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Swear to Me: A Second Chance Mountain Man Romance (Clarke Brothers Series Book 2) by Lilian Monroe (58)

Chapter 14 - Clay





It’s finally Friday.  The intercom in my apartment buzzes and Dave’s voice comes through the speaker

“You ready to party?!?!”  

I chuckle.

“Come up.”

I buzz him up and turn to the mirror by the front door to touch up my hair.  Messy in the best kind of way.  I’m wearing my best tight white t-shirt and a pair of dark jeans.  It’s casual but put together, just the way I like to be when I’m not in the office.

Dave bursts through the door with a bottle of whiskey in one hand and a bottle of vodka in the other.

“I haven’t seen you in weeks!!! We’re going hard tonight, Clay!”  He brushes past me and drops the bottles onto the kitchen counter, heading straight for the glasses and ice.  Dave’s the kind of guy who feels at home wherever he goes.

We’ve known each other since college, and he hasn’t changed a bit.  He’s always been a party animal, but somehow keeps his life together through medical school and has been very successful at his plastic surgery practice.  He breezed through his residency and is making a mint now.  Somehow things always seem to go right for him, he has a natural charisma that people are drawn to.  I smile as I watch him pour us drinks.  This is just the distraction I need.

“So what’s been happening Clay?  Rough week?”

“Yeah, busy mostly.”  I run my fingers through my hair and rub the back of my neck before he hands me a drink.  I take a sip and the liquid burns as it travels down my throat. I like the feeling though, it’s pain and pleasure in a glass.

“Come on, man, you’re always busy.  Something’s bothering you I can tell.”

He knows me too well.  I grin at him.

“It’s a girl, isn’t it.  Didn’t I tell you they were always trouble?”

“Nah, it’s not like that.  I mean, yeah, it’s a girl, but I dunno, I can’t make any sense of it.  I don’t even know her, she just came into work last week and I can’t get her out of my head.”

He’s staring at me as he sips his drink.

“Did you fuck her?” He asks bluntly.

“What? No! She was a patient. I didn’t even… I was professional. But Dave, you should have seen her. She’s blonde with these legs, and her ass - “

“She got under your skin, man.  It happens,” he interrupts. “Here’s what we’re going to do.  We’re going to down a couple of these drinks and then we’re going to go to The Rouge and find you a hot little piece of ass and you can forget about this chick and how twisted she’s got you.  Yeah?”

I laugh and raise my glass.

“Cheers to that.”

Dave swallows his drink in one go.  As the liquor enters my mouth I can’t help but feel less than enthusiastic about our plans.  The thoughts of getting drunk and rubbing up against New York’s hottest singles just doesn’t seem so appealing tonight.  

But.. this is what I do!  I pick up women and I fuck them and then I never call them again.  There’s a reason for that, and the reason is that I’m moving and I’m going to be the best cardiologist in the country, and nothing can get in the way of that.  

I absolutely do not obsess over a woman I’ve met once in a professional setting.  We didn’t even flirt!  Unless you count one glance.  Even the thought of that glance and her open mouth makes my cock twinge and I tip back my glass, downing the rest of the drink.  I need to get her out of my head.

“Fuck yeah!” Dave shouts and then pours us another drink.

By the time we get to the club I’m definitely drunk.  The taxi pulls up outside and we greet the bouncer with knowing nods.  I look down the lineup at the door, glancing at the women waiting to get in.  They’re all dressed in short, tight clothing and they all look good, objectively speaking.  My eyes glance from one to the other.  I’m looking for her, I know I am.  What the fuck is wrong with me!  

“I need a drink,” I shout to Dave over the music as we walk in the door.  

A wall of pounding music hits me and Dave looks back with a grin on his face.  He points to the bar and we make our way to it.  He orders us a couple of drinks and we turn around to case the room.  

There’s nothing less appealing than being in a loud club, surrounded by drunk people and flashing lights when you’d rather be with one person in particular.  

I need to stop thinking like this.  I turn around and ask the bartender for two shots.  Hangover tomorrow or not, I’m not going to think about her tonight.

Dave slides over to two girls standing next to us at the bar.  I hear him use his usual pick up lines and the girls respond, giggling.  The redhead is giving me the eye, but I turn my back and order another drink.  She’s not my type anyway.  

Dave looks over at me and frowns.  He nods his head towards the girls and I know I’m messing up his pickup.  I order another couple shots.

The night turns into a blur. I’m turning down girls that approach me until none of them even look at me.  Dave has distanced himself, using my animosity to his advantage to make himself look like the Good Guy.  

I don’t give a shit.  

I’m drunk and I don’t care about any of these chicks.  I’m not having fun.  This was a bad idea.  I need to go home.