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Surviving the Storm (Surviving Series Book 2) by Virginia Wine (14)



I went directly to the SUV where one of Steel’s men was waiting. Then I opened the back door and got in. The driver only nodded once, I did the same. Then we took off. Destiny awaited us.

Leaving Madison had twisted my heart inside out, but I had to go. I had to take care of this and finish this once and for all. I could sort things out with Madison after it was done. I rubbed my face, holding in my rage. Why I had let him hold such power over me could only be explained by the hell I had gone through.

My right leg, now absent of the boot-support, cramped intensely, stiff and burning as I reached down to soothe the pain. I tried to stretched it out before we arrived. I would not show any sign of weakness once I got there.

We arrived twenty minutes later. The only light on was the door on the back side. Smart. I stayed close behind him as I followed the man, collecting every ounce of courage to calm the adrenaline pumping through my veins. I would show no fear.

I entered the cold, gray room. The concrete floor was damp. There was scarce light coming from the existing construction equipment used to surround the man tied to a brown metal chair. A ski cap was over his face. Darkness was growing in my gut.

Steel and his team were donned in head-to-toe camo, including the mask they each wore to conceal their identity. Their stance was intimidating as his men circled Graham fucking Carrington. All twelve stood with arms folded, fully armed, and completely silent.

As I approached, Steel pierced me with a look. Then he nodded, and with sudden clarity I knew he would not speak, nor his men. I was center stage, about to come face-to-face with my enemy. My stomach rolled, my palms were damp, but once I had my pound of flesh—my revenge—I would find peace again.

“Well. Well. What a surprise,” I started, and he stilled at the sound of my voice. He was squirming like an animal caught in a cage, but the ropes held tight. He was bound in many creative places. Steel was indeed an artist.

“Wh-what do you want?”

His suffering quite appealed to me. Seeing him in this vulnerable position, I was quite certain that Graham had many enemies. His mind was probably racing, trying to figure out which one had finally caught up to him. Every fiber in his being was suddenly aware of every sound or movement.

I slowly paced back and forth, my hands behind my back, knowing that he couldn’t see me. But his senses were on high alert once his sight was taken by the black cap covering his entire head. I knew he was aware of me, fearing what would come next.

I walked behind him, placing my hands on his shoulders, then I moved slowly up to his neck, gently applying pressure. I leaned over, close to his covered ear, and whispered, “There’s no escape.”

“Who are you? Why am I here?”

The panic was steadily rising in his voice. That’s what I had been waiting for.

“He doesn’t play nice with others, gentlemen,” I said, slowly sliding the knit cap off his head and throwing it on the floor.

His eyes darted around the room, disoriented. The brightness of the lights was blinding as I purposely walked in front of one. It left only a silhouette for Graham to see, but soon his eyes adjusted.

“I see the men were kind to you.”

Slowly he turned to look at me.

“Storm,” he acknowledged.

“You play a cruel game, Graham. Despicable, actually.”

I acted purely on instinct. The man I despised was here at my mercy. There was poetry in that knowledge.

“What do you want?” he asked again.

I ignored his question, making my way to the video recorder sitting on a tripod facing him.

“I hope you don’t mind,” I sarcastically asked, just as the red light started to flash. “Are you seeking absolution?”

Steel’s men had disappeared out of sight, but not before Graham had seen the intimidating team I had constructed to capture him. I was confident their presence was close by, however.

“For what?”

“See, there you go again, playing games.”

My voice was even, but the threat in it felt sharper than ever.

“There’s nothing to tie me to your accident,” Graham spit out, his rattled voice giving away his fear.

“Ah, but you’re wrong—again. My men found the driver of the black SUV, and he gave a full confession. We have him on tape, as well. We’re just trying to decide how it will serve our best interest.”

“You’re fucking with the wrong person, Storm.”

I watched him struggle helplessly against the ties that bound him.

“Am I?” I walked several steps closer to him. “So, I was just collateral damage, standing in the way of your true love with Madison?”

I laughed at this, but in reality, the mere thought almost brought me to my knees.

