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The Deal: A Billionaire and a Virgin Office Romance by Sarah J. Brooks (28)

  1. Chapter 9




Aldo, his name was Aldo. I really liked that name.

When we had walked into the building and I saw him, I couldn’t help smiling. Instantly, I remembered trying to avoid his eyes at the table the previous morning. Then there I was, face to face with him and totally unable to look away. He was so handsome, even at his age, which I suspected was twice mine. I had never really been attracted to a man his age before, but I was insanely attracted to Aldo.

“I’m sorry. Is it rude that I said yes?” I asked Theo.

I really liked him, but I liked the idea of being able to send $10,000 to my sisters so much more. My sisters relied on me to help them out, even with their small part-time jobs; there was no way they were ever going to be able to pay the back taxes on the house they were living in.

“No, it’s alright. How are your sisters back in Kansas? I bet they miss you,” Theo said kindly.

“Yes, but I’ve been gone for a long time. I left when I was seventeen. Right now, things are really tough on them. They are trying to save our parents home but owe a lot of back taxes. This money will really help them out a lot. Might even get the foreclosure stopped.”

“Well, then you definitely should go with Aldo. He’s got tons of money to throw around. I’m glad you’ll be able to help your sisters out.”

“Thank you,” I said as I held Theo’s hand and moved closer to him.

It took a really confident man to let a woman he liked go off with another guy for an evening. But then again, maybe I was wrong; maybe Theo didn’t like me at all. That could have been why he didn’t want to sleep with me the previous evening. Maybe he just didn’t feel the same connection as I did.

“Well enough about all of that. I’d like to spend the day with you and have some fun. Do you want to have some fun?”

“Yep, that sounds like perfection.”

“Mario, take us to the airport,” Theo said as he smiled at me.

“Oh, the airport. Where are we going?”

“On an airplane silly,” Theo laughed and wrapped his arm around me.

The way he touched me made me think that he did like me just as much as I liked him. So I couldn’t figure out why he was alright with me going out with Aldo, but on the other hand, I didn’t want to over-analyze it at all. I needed the money really bad, and I was going to go on that date with Aldo.

As we pulled into the airport, Mario drove around back to some private hangars that had fancy private planes parked in them. My heart burst with excitement at the idea that I was about to board one of the planes that I had seen movies stars on. If I hadn’t already been head over heels for Theo, the private plane was certainly making me like him even more.

“Where are we going? Seriously …Where?” I asked.

“I can’t tell you or it wouldn’t be a surprise,” Theo whispered.

“OK, but let me call Isabella first. If you kidnap me, and I’m never heard from again, I want her to know what happened,” I teased.

As Theo and Mario talked with the pilot, I called Isabella to tell her all that had happened since we had left each other the night before. We didn’t usually go very long without keeping in touch with each other, and I didn’t want to be the one who didn’t tell her what had been going on.

“Abby, Oh, my God you won’t believe the night I’ve had,” Isabella said as she answered her phone so full of excitement I had to smile.

I held off on my news so I could let Isabella have her moment.

“What happened?”

“He was so sweet and nice. I think I’m in love with him. He’s lining up a job for me, and I’m going to make a shit-ton of money. I’ll get us an apartment, and we will have a place to stay,” Isabella rambled on and on. “He has an amazing apartment that overlooks the city and was like a dream to fuck. I literally could fuck him every night and be happy for the rest of my life.”

Isabella was so excited, I couldn’t damper her mood by trying to one-up her and tell her about my night with Theo. I certainly wasn’t going to tell her that I was about to get on a private jet to some mystery location.

“That sounds amazing, Isabella, I’m so happy for you.”

“How did your night go? Did you and Theo do the nasty?”

“Nope, it went well, though. We are going out again today. I’ll let you know if anything comes of it. I’m really excited for you, though. Let me know how the job pans out.”

“I will. Thanks for calling; now I don’t have to worry that you’re dead on the side of the road or something like that.”

“I’m perfectly alive,” I said. “Take care of yourself. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

“Bye,” Isabella said as she hung up the phone.

There was no way I could ruin her good mood by telling her I was about to get onto a private jet with Theo. No, we hadn’t had sex the night before; but I felt more connected with Theo than previous guys that I had slept with. He was sweet, handsome and rich; there really wasn’t anything else I could ask for. Theo Stern was the man of my dreams.

“Are you coming?” Theo asked, motioning for me to come toward the plane. “This is Captain Reynolds. He’ll be flying us today.”

