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Stage Two (Dreamspun Desires Book 33) by Ariel Tachna (19)

Chapter Nineteen



“I’VE never been here before,” Blake said as Thane parked across the street from the restaurant. “Is it good?”

“It had very good reviews. It’s a first visit for me too. If it’s awful, at least it will be a memorable first date.”

“Something to laugh about in twenty years?” Blake quipped.

Thane’s grip on the steering wheel tightened visibly, making Blake’s breath catch to match Thane’s audible inhale. Blake’s good sense told him to shut his mouth now, but the thought that a future together was enough to make Thane react spurred him on.

“Let’s hope it’s a good memory,” Thane said, “but if it’s not, we’ll definitely laugh about it later.”

If it wasn’t a promise of twenty years, well, Blake’s words hadn’t been intended that way either. It was a promise of more than just tonight.

Thane reached for Blake’s hand as they crossed the street lined with quaint shops and went inside, and that was enough to put Blake on autopilot until they actually arrived at their table and he had to think about things like unbuttoning his jacket, sitting in the chair without falling on his backside, and looking at the menu. Across the table, Thane slipped his jacket off and draped it over the back of his chair. Blake almost mimicked him, but next to Thane, he was nothing to look at. Maybe he ought to leave his jacket on.

“You’ll be cold when we go back outside if you wear your jacket all evening,” Thane said.

On the other hand, since Thane was asking…. He peeled the jacket off and hoped Thane liked what he saw.

“Do you want a cocktail?” Thane asked. “Or maybe some wine? We aren’t in any rush. We could split a bottle if you see something you like.”

“I’m more of a bourbon or whiskey drinker than a wine drinker, but those don’t go with food the way wine does. You’ll have to help me pick something out.”

“Let’s look at the menu and decide what we’re eating. That will help us pick out a wine,” Thane said. “But you should get a cocktail while we’re waiting. I’m sure their bartender can make whatever you want.”

Blake had opened the menu and started reading down it when a waiter came up to take their drink orders. Blake ordered a whiskey sour at Thane’s urging and then felt guilty because Thane only ordered water.

“I’ll have wine with dinner, but I have to drive us home,” Thane reminded him. “I want you to enjoy.”

“I could have enjoyed wine with dinner without having something else first,” Blake said.

“I’m sure you could, but where’s the fun in that?” Thane asked with a wink.

Blake’s cheeks burned, and he focused back on the menu to hide his flush. He decided quickly on the spinach salad with goat cheese and the red snapper. Nothing extravagant, nothing too spicy, just in case Thane decided to kiss him later; nothing adventurous either, because he didn’t want to order and then end up not liking his dish. That would be a mood killer for sure.

The waiter returned in a few minutes with their drinks. Blake took a sip of his cocktail and waited while Thane decided what he was ordering.

“What have you decided on?” Thane asked finally. Blake told him quickly. “Hmm, I was going to get the beef tenderloin, so we can get a glass of wine instead of a bottle. I can’t imagine any wines that would go with both fish and beef.”

“Or I can just drink this and then have water,” Blake said. “I don’t actually need wine with dinner. I’m a sleepy drunk. I’ll be out on your shoulder on the way home if I have too much.”

Thane laughed. “I’ll keep that in mind. I definitely want you awake enough to enjoy our evening.”



DINNER had been delicious and the company everything Blake could have hoped for. They’d chatted about inconsequentials—Thane’s business, the upcoming concerts at the Opera House and Philharmonic, the progress on the sets for Guys and Dolls. He smiled at Thane over their Kentucky Sundowns and tried to remember when he’d had a more perfect evening. “Thank you for dinner. I’ve had a wonderful time.”

Thane smiled back. “I’m glad. What are you doing next Saturday?”

Blake laughed. “I don’t know. What am I doing next Saturday?”

“Hopefully having dinner with me again,” Thane said. “Seeing you at stage crew is wonderful, but I have to share you with the kids there. I’ve enjoyed having you all to myself tonight.”

Blake couldn’t stop the heat that rose to his cheeks again at the compliment, but he didn’t look away either. He wanted Thane to know how that kind of comment affected him. He took another sip of his drink and licked a bit of whipped cream off his upper lip. Thane’s gaze fixed on his lips, setting all of Blake’s nerves on high alert. He cleared his throat and excused himself quickly. He needed a moment to breathe.

He’d forgotten, in his hurry, that he’d taken off his jacket, leaving him in his slightly snug pants. He could feel Thane’s gaze on his ass like a caress all the way to the restroom. He locked the door behind him and leaned against the cool tile wall, trying to catch his breath and put his thoughts in order. He had never been the kind to jump into bed on the first date, but Thane made him want to reconsider that. Then again, was it really their first date? It was the first time they’d gone out, just the two of them, but they’d been doing things together for weeks.

“Stop it,” he muttered to himself. “You’re rationalizing.” This was their first date, no matter how much he tried to spin it otherwise. It didn’t change just how much he wanted to forget all his scruples and beg Thane to come back to his apartment with him after dinner was over. Maybe Thane would take the choice out of his hands. Saying yes was completely different than bringing it up in the first place.

Oh, he had it bad.

He washed his hands, splashed a little water on his face to cool his flushed cheeks, and walked back to the table. Thane watched him return with an appreciative smile. Blake sat back down and finished up the last of his drink.

