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The Duke's Alliance: A Soldier's Bride by Fenella J Miller (4)









Chapter Four



Sofia had been out gathering medicinal herbs to add to her stock for the winter months. Her skills would be called upon when it was cold and the children and the old folk became unwell with chesty coughs and other seasonal ailments.

Another reason she had gone was so she could be alone, have time to consider her rash plan to seduce Perry. She had yet to broach the subject with her mama and the more she thought about it the less certain she was that her parent would agree. What was acceptable for a village girl would not be considered so for herself, who came from a prestigious family, whose grandfather had been an earl even if he had disowned her mama for marrying beneath her.

Papa was respectable, but he was not aristocracy, not grand enough. Her grandmother, Lady Amanda Appleby, had only been able to re-establish contact after the earl had passed away. Although her papa had never been welcome under her roof, Grandmama had showed an interest in herself and would have paid for her debut, had they had not been stranded in Spain.

It was quite possible her grandmother was not even aware that they were still alive as otherwise why hadn't she sent out a search party? Sofia's lips curved at the idea. Once they had crossed into French territory they might as well have been on the other side of the world – only the foolhardiest, or most courageous, of gentlemen would venture into enemy territory.

If she had remained in England she would no doubt have married a worthy man, selected for her by her grandmother, and spent the rest of her life doing her watercolours, embroidery and taking food parcels to deserving villagers. On balance, despite the privations of her present life, she would rather be in Spain and have the freedom that she did than be cloistered and pampered in England. Just sometimes she wished she had a pretty gown to wear and a handsome gentleman to dance with at a grand party.

Her mother greeted her with enthusiasm. 'Sofia, there has been much excitement this afternoon. Juan gave Perry a large dog in the hope that it would guide him around the place and prevent him from tripping over things.'

'I take it from your expression that it has been successful.'

'It has, my love, but even more exciting is the fact that he is starting to recover his memory. God willing, he will one day get back his sight as well.'

Sofia hoped she sounded suitably pleased but inside she was devastated. When the man she loved knew who he was he would wish to return to his family and would be lost to her. If he recovered his sight then he would continue with whatever had brought him here.

'Here are the herbs we need, Mama. Please excuse me, I wish to speak to Don Pablo.'

She hurried across the square pausing occasionally to speak to those she met and arrived at the large house occupied by the most important person in the town. His house was larger than all the others, and better equipped than the cottage she and her mother occupied.

He was sitting at the rear of his house, on the veranda, drinking a mug of cider. This too was produced locally and she much preferred it to the wine.

'Don Pablo, could you spare me a few moments? There is something I must ask you.'

'Come and sit with me, little one, whatever is bothering you will not get worse because you rest for a minute. Pour yourself a drink and tell me what you have been doing these past few days as I've scarcely seen you.'

She did as he suggested and they exchanged pleasantries for a while before she returned to the reason she had come. 'I am certain that Perry was a spy. He could only have been in this remote area if he was coming to meet someone. Have you heard from any of your compatriots if they were expecting a person to come from Wellington's army, but who failed to arrive?'

'I haven't been in contact with neighbouring groups since he arrived here. However, I have sent word with the peddlers that came through here last month. Word will get back to us eventually.' He put down his stone mug and looked closely at her. 'You do not want him to leave, do you? I see your eyes light up when you look at him – you never look at my son in this way. You must not marry Carlos out of duty, little one, you must follow your heart.'

She choked on her cider and by the time she had finished spluttering and coughing they were joined by his wife and two daughters who had come to see what all the fuss was about.

'Thank you for the drink, Don Pablo, and for your wise words.'

The sun was setting, it did so quickly here, and would be dark shortly. She had still not decided if she would go through with her outrageous scheme. Perhaps if she spoke to Perry, congratulated him on his new companion, she would have a clearer view of the way forward.

She saw Juan outside the house. 'Is Perry in, I wish to see his hound? Everyone is talking of nothing else.'

'I've no idea where he is, he went towards the horses an hour ago. I was about to go and look for him.'

'I'll go.'


Perry gave the horse his head and attempted to relax in the saddle and trust his safety to his two companions. Marron whickered, increased his pace to a brisk canter and he was finally able to breathe normally. His keen hearing picked up the sounds of the town. He was back without mishap.

It took him longer to remove the saddle and bridle than it usually did as his hands were shaking. He lifted the bar, the gelding trotted through and Perry dropped the wooden pole back. 'There, mission accomplished. Come along, Zorro, I need a drink and I expect you do too.' There was a stream that ran through the meadow and more than enough grass to feed his horse, so it was only the dog he had to take care of.

