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The Duke's Alliance: A Soldier's Bride by Fenella J Miller (8)










Chapter Eight



Beau followed his guide for several miles and then he was looking down into a small valley between the foothills and saw the town. This was a relief as his shoulder was aching from being obliged to lead the spare horse. This place was bigger than he'd expected, more prosperous, and obviously hadn't been targeted by the French for some reason. Possibly this was because it wasn't on the direct route that the soldiers took and wasn't worth the effort.

As far as he knew the French army stole what they needed and from what he could see there was plenty of food available down there. He called out to the young man in front. 'I'm curious as to why the French have allowed you to prosper when they are constantly looking for supplies.'

Carlos reined in and swung round in his saddle. 'We are sufficiently far off the beaten track for them not to be aware of us. They have taken over or destroyed most of the villages an hour or so away but so far we've been lucky.' He smiled, his teeth white in his tanned face. 'It also helps that we have made sure we stay put when they are marching across the hills.'

'I assume there are several better tracks that they can use.'

'There are, sir, and the bulk of the Frenchies are now on the other side of the mountains, thank the good Lord for that. The next army that will pass will be yours and they don't strip the land but pay their way.'

There was smoke coming from several chimneys and he could hear goats bleating, dogs barking and children crying. The houses were stone built, looked sturdy, there was a small square with a well surrounded by the larger houses and then a second marketplace where the dwellings were less substantial.

Both the marketplace and the smaller square were dotted with people going about their business. He hoped Perry would be as delighted to see him… he winced inwardly. His younger sibling might never be able to actually see him. This was a tragedy for a young man who was so active, who had made his life in the military.

This must be why he had developed a fondness for the English girl. Perhaps, in the circumstances, he would not interfere in this matter but let the two of them make a match of it if that is what they wanted. If she was prepared to take him penniless and blind then she must truly love him.

He looked around with interest as they approached what had been Perry's home for the past few months. Sylvester pricked his ears and increased his pace, the gelding behind was not so eager and Beau's shoulder was almost dislocated.

This horse was unlikely to wander off now they were so close to civilisation so he released the reins and trusted to the animal's good sense. He flexed his shoulder and hoped he'd not done it any permanent damage.

The townspeople paused and stared at him as he rode past. He was used to being the centre of attention and ignored it. No doubt his stallion was impressing them, they were unlikely to have such superb horseflesh in this neck of the woods. The fact that there was a second riderless, equally magnificent, beast trotting along behind him must also be arousing their curiosity.

Carlos led him to the smaller square which he had seen from above. The man pointed to a modest house. 'That is where your brother resides. I'll leave you to introduce yourself. Allow me to take your horses and see to their needs.'

Beau dismounted and handed over the reins. His companion had already collected Billy, the bay that he had brought over for his brother, and had no difficulty leading the two away even though they towered over his smaller mount.

Only as they disappeared did he realise he had left his belongings on Billy. He could hardly yell after the man, that would be unconscionable. He would send someone to fetch them shortly – he could manage perfectly well without his things for the moment.

He smiled wryly as he strode across to knock on the door of the house that his brother had been residing in for the past few weeks. It was quite possible there wouldn't be a someone to send. He waited impatiently but no one answered the door.

Then a woman called him and he turned around to see an attractive woman of middle years, dressed in the Spanish way, hurrying towards him. 'Are you looking for Perry?' She stopped and her cheeks coloured. She dipped in a formal curtsy much to his embarrassment. 'I beg your pardon, your grace, I can see now the resemblance to Lord Peregrine.'

He bowed hoping to demonstrate he wasn't so high in the instep as to expect the people here to bow and scrape to him. 'And you must be Mrs Appleby, Carlos explained to me that you and your daughter saved my brother's life. I take it he is elsewhere.'

'Please, your grace, will you come to my humble abode and I shall tell you what I know. I am sure you would like to freshen up and eat and drink before you go in search of him.'

