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Surviving the Storm (Surviving Series Book 2) by Virginia Wine (9)



“Where have you been?” Graham asked.

I was surprised when he forcefully grabbed my upper arm with a vicious yank, his fingers digging into my flesh. Then he barged ahead, with me dragging behind. I was stunned with disbelief at first, but then I forced myself to come to an abrupt halt. He had my back pushed against the wall, and he focused on me, his eyes burning with malicious anger.

“Why is Alex here?”

His jaw was clenched. I could see a tic forming as well. He obviously couldn’t control the fury inside. Then his gaze dipped over my body and back up to meet my eyes, as if he was trying to find evidence of my betrayal.

I expelled a breath I’d been holding and met his stare, unwilling to back down.

Suddenly he slammed his flat hand against the wall, which was only inches from my face. He already had my attention, but his careless disregard for others would only draw unwanted attention toward him.

“Answer me.”

Several people passed, their brows knitted together with disapproval. I knew word about his outburst would spread soon, gossip would soar through the party. The tension between us was volatile, but this was the last thing I wanted: his rage on display for everyone to see.

Trying to remain calm, I could feel a bruise forming under his grip. The walls were closing in, and my cheeks heated with embarrassment, as if we were under the scrutiny of the entire party.

I caught Theo’s stare out of the corner of my eye, and the expression on his face was one of freezing contempt.

He slowly approached and bravely stepped between us.

I covered my face with my hands and rested my cheek against Theo’s warm back. He was my protector, my brother.

“Let me do the talking.” He looked over his shoulder at me, but I was hidden behind his armor. I could feel the even rhythm of his heartbeat, his calm demeanor setting the tone. His rational voice had an eerie, calming effect. “I can see how upset you are, Graham.”

“Maybe you can answer my question then.” His unrelenting stare transferred to Theo. “Why is Alex here?”

“I invited him, he’s family.”

“He has a past with Madison, and he’s not family. Far from it.”

His chin was jutting out in rebuttal.

“Maybe not, but that’s how we see Alex.” Theo then took a small step closer, invading Graham’s personal space. “It looks as if you just got carried away in the moment. We should sit and talk calmly, and just relax.”

“No one is going to tell me to calm down!”

He pointed a finger in Theo’s chest. There was something much more dangerous going on here, I realized.

“Graham, you have a room full of guests, half of which are watching this little show play out. You’re barking orders at my sister as if you have no control over yourself. Is that really the image you want to leave them with? Not to mention the bruise forming on Madison’s arm, the bruise you’ve just caused. What will everyone think of you?”

Graham’s irritation seemed to die down as Theo spoke. He had definitely hit the mark. Graham Carrington was more worried about his reputation with the upper crust of society than any pain he had inflicted on me.

“I suggest you walk back in there with your head held high and let Madison go to her room.”

Graham’s head snapped back to look at me, partially hidden by Theo’s very large shoulder.

“But let’s be clear on one thing. There’s still damage control to be done. That’s on you, Graham.”

Then Theo turned to face me, his palm resting on my cheek. “Are you hurt?”

“Not really, but thank you.”

He nodded in acknowledgment, but my gratitude went much deeper than words could ever express.

“You have a room of your own, right?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Then go there now, and don’t let anyone in,” he whispered in my ear. “Not even Alex, or they’ll probably be a duel to the death.”

He pulled me in for a warm embrace.

“I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up,” I confessed.

“You’re not alone in this, Madison.”

These were words I would hold close to my heart. Once in my room, I called the usual airline and booked the first flight out that night. Then I packed in record time. I caught a cab from the back entrance, finally on my way home. I would make calls to my parents and Theo once I had safely arrived at the airport.

What had I really expected would happen tonight? I had been foolish to think that Graham would act the part of the loving fiancé. Once his jealousy had taken root, he had exposed himself as the monster he truly was. It wasn’t like I didn’t know his true colors, but that sinister look he had given me had terrified me. Now I was only certain of one thing: Graham was entirely capable of really hurting me.

