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The Mark (The Players Series Book 2) by Emma Nichols (22)



Why did goodbyes always have to hurt so much? This was the thought I pondered as I drove back to my house. I made it as far as walking inside, taking a quick shower, and throwing on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I felt too restless to sleep. Then I looked around, considered the implications of not just sleeping there, but staying there, and left. I drove to a little hole in the wall diner that looked like it could’ve been in an episode of Criminal Minds. There, I sat in a booth at the back and considered my future. At first, I feared it would prove to be too much for three in the morning, but thanks to a napkin, a pen, three cups of coffee, and two empty sugar containers, I had a plan.

“Can I getcha anything else, sweet?” The waitress grinned and jerked her head to the empty containers.

“Sorry. It’s the only way I can drink the stuff.” I sighed.

“If you need that much sugar to tolerate anything, you probably shouldn’t be consuming it.” She tapped her temple a few times and I grinned.

So, I extrapolated the nugget of wisdom dressed in a diner analogy, and ran with it. Okay, running isn’t my style. I actually walked really fast. I dropped a couple of twenties on the table and rushed out of the building. Having made a decision, I realized I already felt better. In truth, it was only the worrying that hurt.

There were several other truths I had to accept. First, I hated my job. Second, I was too conscientious to screw the firm over. And finally, I cared too much about Kate and Ty to leave them high and dry. Now, I had not one, but two offices to pack up. I decided to remove all my personal effects from the casino first. At least I had around the clock access. I parked in the employee lot, then took the elevator up to the floor. When I stepped off, I saw lights and my shoulders sank. Who was here when I desperately wanted to be alone?

As I snuck down the hall, I realized Kate was pacing in her office. She froze when she saw me. “Hey, Laney.” She frowned. Maybe she had wanted to be alone too.

“Hi,” I murmured. I was too drained to be perky, even if the decisions I’d made had me feeling much lighter.

“Ty said you left. I was worried. Are you okay?” She clasped her hands together under her chin and stared at me sadly.

“Sure.” Only I couldn’t look her in the face because if I did, she’d see my black eye.

Naturally, Kate wasn’t one to be fooled. She strode over and thoroughly examined me. “Well, that looks painful.” She scowled.

“Mostly, yes, but I’m not so much hurt as I am…” I needed to choose my words carefully.

“Disappointed?” She suggested.

I sighed. “Yeah. I thought we were getting somewhere. I thought Harry understood and cared and then…”

“Drew,” she grumbled. “I heard. I can’t imagine how scary that must have been. And then for Harry to do what he did.” Kate sighed and then her brow furrowed. “Wait. It’s nearly four in the morning. What are you doing here?”

I chuckled. “I could ask you the same thing.”

Her face brightened. “Well, I’m here because my husband needed some professionals to handle the clean-up and repair for Harry. Those contacts are here.” She gestured to her desktop computer.

“That make a lot of sense. There’s no way Harry could sweep under the rug a mess of that magnitude all by himself.” My mood turned even more foul.

“Oh, you misunderstand.” Kate shook her head. “Fixing the house is for Harry. He doesn’t officially own it yet.” She blew out a breath. “Ty called 911. The police came and arrested Drew. He has been taken to the hospital for medical attention. He’ll pay one way or another. And rehab is inevitable.”

“How’s Harry taking it?” I hated myself for still caring about his feelings when he clearly was unconcerned about mine.

“Not well. Guilt. Ty said he blames himself for everything. Something that goes all the way back to their prepubescent years, apparently.” She shrugged. “So, what are you doing here?” Kate glanced at my attire. “Not starting work early, obviously.” Her head tilted and then her eyes widened. “You’re leaving?”

“You know, if this whole running a casino thing gets old, you could be a PI,” I joked.

“Pass. Want help packing?” She leaned back against the door frame.

I eyed her curiously. “You’re not going to try to talk me out of it?”

Kate grimaced. “God no. We’re friends. I want you to be happy. I’m hoping this means you’ve decided to follow your dreams. I’m happy to help.”

My jaw dropped open. “You’re a special kind of person, Kate. I’m sorry I’m just now finding this out. I’d love your assistance.”

When she looped her arm through mine and walked me to the conference room, I no longer felt awkward, but accepted. Hell, I even believed our friendship could survive the loss of Harry and my unexpected departure. “We’re going to be okay,” I murmured.

“Yes. We are. And if you want, you and Harry can be too.”

