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Surviving Jordon (Surviving Series Book 3) by Virginia Wine (7)

Destiny steps in to challenge the obscurity of the situation. No one is immune, shock coils and twists then strikes, providing emotional protection from the pain and guilt. The numbed belief is soon replaced with unbearable suffering, and the desire to escape the chaotic damage isn’t in your reach. You might rail against fate, questioning why, but no answers will come. Frustration will give way to anger, a welcome feeling, so there’s where I will remain. Frustrated.

My senses were extra sharp, as anyone in this field knows it’s life or death. Predators are destined to attack without warning. You face them knowing bloodshed will spill. The only question was from who.

Sirens wailed in the distance as I made my way to PI Securities, where an old warehouse sat hidden in disguise between the rows of empty buildings. One after another was abandoned, vacant, and broken. As I drove down the gravel road, the sound crunched beneath me as my speed slowed to a slow crawl. I parked at the back-parking lot.

I used the hidden entrance to my office/training center, where Flynn awaited me. He’d met with the team earlier, and now we would go over every detail, piecing together what had gone wrong.

“I’m glad you’re here.”

His raspy voice washed over me, tempering my rage. I knew I could depend on him, and I always had.

“Follow me.”

He sensed my anguish, but he was fighting his own torture. I could feel his gaze on me, even from behind.

I led him through the corridors, and once we were in the conference room, our expressionless gazes locked in solitude. I was hungry for revenge; we both were. The taste for blood was ever present, and the toxic emotions stirred like a storm brewing beneath the surface, ready to destroy everything in its path.

“These men are under our watch, Flynn.”

My insides twisted with the knowledge I feared would come.

“I share your grief, Steel.”

“Where did you find him?”

“At the scene. Kenneth and Sean were assigned surveillance. Routine, actually.”

Flynn words drifted, and his eyes burned with hatred, just like mine.

“They lured them in with what appeared to be gunfire. They went in prepared, weapons in place. We both know we never underestimate the power of artillery, so they weren’t outgunned. It was a trap.”

“And Kenneth?”

My knuckles leaned on the table, my head sinking to my chest. I was acutely aware of the hot trickle of sweat running down my spine.

“He found Sean much in the same manner as Travis. Throat slit, the number two carved on his chest.”

“This confirms it. This is a personal attack on us, on me.” I lost a little more of my soul as horrific imagines played out in my mind. “I was too late.” Realizing someone was acting on pure revenge. I questioned if I was being paranoid, but now I know for sure.

“Steel, we won’t rest until we find who’s responsible. Our paths will cross, and they will pay. That I can promise you.”

“In our world, we don’t turn the other cheek. We exterminate, before the killer strikes again. Flynn, I want the entire team scavenging any, and all leads.”

“On it, sir.”

“Take me from the top.”

I’d been told I had a calm about me, but undermining my power would be foolish. I lived with blood on my hands. We all did. We were guardians protecting the innocent from evil.

The devil had arrived, and I pitied the man, because the moment we were face-to-face would be his last.

The serrated mountains loomed in the distance as I drove home. My mind instantly turned to Jordan, suddenly aware that she was my path back to normal. My escape to an ordinary life. I was thankful for the peace she brought, and how she silenced my quiet insanity. I was a grenade about to go off, but she could calm the turmoil that existed right through to my very core.

Needing that more than my next breath, I sent her a quick text inviting her over. She accepted without hesitation. The only thing I knew was how I felt in her presence. My raging soul would settle, preparing for battle another day.

I showered quickly, the reflection in the mirror echoing my troubled thoughts. I dragged my hand down my face. My jaw was deeply shadowed with stubble. The stress settled under my eyes, and there was an unforgiving edge gazing back at me. A look I wasn’t eager to share with Jordan.

I heard the gate buzz and pressed the remote, allowing her in. I avoided the fact that for safety reasons, I was left with no choice. If we were to meet, it had to be here within the safety of my fortress.

“Hey, boy, Jordan’s here.”

I opened the door, allowing him to wait on the porch. Within seconds, I heard the sweet chant of puppy talk.

”Well, aren’t you a sweet boy? Yes, you are. Good boy. Sit, Whiskey.”

Then, “Knock, knock.”

“Come in.”

Whiskey followed behind her, and I noticed she was carrying several white bags.

“Chinese. I wasn’t sure what you liked, so I ordered half of everything.”

She was grinning at me as if everything was right in the world. Right now, I craved a part of that world.

“That was thoughtful. I would have cooked for you.”

“Next time.”

She let the words drift with newfound hope. And now that she was here with me, something about her calmed my demons, and a sense of comfort washed over me. The emptiness inside me felt the magnetic pull of her intoxicating allure.

Whiskey nudged her, wanting more attention. Then he tucked his nose under her elbow, urging her to respond.

“You want more?” Her gaze dropped to him as I grabbed the bags and made a place for them on the counter. She gave him one more stroke, patting his head as her smile brightened.