“Ready?” Thane asked.

Blake wasn’t ready at all. Walking out the restaurant door would mean their date was almost over, unless he worked up the courage to invite Thane back to his place for a nightcap—rather ridiculous since they’d just had one. But he couldn’t think of a reason to refuse so he nodded and put his jacket back on.

“Too bad it’s so cold outside,” Thane murmured.

“Why’s that?” Blake asked after they’d thanked the hostess and stepped out onto the sidewalk.

“Because your jacket is long enough to cover your ass, and that’s a damn shame.”

Blake swallowed hard. “Really?” His voice cracked as he spoke, much to his frustration. Could he come across any more like an awkward teen?

“Really,” Thane said as he opened the door for Blake.

Blake half expected Thane to get a grope in as Blake climbed into the cab, but he kept his hands to himself. Blake couldn’t decide if he was pleased or insulted.

When Thane had gotten settled and pulled out of the parking spot, Blake screwed up his courage. “You dated girls in high school. When did you decide you liked guys?”

“It’s never really been about guys or girls. I’m an ass man. Always have been, always will be. Never really cared much whether it was tits or a dick I got to play with while I was fucking one either. And a blow job feels good, no matter whose mouth is on you.”

Blake didn’t moan at the image Thane’s words presented. He didn’t. He imagined all sorts of hot and sweaty scenarios that ended with Thane doing just what he described, but he didn’t moan. Please God, let him not have moaned.

He risked a sideways glance at Thane. Thane was looking straight ahead as he navigated the light traffic out of Midway, but a smirk played around the corners of his lips. Damn the man for being a seductive bastard who was all too aware of his effect on others. Just for that—

Just for that nothing. If Thane gave the slightest hint he wanted Blake, Blake would give it to him, and there was no use pretending otherwise.

“What about you?” Thane asked. “When did you realize you were gay?”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” Blake said.

“Try me.”

“Do you remember when the head cheerleader—I’ve forgotten her name—tried to claim you’d gotten her pregnant?”

Thane chuckled. “I was young and stupid, but I wasn’t that stupid.”

“You told her you couldn’t possibly be the father because of how you’d fucked,” Blake said, grateful for the dark that hid his embarrassment. “I was sitting two tables away and heard the whole conversation. And all I could think about was how I wished I’d been in her place.”

“That can be arranged.” Thane’s voice wrapped around him, low and seductive. “When you’re ready.”

Blake was so far past ready it wasn’t funny.

Thane reached across the gearshift and squeezed Blake’s hand. Blake turned his hand in Thane’s grip so their palms touched and he could twine their fingers together. The contact steadied him. Thane might be talking about taking him to bed, but he also wanted to hold Blake’s hand. Even the brush of his thumb over the inside of Blake’s wrist—a seductive move if ever Blake had felt one—reassured him it wouldn’t just be a rush to the finish line.

Blake cast around for something to say, but nothing came to mind, and Thane didn’t seem to mind the silence, so Blake leaned back against the seat and enjoyed the simple connection of palm against palm. All too soon, they reached Blake’s apartment complex. Thane climbed out of the truck and opened Blake’s door. As soon as Blake got out, Thane took his hand again as they walked up the stairs to Blake’s landing.

Blake fumbled in his pocket for his keys. If he opened the door without letting go of Thane’s hand, maybe Thane would follow him inside without the necessity of an actual invitation. Thane caught his other hand before he could reach for the door.

Blake looked up and froze, his breath arrested by the intent look in Thane’s eyes. He felt more than saw Thane lift one hand to stroke Blake’s cheek, much the way he had done in the storage closet the day he’d told Blake he’d found him in the yearbook. The day he’d told Blake he intended to keep him.

Blake’s eyes fluttered closed as Thane leaned down and brushed their lips together. Blake shivered as the slight prickle of Thane’s mustache and beard added an unexpected layer of sensation to the kiss. He swayed on his feet as he lifted up on his toes, seeking more contact. Thane steadied him with an arm around his waist as he closed the gap between their bodies. Blake braced his hand against Thane’s chest, feeling the solid wall of muscle covered in silk, and parted his lips.

Thane shifted, sliding one thigh between Blake’s. Blake gasped into the kiss as he rocked against Thane. Thane swallowed the sound with a sweep of his tongue into Blake’s mouth. Blake grabbed Thane’s shoulder with one hand and the back of his neck with the other—his hair really was as soft as it looked—and held on for dear life.

His senses spinning, Blake lost track of where they were, what time it was, how cold it was, everything but the heat of Thane’s body against his and the possessiveness of Thane’s grip. Then Thane moved his hand to squeeze Blake’s ass. Blake moaned into the kiss and tangled his fingers in Thane’s hair.

“Come inside?” he begged against Thane’s lips.

Thane broke the kiss and stroked Blake’s cheek again. “Not yet. If I take you to bed tonight, you’ll always wonder if that’s all I wanted. I did promise to treat you the way you deserve to be treated.”

An inarticulate sound of protest escaped Blake’s throat. Thane bent and kissed him again, deeply. He pulled Blake against him tightly, letting Blake feel how aroused he was—and certainly feeling Blake’s interest in return.

Then he stepped back. “I’ll call you tomorrow and see you on Monday. Sleep well.”

Blake watched him go in silence and wondered how he was really supposed to sleep after that.