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Surviving the Storm (Surviving Series Book 2) by Virginia Wine (10)



I woke to the most magnificent view of the sun rising over the lake. There were no walls, only glass, and Mother Nature was showing off. I wondered about the last time I’d felt at such peace.

I reached for Madison, but the only remnant of her was the T-shirt I gave her last night. It was tossed in a ball, sitting on her pillow. Desperate, I grabbed it and inhaled it slowly. Her scent was intoxicating.

Suddenly I spotted her in the doorway.

She stopped cold at the sight, two cups of coffee in her hands.

“I don’t know if that’s creepy or…” Tossing the shirt aside.

“Probably creepy.”

I gathered the pillows against the suede headboard and signaled her over. She was a dream, and I felt myself wanting more, unsure of what that would be exactly.

“Are you an early riser?” I asked.

“I woke up too excited to miss a single moment here.”

She handed me the coffee, and I took it eagerly.

“I was thinking.” She rested her coffee on the nightstand, instantly gaining my full attention. “Let’s just get the important conversations out of the way this morning. That will allow us to freely enjoy the precious time we have together.”

“You know you can tell me anything,” I said, folding her into my arms and kissing her hard. “I’ll shower, and then I’ll meet you on the back patio.”

She nodded, biting her lip, and I could feel the tension pouring off her.

When I got to the bathroom, I reached to turn the water on. As I took my hand and ran it over the rocklike formation, I realized that this was the shower. It was hard and rough, as if a bolder had sat here for centuries, and they’d carved out the beautiful enclosure. Jets were everywhere the eye could see. And sitting at the opposite end was a large tub, egg-shaped and carved from identical material. It looked large enough for two. We could have stayed here a month and still never utilized every amenity.

I stepped into the spray, and the hot water pulsed from every angle. I used the time to form a story I could share with Madison—and not have it conflict with attorney-client privilege. After drying, I slipped into a pair of cargo shorts and a white linen shirt. Then I grabbed my coffee, although lukewarm, and went searching for my girl.

Once outside, I realized that the trees smelled of pine, nature’s perfume. Wild flowers off in the distance brought a sweet fragrance with each burst of wind, and I marveled again at the beauty of the natural surroundings.

Madison was sitting stoically, sipping her coffee.

I approached her, offering a fresh cup.


She smiled.

I took the Adirondack chair beside her as we took in the beauty before us.

“What did you tell Graham about this weekend?”

Diving in seemed like the best approach.

“That’s the easy part. I told him I was traveling for work. He understands that I’m constantly searching for unique material, and things that only I could choose. He didn’t question me at all.”

“So, if that’s the easy part, hit me with the hard part.”

Her face bare of makeup, she was beautiful even when her brows bumped together. It seemed as if she was carrying the weight of the world.

“Graham is blackmailing me.”

The words came out barely above a whisper as the details poured out one by one. She didn’t hesitate while telling her story, no longer able to deny the secret she’d been carrying. It was a lethal venom dying to burst free, and I was there to catch her.

“So, both Steel and Theo are working on finding out the truth?”

“Yes, it won’t be long now.” She reached for my hand. “Promise me you won’t do anything until…”

I hesitated. Was this a promise I could keep? This insane moment of jealously was pointless, yet it still stirred something ugly inside of me.

“You shouldn’t have to put up with shit like that.” I decide to ignore the promise she wants to hear from me. “And it’s all the more reason to leave him.”

Her face was pale, concealing her hidden emotions, which ran much deeper than she was letting on.

“I’m sorry, Madison.”

I could feel the muscles in my face tightening. Insane thoughts of violence were rushing in. I had such possessiveness over the woman sitting beside me, the woman I wanted to be mine.

“I’ll leave him as soon as it’s safe,” she said.

A strange calm engulfed me, despite the fury I had felt only seconds ago. Understanding the full scope of her situation, I was humbled by her bravery. And in that moment, I knew I would have to give her my trust, and place my faith in her.

“I won’t interfere. I’ll trust Steel to unravel the truth and protect you, even if it kills me.”

Judging by the the edge in my tone, she comprehended the internal struggle going on inside me.

