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The Mark (The Players Series Book 2) by Emma Nichols (20)



When I finally had Drew cleaned up, bandaged, and settled into his bed, I wandered down the hall to find Laney. I knew the phone had rung earlier. Ty had probably called to let us know Drew had pulled another Houdini. She didn’t even come to me. She talked to him, told her version of the story. I rubbed my temple as I followed a trail of blood all the way to the foyer. I found her sitting on the floor leaned against the wall, a safe distance from the broken glass.

“You should go back to bed,” I murmured as I squatted beside her. “I’ll clean up.”

“Right. Because that’s what you do. You’re on clean-up.” Laney shook her head. She started to stand. I held out a hand, but she refused to take it. “I could’ve cleaned up. That’s what I did for many years. If my mother woke up to normalcy, maybe life could be normal. If the house wasn’t a wreck after her drunken terrorism, maybe she wouldn’t have to touch any liquor the next day.” Laney released a hollow laugh. “Look at this.” She pointed to the glass shards all over the floor. “The guy you’re so determined to protect broke into your house. Not one, but two sidelights are gone. He probably couldn’t figure out where the deadbolt was in his stupor.”

I sighed. “Drew never was good with directions.”

“Well, he managed to find the place. I can already see where this is going. He gets a pass on this one because he wasn’t officially released from the hospital.” She narrowed her eyes at me.

“You’re already disappointed in me.” I frowned. “That didn’t take long. I usually had to get a woman into bed first.”

Her jaw dropped. At first, I thought she was going to say something, but instead, she snapped her mouth shut and strode to her room. I followed her, trying to figure out how to make this right. I could do anything but turn my back on Drew. This was my fault. “How can I fix this, Laney?”

She whipped around and scowled at me. “You know how.”

“Rehab?” I asked weakly. “I can’t. Not yet. We haven’t even tried to help him. We…”

“We can’t help him. We can’t fix him. He has to fix himself and he won’t do that with everyone making his mistakes right.” She threw her hands up in the air and rushed into her room.

I hesitated, but fear forced me to follow her. By the time I entered, she had pulled out her suitcases. “What are you doing? You’re leaving? Already? Over this?” I raked my hands through my hair. My head began to pound, which was strange since I could’ve sworn my heart stopped. “Laney, please.”

“No, Harry.” She sat on the edge of the bed and stared at me a moment, and I knew she was trying to figure out how to get through to me. “You want me to stay here?”

I nodded fervently. “I do. I need you.”

Laney frowned. “I needed you too. I needed you to protect me.”

“But I did!” I interjected. “I stopped him.”

“Too late.” She shook her head. “Look at my face. I’m probably going to have a black eye. That’ll go great with my job.” Laney covered her face. “And this happened before we knew he was out. Now, you’re welcoming into your home the man who has so little respect for you he broke into your home, made a horrific mess, and tried to rape your girlfriend.”

I swallowed hard and looked at the floor. I had no excuse to make. There was nothing I could say.

“I can’t stay here. I’m covered in his blood. You’re choosing him over me.” Tears suddenly streamed down her face. “It’s okay. It’s not the first time this has happened to me.” The she picked up her bags and walked past me.

“Where are you going?” I knew I sounded pathetic, but I didn’t care. Her words had wounded me because…the truth hurts. “I’m not choosing him over you,” I whispered.

Laney paused at her door to slip her feet into a pair of shoes. Then she glanced down at her bloody outfit. “Fuck. Just fuck.” She unzipped her garment bag and pulled out an overcoat. Once she had it on, she adjusted everything in her arms. It pained me to watch her struggle.

“I’d help you, but I’m not going to making leaving me easier,” I grumbled.

Laney blew out a breath. “His behavior is escalating. You’re doing nothing to stop him. I don’t feel safe.” She shrugged and walked toward the front door while I trailed sadly behind her.

“I wish you’d reconsider. I’ll sleep in your room with you. I’ll make sure you’re never alone with him. I’ll…I’ll…” I threw my hands up in the air because she was already shaking her head.

“Listen to yourself. You will do anything but get him the help he needs.” She cupped my face. “It has taken me too many years, but I’ve finally learned to save myself. You have to choose to save you too.” Then she walked over the broken glass and out the door.

There was a finality to it, the crunching of the glass on the tile floor. I stood there, staring after her, letting her words wash over me. When Ty arrived a good ten minutes later, I was still standing there. I’d watched her drive off, knowing this was no game, completely accepting this was no power play, struggling to admit I’d probably never see her again.

“Where’s Kate?” I asked numbly.

“I couldn’t bring her here, Harry. Drew attacked Laney. I would rather die than put her in danger.” He frowned. “Where’s Laney?”

I licked my lips before responding. “She left. She packed up and left.” I guess I thought he might make me feel better, I hoped my best friend would defend me and my decision.

“I don’t blame her. She sent me pictures.” He sighed as he studied me. “Did you see? Do you really understand the situation?”

I shrugged. “So, Drew is going to be a little more work than I expected.”

Ty scanned the room. He scanned the room, taking in the broken glass, the blood trail. “Are you sure he doesn’t need stitches?”

“He’ll be fine.” I turned away so I wouldn’t see the condemnation in his eyes. “He’ll heal. We’ll be fine here on our own.”

Ty laughed. “Please. Laney was the best thing to happen to you. And after looking around, I’m glad she left.”

I glared at him. “How can you say such a thing?”

“Because I’m your friend. And if you want to have a future, you have to let go of the past.” He crossed his arms over his chest and rocked on his feet. “I know why you’re doing this. You’re punishing yourself.”

“Why would I do that? It’s ridiculous.” I scowled.

“Is it? Didn’t we have our first drinks from your father’s liquor stash?” Ty moved around me so I had to look at him.

I rubbed my eyes. “Yeah, I guess so.”

“And in high school, when Drew had his first DWI, long before he was even allowed to legally drink, hadn’t he been coming from a barbecue at your house when your folks were out of town?” Ty blew out a breath.

“Maybe.” I stared off into the distance while Ty assaulted me with one memory, one regret after another.

“None of this is your fault.” He grabbed my shoulders and leaned into my face. “I’m sure Drew never told you this, and I never even considered you might think otherwise, but for fuck’s sake, Harry, you have to know you’re not to blame.”

“I never stopped him,” I mumbled. “I should’ve stopped him.”

“How the hell would you stop him?” Ty shook his head. “He has made you a prisoner of his whims long enough. Stop being complicit with his behavior.” He turned around and I could tell he was assessing the situation.

My shoulders slumped. I was afraid of what he was going to say, but I was tired, so very worn out from Drew’s antics. I’d been carrying this with me for so long, I had been practically crippled by it. I’d never let anyone close because I didn’t deserve to be happy. Only, then I met Laney and she made me think I was worthy. Now she was gone and it was my fault. “I should’ve fought harder for her. I should’ve stood up to Drew.”

“It’s never too late. If love has taught me anything, it’s that love finds a way.” He grinned. “Yes, finding Kate has made me wax poetic. What of it?”

I snickered. “Who knew you had a sensitive side?” Then I shook my head. “So how do I find my way? How do I fix all of this?”

“Well, first I’m calling 911. They’ll send the police and an ambulance. Then I’m calling Kate. She has people for everything.” He clapped a hand on my shoulder. “Then you better get ready to make some grand gesture, if you really want Laney in your life.”

My cheeks burned and I nodded. “I really do.”

“Okay, then go get ready. Love isn’t for pussies.” He shoved me down the hall.

I paused and rolled my eyes. “That’s more like it. Less poetic, but completely real.”