“You mean the whore who cheated on me? Her?”

His voice had taken on a new edge.

“Careful now, for your sake.” A growl escaped my chest, and suddenly we were nose to nose. “You wouldn’t want to provoke me by having to defend her honor, now would you?”

“Enjoy Tahoe?” Graham’s smirk was lethal. “Ah, young love.”

My patience was starting to slip.

I walked away from him with purpose and pressed the off button on the camera. Then I headed straight back to him. A tidal wave of emotions stormed through me as I took my fist and rammed it into his gut, causing him to grunt out a hardened gasp. Then I grabbed his hair and yanked it back hard. I was hovering over him in a full-blown rage.

“You think I won’t kill you?”

The spit from my words landed on his face, but his cold eyes were dead inside. I wanted blood—his blood.

Someone cleared their throat, Steel. So, I let go of him, reluctantly. I could see him letting his head drop in pain, in fear. I breathed deeply, controlling the beast within, and once again pressed the record button.

“Graham, there’s blood on your hands.” I didn’t have any problem using whatever means necessary. I wanted to crucify him, and I wouldn’t leave here today without his confession. “Admit it, Graham. We already have one witness, and let’s not forget the phone call to Madison.”

His eyes flew up to meet mine, and the coldness in his gaze chilled me.

“You remember, you told her I was missing before anyone else knew.” I felt his panic and waited for his wheels to spin. “We have it recorded, as well.”

“Interesting theory.”

Graham was stalling, and we both knew it. The sweat on his upper lip told me I was close.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Are you sure you want to stick with this lie?” I shook my head as I continued to pace. “Is the master manipulator suddenly at a loss for words?”

I circled his chair, slowly causing a slight panic in him when I stood directly behind him. His own imagination was doing the work for me.

“It wasn’t what I ordered!” he yelled.

Now he was hanging on by a thread.

“I swear, they were only supposed to scare you!”

His breathing was becoming erratic as he fought against the ropes, gaining nothing.

“Did you have us followed to Lake Tahoe, too?”

The bitter taste of betrayal in my mouth could only be satisfied but the admission of his guilt.

“Just followed.” He let out an awkward laugh. “Nothing illegal about that.”

His world was ending, and the life he had come so accustomed to would soon come to an end as well. He was a criminal, and I was repulsed by this weak man. The catalyst who had planned my destruction. Fortunately, I had been strong enough to survive, endure, and conquer.

“This is what’s going to happen.” I stood behind, him leaning over, letting my words have full effect. “You’re going to stay the fuck away from me, from Madison, and our entire family, or I will take this video and all the additional evidence we have to every media outlet, as well as the prosecutor and district attorney, and destroy you.”

His stillness confirmed that he knew that this was real.

“And as an added bonus, I will be sending a special gift-wrapped copy to your father. I think he’d appreciate that, don’t you, Graham?”

I needed to see this whole thing through. My sanity depended on it. My quest for revenge had to be satisfied, even if it was wrong on so many levels. This was a man who was a threat and a danger to society as a whole.

My fury eased as I stood there. I felt heard now, and justified, like a man. Maybe now my nightmares would finally cease.

It surprised me that I had been able to keep it together. Yes, the rage had taken me over, but considering my anger, he had got very lucky.

Steel suddenly stepped out of the darkness, awaiting further instructions.

“Drop him off at his father’s. And make sure you send him a copy.”

“Yes, sir.”




Freedom—I think that’s what I felt. Power once lost had been found again. The weight I had carried and even fought against, as if it owned me, that was gone now. The whole experience had made me stronger. I knew I had to face him and what he’d done. I had been living in so many dark corners, the light just out of reach. I felt as though I had finally stepped into the light.

I walked away from that room a changed man.

The same man drove me home as I sat in the back seat and contemplated the version of truth I would share with Madison. I wouldn’t hide what I’d done. The question was, how much was enough?

I accepted the fact that I was now a man filled with vengeance—justly so. One way or another, I’d had to release it. And I had taken a calculated risk that had paid off. I had refused to let the poisonous taste of revenge consume me.