Then I leaned over, tucking the strands of blonde hair falling out of her braid behind her ear. The intimacy of it all made me remember flashes of last night, under the stars. I could hardly hide my reaction now, and desperately wanted a repeat performance.

“Not so fast,” she said, interrupting my thoughts.

The conversation screeched to an abrupt halt.

“Your face was plastered all over the Internet kissing Janelle.”

Her erect posture meant she was seeking answers.

“Yeah, um, that.”

I tried to gather my thoughts.

“She’s an old friend from college, although I hadn’t heard from her since then. When she approached me, I took her case, which I can’t discuss.”

“I thought you were a nonpracticing lawyer?”

“That’s true, but Janelle came to me needing my help—with a catch.”

“A catch?”

“She needs the public and her family—her father, particularly—to be convinced that she’s heterosexual. I have to play the part while the case unfolds.”

“Well, it’s been very convincing,” she remarked, and a small part of me rejoiced in her jealousy.

“She knows all about you, and how I feel. She knows I’m in love with you. Does that help?”

She just shrugged a shoulder.

“I understand what you’re saying, but I don’t have to like it. She’s still another woman in your arms, and you’ve got your mouth on hers.”

Her arms crossed over her chest in what could only be described as a pout. It was adorable. I couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped me.

Her eyes quickly pierced mine, not finding the humor in the situation at all.

“I think my part is over, but I’ll be working on her case when I return.”

Those words seemed to sooth her, and I understood. I had my own jealousies to deal with.

“And Graham?”

“He hasn’t touched me since I met you.”

Our eyes met.

“Yeah, I’m as surprised as you.”

“Well, that’s a relief.”

It was so easy to get caught up in the obstacles that stood between us being together, and I was still learning how to love unconditionally and accept it in return. I covered her hand with mine.

“Anything else you want to talk about?

“I’ll let you know.” Turning to face me, she handed me her phone. “Let’s enjoy our remaining time in paradise. There’s a place on South Beach Street I want to go. It’s so close, we could walk there.”

And on her phone I find image after image. She has found a festival.

“Count me in.”

We walked the streets, and felt a kinship with the people who lined the sidewalks. An art community, the pathways were lined with musicians, crafts, and jewelry. I felt invigorated that my dream to be with Madison was slowly becoming a reality.

I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. The breeze was whipping her hair into a sexy mess, as the pair of faded cutoff jean shorts hugged her sweet ass. Her white tank top showed her aqua-blue bra, and a silk scarf blew behind her. I could only assume there was a fashion sense at work that I wasn’t aware of. All I knew was that she was so fucking sexy, down to her red painted toes and white flip-flops.

We strolled around and laughed at silliest things. We danced in front of the guitar player, singing (and butchering) the lyrics. We held hands, stole kisses, ate Mexican food, and drank margaritas.

Later I waited, holding her purse, when she was in the restroom. Wanting full credit for this unmanly act, I secretly returned to the jewelry booth we had visited before and bought the bracelet she had admired. Then I hid it in my pocket.

By the time we headed back, the sunset streaked gold and pinks across the sky, swirling the colors reflecting off the water.

“This is so beautiful, Alex. Thank you for bringing me here with you.”

She stretched onto her tippy-toes to place a kiss on my cheek.

She was my reason for existing.

“My pleasure.”

I reached my arm out and wrapped it around her waist, pulling her close to me. I tried to live in the moment with her, since our time together was so precious.

I wanted it to last forever.




“Home sweet home,” Madison said a little while later, as we walked back into the luxury mansion.

“I need to check my phone. Do you mind? I’ll keep it short.”

She only smiled in response. I heard her moving through the house exploring, finding inspiration in the most unlikely places.

“I found a theater downstairs!” she yelled up to me at one point.

“There’s a downstairs?”

Damn, Janelle, I should have doubled my fee.

After returning several calls, none of them of real importance, I headed out back. Madison was standing on the pier, and the sight of her was exquisite. A jolt to my heart brought me back to the present and I followed her line of vision to the sunset disappearing from view. As darkness slowly took over, I make my way back inside and placed the box holding the bracelet on our bed.