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“Oh, no. I’m under strict orders not to tell you,” Captain Reynolds said as he shook my hand.

“You are sneaky. I can tell I’m going to have to keep my eye on you,” I said as I walked up the steps to the plane.

We got comfortable, and Theo brought me an orange juice to sip on while we waited for the captain to finish his checklist. The plush leather interior of the plane was just as I imagined it would be, and I couldn’t help thinking how cool it would be to be able to take a plane ride whenever you wanted. I didn’t know how much money Theo had, but if he had enough for a private plane, then he was richer than all the other men I had dated combined.

“I can give you the money you need for your sisters,” Theo offered.

I looked at him in awe with my mouth literally wide open. He didn’t know me. He knew hardly anything about me. How on earth could he be willing to hand over money to me like that? He didn’t even know how much money I needed.

“Wow, that’s probably the sweetest thing I’ve ever had anyone say. But I can’t take your money. We hardly know each other.”

“How much do you need? If a magic fairy came along and handed you the money, how much do you need?”

“Four hundred thousand dollars to save their house and my parents’ business. Or just one hundred thousand for the house.”

“See, that’s not a problem. I could loan it to you. You could pay it back when you are able to.”

I burst out laughing, and I know it caught Theo off guard. Pay it back; did he think I actually had access to that kind of money? I wouldn’t be able to pay him back unless I magically made it on Broadway and became famous. No, I couldn’t take his money. He would never get it back.

“Theo, I’m not the kind of girl that takes money. I can’t do that. I have to earn it. I’m willing to work hard, and I’ll try to get enough to at least save our parents’ house. That will make me happy. The money Aldo is giving me is extremely generous and will buy us some time for sure.”

“Go out with me, and I’ll give you the same ten thousand dollars,” Theo said with a completely serious face.

“No!” I exclaimed as I kept laughing. “It’s not the same. I want to spend time with you. You don’t need to pay me to do it. Let’s just let Aldo waste his money on my company, and you and I can enjoy ourselves together.”

“I’m sorry. I was just trying to offer you some help.”

“Oh, I know. I’m not mad or anything. But I’m not a prostitute; I don’t want you to pay me to sleep with you or anything like that.”

Theo became extremely quiet, and I instantly felt uncomfortable for using the term prostitute in relation to his offer. I knew he didn’t mean it like that. I absolutely wasn’t angry at him or anything like that. Theo was by far one of the nicest men I had ever met, and I still hadn’t found his fatal flaw, but I wasn’t going to take advantage of him. I wasn’t going to be one of those girls who found a man with money and made him save her. I wanted to save myself.

“I didn’t mean to make you feel like a prostitute,” Theo said as he grabbed my hand and turned toward me.

“Oh, God, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. It was a bad choice of words. You absolutely didn’t. It was really nice of you to offer. Let’s just change the subject. Can we?” I felt horrible.

What had started as a fun day out had turned into some weird conversation about paying for sex. I knew Theo didn’t mean to say such a thing to me, and it was totally my fault for agreeing to go out with Aldo. Although, I had no intention of sleeping with him and that was the only reason I had agreed to accompany him to his party.

Ugh, everything was a mess, and I needed to turn the awkwardness around as soon as possible. I was attracted to Aldo, sure, but I was much more attracted to Theo. Theo was closer to my age and pretty much what I had never known I was looking for my entire life.

“I can tie the stem of a cherry in a knot with my tongue,” I blurted out as I grabbed a maraschino cherry off the plate of fruit that was next to Theo.

“Oh really? Prove it.”

I quickly tied the stem into a knot and then climbed onto Theo’s lap and straddled him as I pulled it out of my mouth and showed him. I liked being silly and having fun with Theo, it was awesome, and something I just hadn’t felt with any guys in my past.

“See,” I said as I held it in my hands.

“Wow, that’s pretty impressive. I can do better, though.”

Theo grabbed another cherry and first pulled the fruit off of the stem and ate it, then he put the stem in his mouth and worked his magic. He took longer than I had taken, and I reveled in my tiny victory over at least being able to do it quicker than he could.

“There,” he said as he pulled the stem out.

It was filled with three knots, and I couldn’t believe it. Tying one knot was hard enough. I had never seen anyone able to tie three knots into the same stem before. It was pretty damn impressive. My dirty mind instantly wondered what else his tongue was good at doing.

“Wow, you have some pretty amazing tongue skills,” I said as I moved in to kiss him and test out his tongue skills for myself.

“Let me show you.”