Beau was mystified as to how his brother would need to be searched for when he was blind. All this could be explained to him when they were out of the sun which was already unpleasantly hot, even at this time in the morning.

'Forgive me, ma'am, but I must fetch my saddle bags. Stupidly I let them disappear with my horse…'

She spoke rapidly to a boy fetching water at the well. He understood enough to know that she was sending him to fetch his things.

'Thank you, I should now be delighted to accompany you.'

The inside of her house was cool, the thick stone walls keeping out the heat. It was surprisingly spacious, and was twice as long as it was wide. 'If you would care to follow me, your grace, there is a washroom at the rear of my house. You will find everything you need in there. If you require any other facilities that is next door.'

Apart from having to duck his head when entering the wash place he found it to be perfectly adequate. What he would really like to have was a strip wash under a pump but he could hardly do that here as the water was carried in buckets from the well. Also, he needed his clothes before he could remove his soiled garments.

There was a polite knock on the door scarcely five minutes after he'd arrived and the youth bowed and handed him the saddle bags. Even something as simple as washing filled him with pleasure. He rather thought he had been tense ever since he'd had the news that Perry was missing. Knowing his brother was safe, and relatively well, removed the weight from his shoulders. There was no longer any need for urgency and he was quite happy to take his time over his ablutions.

When he emerged a considerable time later Mrs Appleby appeared above him on a balcony that ran the width of the house. 'If you would care to join me here, sir, I have refreshments ready.'

As there was no sign of the daughter, Sofia he thought she was called, he must suppose that she was out somewhere with his brother. He would make polite enquiries about this family whilst he ate. Mrs Appleby was perfectly acceptable, she had good manners and excellent diction. Her garb might be a tad outlandish, but it was hardly surprising she had chosen to blend in.

He found his way to the veranda and could see why she had suggested they sit there. The entire area was shaded and looked out over the valley and towards what he supposed would be France somewhere the other side of the mountains.

'This looks and smells quite delicious. This will be the first meal I have eaten using cutlery and crockery for several days.'

'I imagine eating around a campfire is not something you are accustomed to, your grace.'

'How true, ma'am, but despite what you might think of me, I have actually enjoyed the experience.' He took a bite of the delicious pie and then became more interested in his food than in the conversation. The impromptu meal was washed down with a tart, dry cider.

'That was excellent, I am replete. Might I now ask exactly where my brother is? I assume he is with your daughter as he could not be wandering about the place on his own.'

Her smile was triumphant. 'He recovered his memory and his sight yesterday. Did you not think it strange that I knew your name and that you were a duke?'

His jaw dropped at his stupidity. He had been so overjoyed at the thought of seeing his beloved brother again the significance of her using his title had gone over his head. Then the true implication of her first sentence registered. 'He isn't blind? He knows who he is? I can't believe what I'm hearing. Carlos obviously was unaware of this fact or he would have told me himself.'

'The men had already left when this happened. Now, Perry… I beg your pardon, Lord Peregrine…'

'Please continue to address my brother as you have always done, do not stand on ceremony for me.'

'Perry has gone in search of Sofia. You must understand that things are done differently here, especially since the war began so many years ago. She rides out with the partisans, wears men's clothing, and has the same freedom as the young men. She often rides at dawn when it is cooler and must have done so today, but she has failed to return at her usual time.'

His joy changed to concern. 'There is a French company travelling through the pass not far from here. They are transporting coinage, no doubt to pay the troops. I hope to God she did not come in contact with them.'


An unkempt man emerged from the bushes and snatched her from her horse's back. Sofia opened her mouth to scream but he put his hand across it and dragged her back until they were both hidden from the track.

'Hush, missy, no need for all the fuss. I'll not hurt you.'

He spoke English and immediately she stopped struggling. 'I am Sofia Appleby. Who might you be?'

His gap-toothed grin was infectious and she returned his smile. 'I'm Jeremiah Smith, miss, at your service. What the bleedin' hell are you doing out here on your own?'

