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The Mark (The Players Series Book 2) by Emma Nichols (6)



We reached the end of the hall and Kate used a key to unlock the door. I scanned the area, watching for a sign indicating this was the locker room, but there was nothing. For all I knew, I was willingly entering the room where I met my demise. I paused for a moment, then shrugged and entered the darkened room. A second later, the lights flickered on and I realized we were in a fancy bathroom. The floor and walls were covered in marble. There was a huge steam shower, a fancy vanity, and a tub with a television. Kate turned and seemed to be watching me for signs of approval.

“What? No fireplace?” I tried to joke, but I knew it fell flat.

Kate began to wring her hands. “I can’t stress enough how sorry I am. I had no idea Marie was pregnant. I never meant for…any of this to happen.”

I bit my cheek. She seemed sincere. “One can rarely plan for these things.”

Immediately, her gaze fell to the floor. Then she shook her head. “Your shoes too. I swear. Didn’t miss a spot.” She huffed and closed her eyes a moment. “Okay,” Kate murmured, “I’ll grab a bag for the dirty clothes. I’ll see if there are shoes in the lost and found. Then I’ll return as quickly as possible and wait for you in the hall.” She started toward the door, but I stopped her with a question.

“This is the employee locker room?” My brows shot up.

She shook her head. “The employee locker room will be overflowing right now.” She showed me the screen of her phone. It was after seven. “Shift change.”

My stomach growled and I laid a hand on it. “I have no idea why my body wants food,” I grumbled. “I cannot even think about eating.” I gestured to my clothes by way of explanation.

Kate bit her lip as if trying to hold back, then she tilted her head and spoke. “I’m sure you’re going to decline, but we’re having a special dinner tonight. And there’s plenty of food. Private dining room. Eight o’clock. You’re more than welcome to join us.” She wore such a hopeful expression on her face, I actually believed she wanted me there. And for all of a split second, I considered going.

Then I shook my head. “Company policy. I really can’t.” Her face fell and I truly felt guilty for declining.

“Okay. Well, I guess I’ll let you be. There’s a dispenser for shampoo, conditioner, and body wash in the shower.” Then Kate hung the garment bag on the hook protruding from the door, set the paper bag on the vanity, and backed out of the room.

As soon as I was confident I was finally alone, I began to undress and then started the shower, making the temperature as hot as I could handle. There wasn’t enough soap and scalding water to make me feel clean again. Still, I was willing to give it a go. So, I stepped into the stream and filled my lungs with the moist air. Soon, my shoulders were relaxing and I began to sing.

This had been my thing for as long as I could remember. I loved the acoustics in the bathroom, and this one promised to be amazing. “Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens.” I started tentatively as I wet my hair down and started rinsing off. While I shampooed, I went with a classic. “Beauty school dropout,” I crooned. By the time I had finished washing my body, I was belting out, “Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes.”

Finally, I turned off the shower, stepped out and grabbed one of the ultra-plush towels on the bar. “My God, I’ve never felt anything so soft in all my life.” Then I stared at my reflection in the mirror. There was a hint of pink in my cheeks and my long, dark hair fell in wet waves around my shoulders. Since my hair tie reeked, I tossed it in the garbage. Still, I felt pretty good about my reflection. A foggy mirror was the best filter. I shook my head and opened the paper bag on the counter. Sticking my hand inside, I moved my fingers around, but felt nothing. So, I picked up the bag, shook it a few times, and dumped it on the vanity. To my dismay, a tiny black triangle and two loops of silken string slid out onto the marble.

“What the hell am I supposed to do with this?” I grumbled before I picked it up between my thumb and forefinger. Studying it up close didn’t make it seem bigger. I considered my options for all of three seconds. At the moment, I didn’t have the luxury of being choosy. It was this joke of a thong or commando, and my time in the uptight New England boarding school wouldn’t allow me to go the latter route. With a sigh, I stepped into the loops and began to pull the panties up to my hips. They managed to get tangled partway up my thighs, but finally, they were in place. Thankfully, the bathroom mirror was still coated in condensation. If I had to see my reflection, I might’ve lost my nerve and never opened the garment bag. Taking a deep, fortifying breath, I moved to the door where the bag hung and began to unzip it. As I pulled the zipper down and peeked in, I gasped. At least these two items of clothing seemed to go together.

The black velvet mini-dress made me happy I wasn’t some six-foot-tall model. At just over five feet, this might actually cover my va-jay-jay. I slid the straps off the hanger and held it in front of me. Naturally, I had no bra and for the first time maybe ever, I was pretty glad I was only a B-cup. I might make it to my car without humiliating myself.

