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The Gamble by Eve Carter (20)


Saul called and saved the day with a free trip to South Beach, so I didn’t get to have that point blank discussion with Cam. It could wait. A three-day weekend getaway to the hottest spot in Florida was way more fun. I could always have that conversation after we got back. But I was sure from the way he was treating me that I was worrying about nothing, again. After Jade, I didn’t know what to expect in a relationship with a normal person. Well, Cam was more than normal, he was sexceptional, as in sexy as hell and exceptional. Handsome, athletic, good-hearted, everything I wanted. I just hoped I didn’t blow it and do something or say something stupid, even after he explained about Lisa. I needed to work on my self-confidence. I had a tendency to hyper focus on one little detail, then blow things out of proportion. So, I told myself, I had this. What was I so worried about anyway? I was just being too neurotic.

Once we got to South Beach, we’d laid on the beach most of the day and then returned to the condo Saul had booked for the weekend. Cam told me, once a player signs with an agent, it’s not unusual for the agent to offer perks like this one, to woo the player, get on their good side, show them what they can do for them as an agent when it comes to negotiating their deal and stuff like that.

After that, we showered and got ready to go out for dinner and more partying. The night before we’d found our way to the famous Ocean Drive with all of its art deco hotels. We’d danced at a rooftop club right across from the beach where we’d laid out all day. That’s all we did here: beach, drink, eat, drink, then drink some more, eat again, and drink, drink, drink.

The sidewalk cafes on Ocean Drive were nonstop. As we walked along the sidewalk, jammed with tables and brightly colored umbrellas, I couldn’t tell where one ended and the next began. The restaurants, wanting to use every inch of cement available, covered the sidewalks right to the curb with their tables and chairs. Pedestrians actually had to walk between tables as they passed by on their way to yet another eye-catching and extravagant restaurant or hotel.

As Cam and I walked the gauntlet of people sipping exotic drinks, we couldn’t help but point and gawk at what we saw, like true newbies to the lifestyle. Each flamboyant drink seemed better than the one before. When I saw a drink with a hollowed out pineapple as the container, and one of those tiny, pink drink umbrellas, we had to stop so I could have one. Cam was willing to take a break from walking, especially when two dancing girls climbed up on pedestals on either side of a DJ and started moving to the music. His eyes lit up, but his attention was not directed to the drink in a margarita glass the size of a soccer ball with a can of beer turned upside down in it. No, I’m sure it was the nicely tanned, round rumps of the identical twins, wearing thong bikinis and knee-high black boots—that had him sold on stopping for a drink. This was on our first day here, and South Beach was already sizzling.

“Man, I feel like a VIP already,” Cam said, as the waitress brought us our third drink of the evening. We were sitting on stools at the bar near a dance floor in the back half of the bar. Up front, the bar was surrounded by tables and chairs with a large expanded bar top big enough for entertainers to climb up on. Right now, a Ricky Martin look-alike in a Miami style suit was singing while two girls danced around him. We’d found this place, called Mango’s, on Ocean Drive, a fabulous location within walking distance of the famous Clevelander hotel, and a ton of other hot spots. It was also close to the former Versace mansion, where the famous clothing designer, Gianni Versace, was shot and killed one morning when he went out to get the newspaper. But that was years ago, before my time.

“Me too,” I said. “This is fantastic. It has everything, Latin music, hot guy dancers, sexy exotic girls on the dance floor, and a happy hour until closing time. What else could you ask for?”

Cam laughed and said, “Yeah, it’s a similar venue to one where Girls Gone Wild would hang out. Maybe we’ll see some crazy bachelorette party.”

“You wish. But it’s definitely a place you can let your inner-most party girl out. Or party guy,” I giggled. “Whatever. I’m enjoying the dancers on the bar. Look there’s a new couple getting up on the bar to dance.”

