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Surviving Jordon (Surviving Series Book 3) by Virginia Wine (16)

The shower door opened as a cloud of steam poured out.

“Can you hand me my razor?”

He pointed to the area on his side of the sink. My body ached at the sight of his beautiful face. I took in his wet, dripping physique, his muscles glistening over his sun-kissed skin.


He chuckled, then let out a deep, low growl, overly pleased with himself and my lack of restraint. Yet my body acted on its own accord, clad in a matching white lace bra and panty set.

As pleasure gathered down below, his gaze tracked the length of me, and his eyes seemed to darken. Through the glass his arousal stood proud.

Then he opened the door.

“Get in here.”

I disrobed quickly as his hand reached around my bicep, yanking me into his arms.

Then it slid under the backside of my bare leg, lifting and wrapping it around his hip. I felt how hard he was pressed against my folds.

His magnificent face turned me inside out, consuming me with his focused gaze. His strong hands felt the warmth of my body, which was now wet and slippery against his.

“Tell me.” I heard the desperation in my own voice. “What’s your pleasure?”

He claimed my mouth, his tongue eagerly searching mine. My breath faltered as I dragged my mouth off his. Cupping my face in his hands, he pulled me in close.

“On your knees,” he whispered.

I thought I would erupt at his silky heated voice. I wanted to please him, make him crazy, and take him to the edge ready to explode, knowing it was me—all me.

His strong hands braced mine as I lowered, and he threw a towel on the shower floor. My knees rested upon it, instantly soaked from the water, and the shower shifted to a lighter spray.

My fingers drifted over his thick length. The texture was like silk covering steel. I was kneeling between his legs, his cock eager and waiting as I closed my lips around his crown, licking and sucking. His hand tightened the grip wrapped in my hair. I continued moving my mouth slowly back and forth.

“Ah. Fuck.”

I swallowed hard and heard moans as the power shifted, holding my head still so he could penetrate at his desired speed. Hips pistoned harder as his gaze locked on mine.

“Christ, you’re sexy.” His voice hardened. “I won’t come, baby.” But he was begging for release, and I wanted to pleasure him this way.

I moaned, the vibration causing his head to fall back as he pulled away reluctantly.

“You’re dangerous woman.”

His breathing was fast, and his chest was rising and falling in a quick cadence. He lifted me, and my legs naturally wrapped around him. I felt his hot flesh pressed against me, then he thrust deep inside me, filling me.

I knew his need ran too deep, taking him to the edge, but his manhood wouldn’t leave me wanting. His fingers found me, coaxing me to abandon my will and come with him. As he began to move, buried in my heat, his strokes were rhythmic and grew with intensity. I felt the fierce flare of yearning as electrical charges began to fire.

As he was filling me, the familiar, hot longing approached. On the cusp of exploding, my inner walls tensed.


His scorching gaze reached mine as his fingers gripped roughly on my hips, riding out his intense climax. I flew apart, finding my release as waves rippled in a powerful pulse as he continued to pump against me, prolonging my pleasure.

Eventually our breath evened out. We showered and dried ourselves off. Wiping the foggy mirror, I began to get ready.

“Going somewhere?”

“The three of us girls are meeting in the city for happy hour. A girl’s night.”

“Sounds fun. Maybe I’ll call Alex and meet him for a beer. Where are you ladies going?”

“That’s a secret. We don’t want our men crashing our party.”

“Who are you kidding? You can’t keep a secret.”

“Says who?”

“Says me. Have you ever waited until my actual birthday to give me a gift?”

“That’s lack of patience. That has nothing to do with keeping a secret.”

“Fine, fine. Go have your secret fun.”

His brows arched mockingly.

I had to hand it to him. He was the total package. How I got so lucky, I’d never know.

I arrived at six o’clock. The sun had disappeared, casting shadows from the evening sky. I scanned the busy street, forced to park curb-side along the poorly lit back street. As I made my way around the corner, the sidewalk came to life, spilling light on the pavement as I made my way into Valentine’s on Third Street. I opened the glass door to the rich scent of coffee overpowering the small restaurant inside.

“How many in your party?” the hostess asked.

I saw Eden already seated, drink in hand.

“I’m joining friends,” I said, offering a smile and crossing the room to Eden’s table.