There was a knock on the door. “How’s it going, Miss Jenner?” Kate called from the hall.

I sighed. I’d forgotten about her. After I managed to slip my hands through the arm holes of the dress, I lifted it over my head and began to yank it down over my body. It could’ve been a second skin. And the seams on the sides were strangely thick and scratchy. I examined them more closely and felt my spirits sink even lower.

The bathroom door flew open. “Oh, sorry! When you didn’t respond, I feared you’d fainted again. I…” Kate bit her lip and studied me. “It fits.” She smiled, but I knew it wasn’t genuine when it didn’t reach her eyes.

I began to bend over and we both heard the ripping sound coming from my thighs. I sucked my lips in. I had no words.

“Velcro,” she murmured as she reached out to secure it. Then Kate smoothed out the side of my dress. “There. All better.” She smiled warmly, but I could feel a tension under the surface. Finally, Kate held up her other hand. “So, I found these. They are a half size too big, but I thought they might be better than your own shoes, if only because they don’t have puke splatter on them.”

I licked my lips and dug deep. She was being so nice, trying so hard. Hell, I almost believed she didn’t want anything in return. “They match the dress.” I reached out to take the clear platform heels from her hand. “And how much damage can I do? They have a strap.”

“Listen, I know you mentioned that you can’t be beholden to us or risk compromising the audit, but I think you should pop by and grab some food from our dinner.” She frowned before continuing to make her case. “There’s an hors d’oeuvre buffet during the cocktail hour. You could just eat and run.”

Her suggestion was tempting. “I couldn’t do that.”

Kate huffed. “Well, you should. I could practically hear your stomach growling from the other side of the door.” Then she moved to stand behind me. “Your hair. Let me help. You don’t want to walk through the hotel with a wet head.”

I smirked at her in the mirror. “Yeah. I wouldn’t want to be embarrassed.”

We both giggled. Kate grabbed the blow dryer and began to dry my hair. I let her. I felt too worn down, too broken, to object. Once in a while, it might be nice to have someone take care of me since I’d spent years doing it for everyone around me. In less than fifteen minutes, she finished my hair. For the first time ever, it hung loosely around my shoulders.

“I almost feel pretty,” I whispered.

“Girl, you’re ridiculously attractive. You just hide it.” She moved to stand in front of me. “May I?”

I wasn’t entirely sure what she meant, but I didn’t feel like arguing and I was more than a little curious. “Whatever. It’s too late to worry about my reputation now.”

Kate laughed. “Miss Jenner, you’re in Vegas. No one else will ever know.” She rifled through her purse, which she’d set on the counter. “We have similar coloring. So, I’m pulling out all the stops.”

“Do you even wear makeup?” My eyes narrowed as I scrutinized her face.

“Barely. Powder, lipstick, some eyeliner so my eyes don’t completely disappear.” She shrugged before she began to work on my face. With her help, my face was finished in a matter of minutes. “This is my lucky lipstick.” She sighed happily as she opened the tube.

“What’s so lucky about it?” I tilted my head. The brand seemed pretty common. Something from Ulta.

“I was wearing this when I met Ty, in the lobby of the hotel. Maybe you can have the same luck.” She smiled.

“Oh, you’re one of those who thinks a woman isn’t complete without a man.” I nodded, thinking I’d reached some deep realization.

Kate scrunched up her face. “Hell, no.” She stuck out her tongue for emphasis. “Oh, but if you get a chance at love, you take it, you hold onto it with both hands. Got it? Love transforms.” She sighed happily as she applied the color to my lips. “Done. You look beautiful.” She grabbed my glasses from the counter.

I studied my reflection in the mirror. Even without the condensation, my image seemed blurry. I should take the glasses, but if I had to wear stripper clothes, I might as well go all the way. “Glasses don’t really go with this outfit,” I joked.

“Are you sure?” She frowned. “I can’t have you suing the hotel if you trip and break a bone.” Kate winked.

“I’ll be fine!” I responded more confidently than I actually felt as I grabbed the glasses and stuffed them in my purse. “I know you have places to be. I’m going to go home.”

“Okay, but you’re still welcome, if you change your mind.” She opened the bathroom door for me. “I’m going to collect all this and have it cleaned. See you tomorrow.”

I disappeared out the door with as much grace as I could muster in those heels. As I walked, half stumbling to the elevator, I couldn’t help but notice my dress hiked up as I walked. “This should be fun,” I muttered as the doors opened and I stepped inside. On the ground floor, I wandered through the employee door. My car had been valet parked and I needed to retrieve it.

