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The Bidding War (69th St. Bad Boys Book 2) by Chance Carter (9)

Chapter 9


“Jeb,” I call from my desk, “how are we fixed for the auction?”

“It’s closing at three, sir.”

“And we’re the highest bidder?”

“Currently, yes.”

“And what time is Wes’s Child Protection hearing?”

“It’s at two, sir.”

I nod in approval.

“Any news from the CPS woman?”

“Everything went off without a hitch, sir. Brady’s at school and the hearing’s this afternoon. Wes will be attend the hearing and have custody back before the kid even knows anything happened. We made sure to get him an immediate hearing.”

“Good. I don’t want them to actually take the kid away from him. I just want him out of action while I win this auction.”

“Yes, sir. They say the CPS hearing will take over an hour. The judge shouldn’t give him too hard of a time. I mean, assuming he really is as good a father as everyone says he is.”

“He is,” I say firmly.

Despite myself, I feel my heart pounding in my chest. This is by far the worst thing I’ve ever done to a rival to win a bidding war. I’ve made my share of ruthless business moves, but attacking a man’s family, attacking his kid, it’s unprecedented.

But I can’t help myself. I want to win. I want to win so bad it hurts. Winning is a disease for me. I’ve never been able to take second place, and I’ve never been able to share. Not since I was a little kid. Wes becoming a billionaire first permanently scarred me.

I lean back in my seat and look at my watch. There’s still a few hours before the bidding deadline.

I look at my computer and open the web browser.

What to search?

I’ve been horny ever since that encounter at the bar last night, but I haven’t had time to take care of myself. I’ve barely had a free moment all day. I feel my cock stiffen in my pants uncomfortably and consider taking a shower. I have a shower room off my office and there’s nothing like stepping inside and giving myself a good jerk.

If I didn’t have the Dairy Technics deal to consider, I’d clock off early and go back to the bar. There’s always some jaded hooker hanging around down there who’d gladly suck me off for a few hundred bucks.

But honestly, I’m so sick of those women. They treat sex like a business and take all the fun out of it.

I want a girl who’s actually excited to be with me. I mean, I’m a hot guy. I’m impressive. I should be able to make a girl’s head spin from time to time.

What did that girl say last night?

That her friend wasn’t losing it to a player like me?

Could she really have been a virgin? Fuck me but that thought is hot.

And what the hell was a virgin doing in a place like that?

What would that be like? In all my years, all the women I’ve fucked, I’ve never actually fucked a virgin.

I was an early starter but the girl’s I grew up around weren’t exactly innocent. They’d all been with a lot of guys and I just got used to sleeping with women like that. I’ve never even considered the possibility of sleeping with a virgin.

Not until last night when I saw that girl.

You’re not losing it to this player.

That’s what her friend said. My cock gets hard just thinking about it.

After all the jaded, promiscuous, over-experienced professionals I’ve slept with, fucking a genuine virgin would be life changing. Imagine her reaction when she sees my cock for the first time. Imagine the sound she’d make when I slide inside her. Imagine what she’d do when I take her over the edge, and while all that pleasure is driving her insane, she feels my cock exploding it’s cum deep inside her.

Fuck. I want it. I want a virgin.

I type “Where to meet virgins,” into google and glance over the results.

There’s the usual list of dating sites that show up but there’s no way you’d be able to ask girls on a dating site if they were virgins. There’s no way I’d ever know what I was getting until it was too late. And besides, I run a huge corporation, I don’t have time for dating.

There’s also a huge list of porn sites with links to videos purporting to be of virgins but I’m pretty fucking skeptical of any porno that claims the girl is a virgin. I mean, come on. Plus, I don’t want to watch a virgin have sex, I want to fuck her myself.

I scroll through the porn and the dating sites and one listing jumps out at me.

“Prestige Virginity Auctions.”

What’s this?

I click on the link and the site asks me to enter my credit card details just so they can verify my identity. Do I want them to verify my identity? There’s also a $1,000 vetting fee. Just so I can view their site?

Who are these guys? Are they for real?

Is there really such a thing as a Virginity Auction?

I mean, I’ve heard about things like that before on TV shows and in movies, but are they actually real? Do real virgins, like the one I met last night, actually go online and let guys bid on their virginity?

I copy the link and paste it into an email. In the subject line I write, “Highly Confidential.”

In the body I write, “Check this out for me. Is it for real?”

I enter my lawyers address into the recipient box and click send.

Fuck! What have I just done? What’s my lawyer going to think of this. I mean, he and I have been to strip clubs together a million times, he’s under no pretense that I’m a gentleman, but this is different.

I get up and go into my shower room and lock the door. I open the buttons on my shirt and pull it off, along with my tie. I open my belt and let my pants fall to the ground. My underwear, socks, and shoes follow.

I look at my naked body in the mirror.

I’m in perfect physical condition. Workouts with a personal trainer seven days a week guarantee that. I could make a living as an underwear model if the stock market ever takes an irrecoverable dive.

What would a young girl think when she saw me naked though? What would that girl from last night think?

I’m thirty-nine. She couldn’t have been much past twenty.

Would she actually want to fuck a guy like me? Because there’s only one thing I can imagine that’s worse than fucking the same jaded call girls night after night, and that’s paying for sex with a girl who doesn’t want to lose her virginity to you but has to.