She was beautiful, young, gifted and had the biggest heart of any one I knew. In the beginning, I had seen her as fragile as a rose pedal. It hadn’t taken long for that preconception to fizzle as she sets the world ablaze. Now she stood, offering a hug, which I accepted gracefully.

“I’m so glad you could make it,” she said, taking her seat. “Madison texted me, and she’s on her way. Are you drinking?”

“Sure. Just one. Sangria.”

She managed to catch the server’s attention. He arrived with a genuine smile and gazed a beat too long at Eden and she ordered on my behalf.

“There you are,” she said with a smile, as Madison greeted us belly-first. “How did you ever convince Alex to let you come out tonight? He’s such a helicopter husband.”

“Yeah, no kidding, right? He thinks I’m at a Mommy’s R Us gathering.”

“And he bought that?” I asked.

“Hook, line, and sinker. Oh, I’ll have a virgin strawberry daiquiri, please.”

The waiter quickly returned with our drinks.

“A toast.” Madison raised her glass. “To the three luckiest bitches I know, each of us snagging the hottest men in Nevada.”

Whoa, I got a feeling where this was headed. Our glasses clinked, and the night began.

“How do you feel, Maddie?” Eden asked.

“Like someone knocked me on my ass.”

“You mean knocked you up?”

We all laughed, hoping she was only kidding. Then the door opened, and several people walked in. My gaze jumped past Eden, noticing Nick, the FBI agent. I flashed back to that day, and a good dose of guilt churned in me, followed by a strong desire to make things right.

“Ladies, I know her.” I nodded my head toward the bar. “I’m going to say hello.”

“Ask her to join us. The more the merrier,” Madison offered.

I nodded and cautiously approached the other woman. My nerves jumped around as she turned, meeting my gaze with a curious look.

“Nick, right?”

She looked as if she remembered me, which wasn’t exactly in my favor.

“I didn’t mean to run out on you the other day.”

“Oh, I understand.”

“You do?”

“Of course. Jordan, we’ve all been there.”

She had a sense of compassion I admired. I watched as she took a long pull from the beer she’d ordered, then refocused back on me.

“Good, because it had nothing to do with you, and everything to do with me. I never got closure, and never understood the reasons why he pushed me away. There’s no lingering feelings. I’m happily engaged to the man I’ve had my eye on for years.”

“I’ve had similar experiences, so don’t give it a second thought.”

“If you’re with Steel, I wish only happiness for both of you, and since he’s friends with their husbands, you might want to meet the wives.”

I wrapped my hand around the nook of her elbow.

“We kissed.” She let out a nervous chuckle, “God, why did I just say that? I’m still processing it.”

“It’s okay, a kiss is good. Now, come on, you’ll fit right in. Join us and meet my friends.”

She shrugged as if it was a foreign concept, hanging out with the girls. Maybe it was. Once we reached the table, I began the introductions.

“Ladies, this is Nick.”

“Nick,” she added.

“She’s a bad-ass FBI agent.”

“I’m impressed. Have a seat,” Madison offered.

“Nick, meet Madison—designer, pregnant, married to Alex, and all in that order.”

I received a frown Madison.

“Am I wrong?”

She only laughed.

“And over here is Eden, artist extraordinaire. Her work is highly regarded across the globe. She’s also married to the dreamy Dr. Grant.”

“And finally, me, newly engaged to Ben Storm, Alex’s brother. We like to keep it in the family.”

I turned to give Nick my full attention.

“So, you and Steel, huh?” I asked her, genuinely curious.

“Not officially. There’s still details to work through.”

“I love how he looks without his shirt,” Madison said over the rim of her drink, slurping the last drops through a straw.

All eyes swung to hers.

“What?” she asked. “Just giving the man his due.”

“And Madison is the sober one in the group, although there’s truth in that statement, a little something to look forward to.”

“Steel, he doesn’t play by the rules,” Eden added.

“You don’t have to tell me. I’ve been working with him.”

“What about you?” Nick asked, her gaze on me.


Was I ready to share my newfound happiness? My face burned at the memory of Ben taking me against the shower wall.

“He’s gorgeous, and he knows it, although he’s been around the block a few times, he’s still swoon-worthy.” I let out a smug sigh. “But, he’s all mine now. In reality, he should be called Stallion.”

