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Taste the Dark (Elwood Legacy Book 1) by Nicola Rose (18)


“I take it you had a fight?” Anna asked, once I’d stopped pacing and cursing, and sat myself down opposite her and Danny. William sat to my side; imposing, filling out twice the space of a normal man, and sitting a little too close for my liking. Evidently he was now classed as her boyfriend.

I hesitated, acknowledging Danny for the first time since arriving. Was it too awkward to start talking about this in front of the guy I once bedded, who was now my boss?

“Chief,” I nodded.

“Danny,” he said, scrunching his face. “We’re not on duty, relax.”

“Well?” Anna asked.

“He expects me to move motel because he snapped his fingers. Oh, and he got my bike stolen,” I huffed.

“For real?” she laughed as if I’d told a joke, until she caught sight of my face. “Back up, lady. What’s going on?”

“Did you know there are gangs on the island? Apparently he’s in one, and has a big feud with another.”

“I wouldn’t have thought to call them gangs, but I guess a bunch of scary guys always hanging out together would constitute it. He must mean his brother’s crowd. I told you they didn’t get on,” Anna said.

“There’s squabbling brothers not getting along, and then there’s full-scale gang warfare which is what he’s implying,” I replied, casting furtive glances between Danny and William, who were staring at each other.

“So, you’re splitting up with him?” Anna sounded hopeful, darting a glance of her own at Danny, which got my back up even more.

“No!” Just the sound of it made me feel sick. “Look, I know you both don’t like him and this is giving you more ammunition for it, but I love… being with him. I can’t help it.”

They looked at me like I was crazy. I fidgeted in my seat, feeling my anxiety levels rise. My hands were fluttering around and I knew my voice was too high.

“I’m worried, Jess. I feel like your mother, like I have a responsibility to hold you back and sort you out. Have you been taking your meds?”

What the fuck, Anna?! In front of Danny?!

His eyes widened.

“No, because I’m not bipolar. I don’t need them,” I hissed in reply.

“Doctors don’t just hand out a diagnosis like that for nothing,” she said.

“They don’t? Could have fooled me. I’ve had just about every label on the planet over the years. I’m done listening to them. I’ll find what I need by myself.”

“Not by yourself. Together,” she reached out to touch my arm. “I’m always here for you, Jess.”

I smiled weakly in response.

Danny cleared his throat. “Jess, if this is a thing, I need to know about it.”

“It’s not a thing,” I trilled, a little too quickly. “It’s fine, I’m just… quirky. Jesus, Anna, have you never heard of a time and a place?”

“Shit, I’m sorry.” She bit her bottom lip, her dimpled cheeks flushing.

“You don’t need to worry, I’m fine. I mean, I will be fine,” I said to both of them.

Who was I trying to kid? Of course I wasn’t fine. I was in a whole heap of messed-up shit and veering off down another uncertain road.

“I know you will. You always are. You got through the shit with your parents. You somehow survived all the crazy stuff you got into at college and you came out the other side of the cage fighter boyfriend and drugs episode. I’m sure you’ll handle whatever this is,” Anna nodded.

I glared at her even harder until she squirmed and blushed more. Danny’s brow furrowed in surprise and he opened his mouth to say something, but changed his mind.

“So, William,” I said, all sing-song, with another flutter of my hands. God damn, I was definitely on the anxious hyper before the comedown. “What happened to your eye?” I turned to face him, eager to deflect the attention from myself. He was dressed like the first time I saw him, entirely in black, with a gory band t-shirt that looked like death metal. Now he had a whopper of a black eye to match.

“Had a run in with your island mafia,” he smiled. “Maybe they didn’t like my beard. I’m not pretty-boy enough. Or maybe I was expected to bow down and take their pay-offs like everyone else.”

He switched his attention back to Danny, pressing his hands into the table. I eyed the chunky silver rings that covered every finger on his right hand, gothic skulls adorning each one. Further skulls dangled from chains and leather straps around his wrists and neck, along with a myriad of other niceties – daggers, zombies, pentagrams, wolves.

“Are you suggesting something?” Danny asked.

“You never told me it was them! You just said it was some loser,” Anna spoke, at exactly the same time as Danny.

“It was just a loser,” William replied to Anna, then, to Danny, “Not at all. You’re above all that, I’m sure?”