Theo grabbed me and gently placed me on the floor of the airplane. He looked up to make sure the captain had the door closed to the flight deck before he went to work unbuttoning my black pants. I shook a little with excitement as his lips kissed my stomach and waited to feel what his lips would do to my body.

“Theo, not here. No. he will see us,” I said, looking back toward the pilot’s door.

“The captain and his co-pilot are busy flying the plane. They won’t bother us.”

He pressed my shirt up, and his hand went under my bra and moved it out of the way as he grabbed a hold of my nipple and squeezed. I moaned out in absolute pleasure at the feeling of his hands on my body.

I let the moment fill me up and felt the delicious excitement of him. The anticipation was almost more than I could take.

He pulled my jeans down and moved my black panties out of his way as he quickly spread my legs and started to kiss my inner thigh. I moaned as I exhaled and felt the delight of his warm wet tongue on my body.

My hips thrust toward him to feel even more. I couldn’t get enough and wanted to feel his tongue touch my center. I needed to feel his tongue on my wetness and couldn’t remember ever wanting a man as much as I wanted Theo at that moment.

My hand grabbed his shaggy hair and held onto him as he tried to tease me. Theo moved his tongue close to my center and then moved away. He then lightly touched me with his tongue and moved way again.

“You’re killing me,” I moaned out.

“Oh, I’m very good at torture techniques,” Theo said, looking up at me from between my legs.

That was the moment I knew I was in for a wild ride with this guy. We were on his private jet going to some hidden location, and he was eating my pussy thousands of feet in the air. It was nothing I could have imagined, and Theo was more than I had ever imagined. Somehow, someway, I was going to make this thing between us work. He was the man of my dreams, and I didn’t want to wait for another one to come along later down the road. I wanted this one. I wanted Theo.

His boyish grin was the last thing I saw as he dove into my wetness and moved his tongue in perfect time with my hip movements. He was good at what he did, and I couldn’t remember another man bringing me to orgasm quite as quickly as Theo was able to.

In fact, I couldn’t remember a guy ever bringing me to orgasm from purely oral sex. But that was partly because I didn’t like a lot of the men I had slept with in the past. Sure, some of them were alright. Like a decent enough guy who I settled for because he was nice. But without that passion, without that spark. Those guys didn’t stand a chance of getting my body to relax enough to scream out in orgasmic bliss.

But Theo was different. I liked Theo. I wanted Theo. He had deprived me of having him the night before, and now I wasn’t going to let him go without having him again. I was taking Isabella’s advice and going for it. I wanted Theo, so I was going to have him.

As my body shook with orgasm, and Theo came up for air from his hard oral work, I moved quickly and pressed him down on the ground next to me. Reaching into my purse, I pulled a condom out and had his cock in my hands and wrapped in that condom in less than 60 seconds.

His eyes were wide as I steadied myself over him and prepared to slide on. I moved my body down and then up again to tease him like he had teased me. But Theo wasn’t having it. He grabbed my hips and thrust himself up to meet me as his body moved deep inside of me.

I arched my back with pleasure as he filled me up. There was an instant connection as we joined together at that moment. It was sexy, hot and the ultimate rush to be fucking right there on the private jet’s carpet. Not in my wildest dreams had I ever imagined I would have such a seemingly incredible man with me in such an incredible spot.

I braced my hands on his chest and let my hips do most of the work. There was one huge difference between making love to Theo than to any other man I had slept with; it was our eyes. I couldn’t deny that Theo and I had a strong connection between us. It was stronger than anything I could remember feeling with a guy before, and as scary as it was, it was also wonderful.

We couldn’t look away from each other, and as I moved on top of his body, I felt a connection that was deeper than a normal first time of sex connection. We both felt it; I knew this.

I licked my lips as I moved on top of him, and he grabbed me and pulled me down to him so he could taste my lips himself. It was lovemaking, not just sex. We were making love.

Our mouths moved perfectly in time with our bodies as his thrusts and mine worked together to bring us both to the peak of pleasure. I felt my body as the orgasm started in my center and radiated out through my body. Finally forcing me to tighten my muscles around him and pulse my clit toward his body.

He grunted as he released his excitement and held my body close to him. He pressed me down toward his body to get the deepest, most satisfying last stroke he could get. It was perfection. The whole moment was something I wouldn’t forget anytime soon. It felt like what sex should be between two people. It felt exactly right to me.

“Where are we going?” I whispered in his ear as I tried to catch my breath on top of him.