I tried continuing to process the night’s events, but there was one more call I had to make. Then I realized it would have to wait until morning.




I woke to the sun’s rays whispering through the cream-colored sheers. As a gentle breeze moved past me. At this time of the morning, the gleaming soft light was a welcome wake-up call. After drinking some coffee, I called into work to ask if I was needed, but things were running right on schedule.

I had called my parents last night, after noticing their lack of enthusiasm over my quick escape. I tried to shelter them from the gory details, making up a flimsy excuse that I knew they questioned, but my only goal for the call had been to let them know I would soon be home—and safe.

Theo, who genuinely cared for me, who knew almost all of my secrets, supported my quick getaway. I also casually asked him to say my goodbyes to Alex, and to tell him that I would be heading home.

How Alex could make me feel so alive in the few stolen moments we had shared. It left me quivering at the memory. My heart had made its choice, but I just couldn’t act on it yet.

Today’s goal was to contact Steel. I was at the end of my rope, and I wanted—no needed—my freedom. I had to escape from the clutches of Graham’s control and his threats.

Steel picked up on the first ring. “Steel Archer.”

“Good morning, Steel. Madison Perry here. Did I catch you at a bad time?”

“Of course not. I’m glad you called. I have unofficially interrogated almost all of the men accused, and they all deny that Graham’s story is valid. Of course, there’s always the possibility that they’re lying, but my gut tells me they’re not.”

He paused then, as if warning me I might not like this plan.

“Here’s what I propose: a meeting with your father. Just him and I. Soldier to soldier. His reaction could give me the best insight of all. If he is innocent, his outrage will result in a need for retaliation against Graham Carrington. Your father won’t let him off easily. On the other hand, if he protects or shields Graham in any way, that would lead me to believe that Graham does indeed have a threat hanging over your father’s head.”

“In regard to my father, it’s a risk I’m willing to take. Deep down, I believe Graham is lying. If indeed the truth comes out that Graham’s story is real, it also means that my father offered me up as hush money.”

The mere thought caused my stomach to tighten.

“I’ll start putting the plan in motion. I have established a good rapport with your father already, and I’m quite confident he’ll be open to the meeting.”

“Thank you, Steel.”

“We’ll talk soon, Ms. Perry.”

I latched on to the thread of hope that Graham’s story was all a lie. Perhaps it was his desperation to own me that had made him concoct a scandalous story defacing the service, which had been a constant, reliable presence my entire life. My father was the epitome of a military man, and I refused to see him in the twisted way Graham portrayed him. He had been the man I had always looked up to, and it would kill me if that perception of him was shattered.

My phone rang in the late afternoon as I had the kitchen table scattered with new designs. Since it was buried under everything, after the four ring I quickly pick it up.

“Have you ever been to Emerald Bay?” he asked, as I melted just a little.

“No, never.” A warmth crept through my body just hearing Alex’s sexy voice. “And what’s so special about this place?”

“You mean besides that fact that I’ll be there? It keeps me sane.”

“I could use a little sanity.”

“Is that a yes?”

“We’ll have to be very careful.”

“007 here.”

I could hear the grin in his voice.

“I’ll arrange everything. The company plane will pick you up tomorrow, at your airport. Check your emails in about an hour.”

A noticeable silence stretched out between us.

“Oh, and Madison, there may be some images of my friend and I tonight, but please trust me. We’re only friends, and I’ll explain as much as I can when I see you.”

“Thanks for the heads-up,” I said.

Yet, at the same time, I wanted to be the one there on his arm. Not her.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said, ending the call.

Well, I was about to find out if the future looked as bright as I hoped, with the man my heart ached for.




As I had anticipated, Alex looked like sex personified when I saw him the next day. He had dark-gray dress slacks on with a white button-down shirt, sleeves rolled up.

He was my undoing. His hair was slightly spiked in front, and he was sporting the always-present five-o’clock shadow. His scruff had never looked sexier

Sexy devil. He knew I was taking in every morsel.

