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Surviving the Storm (Surviving Series Book 2) by Virginia Wine (20)



“So you’re just ignoring it, Bryer?” I know I sound like an asshole, but I continue as she watches me.

“Ignoring it won’t make it go away. How’d he find you?” I continue, unable to stop myself knowing I’m making it worse.

“Let me handle it. I’ll make it go away, fast.”

As I watch, her gaze follows me pacing back and forth.

“Nathan, you seriously want me to face the man who destroyed me?” she says for the tenth time.

“Just tell him to fuck off, and put an end to it.” I plead.

“I won’t,” she warned.

“What are you waiting for?” I ask, again. Now crossing my arms over my chest, foolishly thinking I’m putting my foot down.

“I won’t give him that, or any part of me.”

If I was honest with myself, I’d admit it’s fear. The last thing I want is for her to have anything to do with that prick. It’s a logical response to this fucked-up situation. Protect what’s mine.

“Nathan, try to focus on us. Once he realizes I won’t respond, he’ll leave us alone. Trust me, you don’t want to get caught in his evil clutches.”

Scoffing. “Could’ve fooled me, seems the loser is relentless, but then again, he’s a fucking lawyer.” Everything about this tells me there’s a storm brewing and I want to stop it before it hits.

“Work with me, woman.” That look just told me to zip it.

“You done?” she scolds.

“Sorry, babe, my frustration is getting the best of me.” Irritation clearly written on my face.

“Our house.” She smiles, slowly walking towards me.

“Our house, our life, our love.” Reaching up to kiss me, she presses her body against the entire length of me.

“I want to protect you,” I say as her body is humming in silent need.

“You are.”

Am I supposed to pretend he’s not a threat? Impossible. I’ll beef up security if I have to. If I’m not there, someone else will be.

“Don’t you have to work?’ she asks, evidently putting an end to this, once again.

“I have a meeting with Clayton today. I’ll drive you in.”

“That won’t be necessary,” she insists.

“Bryer, allow me some fucking peace, will you?” I beg.

“By all means, if that’s what you need, drive.”

The drive is silent.


“Well, this just keeps getting better,” I say, walking in the office, noticing Clayton pushing his Chinese food around in the Styrofoam container while staring off into space, obviously forgetting I was coming.

“What?” He finally comes back to earth.

“A woman?” I question. “It’s always a woman,” I say again, hoping for acknowledgment.

“Yes well, No. Fuck, Nathan I don’t know,” he spits out.

“Well, just so I’m clear.” I sarcastically answer.

“Let it go,” he says, shaking his head.

“Why are you here?” he asks

“We had a meeting.” I remind him, like he’s lost his mind.

“Oh.” Lacking interest of any kind.

“OH? Where the fuck are you, Clayton? Because we can do this another time, when I actually have you here.” He turns with a smirk.

“Really, Nathan? Don’t compare drama queens here, you have been losing your shit ever since Bryer’s ex contacted her.” He bravely throws in my face. “Not to mention all the other shit,” he adds.

“You must be fucking fearless to pick a fight with me today, Clayton. Let’s try to keep the pissing contest in check and get down to business.” Not really meaning to sound like such a dick. But uncaring that I am.

“So how is the new guy working out?” I ask, getting to the subject at hand.

“Graham? He’s fine, all the ladies like him so that’s a plus.”

Although curiosity is getting the better of me, I wonder about his foul mood. Then again, talking about feelings is not what we do.

“Good, thanks for taking care of everything,” I say.

“Graham is like you, Nathan, well, a lot younger, but hands-on training, a good personality, minus the flirting.” He shrugs.

“I never flirted.” I turn for a stare down.

“Ah, yeah you did,” he continues.

“What the fuck ever, Clayton?” I say, knowing he’s probably right, but I’ll never admit it. Clayton holds the man whore title, I was never that bad.

And he’s back to me. “How’s everything? I mean, I don’t even know what subject to approach first, your father, Bryer, or the ex?” Clayton says, completely serious.

Wanting to address our non-feeling pack, but it flows out faster than I can stop it. “I don’t know, Clayton, I’ve been tied up in knots ever since Bryer’s’ ex called her and continues to call. It’s killing me,” I say aloud for the first time ever.

“Bryer just keeps ignoring his calls. I see her phone light up with his name on the screen, and I want to reach through it and beat the shit out of him.”

Clayton’s brows lift in surprise. “Have you been keeping all that inside? Because it felt like you just puked all over me.” Pushing his meal away.

“Something like that,” I answer.

“Bryer has made it clear, she will handle it, while it eats at me every day,” I confess. “She’s moving forward, like he doesn’t exist, and I know there’s a lot more to the story than she’s told me.” Shaking my head in frustration. I wager my own territorial issues come before anything else, all mine. As childish as that may sound, I’m ready to fight.

“Nathan, you can’t control this, as much as you want to. I know Bryer will reach out to you when she needs you.”

“Sure, Oprah, I shouldn’t keep my feelings all bottled up.” I smile and hope this is the end of the conversation. And when Clayton turns to his computer, I know it is.

“Hey,” Clayton speaks, after about an hour of complete silence.

I should’ve known it wouldn’t last.

“Let’s take the new guy out tonight, make him one of the pack. He just moved here, he doesn’t know anyone.”

Clayton sounds way too enthusiastic, but I weigh the options. Truthfully I would rather be in Bryer’s arms or between her thighs, than with these two idiots. “Ok.” I surprise myself.

“Great, I’ll tell him we are on for tonight.”


Thank you for reading the sample for Forgotten Promise now available on Amazon



Take a look at the first book in the Surviving Series by Virginia Wine available on Amazon