear him say.

“Stayne knows,” I tell Andy.

“So, does Nick, they are on their way.

“Tanner is coming to you, my Queen, whatever is out there is pure evil. Keep him safe make him stay with you, or he will be torn apart. By the way, Storm plowed his door down.”

Looking over at the steps, I see Tanner’s little head bobbing up and down as he takes the steps as fast as his short legs will carry them.

“Come on, Tanner, come to me,” I yell over the storm raging outside. He comes over and jumps into my waiting arms. “Listen to me, stay by me, no matter what. Do you hear me?” Licking my face, I know that he does. Hearing a blast from the loft door, Andy jumps and tackles us to the ground laying his body on top of us as wood and debris rain down. Coughing, he looks over at me. I nod that I’m OK. Getting up, he stands in front of us as four men with guns fly inside the room. Tanner starts growling, trying to get out of my arms.

“Tanner, remember,” I whisper in his ears. He quiets down, so I put him on the ground and he stands behind my leg.

“Move guardian, it is not you, we want,” one of them says.

“Fuck you, buddy; you better leave before I kill you where you stand.”

“Queen, come with us, and we won’t hurt any of them,” he says like Andy never said a thing.

“How about not!” I snap. “What do you want with me?”

“Our King wants to speak to you is all!” Laughing, I look at the other men that are here. “You can tell Maddox, to find someone else for his—"

“Queen, it is not Maddox that I serve, but someone more powerful than you can imagine,” he sneers. “Are you saying you will not go willingly?”

Pushing power into my hand, I watch as the tattoo starts to glow with blue swirls. I see Stayne prowling, behind them and they don’t know it.

“No, I will never go willingly,” I sneer. Throwing my arm out, I hit him with the fire. He stumbles back grabbing at his middle.

“Have it your way then,” he hisses. Running, he lifts his gun and points it straight at me. He never gets a shot off Stayne come flying over his head taking his head between his paws and rips his head off it rolls and lands at my feet. Looking at Stayne, he is triple in size, he really is scary looking. He looks over at me and bows his head standing in front of me daring anyone else to come at me. Andy takes on the one that was talking to me. They slam into the side of the barn and the whole place shakes. Stayne pushes against my legs pushing me toward the stairs. Standing at the top, I continue to watch the fight before me. Andy has the guy pinned to the wall, pounding into him over and over. Hearing a noise below, I look down the stairs, Nick and Sammy are pounding up the stairs. Stayne is staying in front of me guarding not letting anyone come near me. Tanner is at my feet acting like a tuff little pup. Nick flies past me and tackles one of the men. Sammy grabs my arm pulling me to go downstairs. Finally giving in I take the stairs two at a time, looking behind my shoulder I see that Stayne is coming with me.

Landing at the bottom, Storm comes trotting over. He’s jumpy, but then again there is fighting going upstairs.

“Spring, come on into the office now,” Sammy yells. Looking over at him, I know we can’t go outside, we can’t fight what we can’t see. Following him into the office, he shuts the door behind me. Locking it, I don’t think that will help, but I don’t say anything. Tanner lies by the door, and I know Storm is in front of it. Sammy comes over and starts checking me out. Pushing his hands away.

“I’m not hurt, Sammy,” I tell him.

“Just let me see for myself, please, Spring,” he begs. Rolling my eyes, I just let him do what he must. After he’s done, I look around the little office. Seeing a chair, I sit listening to what’s going on upstairs. Twenty minutes later it’s quiet. Looking over at Sammy, he looks more relaxed than before.

“Is it over?” Standing up, I walk over to him.

“Yeah, we can head to the house now,” he murmurs. Walking over he opens the door motioning for me to follow him, we run out of the barn into the pouring rain to the house. Looking around, I notice the guys are walking all over the property checking things out. Sammy runs ahead and opens the door for me to go through. Standing in the kitchen, I watch as the water drops off me onto the tile floor. Walking into the laundry room, I find a couple of towels and use one to dry off. Walking back out, I see that Sammy is gone and Garrett, one of the other guardians, is standing there.

“Where did Sammy go, Garrett?” Looking around, I notice no one’s in the house but us.

“Out to check things out with the others. They will be back as soon as they can, Spring.”

“OK, I’m going to go and take a shower,” I tell him. Walking out of the kitchen, I make my way up, the stairs. Opening the door, I walk in followed by Garrett. I know it’s no use to say anything. Walking into my closet, I grab a pair of jeans and a button-down shirt. Going to the bathroom, I close the door, at least Garrett stays in my bedroom. Turning the water on, I hurry and strip out of my wet clothes. Getting into the shower, I let it run down my body warming me up. It’s getting cold out. Soon this rain will turn to ice than snow. I wonder how it’s going to be up here on the mountain in the winter, I’ve heard the town’s people talk about stocking up and everything. So that I know, but not with this rain that’s come in it hasn’t let up in the past two days.

Getting done in the shower, I turn it off and grab a towel to wrap my hair in and another to dry off. Looking in the mirror, I’m a little pale. There’s a knock on the door that shakes me from my thinking.