The bitter taste of betrayal was nothing compared to the sweet taste of revenge.

As we pulled into my drive, I sat a moment too long. The man driving turned, studying me, and I took the hint and climbed out, ready to face Madison.

I stepped into the room, only to find her sitting in the dark, in the same outfit I had left her in. Her shoes were off, and she was sipping an amber liquid. Scotch? She was clearly upset.

I slowly approached her and joined her, leaving enough room for her to breathe.

Her familiar scent engulfed me as the thick silence hung in the air. I watched as she drained her glass and set it down with the utmost grace. Then she turned, watching me, her face intent.

I struggled to find my opening line.

“You left me. Why?”

She was trying to conceal her emotions, but I had no doubt that anger was at the top of her list.

“Yes, I’m sorry. I’ll explain everything.” Or almost. “I had to face the man who had taken something from me. This man who was the one responsible for stealing my peace of mind and my safety, because on some level, he owned me.”

She edged closer to me, but didn’t reach out.

“I felt powerless, until today—this very moment, actually.”

Remembering the intensity of the confrontation, I felt no guilt, and no shame. He’d had to pay for the price of his actions.

He’d got off easy, in my eyes.


I hated to hear his name on her lips.

“You confronted him?”

“Yes, I was taking back my power, as a victim, as a survivor, and as a man.”

I heard the edge in my voice. Would she understand?

“You’re no longer in his shadow?” she asked, her eyes softening, finding the compassion that was missing only moments ago.

“I wanted to lose myself. I was so scared, and unhinged. The wild mood swings, the nightmares that plagued me. I believed that by facing him and hearing his confession, it would release me from my chains. I believed that this was the path to finding myself again.”

“I know. I lived through it with you, remember?”

Her words cut me, even ifshe had no intension of inflicting pain.

“But it’s your story, too. He hurt you, too.”

I brushed a strand of hair off her face. Touching her still caused a low flame to spark. Now we were sitting side by side, revealing the truth. What I had done, why I had to do it. There was no guilt left in me. I enjoyed teaching the bastard a lesson.

“You have nothing to worry about, not anymore,” I said with confidence.

“It’s finally over?” she asked, her voice trembling.

“Yes, the worst is over now.”

Her eyes were pools of water. I wiped the single tear that slid down her face, her beautiful face. She wept, holding me tight, and it was the closest physical act we had shared since the accident. Maybe it was selfish, but I knew she needed me as much as I needed her. I met her gaze and held it.


Standing, I reached my hand out for hers. I held on as though she was my way back home. Starting tonight, I would make new memories in this room, erasing the harmful memories that had consumed me night after night. I was ready to find happiness again—with this woman.

I lead her to my bedroom. I ached to kiss her, to taste the fullness of her lips. Her sweet, come-hither grin beckoned me closer. I answered as my lips gently swept across hers, tasting the salt from her recent tears.

Her eyes slid shut. Trailing a finger over her collarbone, her warm skin was so inviting. I tucked another stand of hair behind her ear and whispered in her ear, low and raspy.

“After all we’ve been through, this still feels right.”

She nodded as her hands slid up my chest. My tie was loosened, and then she pulled it ever so slowly from my collar. Her delicate fingers flicked open the buttons from my shirt, one by one.

Then she slid the shirt off my shoulders, exposing the gauze like wrap surrounding my ribs.

“You’re still hurt.”

She took a step back, her heart-stopping tenderness and worry evident as she focused on the ace bandage.

I pulled her body into mine.

“The only pain I feel right now is my cock throbbing.”

I pressed her against my arousal as proof. Then I cupped her face between my hands. My eyes tracked back over to her mouth, and our lips collided. The kiss was hungry as I teased her lips apart, and she eagerly allowed me in. Tingles ricocheted through my body as our tongues dipped and swirled. I dragged my lips away for a much-needed breath to undress her. I needed to feel her nakedness against my own.

“Turn, baby.”