“Second in line, once again.”

But I smiled and rounded the island, pulling her to my body.

“Not to worry. I happen to know you’re a better kisser.”

“Just to be sure…”

Moving closer, I leaned into her, a breath from her mouth then gently pressed my lips to hers.

My body ignited below, electricity arcing through my veins, reminding me who was in charge. Her sweet scent took me to a place where control didn’t exist. I ended the kiss, at war, my mind versus my need. I took a step back, unsure I could manage the distance.

But, I could no longer push the truth away. My selfishness, my desire might put her at risk. It didn’t matter if these feelings were real. It was far different from the past I’ve known, where I had darted in and out of relationships that only left me cold and empty.

“Miss me?”

The look in her eyes stirred the slow-burning flame simmering underneath my restrained desire.

“More than you know.”

The blue cotton dress reaching mid-thigh was both sexy and sweet.

Her hair framed her features in wisp of blonde. It was always loose and flowing. My hand reached out, and I forked my fingers through her silken waves. I was dying to touch more, but I resisted the urge.

“I’ll light a fire, and we can eat in the family room.”

I looked over my shoulder as she reached for plates on the top shelf, admiring the view of her creamy skin and sun-kissed complexion. I had to force myself to look away, desire was beating at my door.

“I’ll get drinks.”

She set everything on the coffee table, and we settled in naturally, enjoying our dinner. The flames were burning strong, as Whiskey sat at her feet.

“Something’s happened.” It wasn’t a question. “Am I wrong?”

“You’re not wrong. Yes, something’s happened.”

I inhaled slowly, stepping onto hot coals, the dangerous ground beneath me threatening to swallow me into the depths of hell. No, my two worlds mustn’t collide. “But that’s a whole other matter.”


She tapped into a secret place I kept hidden, the beast behind the man.

“I understand, and I respect the need for confidentiality.”

Yet she knew, and I found the thought sobering. I understood basic human behavior more than most, but her sharp perception amazed me. I wasn’t prepared to share the dangers lurking in my world, or expose who I really was. How I become a killer. Jordan, she was innocent, detached from my reality. I wanted to keep her as far away from my horrors as possible.

I redirected my thoughts as we carried all the remnants from dinner into the kitchen. Once back on the couch, a silent comfort settled between us. I cataloged her every feature. Her movements were all so graceful, her penetrating eyes provoking voracious thoughts when my gaze found hers.

Seated close together, my body curled around hers in peaceful bliss. She lifted her head, which was resting on my shoulder. Her lips reached for mine, and I leaned over slowly, meeting her and closing the final distance. Hot and sweet, her mouth caused my body to stir.

My arms curled around her, rubbing gentle circles on her shoulders and back, as

the slightest of movements sparked my desire.

“My track record,” I confessed. “It knows little about relationships.”

“I guess we have that in common.” she says.

Feeling the beat of my frantic heart. I was watching everything, observing her for any sign.

“What are you afraid of, Steel?” she asked softly, the question lingered.

“You, Jordan. I’m afraid of you, of us.”

I swallowed hard, cut open by my own words.


I liked the way she said my name, so I drew in a calming breath. Then I reached for her.

“Come with me.”

For a brief moment she held my gaze, then she reached for my hand, cradling between both of hers. Her gaze shifted, and my heart stopped.


“I want to move forward with you Steel, I do.” Her amber eyes soften as they reach mine. “But it doesn’t feel right, not yet.” She pulled her hand away.


“You’re right.” I answered, but for different reasons entirely. I don’t have the luxury to love or be loved. Something could go wrong, I would be putting her in danger. I cling to her putting my arms around her. Taking it slow, sorting out the threat. I’ll figure out whoever’s behind this. And stop him for good.

“In the meantime.” She held on to me, our gaze locked. “One day at a time?” I lifted her chin in acknowledgement. And placed a gentle kiss on her lips. I knew I don’t want to be without her.

“I’d like you to stay.” The seconds flew by. “Just to hold you close.”

“I’d like that, too. I’ll have to shower early in the morning for work.”

“Be my guest.”

Her face turned to mine, and a soft smile appeared.

We walked into my bedroom, kicked off my shoes and we climbed under the covers, pulling her to me, my arm draped over her waist. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on her, and not the world outside. Our world.

I woke to the ringing of my satellite phone. I glanced at the clock: five am. Causing my blood pressure to spike. I jumped out of bed, and sprinted for the phone.

"Steel,” I answered out of breath.

“You might want to sit down and breathe.” Flynn said, as my entire body slowed to a cold freeze, sending red flags up to warn me.

“Oh no, I’m far from calm, proceed.”

He didn’t respond for a few moments.

“The killer has taken another man, Kenneth. This time in his own home. His place was secured, as well as yours or mine. The killer’s MO appears to be the same.”