The table couldn’t control the burst of laughter, and even a few surrounding tables got wind of our racy jokes.

“No one warned me that the first trimester was riddled with lust hormones. Alex is sexy as all get out, which has only fueled my insatiable appetite, and at first, he thought he’d won the lottery. He is a guy, after all.” Madison leaned in as far as her growing belly allowed. “He couldn’t keep up, though. He’s groveled profusely as he’s attempted to reclaim his manhood.”

She leans back, rubbing her round stomach.

“And now? All I want is for someone to push me up against the wall, lean in, and whisper, I’ll do all your housework.”

Madison had us in stitches as we all let out deep belly laughs. More drinks arrived, and my second sangria tasted even smoother than my first.

“Any of yours do this?” Eden’s gaze jumped to each of us. “Men’s guide to washing pans. Place dirty pan in hot soapy water, tell yourself it needs to soak, and go watch TV. Then wake up go to work.”

The easy laughter continued around the table.

“Not yet, but I wouldn’t be surprised,” I answered.

“Fact.” Nick joined in. “Instead of mating, female octopuses will sometimes strangle males and eat them.” Tears spilled from laughter and I figured she was one of us now.

I glanced around the table, each woman unique in her own way. The laughter and fun was unexpected, and a welcome surprise. It felt like we were a family, soaking it all in, growing closer. Something familiar was happening, weaving my life with theirs. It was humbling and honest. It had been far too long since I’d had a group of friends who I could count on.

Another hour passed, and after a quick bite, I was ready to sink into the arms of the man waiting for me.

“I know you won’t believe this, but…”

“Enough already,” I interrupted. “I’ve laughed so hard, I can’t take anymore.”

“God, that’s the truth. I have work early tomorrow,” Nick said as she offered to accompany me to my car.

I accepted, based on her ingrained need to protect.

We shared hugs and well wishes around the table, then I secretly paid the bill on my way out, Nick on my heels.

I looked out into the darkness as she approached by my side. The sidewalk was pitch black. “It would help if they had overhead lighting on the street.”

Something wasn’t quite right, and I had a strong sense I was being watched. My subconscious saw a shadow when there was none. Something told me it wasn’t my imagination, not this time.

Trust your instincts. If something doesn’t feel right, then it probably isn’t.

“Where are you parked?” Nick asked.

As I pointed to the third car on the left, I pressed my key fob and it lit up.

It materialized out of nowhere, hidden within the darkness. A van slowed, then with a sudden stop, the side door opened, and a chill ran down my spine. In the flash of a second, a needle was forced into Nick’s neck, rendering her immobile as I stood frozen. Then her limp body was thrown into the van.

Fear turned into horror as my blood ran cold. I began to run, sucking air into my lungs. In the deep, dark night, danger lurked as the panic consumed me. I ran faster as the pain shot through my legs, intense spasms snaking through me. My shaking intensified as I felt him closing in.

Shallow breaths escaped me as I searched for a place to hide and rest.

But instead, I stumbled forward, my body hitting the ground and skidding across the rough concrete. I felt blood gushing from my knees, elbows, and palms, but the adrenaline disguised the pain.

To my despair, he’s caught up with me, one arm wrapped tightly around my waist, imprisoning me in a death grip against his back. I tried to fight his hold, but he was too strong.

Then a hand covered my mouth, muffling the sound of my cries. I was unable to see his face, but a soft voice whispered in my ear.

“Don’t scream, and no one gets hurt.”

Yet his calm words were deceiving.

“What do you want?” I muttered through his fingers.

His palm was callused and pressing hard as he dragged me inside the van. Then there was the sharp prick of a needle, and the fear, the pain, and his face all faded to black.

I woke to find my wrists restrained, held tightly around my back. They were raw and burning as I struggled against them. My legs were secured at my ankles as the pain ripped through me. I could hardly move, and the cold concrete floor tore my body heat from me.

I forced my eyes open, and took in a vast, abandoned warehouse. I surveyed the large room. Cobwebs hung low. There were piles of broken down boxes, and trash gathered in corners.

The only light flickered through a window across the room. The sharp pungent odor of garbage and mildew was strong as nausea rolled in my gut.

The hair on the back of my neck stood on end. The menacing silence was equally frightening. I was losing my hold on reality.

