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The Gamble by Eve Carter (8)


Allie rode in the back, listening to music with earbuds. We were about an hour down the road and not far from Vegas.


It’d been a crazy trip so far and we were running out of spring break time. I really didn’t want to think about dropping off Allie at her cousin’s. I didn’t want her to leave. I wanted to finish what we’d started that first night. Stick my cock in her and go to town.

I closed my eyes and let my mind drift, imagining what it’d be like to have her, to take her. Alone, not in the middle of a fucking street, where I could lay her out on the bed, run my hands through her long silky hair, then run my hands up those long legs and spread them apart. Her pussy would be wet and inviting. Her mouth parted and panting. Her arms would reach to pull me on top of her, take me inside her then slowly I’d stroke her to ecstasy with my throbbing cock.

Happy little peckerhead twitched with anticipation and I starting getting hard just thinking about her. Thoughts of wet pussy usually did that, but Allie was different. I also wanted her because I liked her. I knew I shouldn’t and I knew there was no way I’d probably ever see her again after this, or that we could have a...a...oh god, what was I thinking. A relationship. There, I admitted it. The dreaded r word. I wasn’t supposed to let anything sidetrack me right now, but hell, I couldn't help it. Allie was amazing and we had one hell of a connection going. Yes, on one level, we had a, physical attraction. I’ll admit that. She was gorgeous, had a dynamite body, but on another level, our attraction had little to do with physical pheromones and all that shit.

And those were the thoughts that had me scheming ways to get her phone number and keep in contact after Vegas.

I adjusted myself and went back to my fantasy, letting my head tip back against the headrest of the seat. Just as I was slipping into a delightful fantasy about licking her wet pussy, something jolted me out of my daydream.


My eyes popped open to a worried AJ, leaning forward, intently peering into the rearview mirror.

“What is it?”

“Shit! Highway patrol.” AJ let off the gas as soon as he spoke.

I glanced over at the speedometer. “Damn! How fast were you going?”

The speedometer needle was coming down off of one hundred mph. I jerked around in my seat and AJ tapped the brakes to slow the car even more, but it was too late. There were blue flashing lights behind us, approaching fast.

“Why the hell were you driving so fast? What’s wrong with you, man?”

“Well, it’s all your fault. You had to delay us with...her.” He spat the words, but it was because he was stressed. I knew he wasn’t really angry with Allie.

“Hey, shut up. She’s right there.” I jerked my head to the back seat. “And you’re the one obsessed with making good time on the road. Can’t you just go with the experience? Like Phoebe…” I didn’t want to admit he was right, but I liked Allie and meeting her was worth every minute we’d lost getting to Vegas.

Sensing the commotion, Allie removed her earbuds and moved forward to the edge of her seat.

“What’s happening?”

I threw a disgusted look at AJ and said, “We’re getting pulled over. Johnny Rocket here couldn’t keep it under a hundred.” I made a face at AJ. “Well, pull over, dickhead. He’s signaling you to pull over.”

“Shut up! I am, I am. I don’t need any of your sarcastic advice right now.”

AJ moved the car to the shoulder and the Highway Patrol car pulled up behind us. We were on the last stretch into Las Vegas and had just crossed the state line. So close and yet now, delayed again. I thought about Phoebe and her karma beliefs and wondered what I’d done to deserve so much shit luck on spring break. Somebody must really not want me to have my break in Vegas. At this rate, there’d be only a couple days left before it was over and time to drive back to college.

But what could the worst thing be? AJ would get a speeding ticket. Big whoop. And besides, he had the money, thanks to Daddy Money Buckets and we’d be on our way.

Right about the time the officer stepped up to AJ’s window, I blurted out, “Fuck! The beer…” I clamped my jaw shut and stopped just as AJ rolled down the window.

The beer cans and bottles!

I smiled at the officer, praying he hadn’t heard me. My mind was spinning. Were there any beers still in the cooler on the floor in the back seat?

Had Allie really emptied all of them?

Did anyone throw them out?

I couldn’t remember and now it was too late. I hoped the officer wouldn’t ask, but it was probably standard procedure. I’d watched enough TV cop shows to know they always asked who’d been drinking.


Open containers in a car. What was the law about that? I didn’t know for sure. Maybe I could be arrested, along with everyone in the car. That was the last thing I needed. It wouldn’t look good for my NFL career. How could we prove those beers had been consumed a day ago?

I was toast. I’d end up in jail for who knew, two, maybe three days.

Fuck again!

And then I’d have to call Saul to bail me out.