Cam took a sip of his tropical punch and looked up to an elegant woman, black hair slicked back into a tight bun, wearing what was obviously a professional costume. She was not amateur. These were professional Salsa dancers, like those on Dancing with the Stars. The music started and her handsome dance partner began twirling her and shaking his hips. In no time he had her bent over backward, her back gracefully arched, one leg extended and her foot expertly pointed. She threw an arm over her head and it nearly touched the floor, almost in a complete backbend. Then he swept her up in his strong arms and spun her high above his head, holding her up to the ceiling where she pivoted on his extended arms, once again bowed into a graceful pose, before she landed on her feet, light as a feather.

“Oh my god, look at that move. They’re so good, and so fast. Look at her feet move, they’re flying!”

Cam watched them dancing and then said, “I can do that.”

“Oh yeah? You’ve got moves like that?”

“Piece of cake. But who’s looking at her feet? I can’t take my eyes off her hips! I think I understand the meaning of Shakira’s song, Those Hips Don’t Lie.”

I swatted his arm playfully and took a sip of the drink our waitress had handed us earlier.

Our waitress wore a leopard skin kind of leotard waitress uniform, and all the employees were hot, sexy, friendly, and helpful. Did I mention, hot? The male bartenders and servers wore black and leopard print vests over bare skin, no shirt, all dark haired, caramel-colored Latin skin and bulging muscles. Overkill for carrying such tiny drinks, but I wasn’t complaining. Eye candy for both sexes. And to add to the atmosphere, the owner installed black lights. My nails glowed along with some of the drinks. The drink menu was so bizarre it was overwhelming to decide what to order and getting trashed here could easily happen. When a Mario Lopez look alike floated by with a tray full of green blinking shot glasses, I had to have one.

I elbowed Cam. “Ooo, look at that.” Cam thought I meant the green blinking drinks. I did, but the waiter was easy on the eyes too. The glass, which was really plastic, had a neon green light in the bottom and a button to make it strobe or just stay solid, to color the Fireball whiskey inside. With the Mango’s logo on the front, it was my first souvenir I’d take home with me, along with the wonderful memories of being here with Cam. I could appreciate the handsome Latino bartenders, but they were nothing compared to Cam.

I laid my hand on Cam’s bicep and felt the bulge of tight muscles under his shirt. He turned and smiled at me and said, “Would you like one of those drinks?”

My eyes lit up. “Yes, please!”

He flagged down Mr. Latin Muscles and bought us each a blinking shot of Fireball. We saluted and downed our shots.

“They don’t have anything like this in Missouri. This is the life. And this is just the beginning, baby.” He leaned in and bumped me with his shoulder. “Wait until I’m with a pro team. I’ll be taking you places like this all the time. Think you can handle it?” He grinned.

I smiled back to him, as wide as could be. He was still talking like I’d be in the picture in the future. I had nothing to worry about. “You bet, baby. But I could go to the Hometown Buffet in a gunnysack and I wouldn’t care. As long as I’m with you. That’s all that matters.”

He leaned in and kissed me, his lips soft on mine. The music was pulsing, the colored lights were strobing and my head was spinning. A little from the drinks, but mostly from falling in love. I was falling in love with Cam and I never wanted this feeling to end. My pulse quickened, my blood rushed, a heady feeling for sure.

I pulled out of the kiss and ran a hand up and down his thigh, my slender fingers dwarfed by the solid pack of muscles. I wanted more of him, more than just a kiss. I toyed with the idea of running my hand all the way to his crotch, stroke him through his jeans. Would I find him hard already? Was he as electrified as I felt sitting this close, smelling his sandalwood musk scent?

I glanced to the curved booth in the dark back corner. Could we do it there? Could he take me in the dark? Could I let him take me in a public place? I’d never done that before, but the thought of it excited me. I glanced to the booth again, considering it, and bit my lip. Would I have the nerve to do it right here in the bar with people around?

I leaned in, giving an urgent squeeze of his leg, my lips hovering near his ear. “We should go soon.” I didn't know how much longer I could wait to be alone with him. I needed him. I needed to feel the comfort of his strong arms around me, his chest pressed to mine. I needed to be under him. Feel his body moving on top of mine, his tongue in my mouth, filled with desire and passion, feel him inside me.

