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Surviving Jordon (Surviving Series Book 3) by Virginia Wine (15)

I was treading water, just waiting for the tide to pull me under.

The scene played out as if it were a movie. I began to shake with anger, too stunned to react. My perception was foggy as the harsh reality set in.

“You’re not equipped to handle this,” she said, noting the tension surging through my body.

“When can I have access?” I asked bitterly.

My eyes contradicted my words. I was hanging on to my sanity by a thread.

She saw it, too. The agony ran so deep, she concluded I wasn’t fit to be involved.

“You’re too close.”

Banned from the investigation, I stood on the outside and crossed my arms over my chest. How dare they start without informing me? I’d been completely capable throughout the entire investigation.

Our gazes locked, and all I saw was the same detached look that was there an hour ago.

“Steel, you’ll have access once we’re done here,” Nick said under her breath. “Read the report. The connections are too close to ignore.”

“Of course, they are—he’s one of my men. Same killer, same MO.”

“What the hell is his problem?” some asshole asked, and my jaw flexed as I thought about tackling yet another fucking FBI agent.

“There’s always inconsistencies within each case. You must look for them and know the details about the others. I’m that person,” I said to her once the other agents were out of ear shot.

“You could jeopardize this entire investigation in your state.” She continued working around me, the parameters clearly identified. “Not to mention I don’t have the authority to allow you in, Steel.”

Of all people, I should have understood her position. She was determined not to compromise the case. I couldn’t blame her for that. But it didn’t stop me from coming unglued. Continuing to protest, is there a measure of justice here?


was the only man who had been killed who had a wife and child. I knew I was losing it; a man knows his limits. This was triggering every horrific incident in my past. I felt like I was unraveling at the seams, as my nerves bounced in every direction. How could I explain that I hadn’t kept him safe?

“Go home, or to your office. I will meet up with you once I have the preliminary report.”

I felt the ache in her voice, her attempt to calm the storm before it crashed. She was right; I needed to leave before I lost my mind.


I held up both hands and walked away, powerless and frustrated. There was no room for what-ifs in my world. Our wholes lives were about facts. We spent our lives investigating things every day. Danger simply went with the job.

If you wanted something you took it, unleashing the savage within on anyone standing in your path. But, not with her. Not Nick—she held the power.

I pulled up to my agency, , gripping the steering wheel in a death grip. I needed to figure out how the FBI hadn’t been able to locate the man responsible. It’s as if he was a fucking ghost.

Dallas was dead. That made four men now. Bile rose in my throat, but I pushed it down. There was no time for my weaknesses. I knew who had killed him, even if I couldn’t prove it. Not yet, anyway.

“Flynn, anything to report?”

“No, sir, not on our end. We’re locked out of the investigation as well. I have a few men researching the Russian, but truthfully, we’re not coming up with much. There’s no connections to you. Not one.”

“Thank you, I’m expecting a call from the FBI. They have agreed to share their findings.”

“That’s something, I guess,” he said quietly.

Once in my office, I arranged yet another funeral. It was the least I could do. I was procrastinating meeting with Dallas’s family until I had some answers. Something concrete. If I had any evidence, I could offer it as some comfort. It wouldn’t make up for their loss, but justice had been proven to help with the grieving process.

I wanted to find the prick and crush him with my bare hands. But he had outsmarted us at every turn.

The sudden knock on my door jarred me back to the present.

You sure didn’t make any new friends today,” Nick said as she walked in.

“Is that a crime?”

I leaned back in my chair and brushed a hand over my perfectly neat military-style cut.

“No but burning bridges doesn’t get you very far. Do you have a conference room?”

I jerked my chin to the hall, pointing out the door on the right. I tried to remind myself that she wasn’t the enemy. She was here to assist. Despite myself, I would remain calm.

I watched as she laid out paperwork, organized and efficient. I had to hand it to her, she knew her job.

“Sorry about earlier.” I attempted a small smile. “I was angry, and frustrated.”

“I could tell.”

Of course she could.

“You have to stop beating yourself up. Rehashing the past won’t bring him or any of them back. Finding the killer has to be our focus.”