Nick. Where was Nick?

I latched on to any hope that I wasn’t alone, and more importantly that she was okay. I winced as I forced my body to roll, and it took several attempts, only to discover it hurt to breathe.

Then I saw her. She was tied up, trapped as well. Tears burned in my eyes as disbelief churned in my brain. Blood was dripping from her head, a small pool oozing below the blow clearly visible on her forehead. Had she awakened, only to be met by the attacker? It made sense she would fight, and that he would render her helpless.

I shut my eyes, blinking back tears, unable to focus on the scene in front of me. A million questions followed by a million scenarios played out in the span of a minute. Why was this happening?

“Nick,” I quietly called out.

I didn’t want to attract unwanted attention, but she didn’t stir. Worry gripped me as fear allowed the demons in. Maybe she was seriously hurt.

Excluding the inability to breathe without pain, I cataloged my injuries. All minor cuts, scrapes, and bruises, but they still stung. If an escape was possible, I was confident I could make it out at a reasonable pace.

I began to shiver. Obviously, the concrete was damp and cold, but shock was probably playing a role, too. I glanced over once again at Nick. The pool of blood didn’t seem to be noticeably larger, so that was good.

“Nick,” I tried again.


Suddenly there was a sound, as if someone had dumped ice-cold water on me. I was focused, all my senses on high alert. The door opened and clicked shut as he stepped through, carrying a military-style duffel bag filled with God knows what.

He glanced my way, coming to a dead stop.

My pulse hammered as he turned toward me, the duffel now on the floor.

“Good, you’re awake.”

Why? Why is that good?

He dropped a cigarette onto the floor and crushed it with his boot.

His tall frame and large body were made to intimidate. He was dressed surprisingly well, in black trousers and a black button-down. His pockmarked face and pointed chin were enough to cause a cold chill to race down my spine, yet his hair was neatly trimmed, and when a slight curl of his lip appeared, I saw a brief peak at his white teeth.

This was no ordinary thug. This was someone who was paid well for getting his hands dirty.

He slithered slowly over to Nick and kicked her.


“Wake up, bitch.”

“Stop!” I yelled.

The word flew out before I could stop it. He turned back to me, anger vibrating off his body like the steam from a locomotive.

“He’ll come for you.” he said. “But…”

He squatted on one knee.

“It won’t be before I play with my new toy.”

His voice was like sandpaper, rough and stinging. I heard the hint of an accent, but he hid it well. His eyes were black and belonged to a killer.

Caught in his web, I could feel the heat of panic soaring through my veins.

His hand touched my cheek, and I jerked away, sickness and disgust creeping over my skin as if his fingers had turned to spiders. I forced back the tears as his menacing laugh roared.

Then he crossed back over to Nick as she lay on the floor, out cold.

“Didn’t your mother ever teach you, it’s not polite to talk back?” His cocky male voice was cold and threatening. “Big bad FBI agent.”

He kicked her again, and I winced. Then he took a cup of water resting on a nearby shelving unit and tossed it in her face.

At that, she came alive, sputtering.

I was both horrified and thankful.

Her eyes opened, confused and conflicted, then instantly her gaze locked on the cold gleam in his eyes.

“Now you know what your smart mouth will get you.”

The power shifted, and not in her favor. He reached for her head, confirming the blood stained on his fingers, and shoved it in her face as proof of his power.

“He wants you, Jordan Mitchelle,” he ground out.

He? What the hell was he talking about? Whatever it was, I didn’t like it.

Then he crossed the room, climbing up the open metal staircase, the duffel balanced on his shoulder. The second he was out of sight, I began to slide closer to her.

“Nick, are you all right? Where did he hit you? Do you know what’s going on?”

“He feeds on the fear of others,” she said cryptically, only adding to my torment.

“What? Do you think you have a concussion?”

The blood still hadn’t clotted on her forehead, but she shrugged it off.

“Now I know why the Russian was canvasing this place,” she said with a heavy sigh.

The warmth in her eyes was giving me a false sense of security. This was what she was trained to do. She was my only hope. I just prayed her mind was clear enough to get us through this nightmare.

“What Russian? Why’d he take us?”