However, we’d have to return to the condo, first. I decided I didn’t want him taking me in a dark corner of a bar. I wanted to be spread out on the bed for him, tease him with my body, but could I make it to the condo? Could I wait even the short walk it would take? I pictured us stopping, not able to make it. We’d kiss and fall onto the trimmed lawn at the grassy park along the way, the one opposite the art deco buildings on Ocean Drive. I didn't know if I could do it there. Out in the open, in public? Would we get caught? Arrested?

I ran a hand up his leg and my fingers fluttered around his crotch. I leaned in, again and whispered, “I think we need to go, now.”

He gave a low humming sound and rolled his eyes to the ceiling, reacting to my hand on his crotch. “Mmm. Oh, baby. If you keep touching me like that I'm gonna be hard in an instant. And I won't be able to walk out of here normal.”

I gave a soft laugh and he kissed me. “Mmm, then let’s get the hell out of here.”

* * *

We practically ran back to the condo and in the sultry, heat of the Florida night, we fell in the door, clothes sticking to wet bodies.

“Gawd, I’m so hot I’m sweating,” I said, laughing.

“I can fix that,” Cam said. He swept me up in his arms and took me into the bathroom. He cranked the shower dial and pushed me in the glass stall, clothes and all. Despite being hot, I still squealed when the cold water hit me, but soon the warm water came through.

Before the door was even closed, his mouth was crashing down on mine, pinning me against the Travertine tiles. Any previous gentleness from our kisses at the bar was gone as he claimed me, teeth and tongue demanding. His hands moved over my body, clawing at my wet clothes as water spilled over us. When he pushed my hands above my head, I moaned into his mouth and I felt him harden against me.

On the glide down, his teeth scraped across the swell of my breasts, searching for the nub of my hard nipple. When he couldn’t wait any longer, he yanked hard with both hands and all my clothes came off at once. It was easy, since I wore a light summer romper, one of those with no straps and no bra. I gasped, startled, arching my back into him, feeling the warm spray of the water burst onto my breasts, wanting him, wanting more, wanting his mouth licking the water from my nipples. And to my delight, that’s exactly what he did. His mouth was on one nipple, sucking and teasing, one hand guiding my left hard peak to more pleasure, the other pushing at my right breast, then racing down to my clit for a few flicks of his finger and back again, as if his eager hands couldn’t decide which tactile sensation it wanted next.

The three point stimulation was electric, sending rivers of fire racing through my veins, the ascension ignited, my orgasm rising, getting closer and closer. When his lips slid down my stomach, I let out a low expectant moan. This was what I waited for, needed.

“Ooo, baby,” I gurgled, “I love it when you do that. It’s such a rush.”

Although I was standing naked under the stream of water, his warm wet mouth on me, giving me the thrill it always did, I shivered with excitement. I knew what he could do with that tongue. I spread my legs, holding my hands in his wet hair as his head bobbed and moved, licking.

I looked down at him between my legs, hips arched forward as much as possible for better access, but this wasn't how I wanted him.

Breathlessly, I said, “Baby, let’s go to the bed.” He backed off and I said, “I need to feel your body, all of you against me.”

Without a word he stood and stopped the water, eyes dark with desire, as if in a zone he didn’t want to break. He peeled off his wet clothes and tossed them aside, then held out a hand. With eyes locked on mine, I took his hand.

I reached for a towel and he stopped me, grabbing my wrist as if I were reaching for the pin on a hand grenade.

“No,” he said, his voice husky and low. “I want you wet.”

He led me to the bed, guiding me, and laid me out on the smooth, white duvet cover, my long hair dripping water onto it. He took a step back to admire me as I lay there. Slowly, he circled the bed, eyes blazing, his cock hard and straight. I wiggled, anxious for him to touch me, my nipples hard and my clit aching. I glanced down at my body, droplets of water still sitting on my skin, and then looked at Cam.

My breath caught as I took in the sight of him. His skin glistened with moisture, showing the ridges and dimples in his muscles, carved like hills and valleys across drum tight abs. My pulse was racing and I licked my lips, stretching my arms above my head. I fisted my hands tight, fighting the urge to reach down and stroke myself as I watched him stop at the foot of the bed. He was magnificent, all hard body and tanned skin, taut over exquisite muscles and he was all mine.