“Your chariot awaits, milady.”

His arms spread wide, and all my anxiety faded away. I barely noticed the cab driver handing off my luggage to the crew as I climbed the stairs to greet my knight.

“You sure know how to impress a girl.”

As I walked over the threshold, I put my hand in his.

He pulled me into a passionate embrace, and I found myself suddenly powerless in his arms.

His hot breath landing on my neck caused my pulse to skip a beat. All my senses were now on high alert, anticipating the jolt of sensual electricity that would soon follow.

Upon closer inspection, I notice his piercing green eyes twinkling with promises of things to come.

Then he took my hand and led me to our seats.

“Drink? Orange juice? Coffee?”

He looked over his shoulder, awaiting my answer.

“Juice, sounds great.”

He nodded and knocked once on the captain’s door.

“We’re ready to go.”

Then he placed my cup on the table by my chair.

Then the captain appeared, closed the entry door, and proceeded with his duty.

“We’re up in five.”

Alex sat on the lush recliner beside me and swiveled it so we were face-to-face, knee to knee. Both of his hands were resting on my thighs, which were now trembling.

“I promise, this will be a trip you won’t soon forget.”

I inhaled a deep breath and blew it out slowly.

“I’m all yours.”

The brilliant smile I was rewarded with was such a turn-on. And he had only just begun. His composure was still firmly in place when I felt his hands run up each of my thighs, leaving fire in his trail.

“Good to know. I’ll remind you of that when we reach our destination.”

He appeared cool and collected, but his desire was visibly apparent in his fitted gray slacks. I purposely touched his exposed forearm several times as I talked, drawing circles with my finger. Then I deliberately bit my lip and glanced his way. I couldn’t remember the last time I had flirted so openly with a man—certainly not with one I wanted this bad.

As I ran my hand over his dark stubble, I watched as the muscles in his face tightened. His resolve was weakening, and the intoxicating power that ripped through me made me want to do things—reckless, dirty things—with this potent man so close to me.

Thankfully, the flight was short and we soon landed at Lake Tahoe’s private airport. A car was waiting, so we slid in the back, where he immediately pulled me close. One of his arms rested on my shoulder as his lips touched my hair and lingered there. We fit perfectly together. I pretended to flick a piece lint off his pants to gently rest my hand on his thigh.

“Where are we going?” I asked as he casually adjusted himself. His less-than-comfortable slacks were becoming deliciously tighter with each passing moment.

“South Beach. My friend has a place there, and she was generous enough to let us borrow it.”


I managed to hold my tongue. I would wait until Alex was ready to explain. This certainly wasn’t the right time, and who was I to judge? I had my own secrets to confess.

“Kiss me.”

Tilting my head so our eyes met, his gaze fell on my lips as his mouth took bold possession. The caress of his tongue entangled with mine, exploring. His hand was behind my head, eager to take what was his.

I felt him hard beneath my hand as I ran it over the length of him.

“Christ.” He broke the kiss and gripped my hand, holding it hostage. A fierce flair of yearning was burning in his eyes. “Baby.” His eyes close shut. “I’ll give you everything you want and more, if you can just hold out a little longer.”

I smiled an all-knowing smile and nuzzled into his warm neck, placing a tender kiss there.

“I want it dirty,” I said, only to hear a growl escape from his chest.

The anticipation was so worth it.

A ten-minute drive, and then we were pulling into an exclusive gated community. We stopped to speak to the guard on duty. When our driver mentioned Mr. Storm’s arrival, we were handed keys, fobs, alarm information, and directions to the Rolex vacation estate.

As we pulled up to the property, we were both speechless. The house stood alone on a peninsula, only feet from Lake Tahoe’s edge. The impressive stone and cedar mansion had a cottage look, disguising its vast, endless property. We walked in and took a quick tour. Each room was more spectacular than the last. Six bedrooms, six baths, a library, a sauna, and so much more. The view was the showstopper. It had its own pier, an infinity pool, a hot tub, a fire pit, and a private beach right on the water.