Danny grunted.

“Zac did this?” I suddenly caught up with the island mafia comment.

“No, I was on the South. One of the others,” William said.

Anna started staring at me like it was all my fault her boyfriend was beat up. Meanwhile, William glared at Danny like it was his fault. I chose to side with William and joined in eyeballing my boss, seeing as he’d clearly informed me that nothing would happen to Alex after the fire. How had he known that? Why would he know that?

It should have been big news. A disaster like that with so much loss of life would always be in the headlines, but there was nothing. No reporters snooping around, nothing on the internet, nothing on the news channels. No grieving relatives had arrived to wander around the island in confusion. It was simply as if it never happened. Just like he said.

“Talking of being paid off,” I said. “What has happened to Alex since the missing girl and the fire?”

It was all too convenient. Was he burning the evidence? I’d be willing to bet that some of those bodies would turn out to be other missing people.

“Talking of shrinks and meds,” Danny rebuffed, “Have you seen the department counsellor about that fire yet?”

I clutched the table, sound and smell flooding back to me.

You fucker, Danny.

I let my head drop into my hands, their concerned voices becoming nothing but muffled sounds as ringing formed in my ears.

Before I could compose myself, a loud roar pierced through the ringing and screams that were burning through my mind – a roar that went right through my stomach and re-booted me with an adrenaline kick. The sound of a meaty bike arriving at the parking lot. I took a deep breath and shoved away the anxiety.

“Well, this has been interesting. I have to go, Anna. Catch you later,” William stood up and brusquely kissed her, before hurrying off, barely giving me or Danny a glance.

“What’s got into him?” I asked, like I hadn’t been the cause of the awkwardness.

Anna shrugged. “You’re not the only one with a complicated man. I haven’t worked him out yet.”

“Isn’t he a little… Goth, for you?”

Danny snickered and she kicked him under the table.

“You’re not one to comment on man choice right now. Anyway, he’s not that Goth,” she said, chewing her cheeks.

“He wears guy-liner.” I raised my eyebrows.

“Ah, yes, but he offsets it with that big, manly beard. You don’t think he’s attractive?”

“I didn’t say that. He’s smoking… if you’re into gruff, gothic-lumberjack types.”

I grinned at her.

Her lips twitched and a part of the tension floated away.

“You’re the one always telling me to try new things,” she countered.

Further rumbling engines arrived at the lot. I caught myself from turning to see. If it was Zac he could go right to hell. There was no chance that I was ready to even look at him yet, let alone speak.

The noise ceased as the ignitions cut out.

I tried counting.

Nope. I couldn’t stop myself from looking any longer. At least if I knew it was him then I could make my excuses and leave too, before he came over and made this uncomfortable evening even worse.

“Son of a motherfucking whore,” I yelled so loud that Anna jumped and knocked her drink everywhere. “That’s my damned bike!”

* * *

Running in sand is hard, especially when you’re so enraged. The short journey seemed to last a lifetime. Danny and Anna were hot on my heels, yelling at me to slow down. The whole while he sat there astride my baby like he owned it. Resting his hands on his thighs, watching me approach with a massive, amused grin on his face.

When I finally hit the asphalt my feet felt cumbersome after being released from the sand. I flew towards him, stumbling, and slammed my fist right into Alex’s smug face. A flash of anger passed through his eyes, but he never let the smile drop. In fact, the grin widened as he rubbed his jaw and nodded. I yanked uselessly at his shirt.

“You done yet?” he asked.

“Not until you get the hell off my bike.”

He laughed and cocked his head. “You seem to be mistaken, darlin’. This mighty fine monster-machine is all mine.” He stroked the gleaming red tank, inked biceps bulging out from his t-shirt.

I tried to continue my assault, but Anna and Danny pulled me back.

“I’m calling the police,” I yelled.

“Let me know how well that goes for you,” he sneered in reply.

“You think you’re clever? You’re pathetic. I’ve dealt with scary bullies before and you don’t even register on the scale. No doubt you’re overcompensating for a serious lack of manhood.”

His eyebrows rose so high in amusement they nearly left his face. “That sexy big mouth of yours is gonna get you into trouble if you keep talking like that. Do you want me to show you my lack of manhood?” Alex cocked his head whilst rubbing his dick. “I bet you give exceptional head, just look at those wicked, juicy lips.”