She paused, and I hungered for every new clue, every bit of news.

“What can I say?” I muttered. “They were my brothers, my men.”

My pulse intensified, and I knew she understood. She had the advantage of being emotionally removed as I was smack-dab in the middle of a hurricane, spinning out of control.

“Shall we begin? This time he was sloppy, and it’s a mistake that will cost him. We found some DNA, and prints. Unfortunately, we won’t get anything back for days, so we’ll be focusing our investigation in other ways. And I need your help to do that.”

She took the chair opposite mine.

“I can do that.”

“There’s no doubt about it—your instincts were right. These deaths are all linked, and I’m convinced this is a personal vendetta towards you. I suggest we move forward as a team, investigating people in your recent past. Excluding your men, of course. Who are the last five people you’ve had substantial contact with, both professionally and personally?”

I stared at the blank page she pushed my way a moment too long, then I wrote down five names. But I didn’t know how comfortable I felt about one name in particular. The pen lingered over that page, and I was ready to scratch through it. It was the one person I had opened up to, then pushed away right out of my life forever.

“Let’s start with Madison Perry.”

I pulled her number from my phone and held it up while Nick dialed.

“Voice mail.”

“Jordan Mitchelle.”

A familiar guilt surged in me as Nick said her name. I knew I should prepare her, explain that we had a brief personal relationship. Something told me I’d regret it, but I wanted to believe otherwise.

Nick’s nod told me Jordan had answered.

Yes, seven is fine.”

Then she ended the call.

“She’ll meet us after work.”

I listened to her leave two more messages, contacting everybody in my top five.

My mind returned to the report, scanning it, studying it, and looking for that one clue I’d missed. I had a feeling I was overlooking something of importance, and I could tell that Nick thought the same.

Seven rolled around quicker than anticipated. I knew I would be blindsiding Jordan. I also knew she’d be upset, but we needed her statement now, so I had to risk it.

Listening to Nick’s call, there had been no mention of my name. I couldn’t lie; there would still be an awkwardness between us. It wouldn’t be the first time I’d seen her since that last horrible morning together. But I had never fully explained why, or given a reason as to why I had pushed her away. When I thought back on it now, it was actually worse than that. I misled her into believing the worst about me, which had only hurt her more.

Nick and I arrived first.

“Chic, indeed.”

The coffeehouse was much more than a java joint. It was a trendy restaurant sporting chandeliers and plush surroundings.

“For two?” the hostess asked.

“Three,” Nick answered. “Somewhere private, if possible. We’re expecting a third.”

“This way.”

She led us to a crescent-shaped booth.

“Coffee for me,” I said.

“Same,” Nick said as she pulled out her paperwork. Her notebook was open, ready to take notes.

My nerves kicked up as we waited for Jordan. The server arrived with the coffee I now regretted ordering, so I decided to let it sit.

I saw Jordan when she entered, her eyes searching the stylish place. I knew the moment her gaze hit mine. Recognition halted her steps, and her stride slowed as she approached our booth.


My voice sounded tortured, and the guilt creeping up in me was attempting to spill over.

Nick also stood, and I was relieved that Jordan’s stare was now focused on her.

“Jordan, I’m Nick Lancaster. You know Steel, of course. Thank you for meeting with us.”

I could feel Nick’s questioning look toward me. She knew something was off as we all took our seats.

A moment of awkward silence lingered. It had not gotten easier to be in Jordan’s company. I rested my forearms on the table, my fingers threaded together. My palms grew damp at the sight of her.

“So, Jordan, we are investigating a series of murders.”

I saw Jordan’s head snap to mine, her gaze confused.

“Why would you want to talk to me about murders?”

“We are looking for any connection to Steel, since we think he’s being targeted. Unfortunately, that’s all the details I can go into at this moment.”

The waiter approached, interrupting Nick’s flow.

“Just water for me,” Jordan said, smiling politely at him. Then she turned her attention back to Nick. “A connection? I don’t understand.”

Her gaze seemed frozen on Nick’s. It was as if she was forcing herself to avoid making eye contact with me.

“Have you experienced any unusual happenings lately?”

