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The Mark (The Players Series Book 2) by Emma Nichols (10)



The morning started off quietly enough. As usual, I sat in the conference room, diligently poring over the various files and reconciling all the money going into and coming out of the hotel and casino. The task was time-consuming, but also incredibly satisfying. I loved unraveling the mystery of the books. I thrilled in uncovering secrets and hidden funds. I practically danced out of my seat when I found missing money, mostly because recovering it meant a big, fat fee for me. Here, with more than twenty years of numbers to work with, I should see a huge payout.

Normally, this excitement was enough. This would keep me focused and driven. In me was a deep-seated need to have security in all of its glorious forms, most specifically financially. I’d never had that growing up, which was why I’d forgone my true passion in order to ensure my independence and stability. I blew out a breath. Ever since I’d finished college, I’d worked toward this goal. At the moment, it seemed silly and I was overwhelmed with everything I was missing out on.

By lunch time, I was losing my mind. Instead of staying in and ordering food brought up, I decided to go down to the restaurant, stretch my legs, and eat there. At one in the afternoon, I stood and pushed in my seat before striding toward the door. Suddenly, it opened and Kate stood there with a smirk on her face.

“Come on.” She gestured for me to follow her.

I stiffened. “I was on my way to eat lunch downstairs.” I glanced past her and stared longingly at the elevator doors. “Can we talk when I return?”

She chuckled and crossed her arms over her body. “We could, or we could have lunch together.”

“Oh, I think that’s a terrible idea.” I frowned. “You know, the whole fraternization policy.” I bit my cheek and moved to pass her in the hall.

“That’s too bad. Ty invited Harry to join us for lunch so he wouldn’t have to eat alone. You know, since Drew is still in the hospital.” She released an exaggerated sigh. “I wouldn’t want him to feel like the third wheel…”

I knew she’d paused intentionally, and I shifted uncomfortably as I tried to figure out how to rescind my refusal. “Well, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt this once. I mean, since it’s not just us.” I shrugged and looked away to hide my embarrassment.

Kate grinned. “I thought you might be interested.” Then she looped an arm through mine. “So, the guys are waiting for us downstairs.”

I frowned. “Their breakfast took that long?”

She shook her head. “Oh, no. Apparently, they barely ate breakfast, but they wandered around talking. They had never really enjoyed the gardens or the fountains, and I think there was a gondola ride in there somewhere.”

I snorted. “The two of them in a gondola. I’d have paid money to see that.”

“Right?” Kate chuckled. “Let’s hear them out before we tease them mercilessly.” She seemed so happy. There was a bounce in her step as we walked through the elevator doors and Kate hit the button for the lobby.

“Nothing happened with Harry,” I murmured quietly as I stared at the floor. Then I glanced at her to see her reaction.

Her brow furrowed. “Okay. You’re an adult. What you do is your business.” She laid a hand on her chest. “I’m in no place to judge anyone. The minute I met Ty, I was a goner.” A smile spread across her face. “Listen. I didn’t say anything to my husband because he has his own ideas, but I thought you might be perfect for Harry. I don’t know him well, yet, but what I do know tells me he’s a good guy, especially if nothing happened between you last night.”

My cheeks burned and I rubbed my hands together anxiously. “He bought me clothes. He let me use his shower. And then when I was done, I discovered he’d ordered room service.” I shook my head. “We flirted. There may have been a kiss or two, but that’s it. I’m not some common whore.” I blew out a breath. “I didn’t mean... Dammit.”

Kate chuckled. “I know I’m no whore. Sometimes…you just know. You know?” She pressed the back of her hand against her lips and I guessed she was remembering something about her husband.

“Actually, I don’t know. I’ve never known. I’ve barely dated.” I frowned. “This is crazy. I shouldn’t be doing this.”

The doors opened and I stood there, making no move to exit. Kate’s brow rose. “You go, I go, we go.”

“And if I don’t go?” My head hung.

“I’ll have lunch with you upstairs. We’ll order in.” She shrugged like it was no big deal.

“Why would you do that?” My mind struggled to process her words.

“You spend too much time alone, Miss Jenner. You’re in a new town. You are surrounded by new people.” She looped her arm through mine again. “Vegas is the perfect place to leave your past behind. Reinvent yourself. Let it all go.”

I inhaled deeply as I considered her words. Then I let her drag me out into the lobby. There was something bubbling inside me. The first time I noticed it was last night, when Harry and I settled in for our late dinner on the floor. This morning, before my shower, the feeling became more insistent, but was so unfamiliar, I couldn’t name it if pressed. Now, however, I felt more comfortable with it, this hope inside me. Maybe I didn’t need to keep up my defenses to prevent a repeat of my mother’s mistakes. Maybe I just needed to let go of my fears in order to let hope grow.