* * *


We had unintentionally watched the sunrise together a few hours ago. Back then things seemed to be settling down. Of course, with the time closing in on ten in the morning, and no word from either of the women in our life, we’d gradually become unhinged. At the moment, a cryptic message from Kate had Ty all worked up. “She said she was going out of town for a little while and she’d be back later.” He raked a hand through his hair. “Dammit, Harry. If you want to start taking the blame for shit, how about this? My wife left me and your girlfriend disappeared, all because you wanted to protect this douche who used to be our friend.” He paced angrily.

“I’m sorry. I know.” I sat on the edge of the patio, soaking my feet in the pool. The sun had risen hours ago and though I’d hoped it would soothe me, it only made me wish Laney was here and none of this had ever happened. I couldn’t stop thinking about her and this grand gesture I needed to make. “I swear, I’d throw myself at her feet if I knew where to find her.”

“You called and she didn’t answer?” Ty frowned.

My cheeks colored. “I sent a few texts. You know.”

“Shit!” Ty slapped at his forehead. “No wonder you’re single. I don’t know anyone else who spends as much time surrounded by beautiful women as you, yet escaped without the slightest understanding of the smarter sex.”

“I thought the expression was something about the fairer sex.” I frowned.

“Yeah, well, I changed it. They are obviously smarter than we are.” Ty growled again and slammed his phone down on my patio table, the one where Laney and I had eaten less than twelve hours before. “Look at us. Drew is taken care of. We need to fix our lives. And by we, I mostly mean you. I have a loving wife…somewhere,” he grumbled. “If you want any kind of a shot at a future with Laney, then I highly suggest you do more than send a couple of lame-ass texts.”

I considered his words. “You know, Laney’s the kind of woman I could marry. She’s direct, decisive, and honest.” I leaned back on the patio and sighed.

Ty chuckled. “And look how well that has worked out for you. After all, you’re the least decisive person I know. Have you even figured out what you’re going to do with your life now, forget about your grand gesture?”

“No freaking clue.” I folded my hands behind my head. “That’s not entirely true. I have an idea. Don’t be surprised when I ask for a meeting to go over a business proposal.” I winked. “I guess I need to make a few phone calls, and then go shopping.”

“It’s too early in the relationship to go with a big ‘I’m sorry’ diamond.” He snickered.

“I know, but it’s never too early to build a life together.” I grinned, sat up, and stepped out of the pool, onto the patio. “I’ll see you later. Thank you for all the help.”

“Where are you going?” Ty stiffened and paled.

“Oh, suddenly, you can’t handle being alone?” I laughed. “I’ll meet you at the hotel. I’m hoping we find our ladies there.”

He shrugged. “I guess I’ll go on ahead and let you know.” Then he sighed and strode through the patio doors, and straight out the front entry.

I showered because doing so helped me clear my head. In my mind, I kept hearing the echo of Laney’s fear, the worry she was going the wrong direction, that if she changed paths now, she’d be even farther behind. As I dried off, I studied my body in the mirror and shifted so my side was visible. Then I raised my arm. Laney hadn’t noticed last night, or if she did, she failed to comment. I’d had the arrow tattoo for about seven years. I’d gone to get it on a whim, so I’d feel completely badass and woo women with said badassery. Only, I found, more often than not, the only one to see it there on my side was me. Maybe I hadn’t considered the placement well when I chose to get inked. In reality, that wasn’t true. My guess was, whether I chose to admit it or not, the tattoo had been meant for me and me alone. I looked at it every day after my shower as a method to focus on the future. Inhaling deeply, I reveled in the calm the gentle daily reminder brought, which only made me feel more confident in my gift choice for Laney.

An hour later, I pulled up at the casino with my present tucked against my heart in the jacket pocket. Before I could even enter the lobby, Ty called. “I’m on my way up, man. I’ll talk to you soon. I’m bound to lose you in the elevator anyway.”

“Take your time. They’re not here,” Ty mumbled. “Kate still won’t answer her phone. She hasn’t sent so much as a text. What if something happened to her? To them?”

I frowned. “Do we even know if they’re together?”

“No, I guess not.” He sighed. “Just get up here. I’m losing my damn mind.”

Feeling considerably less optimistic, I wandered through the lobby on my way to the elevator. I rode up with my hands stuffed in my pockets and my head hanging. When the doors opened, I found Ty pacing in the hall, the phone to his ear.

“Kate, my love, you’re scaring the hell out of me. I need to know you’re okay. Please call me, or text. I’m at the office.” He ended the call and raced over to me as I moped off the elevator.

“You know, it’s times like these I wish I enjoyed drinking,” I muttered. “The closest I came was the wine with Laney last night. The rest of the time, I defer because of Drew.”

He motioned for me to follow him. Together we entered the conference room. Ty immediately rushed to the window and stared out at the cars traveling the strip. “I’m being crazy. There’s no reason for Kate to be angry at me.”