I forced her palms on the wall, my own holding them in place as my lips rained kisses along her sexy shoulder. All I could hear was her ragged breathing, and a silent plea to proceed. I unclasped the very top hook of her dress, and the zipper slid down her body. She turned and allowed the dress to fall. I hauled in a breath and tensed, finding her completely naked underneath. Her luscious body was completely exposed, and I slowly took in every gorgeous curve.

She reached for my belt and slid it slowly out of the loops, then quickly unfastened the top button of my pants. The growl of my zipper stretched to the brink, caging my cock behind its teeth. I quickly discarded any remnants of clothing as we strolled to the bed.

Each perfect inch of her body was a reminder that she was mine as she climbed on the bed, turning and awaiting my next move. I joined her, pressing her back against the bed as I laid on my side, admiring the view. I could have come just looking at her.

Fascinated by the soft roundness of her heavy breasts, I watched her pert nipples beckoning me for more. I promptly kneaded and sucked them into my mouth.

She was purring beneath my touch.

She trailed a hand over the ripples of my abs, gently avoiding my injuries. I trembled at the sensation, but she had always had this effect on me. Our lips came together once more as the fire burned within me, searing my control, urging me on.

Climbing down her body, I gently pulled her down so that her legs dangled over the side of the bed. Then I knelt between her thighs, nudging her legs further apart.

“Your pussy is glistening for me,” I said, the enticing image displayed for my eyes only. The aroma was all her own.

“God, Alex. I love it when you say things like that.”

Her eyes were locked on mine.

“Sit up, baby, and watch me.”

She lay with her weight on her elbows. The look on her face was sweet, but I knew she wanted it dirty.

I placed a breath on her sex a second before my tongue swept over her. Licking her in a fast-steady pace, I tormented the hidden morsel, sucking on her clit, then circling it. Her sighs and moans were growing heavier, her hips grinding against my face.

“That’s right, come for me,” I said.

Her hands were clutching the sheets, and her head fell back, followed by her cry of release.

I only slowed my pace after she fully rode her pleasure out.

As my cock begged for more, her eyes locked on mine.

“Kneel, Madison.”

Without a word, she went down on her knees, her hand wrapped around my engorged cock. The feathery strokes of her tongue licked the wetness, which was dripping with need.

I twisted her hair around my fist. I would be driving tonight.

Her mouth wrapped around my length as she continued to explore the texture of my cock.

My first stroke was cautious, and she had to have known what was coming. I dragged my cock out, watching its path, then surged back into her hot mouth.


It was the only warning I gave her as my cock found a pace of its own. I watched her face, her mouth filled with my cock, which was thrusting deep. Her hair dangled from my grip.

“Take me, Madison. Take all of me.”

As I climbed to the edge, I pushed and pulled out, watching the erotic scene beneath me. My self-control almost completely gone, I pulled out before I fell.

I lifted her and tossed her on the bed, and a small giggle escaped her. I kissed her hard, but what I really needed to do was fuck. Something inside of me broke. I wanted her like an animal. My knees wedged her thighs open, spreading them far apart. Her slick heat rubbed against my tip. Poised at her wet entrance, I thrust in hard as I gazed into her eyes.

“Don’t let me hurt you,” I said. I didn’t know if she could take what I wanted to give her—the driving force invading her body, stretching her softness.

In a fog of ecstasy, her hips rose to meet mine. We established a relentless rhythm, burying myself as deep and hard as I could inside of her. She moaned as I dipped to kiss her neck trailing down to kiss her tight peaks. Her long sexy legs wrapped tightly around me as she urged on each stroke.

I could feel the pleasure gathering in both of us. Her pleas and moans were growing, and her knees clamped my naked hips, taking me to the hilt.

“Fuck, woman.”

We were in perfect sync. My driving hips shifted, reaching her secret place as I heard the pleasure of her release once again. Every nerve ending fired at once as I fought to prolong the pleasure of my own climax as it surged through me like a freight train. I flooded her with my seed, lasting minute upon minute. Finally, our breathing leveled out.

I was still throbbing inside her.