“It’s odd that you ask, but yes, just recently, I returned from a trip. I felt someone lurking in the shadows when I got back. And for a few brief moments, I brushed it off, until I saw the red spark of a cigarette one night. It glowed brighter, as if someone was inhaling, then it faded. He was between the trees, camouflaged by the woods and the darkness. I was at the quick-stop gas station only minutes away from home, so I quickly left.”

“Is there any reason as to why someone would be following you?”

“Following me? I didn’t think he was. I just thought he was some random creep awaiting his next prey. I left quickly, and he didn’t follow me.”

“Are you sure?”

“I live in a secure building. I’m sure he couldn’t make it past the front door.”

“What about your mother’s house?”

The words came out before I could catch them, and I regretted them the moment they landed.

“I moved.”

Nick’s attention flew to mine, and I knew what was coming, so I grit my teeth in preparation.

“And how did you come to know Steel?”

“It actually started with Alex and Madison. Maybe you should speak with them.”

“I will, but I’m here with you now. It would help to get a full detailed account from everyone’s’ perspective.”

Jordan looked my way, as if preparing me for the words to come.


“Madison Perry was engaged to Graham Carrington, but they had a falling out, and she ended it. Graham couldn’t accept the breakup, however, and had a mental breakdown. He proceeded to stalk her, even showing up and ruining Theo and Eden’s wedding. He held Madison hostage, gun in hand, but she got away.”

I knew how difficult this must be for her, rehashing those terrifying memories, combined with the added bonus of my presence.

“Taking the first opportunity, Graham snatched me. Steel here, shot him, killed him, and saved me.”

I felt Nick’s eyes burning into me, but all the case files had been sent to her, including this one.

“Then the rumors started to spread. It all boiled down to impressing his father, Myles Carrington, a very powerful and influential man who had a promising future laid out for his only son. But Graham was his ultimate disappointment.”

She took a sip of her water as my stomach coiled and squeezed into a hard knot.

“And that resulted in you becoming friends with Steel?”

The guilt that lingered in me was thick as fragmented memories of that last day together still haunted me. It was past time I took some of the heat.

“More than friends, actually. A brief relationship developed,” I said, glancing back and forth between each woman. “And it ended after the murders began. No one was safe around me.”

Jordan’s eyes snapped to mine.

I was finally giving her the reason why I’d broke it off so suddenly. I could feel her rising emotion, a volcano about to erupt. I had hurt her, and this was my payback.

“Is that why you sent me packing? Why you pushed me out of your bed the moment I woke up, without so much as an explanation? Oh wait, there was one. ‘Hey, it’s been fun,’” she scoffed. “But it was actually about my safety, about distance, about one more person in the way? You may find that noble, Steel, but I actually see it as a cowardly way out.” She stood and held out her palm to shake Nick’s hand. “That’s all I have to say.”

The last thing I’d wanted was to hurt her, and she was only steps outside when I caught up with her, hooking my hand around her arm, causing her to stop immediately.

“Wait, please.”

She yanked out of my hold.

“Jordan, I’m sorry I fucked up. Trust me, if I could go back, I would have handled it all so differently. I never thought I would lose you forever. I never would have lead you on, started a relationship if I’d known it would put you in danger.” My voice a whisper now. “I know you’ve moved on, and I’m happy for you, but I need you to know that you were very important to me.”


Her single word was soft, even forgiving.

“Thank you for today. I think Nick has what she needs now, so we won’t be bothering you again.”

“I wish you wouldn’t do that.”

“Do what?’

“Be nice. It’s not as easy to hate you.”

A flicker of a smile appeared, and then she quickly turned towards her car.

As I made my way back to Nick, I didn’t know what damage I’d done. My feelings were growing for Nick, but I may have just ruined it all.

Nick’s gaze was on her paperwork, but I knew she was probably questioning the scenario that had just played out, making me out to be the bad guy. Who the fuck knew? Maybe I was.

“I think we have a very good lead,” she said instead, ignoring what had just occurred.

Her brows wrinkled, and there was something missing in her eyes.