An hour later, I was making us another round of margaritas. We each had a round in town, but that was two hours ago now. A liquored-up Madison was going to be pure fun. I made my way to the patio and handed her the drink.


“I saw you down on the dock earlier.”

“Did you see it?” she asked with excitement. “The last moment the sun dipped into the lake? It made me want to take a dip.”

“Christ,” I spitted out.

She gave me an all-knowing look. The barely-there baby-blue swatches she called a bikini should have been illegal. Her every curve was on full display. I was thankful that the only eyes on her were mine.

“You like my new suit?”

“Like? What’s not to like?”

Fuck, three pulls on the strings and she‘d be naked underneath me.

I suddenly stripped down to nothing, taking her hand in mine. The beach was grainy but firm, and the water was ice-cold.

“Why is it so cold?”

“Because the snow from the mountain melts and travels down to the lake, the water is never warm.”

I rushed to her side and pulled her into my body, sharing my body heat.

“Your lips are blue,” I said between chuckles. “It’s time to get out.”

She laughed and shivered as we headed back to the patio.

“How about the hot tub? We haven’t played in there yet.”

I laughed. It was as if she was filling my soul. Was there any part of her that didn’t bring me pure joy? She held my heart—my entire heart—in her hands. I had feelings too strong to articulate, and I couldn’t put into words how I felt. It would sound sappy, no doubt. I had just never known that I could be this happy.




“I love waking up with you,” I whispered, even though she was still asleep. I smiled, seeing the bracelet on her wrist. Her childlike excitement over the small gesture had warmed my heart. The sun was casting a soft light along her hair, and her lashes fanned across her cheek. Her arm was plastered over my chest.

It had been the right decision to come, no matter the risk.

She meant everything to me, but we were going back to reality today, and fear moved through my veins. I worried because I knew I couldn’t protect her—not two hours away.


I looked into the deep blue of her eyes.

“Stop it.”

“Stop what?”


“Caught me. Okay, I’ll try.” I kissed her soft lips instead. “We never made it to Emerald Bay. Next time?”

“Next time.”

She climbed on top of me, and inevitably my hands crept up her body. She rocked her naked sweetness against mine, her slick heat begging for more. The woman could brighten the darkest of nights.

“You’re so smart and sexy, and so out of my league.”

She shook her head no, and a slight pink blush appeared on her face.

I pushed a strand of hair off her forehead. I could barely breathe with love for her. Her familiar touch was filled with love, hunger, and a greedy need I was eager to satisfy. I knew exactly what she wanted, her silent desires already etched in my mind.

The last words would be my name falling from her lips.




It was late, and why Theo had insisted on meeting tonight he wouldn’t say. I was beat after the flight home and the sad goodbyes I had shared with Madison. I yawned. What were best friends for?

I noticed the hanging baskets filled with ferns as I rung the bell at his door.

“That’s new. Who’s got the green thumb? You?”

Theo only glared at me as I passed him by and stepped into the living room.

“Who do you think?”

The tension lingered. I could sense it.

“Nice touch. Very homey.” I headed to the fridge, making myself at home and grabbing two beers. “Where’s Eden?”

I handed one to Theo and fell into his comfy chair.

“She’s working in town, on her first art exhibit.”

I smiled nervously, fiddling with my drink. God, I hoped nothing bad was happening between them. If they couldn’t make it, there was zero hope for me.

“That’s good, right?”

But I had a sneaking suspicion that her art had nothing to do with why I was here.

“Uh-huh.” He finally sat, his arms resting on his knees. “She also has a friend who owns an art gallery in Paris. They’re looking at her work, too. She has a lot of great opportunities there.”

I watched as he took a pull from the bottle.

“Hey, why am I here, Theo? Talk to me, buddy.”

I mirrored his stance, watching him struggle. This was not a common occurrence for my friend here.

“Do you recall the reason Eden was hesitant about me moving in with her?”

I could hear a thread of sorrow in his voice now. I forced my mind to recall the conversation, but I must have been so wrapped up in my world at the time, because it had slipped my mind.

“Remind me.”

“She only agreed to our moving in together if there was a future between us. I was hesitant at first, because of…” His head fell into his hands, and after a beat, his gaze met mine again. “Everything. Matt, her being my former patient, our age difference. There was a lot to consider, and it weighed on my mind.”