“Jesus.” I dragged my hand down my face, my insides torn apart. “Another brother, Flynn. We may need to bring in assistance.”

For the very first time since I had formed the team, I was losing men, and I had to admit it.

“The killer responsible, is keenly intelligent. But Steel, this time there was a message.”

“What kind of message?”

“We’re coming for everyone you love, Steel,” he read out. “They wrote it on Kenneth’s camo jacket, but they didn’t carve a number this time.”

My mind was unable to process the facts.

“Flynn, these are all highly trained soldiers, being taken down one by one with little effort, this is virtually impossible.”

“For all we know, it puts everyone at risk. Anyone close to you is in danger. Steel, I’m convinced it’s time we brought in reinforcements. The FBI may be the right call, and we have the safe house. It’s hidden, and you’re welcome to use it. We can communicate at that location safely.”

“I agree, but I think staying in one place too long is unwise. I’ll move from there back here sporadically, never giving the killer a constant location to rely on. I’ll need all the files from the last five years—cases, the thugs we took down, anything and everything you can think of. Someone has a vendetta, and it’s tied to me. I have to find him, before...” I couldn’t finish, the absence of control had me raging, going out of my fucking mind.

“This will shake the men to their very core. Flynn, I need you to make it clear that if anyone wants to step away, they have my permission.”

“Steel, no solider is walking away after this. And you know, the same goes for you. You also have the same option to walk away temporarily.”

“This could destroy everything we’ve built. I can accept that, I can. But not another life on my hands.”

I knew I was slowly going crazy, and for the first time, fear gripped me like a vise. If the bastard wanted me, he should take me. Not my men.

“Starting tonight…everything changes.”

I heard the shower running in the background, as the full weight of the situation hit me. I knew now what I had to do. For her sake.


“I’m not running, Flynn.”

“I never thought you were, but there’s being stupid, and there’s being smart. It’s time to gather reinforcements.”

“You have your orders, so tell the men…” Aware that they had suffered because of me tapped into my deepest fears. “Tell them I’m with them, and behind them.”

“They know, Steel.”

I ended the call frozen in place, unable to stop the darkness brewing inside. Feeling sick, I weighed the danger, but I knew her safety came first. I heard Jordan approach as I remained deep in thought. She gently rested her hand on my shoulder.

“Please sit.” I said

My expression was dark as I rested my elbows on the counter, unable to face her. I didn’t want to be close enough to touch her. I didn’t know how much of the truth would ensure her safety.

“I have to leave.” That part was true. “For how long, I can’t say, but there will be no contact between us.”

I glanced over at her for the first time, and I saw that her brows were knitted in a frown, confusion in her eyes.

“We have a situation.”

I slammed my eyes shut. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if anything happened to her. It wasn’t her problem, and she’ll be better off. She deserved better—not a man like me, riddled with dark secrets.

“I’m sorry, Jordan, but the nature of my business doesn’t allow for a relationship.”

“What are you saying?” Her voice ripped into me like a knife. “Just like that, it’s over? Is it because I wouldn’t…” She refused to look at me. “It was all a game of chase?”

I prepared myself for what was about to come as she raked me over with freezing contempt.

I looked away from her penetrating gaze.

“It will never be a fucking fairy tale.” Deliberately pushing her away with my words, feeling the punch as if it were my own. “You’ll be fine, I promise.”

“Don’t do this.”

I couldn’t bear the change in her voice, from anger to hurt, as her tears fell. I wouldn’t look, and I wouldn’t comfort. When it was safe, I would plead for understanding, exposing the truth once she was safe. But, not today. Not here, not now.

Instead I acted purely on instinct, which was a coping mechanism to bury the pain—both hers and mine. She had to hear me, loud and clear.


She reached for me, but I backed away. I heard my heart crack the same moment hers did.

“Steel, it’s just begun.”

She wiped the tears from her face, the tracks still exposed as more followed. Then I witnessed her gaze growing distant.

“It’s too late. It’s done.”

Then I mustered up my courage. As our gaze locked, I threw the final, cruel punch.

“It’s been fun.”

“Fun?” She grabbed her purse, it fell and all its contents scattered to the floor. “We were just beginning to trust each other.” She said resting on her knees, stuffing all the clutter from the floor back into her bag.

I was a bastard, and I felt the guilt as if it were poison running through my veins.

“I’ll hate you if you do this Steel.”

My silence was thick with pain. I didn’t have to look to see her unforgiving eyes. She stood, grabbed her purse, and barged toward the door, Whiskey behind her. Then she turned.

“The dark places you must have inhabited to become the man are you right now, they sicken me.”

She slammed the screen door behind her, and then I heard her car door slam shut.

“You don’t need to be anything more than you are,” I said, knowing she was already gone.

Her tires spun with her quick getaway.

And now my life as I knew it would change back to the familiar loneliness. My future was cold and bleak, but I could find comfort in knowing that she was safe.