On the way through the casino, I couldn’t help but feel like people were staring at me. I tried to remain calm, but it made me nervous. I liked to blend in. I was perfectly content being a wallflower. I stumbled on the step up into the lobby and a security guard leered at me as he helped me regain my balance.

Finally, I made it to the valet. Reaching in my purse, I found the ticket and passed it to him. The kid took it and paused while he looked me over. My hip popped and my brow rose. “Car. Please.” He nodded and disappeared, but I forgot my purse was open and when I moved to slide it up my shoulder, somehow the contents spilled out all over the sidewalk. My face turned many shades of red as I squatted to pick everything up. Of course, this only made things worse, because seconds later I heard the familiar sound of the dress tearing apart at the seams. I squealed as I tried to hold it all together, the dress and my emotions. Both were a wreck. Suddenly there were khaki legs beside me and I looked up to see a ridiculously handsome ginger smiling at me.

“Hi, you looked like you could use some help,” he murmured. He blew out a breath. “So, drop the purse, I’ll throw everything into it. You can fix the dress. Do you need help standing? Those shoes look…dangerous.”

“They’re not mine,” I blurted out. For some reason, how this guy saw me mattered immensely.

He nodded. “Your feet are sliding in them. I rather suspected they were borrowed.”

“Dress too!” My hands were shaking.

He took my hand in his. “You don’t have to explain anything to me. I’m just trying to help.” He stood and made sure I did too. I held one side closed and he held the other side. Then when I was safely covered, he finished picking up all the Tic Tacs, pens, and notepads that had fallen out. When he stood and passed it to me, I stared up at him shyly.

“Thank you,” I whispered. “That was really nice. You didn’t have to do that. Can I repay you somehow?”

His brow furrowed and he chuckled. “For this? Nah. This isn’t a payment thing. Of course, if you truly feel compelled…” He seemed to be distracted by someone behind me.

“Can you please go get Drew? He’s not answering his phone. Dinner will be starting in fifteen minutes. I need him to be there.” I immediately recognized Mr. George’s voice and froze, but refused to turn around.

“Sure thing, Ty.” The ginger reached out to take my hand in both of his. “Just pay it forward.” Then for some reason, he leaned in impulsively and kissed me on the cheek. My skin tingled as teeny tiny shock waves emanated from the spot. When he pulled back, he stiffened. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I did that. Just seemed natural, I guess.” His cheeks were pink as he released my hand. “I better go before I get myself into trouble. Nice meeting you!” he called out on his way through the door.

“But we never even exchanged names,” I muttered. I laid a hand on my cheek as I watched him rush to the elevators. The door to one opened and he disappeared inside. A split second later, another elevator opened and a good-looking, clearly drunk, man stumbled out. I scanned the lobby and saw a couple of guys on the couch. They seemed sketchy. They eyed him and nodded before one stood and moved toward him.

Fuck. He was going to get robbed. I bit my lip. My car would be here any minute. And yet, I couldn’t help but think I should take care of this guy, pay it forward, so to speak. As confidently as possible, I strode into the lobby. “Babe, there you are!” I called out, hoping he’d at least turn. From the corner of my eye, I realized the two guys who had made him a mark fell back. The drunk turned to me.

“Do I know you?” He frowned. “I mean, I’d like to know you. Look at you.” His hand slid to his inside pocket and I guessed he was about to offer me money.

“I’m Laney Jenner and I’m not that kind of girl,” I gritted out through my fake smile.

“Are you sure?” He waggled his brows at me. “In my experience, with the right incentive, every girl is that kind of girl.”

“Wow. You’re a special kind of pig. I’m actually sorry I saved you now.” I sighed.

“You haven’t saved me yet…unless you get me out of this hotel. My best friend has some big announcement, and in my experience, big announcements are bad announcements.” He tugged me toward the door. “Come on. Let’s go.”

My brow furrowed. “I’m not sure I want to go anywhere with you. Let’s find your friend.” I scanned the lobby hoping to find someone who might claim him.

“Look, Harry hates me right now and Ty merely indulges me on occasion. Let’s go.” He jerked his head toward the door.

The moment he said Mr. George’s first name, I closed my eyes. Obviously, I now had to drag him to the private dining room. “I can’t escape her. I swear.” I blew out a breath and opened my eyes. Then pasting on a smile, I looped my arm through his. “I know precisely where to take you.”

“I bet you do,” he murmured and then he planted a kiss on my cheek.

I couldn’t help but compare. The first kiss from a strange man made me tingle. This one, who seemed to have alcohol seeping out of his pores, I found mildly revolting. Still, I had to get him back to his friends before something happened to him. “Come with me.”




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