I was so screwed.

Imagining the worst-case scenario kept me busy while the officer asked AJ all the standard questions about license and registration, then ordered us all to get out of the car.

When he asked us where we were going and we told him we were on our spring break from college, he raised his brows and told AJ and me to plant our hands on the hood while he patted us down. He looked over at Allie, but didn’t pat her down, just allowed her to stand nearby with a stern warning to not move.

She was looking good, sexy, still wearing the same short top with metal studs from the night at the bar under her hoodie. But it was unzipped and hanging open. She’d jumped in our car with nothing more than a large backpack type of purse thing and the clothes she wore. So here she was, in the sweltering heat of the bleak desert, looking like a rock star on the side of the road.

During our pat down, the officer threw our wallets out on the hood of the car and now he nodded to them, asking to see ID’s.

After looking them over he stepped up to Allie and asked her for ID.

Allie was biting her lip, staring at the rear car door. “I need to get my purse, officer. It’s in my purse and purse is in the back seat.”

“You can get it out,” the officer said. So far he hadn’t been stern with us, actually he seemed a little understanding when we told him we played football for the Longhorns and we were on spring break. But now as Allie opened the back car door something seemed to catch his attention and his expression changed.

He checked Allie’s ID and when she tried to close the door he said, “Leave it open.”

Allie noticed him eyeing the cooler on the floor in the back seat and began pouring on the smiles and charm.

He returned her ID to her and said, “Thank you, Miss Artemis.” Then he pulled a flashlight from its location on his belt, heavy with various law enforcement pouches and holster.

He stepped closer and pointed his light to the cheap white Styrofoam cooler we’d purchased for the trip. “What’s in the cooler?”

AJ stepped forward. “Um, er, well officer, er beer cans, but they’re empty.” He shot a nasty look to Allie and said, “Somebody emptied them all.”

The officer motioned for AJ to stand back and inched closer to Allie and the open door, his look still indiscernible. “Is that so?”

He motioned to Allie with the flashlight. “Open it.”

She hesitated and stuttered.

She did drink all the beers, didn’t she?

“, you see...If I open it, I don’t think you're gonna like what’s in it officer.” She tried to say it as sweetly as possible.

He gave her a deadpan stare and she smiled, knowing what he wanted. She had to step close to the officer who was blocking the open door, in order to reach the cooler, but before she did, she gave a fluff of her hair and a tug on her top. She was working it, trying to flirt with the officer.

Slowly, she pushed past the officer, practically brushing her tits against him as she moved into to the car. Then she had to bend and place one knee on the back seat in order to reach the cooler. As she was kneeling, her long hair fell down around her face. She made a grand gesture of tossing it aside as she turned to look back at him, giggling and smiling again.

Oh, she was good.

With a hand on the lid of the cooler, she paused and said, “I don’t think you want to see what’s in here. Can’t we just let this go?” and batted her lashes at him.

The officer flinched, struggling to keep a straight face now and said, “Well, young lady, that sounds mighty suspicious. And now that you seem so intent on me not looking in your cooler, I’m just gonna have to do that very thing. Open it.”

“I hope what you find won’t disappoint you.”

Allie threw a glance my way, and I could practically hear AJ hyperventilating next to me as we watched our trip to jail unfold.

Allie lifted the lid, making a show of it, smiling at the officer sweetly, trying to charm him.

“There you go.” Allie climbed back out of the car, holding the white Styrofoam lid.

The officer played the beam of his flashlight across surface of red, white and blue aluminum. “Well, looky there. Beer cans. He turned to AJ first. “Have you been drinking?”

“No, sir. I mean, yes, sir, well last night at the motel where we stayed, but there’s no alcohol in my system now officer. I’m clean.”

Clean? Why the hell did he say that? Clean usually meant free of drugs and there’d been weed in the car too. Didn’t I hear something about the state of Nevada legalizing marijuana? Do they routinely check for that now too? Fuck, AJ was probably loaded to the gills with THC from Phoebe’s marijuana, but hopefully, there's no evidence of weed in the car. Unless Phoebe accidentally dropped a joint or something. Then, we’re fucked.

The officer addressed Allie and said, “Miss Artemis, remove the cooler from the car and set it here on the ground.” He motioned to the dry patch of sandy dirt in front of his feet.

She did as she was instructed, still smiling and flirting. Then as she backed out of the car, arms around the cooler, she accidently on purpose bumped against him, giggling, pretending to wobble from the awkward bulk of the cooler.