I dragged my gaze away from the straining fabric at the crotch of his jeans, and found the most piercing blue eyes, more turquoise, like opals. They shimmered with rainbow specks, glittering like a galaxy in the abyss of space. There was magnetism in those eyes, pulling me towards him.

“Jess, we need to go.” Danny tightened his grip on me.

“Don’t be a cockblock, Chief. She’s coming round to me. I’ll take you for a ride on this beauty if you love it so much?” Alex held out his hand, signalling for me to hop on the back. Rage beyond any level I’ve encountered slammed against my heart. My hands started shaking. My ears thrummed. And yet, my legs began moving towards him. The idea suddenly seemed like it was a great one.

“Back off,” Danny said, stepping forward.

“I don’t think so,” Alex smiled, taking his sights off me for the first time. I shook my head and stumbled back, confused about why I’d been about to take his hand.

Alex observed Danny and suddenly those eyes had a different look in them. Something animal and alpha. He’d been challenged and his whole body radiated the mistake that had been made. He eyed Danny like pitiful prey.

Alex motioned to the side and from behind him a guy stepped off his bike and grabbed Danny, holding him locked with his arms pinned behind his back. I don’t think Danny had realised what was coming, he just stood there and then looked surprised when he found himself captive.

“Never look at me with those defiant eyes again,” Alex growled. “Get on your knees.”

Danny spat out a laugh and tried to square his shoulders up, fighting against the hold on him. Alex looked delighted. His face lit up brighter, the deadly smile widening. He slowly swung his leg over the bike and stood before Danny. The man let go of his arm and Danny swung straight for Alex.

I yelled at him not to. He missed and tried again. This time Anna yelled too. Alex toyed with him, shrugging off the attacks with ease. Danny is a big guy, he’s muscled and fit, but after a third failed attempt Alex stopped playing and knocked him to the ground with one swift uppercut.

Danny stumbled to his feet and Alex immediately grabbed his hair, slamming his face into a raised knee. He released him and watched for a moment, waiting while Danny staggered on the spot, his head clearly spinning.

“You look like you need to sit down, let me help you.” Alex landed a boot square in Danny’s chest with such force that it knocked all the air from him. He dropped to the ground, coughing and wheezing, clutching himself doubled over.

“Stay down if you want to live,” Alex loomed over him like the alpha animal amongst his pride of lessers. Like he was marking territory that wasn’t his to mark.

“Enough!” I got myself between them before Danny could get up. Alex reached out a finger to run along my jaw. There was still a dangerous anger on his face, but it was different when focussed on me.

“I’ll be seeing you again soon, darlin’,” he smiled. His fingers stilled, clutching my chin firmly and making my lips pout. “You might want to help your boss work on his respect issues, he seems to have forgotten. Tell me, do all men lose their minds around you?”

I stared back at him, my chin hurting from his hold. I felt motionless, trapped under his eyes and his touch. As if reading that, he released me and I stepped back.

“Your defiance I can tolerate because it makes my dick hard, but anyone else?” He shook his head and moved back to my bike, whistling as he went.

“Go to hell, shithead.” I gave him the middle finger as he gunned the engine on my baby and sped away.

* * *

I was so shaken and angry by the encounter that I behaved like a total bitch and immediately abandoned Danny and Anna to deal with their own anger alone. They had too many questions and words of advice and wisdom — I just couldn’t deal with all that. I didn’t need to hear any more about what bad news the Elwoods were, or about how I needed to sort myself out. I could figure that out for myself. After huffing around my motel room for hours, I finally fell into a fitful sleep.

* * *

The door bursts open and I sit bolt upright, clutching at the sheets to cover myself. He stands in the doorway, watching as I fumble around – unsure whether it’s more important to protect my modesty, since I’m mostly naked, or to grab my phone and call… who? Anna? The police? Find a weapon?

He smiles in amusement, his dark, floppy hair hanging slightly over one eye. A thin scar runs along his cheek and a gun dangles lazily in his hand.

“None of those things,” he says, lifting the handgun and gesturing. “Stand up.”

My ass is firmly rooted to the bed.

“Now!” he barks, taking two steps forward.