“Artur Grischa. The Russian also known as Echo. A professionally hired hit man. We believe he’s behind the recent killings of Steel Archer’s men.”

“Why?” I asked.

“He’s only a puppet. There’s someone else pulling the strings. Someone much higher on the food chain.”

“That doesn’t explain why we’re here.”

“Revenge. His thirst for blood. To draw Steel out? Any, or all those reasons.”

My head was spinning. It felt like I was suffocating from within, unable to breathe.

“Pull yourself together, or we’ll never get out of here.”

“Shhh, shhh. Hear that?” Nick whispered. “The vent.” Her head shifted to the left, and there only feet from us was an air vent exposing a conversation taking place upstairs somewhere.



“You paid me to even the score.”

“Exactly, so why is she here?”

“Don’t be a fool. That was only a ploy. Steel Archer only pretended to force her away. She’s still in the game.”

“No, you’re wrong. She’s moved on, and she’s no longer an asset. This is your own personal agenda.”

“Fine, consider her the plaything I’ve been itching to scratch. I want a turn with the woman.”

Hearing the hard exhale of smoke from his lungs, true panic set in.

“I bet she’s a fighter.”

“You’re acting like a lunatic, which is a deadly mistake we can’t afford to make. You’ve drawn it out for far too long.”  

“You’re mistaken, we have an obligation to strike where it cuts the deepest.”

“He stole something of mine, something I’ll never get back. My boy, he took my boy from me. There’s blood on his hands. I want this over, and I’ve waited way too long for the sweet taste of revenge.”

“Isn’t that what you’re paying me for? I brought you the woman, didn’t I?”

“The woman? She’s FBI. It complicates things.”

“This will draw him out, just as I promised.”

“Stick to the plan, Grischa.”

“Haven’t I proved myself? I picked off his men one by one. They were all seasoned soldiers, and still I took them easily. I’ll do the same to Steel, when it’s time. You want him alive, right? Make him watch. He’ll beg me to kill him.”

“He’s not going down without a fight.”

“I never thought he would. Now, let me do my fucking job.”

“You better not fuck this up, Grischa.”


A door slammed upstairs, and my vision faded, my grasp on reality altered. Denial was becoming my only comfort. Maybe it was a coping mechanism, numbing the fact that there was nothing I could do to prevent this. Hope crashed and burned, and melted over my skin, abolishing any courage that remained.

He was the devil, straight from hell. He was a demon lurking just under the surface, the boogey man hiding beneath your bed. He was pure evil. Hopelessness settled in, which was oddly comforting to me.

“Jordan, snap out of it! Can you hear me?”

I heard her words, but I was running in the other direction away from her, from here, from this.

“You need to calm down,” Nick whispered. “If we want to get out of here, we need our wits. I need you in this with me, Jordan. Please.”

Her voice cracked.

I turned my head to meet her gaze, but I was frozen between reality and illusion. My lungs were wheezing with great effort to capture each breath of air.

“Are you hurt?”

Her voice had softened.

“I think I am.”

“Don’t you give up on us Jordan. Look at me.”

My glazed-covered eyes focused on her.

“We will get out of here, understand? There are people looking for us right now.”

I was kind of in awe of her, the authority she commanded. Her strength. I wanted to believe Nick, but I was too afraid.

Then my attention was pulled away by the sound of footsteps descending the stairs. I watched as he took an angry drag of his cigarette. My brain was about to short-circuit once he reached the bottom step.

“All he does is whine like a fucking child,” he whispered under his breath.

The Russian stood over us, his hands clenched at his sides. Once his decision had been made, he moved with the speed and grace of a panther. Grabbing my bicep, he yanked me to an upright position.

Then leaned closer and whispered in my ear.

“Try anything, and I’ll strip you naked.”

My breath quickened at the horrid thought.

Reaching behind me, he unlocked the cuffs, only freeing one hand. He dragged me to a wall of grid-work, attaching the cuff to the bottom rim.

Relief soared through me as the one hand remained free, the bite causing red welts and cuts along my wrist. At first glance, I saw my ankles were locked in chains.

He placed an empty five-gallon bucket beside me and repeated the process with Nick. She was more cooperative than I’d anticipated.

Pausing at various intervals, he examined the integrity of his work. Once satisfied, he reached into a brown paper bag, pulling out two waters and throwing them in our laps.