A thought echoed in my head as pain hit me where my heart used to be. The last thing I needed was to have that hope crushed so suddenly. I had feared I couldn’t hold on to her, and now my shoulders sank because that’s exactly what it felt like.

“Don’t pretend like nothing has happened.”

Our eyes held, and she now knew the truth, I was capable of walking away if I had to.

“If you’re upset, tell me. Talk about it.”

“It’s fine.”

“We need to meet with Myles Carrington,” I said, searching for any cracks in her armor.

“I’ll contact him as soon as I get back to my office,” she said coolly.

She refrained from telling me if I would be joining her. By the looks of it, the answer was no. I would have to agree that it was a dicey move on her part, showing up with the person who was responsible for pulling the trigger. On the other hand, it could prove quite strategic. I was going for the latter.

I walked toward the car, curious if she recalled that I would be driving her back. Twenty long minutes in close quarters might be my lucky break.


I heard her say quietly behind me, as I opened the passenger door and waited for her to get in. Once secure, I closed her door, quickly working out what I should say.

Starting the engine, I veered into the traffic.

“Nick, let me explain.” I glanced over for a brief second, but I was met with cold indifference. “There’s a difference between us.”

“What us? There’s no us. There’s nothing to talk about.”

“Is that so? Then tell me, have I been so off that I’ve imagined the chemistry, the attraction between us? Because if what is happening here is only one-sided, I need to know right now.”

She was pushing me away, I felt it. Then there was the awful possibility that I had been reading more into things from the start. Maybe she didn’t have a clue, after all.

“If we were to take this to a personal level, I felt confident you could handle any threat you were faced with. You are my equal, with parallel skills that could rival any threat that strikes against either one of us.”

Silence, but I felt the thawing begin. A slight flicker of warmth radiated off her.

“That’s why it didn’t work between Jordan and I.”

Her stomach rumbled. We’d hadn’t eaten anything today. I exited off the next off-ramp and pulled into the waffle house. Then I rounded my SUV and opened her door, but she stared straight ahead. She was staying put, I supposed.

“Come on, already.”

I leaned over and grabbed her purse from the floor, and she reluctantly got out.

If she did have any personal attraction toward me, she sure as hell wasn’t acting like it.

The hostess sat us in a booth, menus in hand.

“Breakfast for dinner?”

I nodded my head across the room.

“You haven’t lived until you’ve had the pancakes for dinner.”

“Well, then, pancakes it is.”

I noticed her fingers shook. If I made her nervous, she triggered the complete opposite reaction in me. She had a calming effect on me whenever she was close.

I glanced over her features admiring each detail but refrained myself from brushing a stray lock of hair. It was time I fixed this, whatever this was between us. So, I sat up straighter and looked at her. And even though I knew I shouldn’t, I pushed.

“Consider this our first date.”

I waited for the words that would cut like a knife. Would I be tossed aside, or given a chance? Sudden nerves hit like a tidal wave, crashing and churning within me.

“Questionable methods of persuasion, Mr. Archer.”

But that wasn’t a no.

“Circumstances as they are, professionalism is our number one priority, so we need to stay focused. Afterward? We’ll see.”

She was unable to meet my gaze, but I heard her loud and clear. It didn’t mean I would adhere to her decision, though.

“Why the FBI?”

I could see the question threw her, but how else was I going to break down those walls?

“That’s a long, boring story.”

“Try me.” She released a sigh just as the server joined us. “Two all-you-can-eat pancakes, and a side of bacon for me. Nick, anything else?”

“Coffee, with cream.”

She politely handed the menu back. Her good manners instantly faded once our eyes locked on each other.

“Right out of college, I entered the Kansas City Police academy, at age twenty-two. I was on the streets for several years, then Vice. I received a couple of awards, catapulting my career on the fast-track.

“Awards? Don’t be so humble. Go on.”

I was fully aware she was sharing her professional path to success, keeping her personal life private.

All in good time.

“Early on I acquired my firearms proficiency ribbon and was promoted to teach at the academy. Then I was awarded the Medal of Valor. It was then that I was approached by the FBI. Soon I was receiving the FBI shield of bravery. My options expanded, but being a woman didn’t come with many privileges. In fact, just the opposite. Interestingly enough, only twenty percent of police officers are women, compared to twenty-five percent within the FBI. Now I’m the associate deputy director, but I still answer to the director.”