“Who is it?” I ask. Throwing my shirt on, I start to button it.

“My Queen, the men are back and want to talk to you,” Garrett says. Pulling on my jeans, I start brushing out my hair.

“OK, give me ten minutes,” I yell. Turning on the blow dryer, I hurry to dry my hair. Leaving it down, I brush my teeth. I’m not going to worry about makeup I’ll be heading to bed soon. Throwing the towels and wet clothes in the hamper, I open the door and head back into the bedroom. I see a fire has been lit, and Garrett is looking out the doors.

“It’s still pouring out the wind has picked up as well.”

“Yeah it’s getting nasty out there that’s for sure. Ready?” I say, smiling at him.

“Yes, my Queen.” We head out into the hallway and down the stairs to the great room, everyone is already there. I look around; there’s a fire going in the hearth. Being drawn to it, I go and sit on the ground in front of it. Nick comes over and hands me a glass of wine. Thanking him, we walk over to the center of the room. The men look tired, worn out. Taking a sip of wine, Sammy is sitting next to Andy they are whispering to each other. Sammy looks over and smiles at me, smiling back I watch the flames lick the wood.

“OK, we need to talk about a few things,” Nick says. “We are going to have to start having around the clock watchers out. Not only does Maddox want to get to the Queen, but now someone new, and I hate to say I think whoever this is one hundred times worse than anyone we have come up against in the past. After this meeting, Stayne will be going to his home to see what he can find in the underground. Stayne protected the Queen this evening, so from now on either him or another guardian will be with her at all times. We can’t take the chance of her getting kidnapped until we figure what we are up against,” Nick says.

“How long am I going to need a babysitter?” I ask. It’s not going to last long that’s for sure; I like my alone time.

“Until the danger passes my Queen,” Nick says. I know I’ve hit a nerve.

“Listen, I appreciate what you men are doing for me, I do. But you have to understand, I was thrown into all this, and it’s a lot to take in,” I murmur.

“I know, Spring, it’s just going to get worse from here on out. We will figure out more about what’s going on with the new player tomorrow when Stayne and Mick get back.”

I see that all the men agree with him. Shaking my head, I look back to the fire. The men still talk about everything that’s going on, but I’m not listening. Finishing up my glass of wine I look at the clock—it’s past midnight. Standing up, I stretch, sitting like I was I got cramped up. Walking over to Sammy, he stops talking to Andy and another guy.

“Would you spend the night with me?” I ask. It gets so quiet in here that a pin to drop and you’d hear it. I know everyone is waiting to see if he will accept, and some are shocked that I would even ask him to sleep with me. I don’t cower I watch his reaction to what I’ve asked. The first shock runs across his face then acceptance.

“I would be honored to, my Queen,” he says loud enough for everyone to hear. He gets up and stays in back of me. He reaches his hand out, and I put mine in his. Pulling him with a grin, we start up the stairs. I don’t look back I already feel everyone watching us go up the stairs. Getting to my bedroom, I slowly open it up. I hear him close it behind us. Turning around he comes at me so fast I don’t have time to blink, he wraps me in his arms and kisses me gently. Moaning I wrap my arms around him and pull him closer. Opening my mouth his tongue enters my mouth, I love the taste of him. He picks me up, and we fall onto the bed. Lying on top of me, he takes his hand he starts to unbutton my shirt. Letting it fall open I watch as he looks at my breasts. Leaning down, he takes one into his mouth and sucks gently. He moves to the other one then back up to my neck.

“I’m sorry, Spring, I’ve wanted you so bad, even if we didn’t bond,” he whispers. Running my hands through his hair I pull him closer to me, kissing him gently.

“I want to bond with you,” I say.

Looking me in the eyes he nods, taking my hands, I grab at his shirt, he leans up a bit to pull and lift it over his head, I take the time to throw my shirt on the ground. My jeans are next along with his. Lying there naked with him is like a dream come true. He’s way younger than me, but if you figure in the immortality, he’s way older. Shaking my head, I grab for him bring him to lie on top of me. My need is too excessive; I need him now. We have all night to play with each other.

He enters me with one gentle thrust. Arching my back, I grab his ass and pull him to me, wanting all of him, inside me. He cuts his neck looking me in the eyes giving me a way out if I don’t want to do this. Grabbing his head, I lower it to my mouth. It’s as if I almost crave the blood now. Sucking the cut, I taste the blood on my tongue and groan. He slides in and out of me like he’s done this all his life. Turning my head, I give him my neck. He licks up my jugular and bites deep, there’s a sharp pain at first, when it goes away it’s nothing short of ecstasy. He picks up his pace slamming into me; I raise my hips to meet his thrusts. Slick with sweat I rock into him. I feel him come inside of me filling me, it brings me over the edge, and I join him, my body shaking in the aftermath, Sammy falls on top of me. He shifts to the side, looking down at me he kisses me gently.

“I promise to protect you with my life,” he murmurs.

“I know you will, now can you shut up and kiss me,” I whisper, grinning.

“A woman after my own heart,” he says, smiling.

He kisses me, and his hands do lovely things to my body. I know this is going to be a long night full of passion and hot sex.




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