They were now in a hollow away from the track and she could see his horse tethered close by. She was about to insist she went in search of her own mount when there was the sound of hooves and Pedro pushed his way through the dense thicket and happily trotted over to join the much larger animal.

Again Smith swore and she couldn't restrain her intake of breath. He chuckled and touched his forehead. 'Beggin' your pardon, miss, barrack room language. Was a soldier until I did my time and found myself a comfortable billet back in England.'

'And I apologise for being ridiculous. I take it there are French soldiers ahead and that is why you brought me here?'

'The buggers are a couple of hundred yards from here, if you'd gone much further you would have been seen by their sentry. Dressed like you are, I reckon they'd not have treated you like a lady.'

His blunt words sent a shiver down her spine. He'd no need to elaborate as she knew exactly what happened to Spanish women unfortunate enough to be captured by the French. Smith explained what he was doing there and who he was travelling with.

'Perry's brother is here? The Duke of Silchester himself? He will be overjoyed to find him fully recovered.' She was about to say that his grace might well not be so pleased about discovering she was to marry into the family today, then realised this would be a highly unsuitable conversation to have with a man who was obviously a servant of some sort from the way he spoke.

'I fear that Perry might well come in search of me. He cannot be allowed to blunder into the French. They would shoot him on sight.'

'Don't you fret, missy, I'll not let that happen. You stop here along with the horses, you'll be safe enough. What direction will Lord Peregrine be coming from?'

She pointed and he nodded. 'I'm an ex-rifleman, a skirmisher, I can move about without being seen if I have to. I'll make my way back and stop him before he's in any danger.'

'The English cavalry could be here at any time. I'm praying that he might see them and discover for himself what is going on.'

He didn't answer and disappeared through the low-growing scrub leaving her alone. If her foolishness led the man she loved into danger she would never forgive herself. The horses were happily grazing and didn't need her attention. She had not been sitting in the hollow for very long when she began to feel uncomfortable.

Attending to the call of nature when one was dressed in a gown was relatively simple even when outdoors, however, doing so when in breeches was another thing altogether. It required that she expose a part of her anatomy that was best kept out of sight. She could not possibly empty her bladder when at any moment Smith could return or, even worse, bring with him the man she hoped to marry very soon.

Soon the matter became so urgent she had no choice. She could hardly do what needed to be done where she was sitting as the wet patch would be immediately obvious; that would be too humiliating – it would also be unpleasant to sit in.

She had been told to remain where she was and to remain quiet. The horses were presumably in a safe place so it should be permissible for her to go to join them. She slithered down on her bottom not wishing to raise her head any higher than necessary.

'Keep still, boys, I'll not disturb you much.' She patted both the animals in turn and was then relieved and delighted to find there was a convenient space behind a large rock that she could utilise. Once she was comfortable she quickly tucked her shirt tails between her legs and pulled up her breeches.

Not a moment too soon as Smith, accompanied by two men from the village, crawled into view. She prayed they would think she had gone down to check on the welfare of the horses and that they wouldn't see her pink cheeks. Keeping in a crouched position, she went to join them.

'You need to leave, miss, you can take one of these men's horses. They'll use yours when they want to return,' Smith told her.

'I shall be glad to go, I don't want to be in the middle of a pitched battle. I shall wait for Perry and make sure he comes with me. I've no wish for him to be involved either, he's not fully recovered yet.'

One of the men remained with Smith and the other accompanied her back to the path where he tossed her into the saddle. The stirrup leathers had already been shortened so she rammed her boots into the irons and was ready to leave.

'Joseph, where are the rest of the men?'

He gestured with his head and she saw what she had missed before, that the remaining partisans were stealthily moving through the scrub so they could fire down on the French when the English cavalry arrived and charged them from the front.

Once they were safely away she reined in determined to remain where she was and wait for her beloved to appear. From her vantage point she could see in all directions without being seen herself. The sun was fully up and it was going to be another baking hot day – unusual for the beginning of autumn.