The air in the room was thick with sex as I withdrew from her warm body, ungloved. Skin on skin, it had been a gamble I was willing to take. This wasn’t something casual. What we shared was what dreams were made of. I had a lifetime of promises I wanted to make with her.

“I love you, Alex.”

Her voice warm and sultry.

“I love you, too.”

I kissed the throbbing pulse at her neck. I knew it wasn’t sex that held us together.

It was love.

We fell asleep, our bodies tangled together as one.




I woke to her face on my chest, her hair splayed over my body. My morning wood was stabbing at her thigh. I wanted to make love to her all over again. As I reached between her legs, I found her wet. I placed her leg on my hip and shoved into her, savoring the moment she tilted her head and our eyes locked.

I took her swiftly. I needed only a taste of our physical connection again.

That was the blissful moment when I realized that I had no nightmares. It only proved to me that when I took back control, and the source was confronted and disabled, Graham alone had been the cause.

“I’m famished,” she said. She was tangled up in the sheets, trapped, attempting to straighten herself out.

“Now that you mention it, I smell bacon.” I got up, reaching for my robe. “I’ll be waiting for you, baby.”

“Wait, get back here!”

I turned around, smiling.

“Nice try, but you caused this mess!”

I held the sheet in one hand, and with one swift yank, it was on the floor.

“Nice.” Admiring her nakedness, I was hard again. “Sure you don’t want to?”

“Later. Food first.”

We made our way downstairs.

“Good morning, Mrs. Davis.”

Madison’s warm greeting caused our cook to turn around and smile.

“Good morning, you two lovebirds.”

Madison’s face suddenly turned a sweet shade of pink.

Not me, I was grinning. I reached over, stealing a piece of bacon, and Mrs. Davis practically shooed me away.

“Yes, ma’am.”

We enjoyed coffee at the island as she placed two plates full of pancakes and bacon in front of us.

“Thank you very much.”

“Alright, enjoy.”

And then she left us to eat our breakfast alone, but all I could think about was how much I wanted this life, this moment, with this particular woman. Not for just a week, or a month. I wanted years.

After we were finished eating, I loaded the dishes for Mrs. Davis and poured us each another cup of coffee.

“Join me?” I nodded to the back patio.

“Of course. I’ve enjoyed your patio on many occasions.”

She followed, but there was a pang of regret in me as I realized all the times I had missed with her, just like this. Then I instantly squashed those feelings down. We both chose recliners and studied the beauty of it all. The peace the outdoors brought, and the silence.

“I don’t want you to be sad when I go home, Alex.”

I suddenly didn’t know what to say, I hadn’t thought about the inevitable. I should have, but I had been too consumed in my dark moods.

“I like being here with you, Alex, but I live and work in Sacramento.”

The knot in my stomach expanded. I’d come to need her in my life, and I wasn’t prepared for her to leave me.

“I want a whole life with you Madison, and to share my world with you. You’re the only woman I’ve ever wanted like this.”

“I like that answer,” she said, the look in her wide blue eyes genuinely pleased.

“I don’t know how to live without you.”

But I knew the decision wasn’t mine to make. Maybe I was just too fucked-up. She had surely seen the worst of me, but in my mind, it was perfectly clear that she belonged here—with me. I realized that I had to act now—say the words, ask the question, do something.

“Alex, I knew this was a temporary thing, and that I’ve been here because you needed me. I wanted to be here, to help you through this, but you’re pretty much back to your old self now.”

Do something, I told myself in a panic.

“What are you really asking, Alex?”

Our bodies were like magnets, growing closer, facing each other now. The pull seemed inevitable.

“I meant what I said. Don’t go.” I understood suddenly what she needed to hear. “I want you to leave Sacramento, sell your place, and move in with me here. Permanently. Our future is limitless, and we’re in love, but we can’t do this long distance. We’re in too deep.”

I watched her study me as I pulled her into my arms. She dissolved in my warm embrace, and my heart raced. I was finally ready to take this to the next step—possibly further.

“Can I think about it?” she asked.


“Of course.”




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