“Impressive. I can see you’re very determined in your professional life.”

Wary tolerance flashed over her features.

I wanted more, but I wouldn’t press—for now.

The day dragged, even though I’d been busy all morning with the team, strategizing over safety once again. Analyzing the new information, we had uncovered more facts concerning our Russian predator, Artur Grischa, Echo-Assassin. He had a younger sister, Dina, who was only nineteen. He had kept her hidden very well.

Then we organized a plan that included two men making the trip to the small town of Livny. If we had to use her as leverage, we would.

When the text arrived, my heart picked up as I read her words.


Can you pick me up at four today? Meeting scheduled for Myles Carrington at five.

On it.


It made me even more eager to face the man, look him in the eye, and establish if he was capable of the sins raining down on me. My men were the fallen soldiers. God help him if he was the one behind their deaths. I’d kill him and bury his body in a shallow grave where no one would ever find his sorry ass.

“We’re meeting at his office. Most employees will be gone by five, giving us uninterrupted time with him,’ Nick explained.

“Billionaire industrialist, and Graham Carrington’s father,” I read aloud.

We were sitting in my SUV, updating each other on our latest findings.

While I dug into her file, I protected my own. The sister was ours, and I planned to keep it that way. Come tomorrow morning, I should have her location nailed own.

We approached the high-rise. It was condensed within the business district, one after the other in a grid pattern. The precise engineering left me cold as one steel building followed the other. Once inside, the mixture of coffee bars, shops, and food court settings warmed the cold exterior.

“I don’t want to regret this later, so check the attitude at the door, Steel.”

“I can’t promise anything.” I was being honest, but her glare spoke of consequences I didn’t want to hear. “Fine.”

We reached the nineteenth floor, and the elevators opened to a cream-colored marble floor where the receptionist awaited our arrival. Once we were ushered into the private wing housing Myles Carrington’s office, she informed us that she would be leaving for the day.

“Mr. Carrington.”

The door remained open as she walked away.

My eyes widened as I scanned the lavish room. Each piece had a meticulously hand-crafted appearance. There were exquisite leathers and a wall of screens. Technology at its best. The man behind the desk sat silently as we took in his extravagant lifestyle.

Once our gazes locked, a smirk appeared on his face, giving him a slight advantage. I wasn’t in the mood for games as he sneered my way.

“Miss Lancaster, have a seat.” He gestured her, then his gaze racked over me. “Mr. Archer.”

He had an edge of anger within him, spilling over into his words.

“FBI, National Security Branch, Deputy Director.”

Nick reached out for his hand, matching the smirk resting on her face, shifting the power back to our court.

“Ah, yes, excuse me,” he said, returning to his seat.

Nick and I took the opposing leather chairs facing his massive mahogany desk.

He radiated power, but anyone would in these surroundings.

“As I mentioned on the phone, we are investigating a series of murders.”

“For the life of me, I can’t imagine why you would want to speak with me.”

His hands rose in question, but his disingenuous act wasn’t fooling me. I watched Carrington like a hawk when Nick pulled out an eight-by-ten picture of Artur Grischa. Then she stood and sat it on his desk.

He picked it up, barely studying the image.

“Do you recognize this man?”

Nick rested her palms on this desk, hovering over him, but her intimidating stance didn’t seem to faze Carrington.

“No.” He handed the photo back, folding his hands. “Why? Who is he?”

“The killer,” she replied boldly.

“I don’t make it a habit to coerce with criminals.”

His arrogant tone seeped through his well-rehearsed facade. I wanted to call his bluff. The animosity on his face told a different story as a chill settled over me.

“But a man such as yourself meets countless men and woman throughout an ordinary business day.”

I could tell that Nick’s assuming tone was grinding on Carrington.

“True, but I’m quite certain I’ve never met this man.”

This cat-and-mouse diversion was getting old. I was boiling, about to blow, fighting the rage that was building with each denial he spewed out.