“None at all. Wish I could say the same.” I sighed, pulled out a chair, collapsed into it, and rested my head on the table. “Just let me sleep until tomorrow, or until Laney returns, whichever comes first.”

Ty turned around and leaned against the windows. “So, have you figured out what to say? What to do?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe.” I turned my chair to face him. “I messed up. Badly. And I need her to understand why.”

“You mean because Drew had his first drink at your house?” Ty chewed on his cheek.

“Yeah. He changed instantly. My error in judgement has eaten at me ever since.” I rubbed my temples.

“Okay, but you know Drew let you feel terrible because it made him feel better, right?” His brow arched.

“I do now. Then, it was far less obvious.” I frowned.

“Since that’s all cleared up, what’s the rest of your plan? What will you say to Laney? What do you want to happen?” He studied me seriously, but I saw him peeking past me to the hall more than once. Obviously, he was watching for Kate.

“This job isn’t Laney,” I murmured. “She wants more. She deserves to be happy. I haven’t been happy in Hollywood for a while, either.”

“No?” Ty seemed taken aback by this announcement.

I grimaced. “Hell no. I love producing and directing. I enjoy the casting.”

He waggled his brows. “Because of the casting couch?”

“Don’t be disgusting. It’s not my style at all.” I sighed. “I think I know what is, something I’ve always loved. I have a new idea, which you could be involved in, but I don’t want to move forward without Laney.”

“What’s your idea?” Laney wondered.

Whipping around in my seat, I found her standing in the doorway with Kate. I’d never seen her dressed so casually, but I loved the look. She was versatile, and for my plan to succeed, we’d have to capitalize on it. “You’re here,” I whispered as I stood and moved cautiously toward her.

“Let’s go, handsome. We need to leave these two alone for a few minutes. And it’ll give me a chance to tell you all about my trip to L.A. where I helped Laney quit her job.” Kate jerked her head at the hall, then held out a hand and waited for Ty to hold it.

The minute they connected, I could feel his relief. I completely understood. Laney nibbled on her bottom lip. I wanted nothing more than to hold her in my arms and kiss her, put those lips to good use, but first I had to win her over. I blew out a breath.

“I’m here,” she reminded me. “This is your one and only chance to talk me out of leaving.”

“Dammit, Laney, don’t go. I’d be lost without you.” My brow furrowed and I took a few more steps until I stood before her.

“You’re not doing so hot with me.” She rolled her eyes.

I nodded. “Well, I’ve been stubborn. It comes with the hair,” I joked.

A smile played at the corners of her lips. “Right. I can see that.”

I licked my lips. “Here’s the thing. I’m ready to listen now. I’m ready to be open. I’m ready to stop taking responsibility for anything not directly related to me.”

Her head tilted. “That’s a nice start.”

“I’m ready to completely change my life. I’m kinda hoping you’re ready for a change too.” I stuffed my hands in my pockets.

“I quit my job today. At the moment, my availability is completely open. What do you have in mind?” Her face softened.

“Go backwards with me?” I shrugged.

Laney wrapped her arms around her body. “That sounds sufficiently scary.”

“I know it’s something you’re struggling with,” I murmured as I pulled her present out of my inside pocket. “There’s something you need to understand about going backwards.”

“Oh, and what’s that?” Her brow arched.

I opened the pale blue pouch and let the bracelet spill out onto my hand. “This.” I unhooked it so I could affix it around her wrist. “You’re an arrow, Laney. You aren’t going backwards. You’re really about to be launched forward. Bigger and better things await.” For a few seconds, I quietly admired the Tiffany silver arrow bracelet. Then I raised her wrist to my lips and gently grazed her skin while inhaling her scent. “Launch with me, Laney?”

“What are we launching?” I could feel her trembling under my touch.

“We’re going to bring Broadway to the strip.” I nodded confidently. “I haven’t worked out all the logistics yet, but I have a friend who owns this hotel and they have zero entertainment. He doesn’t know it yet, but soon he will.”

Laney grinned. “Broadway, huh?”

“You know, a little singing, a little dancing, a lot of bling.” I shrugged. “You deserve to find your happy. I’m hoping this might be it because I know living with you and working with you could make almost all of my dreams come true.”

She giggled. “Is there more to life than that?”

Wrapping my arms around her, I murmured, “Well, I’m hoping someday there might be a marriage and babies.”

“Let’s work on the Broadway bit first.” She leaned more heavily on me. “Of course, if you play your cards right, I’ve heard you can get super lucky in this town.”

I pressed my lips against hers. “So far, so good.”




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