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The Bidding War (69th St. Bad Boys Book 2) by Chance Carter (7)

Chapter 7


“We can’t go down there,” I say to Kelsey, struggling to maintain my balance in these six inch heels she lent me. “It says it’s a private club.”

“Nonsense,” Kelsey slurs, the three glasses of wine we had at the last place showing their effect. “I promised you a fun night and I intend to deliver.”

I can’t believe where we are. I called Kelsey earlier in tears. I just couldn’t handle the morning I’d had. First my grandfather’s bad news, then losing my job, it was too much. If you add in the groping from Jimmy and it really was a hellish day in every single way.

Kelsey insisted I let her take me out. She even insisted we head here, to the financial district, in the hopes of finding a perfect, wealthy hotty who’d take care of all our money woes. She was only kidding of course, but the idea of a sugar daddy sure sounded good when I thought about all the things I was stressed out about.

We stumble to the door and the bouncer tries to get in our way. He’s too polite and Kelsey walks past him and down some steps. I follow and before we know it, we’re in the fanciest, most exclusive looking bar either of us has ever seen, and the bouncer, following us, is awkwardly trying to get us to leave. Luckily, this complete hunk steps up, offers to pay for our drinks, and gets us a free pass.

I look at him as he talks to the bouncer and feel my heart thumping in my chest. I’ve never seen a man so confident, so sure of himself. He’s older than me and Kelsey by about twenty years but he’s hot as hell. Definitely hot enough to fall for. He’s got perfect stubble, a muscular body, dark hair and eyes, and he’s tall. His suit look like something out of GQ magazine, tailor made and hugging his muscles so perfectly it almost begs you to picture him naked.

I can’t believe how Kelsey and I are behaving but before we know it, we’re in the bar, sitting at our very own table, getting the best service of our lives. And all paid for by Mister GQ who’s at the bar, sipping scotch and chatting to some woman I’m virtually certain is a call girl.

“You think that woman’s a pro?” I whisper to Kelsey.

She almost sprays her champagne all over me before getting her laughter under control.

“Keep your voice down. She’ll hear you.”

I look around the bar. The place looks like something out of a movie. It’s exactly what you’d picture if someone said they were in an exclusive private club around the corner from the New York stock exchange. It’s like one of those bars Don Draper from Madmen hangs out in, but with less customers. In fact, apart from the bartender, the bouncer, the band, us and Mister GQ and his date, the place is completely empty.

It is pretty late though. Far too late for Kelsey and I, but I just lost my job and she works as a nanny for a family who’s currently away on vacation, so we don’t have to be anywhere tomorrow.

“We’re going to be so hung over tomorrow,” I say as the bartender brings us another round of expensive drinks, served in crystal glasses on a silver tray.

“Who cares?” Kelsey says. “You just found out your grandfather’s dying, and I’m still getting over my latest break up.”

I pick up my glass and take a long sip.

“I just wish I could pay for his surgery,” I say. “It’s not fair that someone’s life and death can be decided by whether or not they can afford the best treatment. I mean, what century are we living in?”

“You should tell him to move to Canada,” Kelsey says, almost knocking over her glass. “They have socialism there.”

I burst out laughing. Nothing about the conversation is funny, but I know if I don’t laugh, I’ll cry, and after spending most of the day in tears, I choose laughter.

“No they don’t. They have free healthcare. There’s a difference.”

“Whatever. I failed civics.”

I laugh again. Kelsey’s a smart girl but she sure does like to pretend otherwise.

“Anyway,” she says, “I think you’re right about that woman. Look at the way she’s coming on to him.”

“What do you think her dress and jewelry are worth?”

Kelsey looks at her. “I’d say she’s probably wearing more money right now than you and I have spent on clothing in our entire lives combined.”

I look at the woman’s dress, her shoes, the purse, and that diamond necklace, and nod my head. It’s true. That woman’s purse alone could probably pay for my grandfather’s surgery. It sure is a crazy world.

“Maybe we should be call girls,” I say, joking.

Kelsey laughs out loud and leans in to whisper in my ear.