“I believe you have a personal vendetta against me for killing your son.”

I knew I was dredging up a sore spot, an open wound that would soon fester. Not to mention the blazing look suddenly coming from Nick.

“He always had a bit of a temper. My Graham clearly had issues. But you can’t fault me for the actions of my deceased son.”

Correction: his good-for-nothing son.

“It’s a logical motive.”

I stepped over Nick again, and her anger flared in my direction. I would be surprised if she didn’t pummel me once we were outside.

“You must be mistaken. I’m a far cry from my son’s notorious temper tantrums.”

“Is that what you’re calling murder and kidnapping, Mr. Carrington?”

Nick stood now, taking control, ripping the ball right out of my hands.

I assumed my contribution was finished.

“We are presently subpoenaing your cell phone records. Of course, you don’t have anything to worry about, if indeed you’ve never had any contact with the man.”

“I’m far from being a fool, Miss Lancaster. Proceed.”

Alongside my obvious distrust of him, I was concerned he’d hid any evidence far too well.

“Maybe you’d surrender the records of all your employees,” she offered.

“Interesting. I’ll bring it up at the next board meeting.”

Fire rolled through my veins, revenge licked at my heels, and the taste retaliation was on my lips.

“The truth will be exposed. I will personally see to that.”

I leaned over him menacingly. Control seemed out of reach until I felt Nick’s hand wrapped around my arm, yanking me back.

“You do not want to make me your enemy, Mr. Archer.”

Those rage-filled eyes focused on me with pure hatred.

“That’s all for today,” Nick replied. “We’ll see ourselves out.”

Once safely in the elevator, I braced for what was to come. To my surprise, she let it go.

“I don’t trust him. He’s lying,” she says.

“I know.”

I drove her back to the parking garage and escorted her to her car.

“What’s the next step, Nick?”

“Phone records, but I’m certain he’s covered his tracks. It’s unlikely I’ll have probable cause for a search warrant, but I’ll still try. His office or his home may be approved.”

“Or…” I took a step closer to whisper to her. “I could plant a bug, monitor his conversations.”

I felt the nod of her head as my breath whispered over her ear. She tilted her head to one side, listening intently.

“No one needs to know.”

Her scent took hold of my thoughts. Then lust overtook reason, desire surpassed logic, and my passion burned with need. My body pressed against hers, caging her against her car. It only took a second to meet her gaze.

She licked her lips as my gaze fell to her mouth. It was too tempting as I brushed mine over hers, once , changing the angle of my kiss. The bold caress of my tongue entwined with hers. I couldn’t breathe, I was so desperate for more, but I dragged my mouth from hers. I wouldn’t jeopardize what was growing between us.

I placed a gentle kiss on her cheek.

“I want you, us…”

She had the ability to fill that empty space, and that was precisely what I intended her to do. I drove away, leaving her to consider her choices. Then I scrubbed my hand over my face. I would not fuck this one up.

The house was lit up like a Christmas tree as sweat trickled down my back. I hadn’t been in a full-operation detail with my men for too long now.

Taking matters into my own hands, I had teamed together with my men. Mac was the intelligence specialist who’d provided us with the intel for the mission tonight.

Abe, our weapons specialist, knew more about bombs than he’d ever admit. He also had the knack for planting bugs, cameras, and hidden surveillance, and that was our objective tonight.

Intel had put Carrington at a meeting in Carson City, ninety minutes away. Plenty of time to accomplish the goal. His wife was at their Lahoya California home, where she resided permanently. That made total sense. She had probably got a whiff of his criminal activities and disengaged physically, but that didn’t cut ties to his bank account.

They should have reached their target by now. I tapped the earpiece.

“Mac, what do you see?”

We knew he had a small security detail at his house, but his inconsistencies left us going in blind. “All clear, northeast corner, sir.”


“Southwest all clear, sir.”

My heart pounded steady and hard as I heard the faint sounds of leaves rustling in the trees above.

“Meet me at the south entrance. We’re going in together.”

Everything grew silent, but the pounding in my ears. I waited, still questioning the absence of security. There was always the chance that we’d run up against resistance inside the house. It would be highly unlikely that Carrington would leave his home unprotected.