'Perry, I've come to meet your friend. I'm surprised I've not seen him about the place before, he is certainly memorable. Where did he come from?'

Sofia was at his side fussing and fondling the animal who was quivering with pleasure and his long tail was slapping against his leg. 'I didn't think to ask. Juan gave him to me – shall we go and ask him together? Zorro, take me home.'

The beast ignored his command as he was enjoying the attention he was getting from her. He repeated the command more sharply and this time the animal reacted. His head came up and his tail dropped and he set off in what Perry hoped was the right direction.

'I assume we are heading towards my home,' he said to Sofia.

'Not only that, he has ensured you do not walk into the well as you did this morning. That animal is quite remarkable. Did you introduce him to your horse?'

'Actually, I went out on Marron for an hour. Don't look so horrified, sweetheart, I was perfectly safe. You know what this means?'

'Then you are more likely to kill yourself sooner than later?'

He chuckled. 'That, of course, is perfectly possible. However, it means I am now more independent, will be less of a burden to you and everyone else here. Did Juan tell you I have recalled one or two details of my previous existence?'

'My mother told me, it's the talk of the square. I'm delighted for you. I pray that your sight will also return soon.'

He slung his arm around her shoulders. 'As do I, if you are as beautiful as I think, then I cannot wait to see you for myself. I have been wondering, what kind of fellow am I?'

'You have hair the colour of ripe corn, deep blue eyes and, if it wasn't for the scar running across your forehead, you would be a prodigiously handsome gentleman.' Her tone was teasing and he loved her for it.

'And you? Describe yourself.'

'I am taller than most young ladies, I am sufficiently rounded to distinguish me from a boy, I have dark hair and my eyes are a mixture of green and brown.'

'As I thought, quite beautiful. Did you know that you smell mostly of flowers?'

'And what else, pray?'

'Horses and saddle soap.'

She poked him sharply in the ribs with her elbow. 'That was most ungallant of you, sir, I am mortally offended.'

They were still laughing when they arrived at his modest home. Juan had overheard their banter and joined in the merriment. When they asked him where he had discovered Zorro he didn't answer straight away.

'Tell me, why the hesitation? Did you steal him?'

'Not really, but the person I bought him from might not have been his true owner. I didn't enquire too closely.'

'As long as money exchanged hands I am satisfied the dog belongs to me. I am hungry, something smells appetising. First, I wish to feed Zorro. Do we have anything suitable in the kitchen?'

'There's no need to feed him, he catches his own dinner. Take off his harness and he will go in search of it. He'll not run away. He's yours now whether you want him or not.'

Perry turned to speak to Sofia but she was no longer there. She had slipped away without saying farewell and this was unlike her. Something was wrong and he was determined to discover what it was.


Juan ate with him and then returned to his own home which he shared with half a dozen siblings, grandparents and parents. He supposed he should invite the young man to take one of the spare bedrooms, but he liked his privacy. The house was too small to share with anyone, even someone he liked as much as he did this young man.

Zorro was still out when Perry was ready to retire. He didn't know the exact time, but he was pretty sure it must be after midnight as the village was quiet. He had left the back door and gate unlatched so the dog could come in when he returned. Fortunately, the privy was only three steps from the kitchen door, the earth closet was in the lean-to next to the scullery and he could find his way there and back without danger of falling over.

A veranda ran along the back of the house, as it did for all the others in this row, and could be accessed through a door in the sitting room which was the length of the building.

He used the scullery as a washroom, it made things simpler for him. There was always clean water in a jug and a pottery basin standing close by. He stripped naked and washed himself from top to toe. Pity there wasn't a lake nearby he could swim in… Good God! That was something else he could do that he hadn't known about until today.

He groped on the floor and collected his clothes so he could take them up with him, then reconsidered. He would leave them out to be laundered and put on something fresh in the morning. With his boots in his hand and not a stitch on he walked through the kitchen and into the main part of the house. The ground floor consisted of a dining room and drawing room – if one could designate it with so grand a name. The flagstones in the hallway were cold beneath his feet as he headed for the stairs.

As he approached them he froze. Someone was pushing open the front door. Was it the true owner of the hound come to reclaim him?


Sofia decided that it would be better if she didn't speak to her mother about her plans for the night. Only if she found herself to be increasing would it be necessary to mention her misbehaviour. Perry was getting back his memory, shortly he would know who he was and be able to send word to his family. Then he would return to his previous life and forget he ever knew her.