“Piss there.” He pointed at the bucket. “Don’t get any ideas.”

As he turned his cell phone toward us, the image was clear. I was searching for the camera aimed directly above us as its small red light flashed on and off. Live feed.


Cold and petrified, I needed to cling to something, anything, as the fear of death deepened. I found no comfort watching him turn away. His watchful eyes would still be consuming our every move.

I leaned back against the grid and eagerly gulped my water, grateful for the basic of necessities. I finally turned toward Nick, and I could see her gears were churning. Her gaze was compiling information, surveying every corner, every option.

“There’s no way out,” I said.

“You don’t believe that.”

“But you’re thinking it, too.”

“No, I just haven’t found it—their mistake.” Her challenging gaze locked on mine. “Every criminal makes a mistake, and it’s up to us to find it. It looks like we’ll have all night to figure it out.”

What she didn’t include was the fact that this was our only night. Tomorrow’s outcome was clearly laid out in the conversation we’d overheard. My stomach twisted tighter at the thought of that monster touching and invading me. I’d sooner die.

“Jordan. Hey, we’re still here, you and I. And just so you know, I’m a warrior princess, so I won’t go down without a fight. A bloodbath kind of fight.”

“Warrior princess… I like that.”

“Listen,” she continued. “Everyone we know is looking for us. Steel and all his men are chomping at the bit to tear Artur Grischa limb from limb. And your Ben, he’s by their side. You know that, don’t you?”

I nodded in agreement, even as new tears trailed down the same tracks as before.

“And Jordan, the entire fucking FBI is combing every lead, every move we made that led us here. You don’t think they can bring down one measly little Russian?”

I wasn’t sure how she did it, but she planted hope where there was only hopelessness. Somehow, she stomped out the doubts etched in my mind. I would sleep tonight, under her watch.

I woke to silence. The place was filled with darkness, all but for the single light in the office upstairs. I was well past mortified. Bodily need came before humiliation. As I balanced on the white bucket, physical relief came over me. Then I struggled to resume my place, dreading the threat of knocking it over while my three limbs were restrained, I almost laughed at the absurdity of it all, if it weren’t for the fact that it was so fucking real.

I drifted in between sleep and fantasy. As visions of Ben wandered in my thoughts, I knew I could get lost in him. The memories flooded in as sadness rushed through me. I blinked back the tears that wanted to fall. I needed Ben to know how long I had loved him, and something inside told me that I might never get the chance.

Nick stirred, only to wake with a sudden jerk as the cruel reminder came into focus. Her gaze darted to mine.

“Did you sleep?”

Her arm free, she reached for her water, rationing its contents.

“A little, you?”


“Do you have family?”

She waited a few beats before answering.

“I do. My parents and three older brothers. They weren’t overly fond of my career choice.” The scoff that followed was filled with frustration. “With three older brothers, you can assume I grew up a tomboy. I know my parents expected me to grow out of it, but as you can see, I didn’t.”

“I’ve always wanted siblings.”

I heard her let out a big sigh.

“Careful what you ask for.” Her words sounded ominous, and real. “Forming attachments has always been a challenge for me. I was never girly enough for the girls, and never masculine enough for the boys. So, I was basically cast aside until I found my calling.”

“And this is your calling?”

She snorted as her gaze reached mine.

“Not at this very moment, but yes, in general.”

“You might reconsider if we ever get out of here.”

An overachiever—how well I related to that. Always an outsider looking in, never on the inside. I had felt like a loner at times, but it had suited me. That is, until Ben.

“So, you and Steel?” I questioned, but her eyes darted to mine.

“So, you and Ben?”

“Okay, subject off-limits.”

A breeze blew through the warehouse, giving us a two-second warning the door had opened. Then it clicked closed. The sounds of footsteps grew closer as he stepped inside the main room and scanned the both of us. I sensed the evil that flowed through his veins was cold and revolting, absent of any morality. There wasn’t a drop of decency behind those dark, dangerous eyes.

“You’re up.”

He crossed the floor, his sight set on the metal shelving unit holding a wide array of supplies. I could feel Nick’s intense gaze identifying each potential weapon, but what good was it when we were both out of reach?

“What do you want?”

My voice rose higher than I’d had intended.