“Ooops, pardon me. It’s not heavy, officer, really. I’m just a little clumsy.” She placed the cooler at his feet and straightened, arching out her chest and smoothing back her hair. “Three cans and a bottle. All empty.”

The officer turned to me. “Have you had anything to drink?”

“No, sir, officer. Not today. And there’s no alcohol in the cooler either.” I wasn’t sure, but I lied anyway.

He looked doubtful and turned to ask Allie the same question. “Have you been drinking today?”

“No, officer. Of course not.”

Allie picked up an empty can and tipped it upside down. Nothing came out. She smiled. “See? It’s all good.”

The officer eyed the other cans in the cooler and pointed to one. “How about that one?”

Allie’s smile faded when she saw the one he chose. For a minute she didn’t say or do anything, just bit her lip, staring at the Budweiser can. “That one?”

He nodded and I heard a slow depleting breath escape from AJ’s lips.

“You don’t want to know what’s in that one,” she said.

“Take it out.”

She shot a glance to me, the officer, and back to the Budweiser can. He noticed and furrowed his brow, suspicious now.

“Go on. Hand it to me.”

Allie opened her mouth to speak but then stopped and smiled. “Well, okay but…”

Slowly, she bent over removed the can he wanted and handed it to him.

The offer took it, moving it, as if judging its weight.

Dammit. It wasn’t empty. I could tell by the expression on his face and the way Allie was staring at the ground, shuffling her feet.

“No beer, huh? You know it’s illegal to drive in the state of Nevada with an open container in the car.”

He lifted the open can to his nose and took a big whiff.

Allie grimaced, and I scrunched my eyes closed.

The officer began to gag and said, “Ooogh! Urine! That’s disgusting!” and shoved it back toward Allie.

Sheepishly, she took it and replied, “Sorry officer. I tried to tell you.”

AJ burst out, “I thought you got rid of that. Geez, Allie.” He turned to me too frantic to care if anyone heard and said, “She’s probably pissed him off and now we’re all going jail!”

Under my breath, I mumbled, “Shut up, man. Just leave it alone.”

Allie was working her magic on this guy and if AJ didn’t shut it, he’d ruin it. She almost had him schmoozed.

Returning the can to the cooler, she said, “It’s all my fault officer. Really. These two gentlemen were kind enough to help me out with a ride to Las Vegas, and I couldn’t wait for a rest stop or gas station, so I used the can. I’m sorry. Don’t give them a ticket, please. No one has been drinking while driving, and I take full blame. If you need to arrest anyone for anything, arrest me for being so stupid.”

The officer appeared to soften and looked at us, and then at Allie who flirtatiously stroked her hair, twirling it around her finger in that seductive way all guys liked.

“We’re just on spring break, wanting to have some fun in Vegas,” she continued. “We’re behind schedule and it’s my fault we are behind. We should've been there already, spinning the roulette wheel, paying your taxes as they say, but…” She pointed to herself, her delicate fingers at her cleavage, drawing his attention to her breasts. “It’s my fault. Little ol’ me.”

She rolled her eyes skyward with a smile and lifted a shoulder. “You were young once and not that long ago, I might add. Didn't you ever make a little mistake doing stupid shit, I mean, stupid stuff with your buddies? I bet you were a real knock out in your day.” She eyed his biceps and licked her lips. “Still are.”

I pretty much figured the officer knew exactly what was going on with Allie and all the flirting. But after it was all over and done with, the officer let us off with a speeding ticket for AJ and a warning about open containers. He explained, AJ could pay the ticket online or he could find the courthouse in the old part of downtown Las Vegas.

I liked Allie more and more. She just saved us from trouble with the Highway Patrol and I was grateful for that. He went to his car and waited for us to leave.

We walked back to AJ’s Camry. “Thanks Allie, you bailed us out,” I said.

She smiled, brushed her sleeve like she was sweeping away dirt and said, “No problem. My pleasure.”

I elbowed AJ in the ribs. He looked up from the speeding ticket he was reading as we walked to the car. “Oh, yeah, thanks Allie. That was awesome. I owe you one. I’ll buy you dinner and make sure we get you to your cousin’s place safely.”

AJ and I arrived at the driver's side door at the same time. He reached for the handle and said, “I promise, I’ll keep it under a hundred.”

I clamped my hand over his, stopping him. “Oh no. No way, Robin, Boy Wonder. No one drives the Batmobile but Batman. I’ll be driving now.”


“No discussion.”

Allie laughed and we all got in the car. We were right at the state line. Only a few more miles to go now and Viva Las Vegas!




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