The blue in his eyes seems to shift colour as they bear down angrily upon me. I leap to my feet and he casually approaches, whistling a soft melody.

“Better,” he says gently. Bringing the gun up to my temple, he traces it down my cheek, along my lips.

“Take off your panties, then my shirt,” he commands.

I falter only for a second before following his orders. He’s massive. All hard edges and firm muscles, inked along his arms and the top of his chest, joining up in one large tattoo. Black tribal designs, swirling and enveloping his taut body. The angular lines, the blackness of them against his pale skin – it draws me in, making me want to lick them.

“Go ahead.”

I regard him in confusion and he nods down to his broad chest. I carefully inch forward and plant a kiss right in the centre of his pecs, on the top edge of a tattoo. He sucks in a sharp breath as I trace my tongue along one of the black lines, all the way across, pausing momentarily to flick over a pierced nipple.

Grabbing my hair, he shoves me downwards. With his other hand he unbuttons his Wranglers and lets them fall. He isn’t wearing any boxers. His huge, hard cock springs out right into my face.

I try to pull back, but he tightens his grip and presses the gun barrel under my chin. “Open.”

I do as instructed and he slowly inserts the head of his cock into my mouth. My tongue instinctively darts forward to glide along the tip. He groans and pushes hard, right the way into my throat, thrusting in and out, holding my head in place. When I can’t breathe any longer he pulls out and leaves me sagging on the floor, gasping for air.

“Get up.” His voice deep and steady.

Wetness forms between my thighs. He pushes me face first into a wall, grabbing my hands and pinning them into the small of my back with just one of his. The back of my head is pressed forward, my cheek grinding into the plaster.

He speaks firmly into my ear, using his foot to spread my legs open. “Who is your master?”

I try to shake my head and I’m met with solid muscle, pinning me tight.

“Who?” he demands.

“You,” I say hoarsely, knees weak. My sweaty palms slip on the wall, trembling with anticipation.

“Say my name.”


“Don’t ever forget that.”

Fingers brush along my wetness as he speaks. His other hand roams roughly up my body, grabbing hold of my tits and squeezing them one at a time. Then he spins me around so vigorously that the room wobbles, and throws me onto the bed.

Kneeling over me, he puts the gun against my nipple and it hardens instantly against the cold steel. I shudder as he circles it round the stiff peak, alternating between hard metal and the softness of his tongue.

I reach down to grab his hair, to run my hands through it, but he shrugs me off. Moving down the bed, he drags the gun along my stomach, right down in between my legs. He rubs it into my clit before taking the barrel and holding it to my opening.

I gasp and groan out for him to stop, but he’s already pushing it up inside me. Little by little it roams deeper into me. I’m so turned on it slides in with ease, but it’s too solid, too hard. He draws in and out slowly as I wriggle and writhe in pain and pleasure.

“Alex!” I scream when I can’t take any more.

He crawls back over me, pressing the gun to my parted lips. “Lick it. Taste yourself.”

I lick until he makes me stop, warm and sticky on my tongue, my eyes burning into his. He watches me with fascination.

“You’re not such a bad girl after all, darlin’. Turns out you’re a very good girl. Keep doing as you’re told and you and me will be just fine. Now on your knees.”

I eagerly position myself on all fours when suddenly a bright light fills the room…

* * *

I strained to see, looking around in panic, unable to comprehend where he’d gone. After blinking a few times it began to make sense. I was still in my motel room, wearing only my undies. No one was here.

The dream left me so horny that it took only a moment to finish myself off with my fingers. Despite being well and truly awake now, it felt so real. More like a delicious memory than a dream. Like his presence was here, permeating the air around me. I could still smell him, weirdly metallic, with a sporty bodywash fragrance.

It made a refreshing change to wake from a dream bathed in pleasure, rather than screaming out from the horrors of burning bodies. I lay there for some time, reliving the fantasy, savouring every erotic detail. I tried so hard to replace Alex with Zac, to relive the exact same encounter but with Zac as the starring role.

No matter how hard I tried it just wouldn’t come together like that. No sooner had I got Zac in my mind than he’d gone again and it was Alex’s smouldering gaze tearing through me.

Eventually I got it worked out by giving Zac a cameo, having him burst into the room and joining in the fun, the two of them taking me at the same time.