Theo was equally out of breath, and I watched as his chest moved up and down and he tried to decide if he wanted to tell me where we were going. He was so cute as he made faces while he thought about what he wanted to say.

“It’s a surprise,” he finally answered.

First, I playfully hit him for not telling me where we were going, but then I tucked my face into his neck and held onto him. I was happy. That moment, right there with Theo was one of the happiest I had experienced since becoming an adult. I know it was sad that I hadn’t experienced many other happy times, but it was all worth it to have that one moment.

We both laid there as we tried to catch our breaths, and then we heard it. The pilot door unlocked and opened.

I tucked my head into Theo’s chest out of pure embarrassment. But my naked ass was still fully visible to the man.

“Oh, my God,” I whispered into his chest.

“Hey,” Theo said as he looked up at the captain.

“Well, you two are having a much better time than we are up here,” the captain joked and then went into the restroom.

I jumped up and quickly pulled my clothes back on. My face had turned totally red with embarrassment. I hurried as fast as I could and got dressed before the captain came back out of the bathroom, but I still avoided looking at him.

Theo, on the other hand, didn’t seem in a hurry at all to put his clothes on. He grabbed a drink of the orange juice and then stood naked next to the fruit plate and started to pick through the fruit and eat it.

When the captain came out of the restroom, Theo didn’t shy away or move at all. He just waved to the man and continued to eat the fruit.

I was so embarrassed, having my legs tucked up under my chin and my face buried in my knees. I looked up at Theo and then toward the pilot's cabin door.

“What are you doing?” I laughed.

“I’m hungry. I’m eating fruit.”

“You’re naked.”

“Yep, he’s a dude. He doesn’t care.”

“Oh, my God. I’m so embarrassed,” I said as I put my head back into my legs and held onto them.

Theo just laughed as he finally grabbed his clothes and put them back on. I enjoyed the view as he got dressed, though. I had the chance to see every last muscle that stretched over his body. He was a magnificent specimen of a man. Each body part was expertly covered by a layer of muscle. His skin was naturally tan, and he had just the right amount of body hair.

I hated when guys shaved all their body hair, it was like a pet peeve of mine. Men just looked so much better when they had some hair. But to be honest, Theo could have done anything he wanted with his body hair, and I probably wouldn’t have minded. His muscular body was rock hard and such a total delight to look at.

“We have a little bit of time; tell me more about your family,” Theo said as he sat down next to me.

I gulped hard at the thought of having to share anything personal about myself. None of it made me a good candidate for a girlfriend. My history made guys not want to be around me, so I needed to choose very strategically the information I wanted to share with him.

“My parents got into drugs when we were younger. We got taken away. Nothing too crazy. Nothing outrageous. My mother ended up passing away in prison from a heart attack. My father was murdered while he was in prison.”

Instantly, I knew I had said too much. The look on Theo’s face turned from fun to total sadness. But it was too late, I couldn’t take it back now. It had left my big mouth, and I would have to deal with it. I didn’t know why I had been so willing to blurt all that out about my family. I really hadn’t meant to, but talking to Theo was much easier than talking to anyone else in my past.

“That’s horrible,” Theo said as he kissed me on the cheek and sat down next to me. “So your sisters are out there by themselves and you are out here.”

“Yes, I left them when I was seventeen and came out here. I feel horrible about it every single day.”

Theo didn’t respond, but I saw the sadness in his eyes as he contemplated my life. I hated that feeling when people started to feel bad for me. I hated that I had just told him about that part of my life.

“You are very strong,” Theo said.

I was surprised. It wasn’t what I had expected to hear from him. I wasn’t exactly sure what I had expected to hear. Maybe more questions about my family or about why I had abandoned my sisters to go to New York. But instead, he said I was strong.

I felt the tears well up in my eyes, stood up right away and went to the window on the other side of the plane. I couldn’t let him see me cry. I couldn’t be that weak girl that I always hated in other women.

“Las Vegas? Are we in Las Vegas?” I yelled out.

“You need a new pair of shoes, and Las Vegas has a really kick ass Steve Madden store,” Theo said as I turned to him and smiled.

He came over, sat next to me and wiped the one tear I had off of my face. The moment was intimate and more than I could have hoped for. He didn’t try to fix anything, and he didn’t seem uncomfortable that I had cried. Theo still seemed like the absolute perfect guy, and I was beginning to think he didn’t have a fatal flaw at all.

“Thank you,” I said in a squeal. “I’ve never been here before.”

“Well, let’s go corrupt you then.”