“But you worked it out, Theo. You’re here in Matt’s home, living with Eden.”

Suddenly he leaped into action, his feet hammering the wood floor.

Our eyes met.

And there sat the blue box. He arched a sly brow, waiting. He was extremely anxious, and my silence soon irritated him.


His gaze narrowed to crinkled slits.

And suddenly it all made sense. My friend, the declared bachelor with a swagger that drove women wild, now wanted his forever.

“I think Eden Grant has a very nice ring to it,” I said.

His clenched jaw relaxed, and a small but cautious smile appeared on his face.

“Open it. Do you think she’ll like it?”

I reached for the velvet box and the beauty spoke for itself.

“It’s a two-carat princess cut. Do you think she’ll say yes?”

He was attempting to conceal his emotions as he rubbed a hand over his dark stubble.

“Why wouldn’t she? You’re a catch, my man!”

He collapsed back in his chair, as if he had at least one person in his corner.

“But obviously it’s her yes that matters, not mine.”

He pointed the tip of his beer at me and smiled.


“So, what’s the plan?”

“It will be after her upcoming local art exhibit. I’ve rented the place for an additional hour after closing, and I’ll propose then.”

“Nicely done.”

“No devil’s advocate? No lawyer objections? No best friend warning concerning a ball and chain?”

“None.” I tossed the blue box back at him. “I’d consider it a done deal.”

If I was honest with myself, and with Theo, I would have brought up Madison and the latest updates in our relationship. Today, however, was not the day for that.

“I’ll leave you to it. Good luck, man. I’m so happy for you, really.”

He joined me at the door as we said our manly goodbyes.




As I headed down the backroads to my house, I was happy for Theo, but my thoughts were pulled back to Madison. This was his little sister I was involved with. Would he object? Or feel protective? Or had that bond even developed yet? Maybe he wouldn’t kick my ass. The thought made me smile. As I took the curves a little faster, l Ioved the pull of my Audi R8. It hugged the mountain like it knew the way.

“Are you fucking serious?”

I watched the dark SUV moving in behind me. He had his brights on, blinding me. I knew he was close, riding my ass as if he were trying to run me off the road. I was already doing sixty-five, and the speed limit was fifty. Going any faster would be careless, because this road was challenging on a good day. If he was trying to rattle me, he was succeeding. I continued to watch his cat-and-mouse game as we rounded another curve.

I decide to slow and hug the shoulder, allowing him to pass, the asshole, but in a matter of seconds, all hell broke loose. I could hear the roar of his engine and the impact that followed. My sports car didn’t stand a chance pitted against this monstrosity, and I was pushed through the guardrail with great force.

Instinctively tensing, a toxic mixture of adrenaline and fear ran through my veins as my life flashed before my eyes. I rocketed off the embankment at a high velocity, plunging into darkness. Suddenly I hit an unknown source, causing the car to flip end over end.

I gave into the darker side of my mind as I lost consciousness. I felt myself flying into oblivion.

I didn’t know how long I was out, but the silence was deafening. I found it hard to breathe as smoke filled the car and pain radiated throughout my body. I was unable to identify my injuries. Then the sharp smell of gasoline hit me, as the reality of the situation set in.

I needed to get out of the car. Now. At that exact moment, the moon slipped out behind the dark night, offering me a glimmer of light.

I unlatched my seatbelt to find blood coming from my gut. As I crawled out on my stomach, using my forearms, there was an unbearable shooting pain through my right foot, which was caught under the brake pedal. Every muscle in my body was taut as I breathed through the pain. I gritted my teeth as I forced my body to pull, releasing the hold on my injured foot. A nauseous feeling took hold as I tried to fight my way through it. I forced my body to move more quickly than it should.

My heart beating rapidly in my chest, I set small goals. The first involved putting more distance between me and the car, which was now burning at its underbelly. Second, I wanted to reach the biggest tree around, as far away from the wreckage as I could make it.