'Look, I can see Don Pablo and that must be Perry riding with him. Good Lord, he looks ready for battle, he's wearing a sword around his waist.'

She stood in her stirrups and waved until she attracted their attention. It would be simpler for them to come to her rather than the other way around as the track in front of her was the most direct one back to the town. He arrived at her side and did not look particularly pleased to see her. She spoke first hoping her good news would soften his mood.

'Perry, your brother, the duke, has arrived to take you home. There is a French company a mile away and they are carrying chests of gold. Jenkins has gone to fetch the English cavalry and Smith is keeping watch.'

'And you have been doing exactly what these past few hours?'

'Smith saved me from blundering into the French camp and I have been hiding with him until it was safe to leave.'

Her words made him look even grimmer. He had come armed to the teeth in her defence when he should have been resting at home. Her stupidity had ruined what should have been a wonderful day.

'I am so sorry. I shall fully understand if you no longer wish to marry me this afternoon.'

He looked at her as if she was speaking in tongues and then stretched out and lifted her bodily from the saddle and placed her in front of him. 'The sooner I marry you the better, my girl, you are running wild at the moment and I intend to put a stop to that.'

She opened her mouth to protest but he closed it with a kiss that made her forget everything apart from how much she loved him. When he raised his head his eyes told her everything she needed to know. Whatever she did, however badly she behaved, he would always love her even when he was enraged by her outlandish ways.

'We shall return, I've no wish to join in the fight today or, alas, any other day.' He turned his gelding's head and kicked him into a canter. Sitting sideways on the pommel was extremely uncomfortable and only his arms around her waist kept her in place. There was no point in protesting as she thought he was doing it deliberately. She hoped this would be her only punishment.

They were only halfway back when she heard the sound of two horses approaching at speed from behind. She peered around Perry's shoulder. 'It's Smith and another man who must be Jenkins. The cavalry has arrived and the French are about to be routed.' She had been obliged to shout but she was pretty sure he heard her although he didn't respond.

When he reined in at the paddock he tipped her unceremoniously to the ground and she barely kept her feet. 'I shall see you at the church in one hour from now. Do not be late – tardiness is something I cannot abide.'

She moved swiftly out of his reach before turning. 'And I cannot abide overbearing, arrogant aristocrats but I suppose we must both endure as we have no choice in the matter.'

The sound of his laughter followed her and she was tempted to turn a cartwheel but thought that might be a step too far.

'There you are, I knew you would arrive in time to prepare for your wedding.' Mama didn't mention the fact that she had been missing for hours, or that they now not only had a lord, but a duke in their midst.

Sofia stood in a basin whilst her mother tipped warm water over her and then rubbed her from top to toe in their precious orange blossom soap. 'What about you? You must have time to get ready as well.'

'I have only to take off this old gown and put on my wedding finery and I am done. I hope you like the gown I sewed for this special day.'

Draped over the end of her bed was the most beautiful gown she had ever seen. It was in palest green, high-waisted, with a full train of organza and edged with beading. Strictly speaking it was an evening gown, but it was perfect for a wedding too.

'I love it, I shall look like a real bride wearing that.' She examined it more closely and saw there was a loop of material hidden under the train so she could put this over her wrist and thus keep the train from under her feet.

'Of course you are a real bride. Good heavens, child, you are marrying the brother of the Duke of Silchester. I should think that Perry must be one of the most eligible bachelors in England and yet here we are about to welcome him to our humble family.'

'You have met him? What is he like?'

'He is a dark version of your future husband. He is slightly taller and broader but quite definitely his brother. I have never conversed with someone so toplofty before but found him quite charming and pleasant.'

'I am rather dreading walking down the aisle on my own, I…'

'That is not going to happen, my love, Don Pablo will escort you. After all we are to be married tomorrow ourselves so he's almost your papa.'

'To think that yesterday there were only the two of us in the family and tomorrow I shall have a host of brothers and sisters, a husband, and a new father.'




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