I surveyed the back of the house as both Abe and Mac silently approached in their combat fatigues.

“Flynn, SP, our start point is at twenty-two hundred hours.”

He was stationed at our home base office, our safety net if anything went wrong.

“Roger that.”

“Let’s go.”

We took position, moving as one. Abe led, his Glock lifted. I followed, my hand on his shoulder, and Mac was the rear. We approached the basement door and were inside in less than thirty seconds.

“Mac, you’re on.”

Disarming the sophisticated home alarm was crucial, and I watched his fingers move within the hundred or so wires held in the main box. Once I heard the wires snip, followed by complete silence, we proceeded up the stairs.

“Clear left.”

“Clear right.”

After the main floor was clean, I pointed up, signaling the second floor as we assembled together as a unit. Step by step, we were prepared for any hidden threat. Once the search was completed, however, the results didn’t add up.

“Mac, still confident in your report? Could this be a trap?”

“Sir, the word I got was Carrington was not a creature of habit. He mixes things up never one to establish a pattern.”

“I don’t like it, but we have a job to do. Abe, your backpack.”

We planted covert listening devices, audio and visual, in key locations, concentrating on in his library, great room, and bedroom.

“Let’s get out of here.”

We resumed position. Once we reached the point of entry, Abe opened the main alarm box, reconnecting the wires. Then he bit off a portion of black electrical tape and proceeded as Mac and I cleared safety at the basement floor grounds. Once the wires were firmly in place, we had seconds to get out.

In minutes we were safely hidden by the plush landscape, the crunch of leaves and twigs beneath my boots seemed to drown out my thoughts.

“Too fucking easy.” We made the mile hike through the thick brush, and in the distance sat our van. “Abe, check the van.”

Never one for taking chances, I waited as he carefully searched for any evidence that the van had been compromised.

“All clear, sir.”

“Call it in.”

“Flynn RP, release point twenty-two eighteen.”

“Roger that,” Flynn’s muffled voice answered with a sigh of relief.

“Rendezvous back at base,” I added.

When we reached the office, the four of us gathered in the conference room, still in full military garb.

“We’ll be all over him now,” Flynn said.

“It didn’t strike you as odd, that the detail was so easy? Too easy?”

“His security may have escorted him tonight. Just accept the fact it was a job well done. Don’t overanalyze it, Steel. There are more important things coming up.”

Flynn opened the file.

Maybe I was overanalyzing, but instinct told me otherwise.

“The sister.”

All eyes flew to Flynn.

“We found her, and she’s been mostly corporative. I believe Artur Grischa is intentionally keeping his distance from Dina, to protect her.”

“What does she know?”

“She knows he’s a bad guy, but she’s conflicted because he deposits checks into her account on a regular basis” Flynn explained.

“I get it. The question is, do we bring her here under false pretenses? Use her as leverage when we need it?”

“If I may suggest.”

I nodded.

“Keep the men in place for another week. If things heat up, we bring her in. The focus should be on surveillance, starting immediately. “

“I agree.”

It had been two weeks now, monitoring Carrington, and we had nothing to show for it other than needless chitchat. It was as if he knew we were listening. And that could be possible, I thought, as I watched Abe approach. His shift began after mine.

During the past hour I had started to make careless notes, that is, until I heard several key words which sent up red flags. Then I began to record it.

“Yes, tonight. I’ve waited long enough,” Carrington said.

I watched the grainy picture focus as he moved to his library chair and reached for a cigar. Then he cut the tip and lit it. My pulse jumped with each word, frustrated the caller on the end couldn’t be heard.

“Abe!” I yelled, then watched him run to a skidded stop. “Why don’t we have audio on the caller? Carrington is loud and clear, but who the fuck is he talking to?”

We fell silent as he continued speaking.

“I paid you to finish the job. No more excuses. Tonight. I’ll meet you there, but this is the last time.”

Flynn walked in then, and all three of us froze, eager for our next piece of information. We all knew what was at stake here.

“Fine, I’ll be there,” Carrington said.

I held my breath, needing that final lead.

Then the line went dead.