“What did you do to deserve this, Alex?”

His arms were made of steel as they wrapped around me from behind. Then he kissed my neck.

“Only my job, baby.”

I turned in his arms with an eyebrow raised, searching for answers.

“Yes, it’s true. There were some fancy events.”

I gently rested my forehead to his.

“It was all pretend, and she’s not interested in me.”

I huffed out a I-don’t-believe-that laugh, but he only tightened his grip

“Now, she would be interested in you, however, my beautiful girl.”


A sudden relief washed over me as I finally put my worries to rest.


I grinned and suddenly noticed a huge gift basket sitting on display on the entrance table. It was filled with wine, glasses, snacks, and a beautiful bouquet of flowers. I reached for the card and was taken by surprise when I saw it was addressed to me.

Alex shrugged, so I opened the card.



Thank you for lending me your boyfriend during this troublesome time. His friendship and support has assisted me through a very rough time. He’ll explain.

Please enjoy my home, and make it your own.



“I’m impressed.”

We continued through the house, determined not to miss a thing. The color schemes were soothing, primarily done in whites and tans throughout, with just a touch of rustic décor.

We reached the open glass walls and gazed out at the full moon glowing over the dark water. It left a streak of light glistening, ending at the shoreline. The serenity breathed new life into my soul.

“The night is so quiet.”

I found myself unable to focus on any specific thing, just this moment, this place, this man.

Alex turned me in his arms. I could tell by the look on his face that he was attempting to formulate just the right words. He waited for what felt like an eternity.

“I’ve never felt so close to anyone in my entire life. I am so deeply in love with you, Madison, and I want to tell you why.”

Then he placed his warm palm on my cheek, and the world fell away.

“My soul has been in a rage my entire life, always searching. I could never find peace. Any type of spiritual connection was just out of reach. It was as if there was a missing piece lost in me. Then I met you.” His other hand caressed my cheek, now cradled in his hands. “It’s never been about your beauty, but of course, I’m not blind.” He smiled. “It was as if you found what I was missing, and calmed the storm within.”

Swiftly he caught my lips in a bruising kiss.

I flicked open his buttons one by one. I wanted to please him, just as he’d pleased me. Every single word he’d spoken was laced with love. His tender, romantic side was exposed, and he trusted that I would protect it. Sliding his shirt over his shoulders, I watched as it fell to the floor. My hands began exploring his warm, muscular body.

He slid the lacy strap of my silk maxi dress down my shoulder, and followed each move with a kiss.

“I know where my future lies, Alex.”

His breath halted and left my bare shoulder cold and wanting.

“Where, Madison?”

His eyes had grown very dark.

“With you, in your arms, sharing our life as one.”

And those eyes that always seemed so focused, they simply melted. I couldn’t have looked away if my life depended on it. My remaining strap fell with one swift move, and my dress pooled at my feet, leaving me naked except for dove-gray lace panties.

I heard the sound of a zipper and his slacks falling as they were kicked away. His tight Calvins barely contained the beast roaring for release.

He reached his hand out, and I willingly took it. Then he dipped his toe into the pool.

“It’s very warm.”

He softly kissed me then, sliding my panties off, then his underwear. Pulling me into the oasis under the water, I found the temperature soothing, so warm and inviting. I watched him go under and rocket back up, a fountain of water shooting from his mouth aimed in my direction. Our heated moment was suddenly replaced with playful smiles.

We laughed at my lame attempt at retaliation, and he grabbed me around the waist, ready to throw me into the air.

“No, Alex!”

I was giggling as he stole the breath from me.

“I’m glad I caught you.”

I was trapped in his embrace, his wet lips reaching for mine in a hot kiss.

“Don’t you wish.”

I teasingly broke through his restraints, only reaching the stairs before he caught up with me. I turned. This had to be the moment. I needed him this way.