I bit my lip, waiting, trying to be patient, but aching inside for him to touch me, finish what he’d started in the shower. “Cam…” I breathed out. “Please…” I was practically begging.

He started at my feet, climbing up onto the bed. He reached my thighs and started licking the water from the smooth insides, goosebumps running up my skin.

As he moved up I practically held my breath, but when he got to my clit, he only stopped long enough to tease me, then he continued, licking, and kissing his way to my nipples. The relief of his mouth on them was extreme and I moaned with satisfaction as I could feel his hard cock giving some pressure to my needy clit at the same time. He pushed himself up and kept moving until he was straddling me on his knees, his cock right at my mouth. My arms were pinned to the bed by his position. He touched the tip of his cock to my lips, burning holes in me with his eyes the whole time.

“Take it baby, suck it.” His voice was velvety smooth.

So I did. I took his cock in my mouth without using my hands. It was awkward, but I’d take as much as he’d give me. I loved sucking his cock. I pulled in my cheeks hard, increasing the suction as he rocked, wanting to give him as much pleasure as he gave me.

He moaned a deep growl and purred, “That’s my girl. You suck me so good, baby.”

Carefully, he pulled out and moved back off of me enough to kiss me, as if thanking me for his delight, his fingers reaching down to stroke me, not wanting me to lose my high completely. He broke the kiss and pulled back, whispering, “I’m gonna taste you and then I’m gonna get you off with my tongue,” as he moved down to my pussy again.

Hearing those words, a rush of excitement raced through me.

Once between my legs he pushed them farther. His eyes came up to meet mine and he ran a finger around the outer edge of my folds, watching my face, wanting to see the heat he felt for me reflected back in my eyes.

His strokes were gentle at first and then he grabbed my hips with both hands and buried his face in my pussy. I jerked, bucking my hips up to meet his mouth, eager, needy and on fire for him.

“Oh, gaaawd, yes.” The growl came out on a long throaty breath, my pleasure twisting inside me, coiling, ready to explode. My legs tensed and his tongue moved over my swollen clit. His fingers inside me worked in unison with his tongue, faster, harder, until I crashed over the edge, waves of pleasure taking me off into the ozone. A second wave washed over me, and I could barely breathe. That’d never happened before, but I barely had time to be startled by it, pleased by it, for fear of losing it.

Jesus, he was good!

I was still coming down from my orgasm, arms above my head, breathing heavily, when he moved my body quickly and swiftly, positioning me how he wanted. He rolled my hips to the side, leaving my upper body flat on my back, twisted at the waist. He moved up on his knees and positioned himself to take me in this twisted position with lower body to the side, and the upper lying flat on the bed.

“I’m gonna fuck you like this,” he said. “Don’t move, baby.”

I didn’t answer, just enjoyed how he took control and moved me into the position he wanted. It excited me, not knowing what he’d do next.

“Say it,” he hissed, one palm splayed on the curve of my hip, and I could feel the tension radiating off it. He positioned his cock at my opening, and said, “Tell me you want me to fuck you.”

“Fuck me, baby. Fuck me any way you like. I love what you do to me.”

He growled, then grunted as he drove into me with the first hard thrust.

I whimpered and grabbed at the bed cover, trying to keep from being pushed across the bed, his thrusts were so strong. He was so big that it always startled me every time he entered me. This time he showed me no mercy, stretching me out quickly. He began to pound me, each stroke going deeper, each thrust faster. This wasn’t making love, this was fucking, pure and simple, and I loved the base animal passion of it.

“Fuck, Allie,” he growled. Right before he came, he slid a hand up to my head, fingers tightening in my hair until it hurt. Then he pushed himself deep, his muscles tensing, and let out a satisfied groan.

He pulled out of me and flopped on the bed behind me. I shifted so I was completely laying on my side now and he moved in closer, spooning. We stayed like that, bodies locked together in a cocoon, floating on a soft, warm cloud of happiness until the sensations began to ebb.

This was all I needed. I could stay in Cam’s arms forever. Why had I even worried about Lisa and what his mother said?




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