“If I was getting paid to fuck men like that guy, I’d do it for a discount.”

“Oh, I’d be like, you don’t have to pay me, sir. Just put a ring on my finger and you can have as much of this for free as you want!”

“We’d be the worst call girls in history,” Kelsey says. “The trick is, you’ve got to treat it like a business. You can’t let emotions get involved. You charge the man, no matter how hot he is. In fact, the hotter he is, the more you charge!”

“That’s why I couldn’t do it,” I say. “If I wasn’t attracted to a guy, and if I didn’t have a connection with him, an emotional connection, I don’t think any amount of money would be enough to make me sleep with him. And if I did have feelings for him, I don’t think I could charge him a penny.”

Kelsey pulls me close again, she really is getting quite drunk.

“You could leave a jar by the side of the bed that says, Tips Welcome.”

I laugh. “I could tattoo, By Donation, above my pussy.”

Kelsey almost knocks me off my seat she’s laughing so hard. We’re misbehaving but we fought to get into this bar, we had a hell of a day, and I say to hell with it. If they want to kick us out, let them. We have Mister GQ on our side after all.

“What’s that about your pussy?” a deep voice says suddenly.

I feel all the blood in my body rush to my face. I’m instantly blushing so hard I’m sure it shows, even in the darkness of the bar. I don’t need to turn around to know who it is.

Sure enough, Mister GQ is standing there, a fancy glass in his hand, and a smirk on his face that says he’s used to picking up girls like us all the time. He’s so confident it makes me swoon.

I swear, even though I’m still a virgin, a man like him sure could tempt me to be a naughty girl.

“Oh,” I stammer, “I was just saying …”.

“She was just saying she’d never say no to a gentleman who knew how to treat her right,” Kelsey butts in.

I hit her on the arm, hard, but Mister GQ just smiles.

God, is he sexy. He’s like a sculpture. I wonder what it would be like to lose my V-card to a man like him. He’s the kind of guy you can tell is experienced just by the way he walks. I bet he could take me to heaven and back in a heartbeat. I imagine what his cock is like. Even though I have nothing to compare it to, I know his would be perfect. Just the type of cock a lucky girl should be taking on for her first try.

Kelsey hits me on the arm.

“Cherri, are you going to answer him?”

“Oh,” I stammer. “What?”

I was so lost in thought I didn’t hear a word of what he said.

GQ looks down at me and gives me the most alluring smile I’ve ever seen. He’s literally drinking me up with his eyes.

“I was just saying, you two look like you’re new around here.”

“Well, we don’t make a habit of hanging out in private clubs in this neighborhood,” I say.

Why can I never think of smart things to say when I’m talking to a man? It’s been the bane of my existence ever since high school.

“Well, you sure do fit right in.”

My heart is pounding in my chest. I know exactly what he means. He’s coming on to us. He’s flirting with us. This rich, seductive, muscular specimen is hitting on me and Kelsey, the two most clueless girls in all of Manhattan.

“What would you say to coming back to my place?” he says.

I’m stunned. My mind goes completely blank. I’ve lost the power of speech.

“Uh uh,” Kelsey says, coming to my rescue. “Hands off, mister. This girl’s far too innocent to be going anywhere with the likes of you.”

“I meant both of you,” he says.

“Oh, we know exactly what you meant,” Kelsey says.

“Kelsey!” I say in protest, but it’s too late. The damage has been done.

“You’re not losing it to this player,” she says.

I can’t believe she just said that aloud, right in front of a man! I’ve never been so mortified in my entire life. My eyes catch Mr. GQ’s, I don’t even know his name, and I feel my cheeks flush with embarrassment.

“First time?” he says.

He’s surprised. I bet it’s the first time a virgin’s ever been in one of his clubs, if the last woman is anything to go by.

“Come on, Cherri,” Kelsey says, rising to her feet. “It’s time we got you home before you get yourself in trouble. Sir, thank you for the drinks.”

“Any time,” he says smoothly as we brush by him.

From the door I glance back. He’s staring right at me and I’m tempted to let go of Kelsey’s hand and run back to him, but Kelsey gives me a tug and I follow obediently.