She was determined to create memories that would carry her through the rest of her life tied to a man she was fond of and respected but could never love. Her night-time ablutions were more thorough than usual – his mention that she smelt of horse had rankled and she was determined she would smell only of flowers when she went to him.

Once she was clean she was faced with a dilemma. Normally she wore breeches and boots like the men but she could see removing them might be awkward. Then she smiled at her silliness – it didn't matter what she wore as he couldn't actually see her. There was no need for her to be embarrassed in the slightest.

Also, if she happened to be seen in the square in anything but her usual garments this would give rise to speculation. So, unglamorous though they might be, a clean shirt, waistcoat and breeches would be what she wore. Her boots were loose-fitting as she had lost weight since she had been living in the village which would make removing them easier.

She snuffed her candle and stretched out on the bed waiting for her mother to be sound asleep. Mama, once in the land of nod, was impossible to wake. There was little chance she would hear her daughter leave the house or return later.

The other problem she had to overcome was that of the dog who would probably bark when she went into the house. This would rouse the neighbours and give Perry time to collect his thoughts and send her away. Then to her delight she saw the animal vanish into the olive grove when darkness fell. With luck he wouldn't return until dawn. It was impossible to tell if Perry had retired as he didn't use candles, his house was always dark unless he was entertaining.

Perry had been celibate since his arrival and from what she had gleaned from eavesdropping on the married women a gentleman who had not laid with a woman for some time was more easily seduced. She crept downstairs and slipped out of the back door. It was a full moon, bright enough for her to see her way across the square. She was tempted to enter via the back door but didn't wish to trip over anything. The route to his bedroom would be simpler if she entered through the front.

Doors in the village were rarely locked and she prayed this was the case tonight. Gently she lifted the latch and began to ease the door open. Moonlight flooded in and to her shock Perry was standing no more than a yard from her. This would not have been a problem if he had not been as naked as a jaybird.

Her eyes widened. She had never seen anything so magnificent. This made things so much easier. Without hesitation she stepped in and closed the door firmly behind her. She heard his sharp intake of breath. He knew she was there.

They were in complete darkness which was a blessing as seeing him the way he was had made her hot all over.

'I can think of only one reason you are here, darling girl, and I give you fair warning that if you don't turn tail and run this minute it will be too late. I might be blind, but my other senses are aroused.'

'I wish to spend the night with you before you go. I shall marry Carlos, he will take me even if I am carrying your child, so you have no need to worry on that score.'

He moved so fast she had little time to react. His arms encircled her and crushed her to him. His heat burnt through the thin stuff of her shirt. Almost roughly he caught her braid and pulled her head back so he could plunder her mouth.

She was dizzy with excitement, pressed herself closer, knew she had made the right decision. Then there was a gust of fresh air and she was sitting on her backside in the dirt outside his house. She heard the bolt slam across making it impossible for her to return unless she went around to the back. This would mean a long trek in the dark.

One could only enter the courtyard at the back of his house via a narrow passageway and then through a small gate in the stone wall that ran along the rear of all the houses on that side of the square. These pretty areas were filled with orange and lemon trees, pots of flowers and had a veranda upon which the occupier could sit and enjoy the evening breeze.

After brushing down her breeches she scrambled up unsure whether to return home or try again. He wouldn't expect her to be so bold as to attempt a second entry after he had so rudely ejected her. In future he would certainly lock both doors so this was her only chance.

As she entered the narrow alleyway she saw that Zorro was ahead of her. She increased her pace, slipping and stumbling in the darkness but the beast had vanished by the time she arrived. She pushed open the gate and found herself face-to-face with a solid obstacle.

'What a determined young lady you are, to be sure. I thought I made it plain just now that I do not intend to seduce you…'

'It is I who wish to seduce you – there can be no objection to that as I am the instigator of this assignation.'

He was still without clothing. Tentatively she reached out and rested her hand on his chest, wanting to touch his skin, if only the once. There was a sprinkling of coarse hair in the centre which intrigued her. Her other hand joined the first and began an intimate exploration of his chest. He wasn't soft like her, but hard. He was holding his breath.

'God dammit to hell! There's only so much a man can take.' He picked her up, kicked the gate shut and strode through the house as if he had perfect vision. He bounded up the stairs and shouldered his way into a bedchamber. Too late to change her mind. He had warned her and she had ignored his words. She should be frightened; she had heard the first time could be painful, but instead she was as eager as he to make love.




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