Once hidden by the large pine, I leaned against it. Here I had the opportunity to access my injuries. I lifted my shirt and gasped with the kind of horror usually seen in movies. A broken piece of a tree branch was impaled into my abdomen. I sat, debating if pulling it out was the right decision. I had no medical training, and I was gambling either way.

A new plan invaded my thoughts. I would pull it out, and use my undershirt as a bandage to apply pressure. I concluded that leaving it in wouldn’t allow me the mobility to get help, move, or walk. So I took a deep breath and gritted my teeth once again, bracing for what was to come as my hand gripped the offensive limb.

Then I yanked.

Two things happened simultaneously, a roar like I’d never heard came screaming out of my lungs. It was unrecognizable. My R8 also exploded in an extravagant light show, throwing debris everywhere. The fire reached unbelievable heights as the flames topped the tallest of pines.

Whoever was responsible, he had failed to achieve his intended attack—despite his best efforts.

I was alive.

I turned my attention back to the car, belatedly realizing that my phone, wallet, and water had all been neatly placed in their intended compartments. I had nothing but the clothes on my back now. I placed my white undershirt on the gaping wound and continued to apply pressure. I would need to find something to hold it in place if I intended to get out of this mess. I would have to be more inventive.

Finding a fresh green vine to wrap around my torso twice, I tied it off, tucking my shirt in my jeans to hold it in place. Although I knew this was a quick fix, it would have to do for now. Next up was my ankle. I needed to access the damage. I lifted myself up gently and attempted to walk, but my ankle wanted no part of it.

I retrieved my belt and gently wrapped it around the injury with the idea that the additional support would act as a brace. I tested the theory, and to my frustration, the pain still ran through my veins like fire.

I chastised myself for never joining the boy scouts. I’m sure that would have come in handy right about now.

I needed a sturdy branch to use as a cane, and by the looks of it, I was surrounded by many choices. I found one that had recently fallen. It still had green life in it, and after a quick test, I decided it would support my weight.

I knew my choices were limited. I couldn’t go the way I had come down. It was much too steep in my condition. I had to continue on the path paralleling the road—or at least that was my goal.

I turned my attention back to the car, which was mangled, crushed, and quietly burning, letting my thoughts drift. Someone had deliberately done this, I was certain. I had no enemies I knew of, but that wasn’t entirely true. I did have an enemy.


Was he truly capable of plotting revenge at this magnitude?

I found it too coincidental that the night I had returned from a weekend with Madison, there would be an attempt on my life. It was as if I had inadvertently caused this to happen. The only thing in my favor was that he would assume I hadn’t survived the crash, or the explosion that followed. It would give me time to escape and eventually be rescued.

I had to get as far away from the crash site as soon as possible, and that meant pushing the scorching pain out of my mind to start trekking. I squinted to see in the darkness, methodically scanning my surroundings. Each step was a small victory. The landscape was dense, the underbrush thorny.

I was fucking freezing, too. I knew once I had covered some ground, I would have to look for shelter. The temperature was dropping fast, even for midsummer, and I had to avoid the threat of hyperthermia. After an hour, I found myself standing under a large cluster of pines. A deadfall laid on the ground, and I made my way over to inspect it as an option to provide additional cover for the night. The partial hollowness would enable me to burrow within its natural depths. Before I entered, I scooped up piles of needles, creating a soft place to lay. I was incredibly thankful for the leather jacket I had casually thrown on earlier.

It was there that I first noticed my damp hair, signaling that I had a head injury. I reached and glided my fingers through my hair, tenderly searching for where the pain was coming from. I wasn’t alarmed when I found the small cut. If it had been a serious injury, like a concussion, sleep would not have been an option. I had to take a gamble, resting would be crutial in my plan to a successful escape and rescue.

Carefully lowering myself back to the ground, I edged in close, then scraped more needles around me and over my legs. I could feel myself getting warmer.

As the adrenaline wore off, the pain intensified. Taking deep breaths to control the agony, I let my thoughts drift, and remembered the way Madison felt in my arms. Whenever she had looked at me, it had all felt so right. Her touches were so deep and filled with such love, that I felt it even now. Hidden beneath the gloomy night, my body lethargic from exhaustion, I searched for the peace she offered.

The fond memories soothed me as I surrendered, letting sweet darkness take me.




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