His gaze burned as he looked over his shoulder, volleying the question back.

“What do you like, sweet Jordan?”

My head adamantly started shaking no, no, no…

“Oh, you don’t think so? We shall see, won’t we?”

His smirk lingered as he reached for the pack of cigarettes, pulled one out, and lit it.

Now I was inhaling his second-hand smoke, which caused my lungs to scratch for every breath.

“I’ve heard those things will kill ya.”

Nick’s smart mouth fired up once more. “Smoke up, Echo. I still don’t get that name.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. The girl never learns.”

His jaw hardened, his scathing glare focused hard on Nick.

I wanted to stop her from taunting him. He was a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. Didn’t she believe he would knock her on her ass?

“You really don’t know?” He took a few steps, closing in on her. “Nick Lancaster, FBI agent? I’m not surprised you don’t know, actually.” Taking another drag of his cigarette, he blew the smoke down on her. “No one’s ever survived to tell the story.” He dropped to one knee. “See, when I cut someone, or inflict an enormous amount of pain, it’s inevitable that the bloodcurdling cries echo and bounce off the walls.”

Their gazes never wavered.

I was thankful Nick stayed quiet, but I could have gone my entire life not knowing that.

“Now I realize it’s time I should be switching tactics.” He began provoking us, playing with his captured toys. “Nick, no more lip from you.”

Then he swiftly focused on me, leaving her speechless.

I didn’t think it could get worse, but I was wrong. He unlocked my wrist and turned me over as my chest exploded in pain. Then my hands were once again behind my back. Without warning, shock hit an all-time high when he flipped me over his shoulder and carried me away.

“Take me!” Nick shouted. “I’ll do anything you want, just bring her back.”

She’d stood up for me, and I was grateful and disturbed. I swallowed hard and tried like hell not to lose it. Once on my feet, my gaze darted to each corner and wall, looking for any option besides the one standing in front of me.

Yanking me to the far corner of the room, he unlocked one handcuff only to relock and attach them both to a robe above my head. My arms were stretched high, my wrists biting against the metal. My ribs were spread taut, and I was certain of my injury now. A broken rib.

“Don’t play coy, Jordan. You’re a fucking tease.”

His fucked-up cat-and-mouse games were scaring the hell out of me.

I felt him move behind me, circling me, his subtle whispers raining down on me as the hairs on the back of my neck rose.

“Pretty,” he said, stroking my hair. “Soft. I bet you’re soft all over.”

Then his hand slithered from my cheek and my neck.

I flinched as he touched me, but when he palmed my breast, I lost it.

I fought with everything I had as bile rose in my throat.

“Don’t do this.”

His sickening laughter bounced off the walls.

“You think you can run? Escape? No, Jordan. You’re mine, and it would be smart if you accepted your fate now, before I hurt you.”

No, this wasn’t happening. I would never get back to Ben, and if by some miracle I did, I’d be damaged beyond repair. I saw the light above catch a flicker of the blade before he turned. And if possible, my heart beat even faster. The malevolent gleam in his eyes screamed pure sadist.

I watched as a twisted smile graced his mouth.

“Are you willing to die for that bastard?”

He ran the large knife down my shirt.

“That’s a trick question. There’s no right answer.”

“How smart of you.”

He gripped the hem of my shirt, and I watched in utter horror as the blade ripped its way to the collar. Then he quickly discarded the scrap of material. Left exposed in my pink bra, his hand crawled up my skin. I was slowly spiraling out of control.

“You smell like flowers, sweet and tangy.”


I felt faint, but I welcomed it and begged for it. My senses were going haywire. The pounding rhythm in my ears, the nausea rising in my throat. My entire body was trembling.

It’s exactly what he wanted and needed from me—to witness the terror at his hand, the fucker.

He kneeled, unchaining my ankles, but gazed up with a warning.

“If you misbehave, I’ll restrain you spread eagle.”

And the world as I knew it faded. I descended into a place where pure evil lived, where cold-blooded killers hid. I braced myself emotionally and physically for what was about to happen. I just prayed that it wouldn’t break me.

Then I heard a loud noise crashing down from where Nick was, causing Artur Grischa to turn and sprint toward the sound.

I had no clue as to what he’d find. I couldn’t see anything from here, but I could hear each word being said.