I decided to be bold, seductive, and everything for this man.

I sat on the first step, barely in the water, leaning my elbows on the concrete edge. Then I bravely spread my legs and watched his smile morph into raw desire. His chest was rising quickly with each labored breath.

“Wider, baby,” he panted out.

His hand was firmly stroking his cock under the water.

“That’s it, show me how sweet you are.”

A dull ache throbbed between my legs. To ease the burn, I start touching myself.

“Fuck,” he said.

He quickly moved toward his target.

“Allow me.”

Then he was on his knees, between my legs, worshiping my pussy with his mouth. His tongue wrapped around my clit in perfect rhythm. Watching this erotic act play out in front of me added another layer of sexual excitement—as if I needed it.

I looked up, thanking the heavens when I saw a thousand stars shining over us. I rocked back and forth, unashamed of my eagerness.

He moved with breathless urgency as he buried his tongue within my folds. His bold caresses tipped me over the edge.

“Alex, I’m so close! I love you.”

My climax came in waves, lasting longer as the aftershocks took on a life of their own.

“I think I just saw fireworks.”

I laughed mischievously.

“Now, that’s a good sign.”

“Let me help.”

I reach for him to help him stand, trailing a finger over his cock, which was standing proud in all its glory. I wrapped my fist around his base and start to move up and down.

He gripped the handrail until his knuckles turned white. My lips and tongue continued to move closer to his tip, swirling and sucking. I wanted it to be wild, dirty, and sexy. I wanted to be more for him, and prove my love physically. I unchained the wild and wet force of my sexuality as I let him in. As he throbbed deep in my throat, I sucked and swallowed him whole.

The way his gaze flew to mine fueled a desire in me only waiting to be ignited. I slowly released him and started moving in the rhythm I knew he needed. I knew the tension was building when he gripped my hair and wrapped the length around his fist. He was taking control, fucking my mouth. Taking him to the hilt, I knew he wouldn’t last much longer, and I was ready.

But then he pulled out with a slight cringe and the most sinful smile on his lips.

“See that lounger?” he pointed with a nod, his breath sporadic. “Lay on it.”

I was more turned on than I’d ever been with any other man. I ached for him.

“Go on.”

His breathy demand urged me on, so I reached for the inviting cushion and sank into comfort, ready, waiting, and exposed. I watched his approach. He was shackled with raging lust as he stood at the foot of the lounger.

His gaze racked over my nakedness.

“Dirty, you said?”

He climbed over my body, kissing, biting, and licking his way until he found himself beside me.

I cried out as his mouth captured my nipple. It peaked, as did the other, as his tongue latched on. I arched in pleasure.

Then his hand made a path down my belly, with a small detour around my belly button. Without warning, he shoved his finger inside of me, stretching my softness. Then he pulled out, and his thumb rubbed my clit and increased the pace, stimulating every erogenous zone in my body.

“If you come for me now, then I’ll fuck you hard, Madison.”

A moan of pure pleasure escaped me as he relentlessly thrust inside me. I came hard and easily under his experienced hands.

“That’s it, baby.”

He quickly maneuvered on top of me, nudging my legs further apart as he lifted them to rest on his forearms. His cock nudged my entrance while he supported his weight hovering over me. Our eyes met.

“I love you,” he said, his gaze running over our bodies. “But I have to fuck you hard right now.”

Then he drove his hard cock deep within my body, joining our heated flesh. Power radiated off of him as his body moved, pushed, and thrashed into mine, filling me up with each potent stroke. I didn’t think I had any more climaxes left to give, but he wanted my full surrender again, and his firm male hips knew what they were doing. I was amazed at my reaction to that deep primitive tug that signaled I had more to give, and I explode again, gripping Alex within my body as he loomed over me.

He withdrew and slid home again with great force. A primal roar escaped from his chest, my name on his lips.

“Fireworks?” I asked between breaths.

“Fireworks,” he answered.

I could feel his smile pressed against my breast, where he’d collapsed.




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