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The Devils Fighter (The Devils Soldiers mc) by Cilla Lee (18)






I punch the bag hard dancin' around it my movements a bit stiff because I'm so fuckin’ horny, I've fucked Bliss a few times, but it never seems to take the edge off and every time Widow gets near me, I'm fuckin’ hard again “You ready for today?” Colt asks me.


“Yeah man.”


“You think it's gonna be easy!” he asks me, and I look at him.


“No Brother, I think today is gonna be the hardest day of my fuckin’ life” he nods.


“Well, good luck man, you did good settin’ all this up,” he gestures around the gym, and I smile.


“Thanks, man.”


“Well, I'll let ya get back to trainin’” I watch him walk off, and I grab my water bottle headin' into the showers, almost time to kick my women's ass (fuck my women). I'm sittin' in the changin’ rooms waitin’ to go out, I've got on my new boxers that Cookie got me with the club emblem on the front corner and my name across my ass.


“You ready for this?” Razor asks me, and I nod, he's like the tenth person to ask, and it's startin’ to piss me off. I warm up sparin’ with Tank, I need to loosen up, or I'm gonna lock up before I get out there.


“It's time,” Stryker says comin’ in, and I hit the pads Tanks holdin’ a few more times and head out to the cage, as I make my way through the crowd I hear boos and cheers. When I step into the cage, I stretch my neck than I see her. She's in new shorts and sports bra (nice), as she gets closer to the cage she looks so small compared to me. We stand in the middle of the cage Shadow standin’ between us, Shadow goes through the rules, and we tap hands, and she winks blowin’ me a kiss (bitch), but it makes me smile (damn she's gonna look good on her knees suckin' my dick)


The bell rings, and we walk towards one another, the crowd at an ear-splitting level. I hear Sniper and Cookie yellin’, but my total focus is on Widow, I stretch my arms out, and she smacks them away. We dance around each other, lookin’ for a weakness. I throw a few jabs at her, but she bobs and weaves out of the way, she throws a few of her own and just as I think she's gonna punch me she lifts her leg catchin’ me off guard and kicks me hard in the chest. I stumble back to the cage, and she pounces fast takin’ me to the ground and poundin’ my face. I cover my face and body (damn she's got a good right hook), takin' the hits, but I twist gettin' on top of her. She covers her body, and it's hard to find a spot to hit, she uses her feet on the cage and manages to get back on top of me. She raises up kneein' me right in the face (fuck I'm gonna feel that tomorrow), she backs away as I get to my feet and she’s smilin’ at me (fuckin’ bitch is gonna be on her knees all night suckin’ my cock). I lift my leg to kick her in the ribs, but she grabs hold of my leg sweepin' the other out from under me. And she's back on me again poundin’ my face, I get a few nice punches to her side, and she stumbles a bit. She lifts her elbow up fast bringin' it down like a hammer, hit me square in the nose. We grapple on the ground until the bell rings, and we head to our corners.


“Brother, you’re doin’ good” Cookie says, wipin’ the blood from my face, but I can't take my eyes off of her.


The next bell rings, and she kicks her leg missing and spins. I take a step forward to punch her in the kidney, but she spins faster than what I thought she was gonna spin and hits me in the face with a spinning back fist. I stumble back, and she smiles again, I rush at her lowerin’ my body, but she does the same thing gettin' me into a headlock. She drops to her knees, bringin’ me down and gets me into a back control move puttin' me into the guillotine hold. Her legs wrapped around me squeezin' hard I can feel blackness comin’ (fuck), I reach up just as I'm about to pass out twistin' my body. We fight for position, rollin’ over and over when the bell rings again. I help her up, and were both breathin’ hard, I watch her go over to her side of the ring. Cookie talks to me the whole time, but I can't hear a word he's sayin’.


The bell rings for the third round, and we walk to the middle again. We throw more punches, and I get her in the ribs, and she doubles over. I go to land a punch to the jaw as she's goin’ down, but she jumps back just in time. I miss stumblin' forward with the power of the punch, and she brings up her knee up hitting me in the face, and I stumble back to the cage landin’ on it hard, she body checks me over and over than brings her fist up fast and uppercuts me. I land on the ground hard, and we grapple on the ground. She gets me in and arm bar stretchin' her body, and I feel like my arm is goin’ to snap, the pain radiating through my body to a point where I can't take tappin' the mat over and over for her to stop. The second I do she jumps up and down runnin’ around the rings screamin' so loud, it's the first time I've seen her show real emotions. Sniper comes in pickin' her up, but I just lay there breathin’ hard rubbin’ my arm “You ok?” Cookie asks, and I smile.


“Never fuckin’ better man,” I tell him.


“Then get the fuck up,” he helps me up and slappin’ me on the back “fuck man you lost to a woman!” he says, and I look at him wanting to punch him in the head.


“Fuck off asshole!... at least I got three rounds in.”


“Yeah, but a woman!... and a fuckin’ tiny one at that.”


“You’re a fuckhead you know that,” I tell him smilin’, I watch as all her guys come up givin' her a hug. My jaw fuckin’ achin’ from grindin’ my teeth, Magic lifts her up spinnin' her around. When he puts her down, he whispers somethin’, and she smiles up at him. I sit on the bench outside the ring as Doc goes over my arm.


“It'll be sore tomorrow,” he says, and I look at him.


“It's fuckin’ sore now,” I tell him and he laughs.


“Don't be a pussy.”


Preacher walks into the cage and motions for the room to quieten down. We watch as he grabs the mic “Alright, alright, shut the fuck up!... Widow” he says as she walks over to him “Most of you know, that when we give a Prospect, there Cut, it's at our annual run” people murmur their agreement and others just nod. “Well, this young woman as you all know is the first woman the club has ever had as a Prospect.”


“And the fuckin’ last” someone yells out, and people laugh and whistle.


“Yeah, yeah shut the fuck up!... Well anyway, I made a deal here with this Prospect, that if she won, she'd get her full patch and I think she's fuckin’ earned it don't ya think” people whistle and cheer. “So.....” I watch as Sniper is handed a Cut with top and bottom rocker and the club emblem in the middle “Darlin’” Preacher says


“Damn” Cookie says as I watch as Preacher places the Cut on her back. The place erupts with shouts whistles and cheers from all the Brothers acceptin’ our newest member into the Brotherhood.