“There they are.”

I lifted my head in time to see Harry and Mr. George briskly walking toward us. Unfortunately, my spirits fell the moment my eyes met Harry’s. He looked positively miserable. His brow was furrowed, his shoulders were rounded like he was carrying the weight of the world on them. If I had any doubts as to how troubled he felt, I merely had to glance at the deep frown on his face. “I should go,” I announced as I yanked my arm out of Kate’s. I started to spin away, but Harry and Ty reached us.

“Hello, gorgeous.” Ty wrapped Kate in his arms.

Something about their obvious affection for each other made me freeze in my tracks and sigh.

“Hi,” Harry muttered.

“Listen, I can leave.” I jerked my thumb over my shoulder at the elevator. “I’ll let you hang with your friends and I’ll just go back to work.” I started to move, but I passed when I saw the pleading look in his eyes. “Oh, it’s not me?”

“It’s most definitely not you.” He shook his head. “Although this will impact you, I’m afraid.” Harry scowled at Mr. George.

“Stop being so negative. I told you I’d help.” Mr. George rolled his eyes.

“Yeah. And I’ve known you our whole lives. I know how your help works. Mostly, it doesn’t.” He narrowed his eyes at his friend before reaching out to take my hand. “It’s not my idea. I’m sorry.” He laced his fingers through mine and squeezed gently.

“Why are you apologizing?” I tilted my head as I studied him.

“I have this horrible feeling I’m about to disappoint you,” he whispered.

My heart beat erratically in my chest. He was upset over me. Suddenly, I found myself struggling to hide a smile. “You’re ridiculous. Let’s go eat. We can talk over lunch.” Then I towed him behind me, but when I glanced over my shoulder, he didn’t look nearly as unhappy as he did when he arrived.

At the table the guys sat on one side of the booth, while the women sat on the other. I was on the inside, opposite Harry. He still seemed bothered so I reached out with my foot until I found his legs, then I hooked my ankle around one of his calves. He jumped at first as if startled.

Mr. George noticed. “You okay, Harry?” His brows quirked in confusion.

Harry’s cheeks turned this adorable shade of pink. “Absolutely, I just remembered something.”

“Was it that you like Laney touching you?” Kate snickered as she glanced under the table.

For once, I didn’t correct her, but I did look away, unable to meet her eyes. Despite my embarrassment, I didn’t move my foot. Touching him felt right. I found it to be incredibly comforting and, obviously, he did too. Soon he was squeezing my ankle between his legs. For once, I wanted to take a really long lunch.

“What looks good to you, Laney?” Harry stared across the table at me.

“Hm. I’m torn. I feel like I should have a salad. The southwestern chicken one looks good.” I sighed.

He rolled his eyes. “Let me guess. All the carbs last night weighing down on you like the guilty pleasure they were?” He chuckled at his own cleverness.

“Maybe. Force of habit.” I turned my attention back to the menu.

“Force of habit?” He sounded confused and I was too shy to explain.

“She was a dancer,” Kate explained.

I whipped around to look at her, wondering what made her say such a thing.

Instantly, she shrank down in the booth. “I mean, you have a dancer’s body.” Her eyes widened and she suddenly focused on her menu. “I was thinking steak.”

“For lunch?” Harry questioned.

“I could use the iron,” she murmured as she studied the entrees. “Life is kicking my ass these days.”

“I’ve got you, babe.” Mr. George reached across the table and rested his hand on her forearm.

Seriously, I normally hate PDA, but these two melted me every damn time. I couldn’t think about food. The whole focus of my attention was on how much I wanted that. I wanted to be loved and allow myself to love someone in return.

“What else?” Harry interrupted my musings.

“Excuse me?” I shook my head, hoping to pull myself together.

“What was the other food you wanted? You said you were torn.” He smiled indulgently at me.

“Oh, the steak fajitas.” I giggled.

“Perfect.” He turned to the waiter who had suddenly appeared for our order. “She’ll have the southwestern chicken salad. I’ll have the steak fajitas. And could we have two extra plates?” Harry grinned. Then he looked at me and explained. “We’ll share. This way you can have both.”

“I love you,” I blurted out. All eyes were on me and I felt like a prime candidate for spontaneous human combustion. “It’s an expression.”

“For now,” Kate murmured knowingly.

“Not helping,” I hissed as I covered my face. There had to be some way for me to change the subject. I removed my hands and studied Harry. He was still there. He hadn’t climbed over Mr. George in a desperate attempt to exit stage right. He wasn’t avoiding my eyes. Instead, he seemed to be lost in thought while wearing a strange expression on his face. And since I’m so lousy with segues, and so good at word vomit, I asked, “Well, misery loves company. Why are you upset?”