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The Trade (The Clans Book 2) by Elizabeth Knox (3)

Keep calm and let karma finish it. - The.Success.Club


This morning, I found myself on the same landing strip where I took my private jet back to Miami less than a week ago after visiting my girl. Yes, I called her that. It's crazy, really. I am a fucking crazy man, crazy in love that is with an exasperating and mystical creature I have been dating now for almost a month.

Of course, I immediately sent her a message to let her know I was back in Seattle and ready to see her. I left out the reason I am here though, beyond the fact that it’s for business. I actually got a lead, a very important one, that I have been tracking down for a long time. One of my many jobs as the leader of a Clan Balan is to protect the king and queen of the Clans if you will, and a hit was out on Mariana, our queen. I was doing everything in my power to make sure that never happened again and the fucker responsible was brought to justice. As fate would have it, my investigation led me right here to the town where my girl lives. I am taking the night to be with her, and then tomorrow night, there will be hell to pay for the bastard who thought he could fuck with us.

I hear the click of her heels on the floor before I see her. I sent a car to pick her up and bring her to our date at this restaurant, my restaurant to be precise.

I lick my lips before standing and helping her into her seat, pushing the chair in for her as I nibble at her ear just the way she likes. I see the goosebumps as they rise on the back of her neck. “Hello gorgeous,” I say before I take my own set again. “Order anything you want, it's on me.” I wink at her, innuendo entirely intended.

“Is that because you own this place? You know, eventually we are going to run out of places you own and you might have to take me somewhere else,” she teases, pulling out her menu to take a look as she flips her hair behind her. I relish in her beautiful scent, like spring rain.

“You would be surprised how many places I can take you to that I own,” I shoot back at her with a chuckle.

The waitress comes up to us, and her eyes are on me. She is lucky that Natasha's eyes are still on her menu, otherwise, I know a fight would break out right here and now. She is not the kind of woman to put up with any competition, but I like it; her jealousy, her fire. It is a perfect match to mine.

We order our meal and enjoy it together, continuing this witty banter that is like foreplay. Actually, it is foreplay because I fully plan on fucking her senseless in my hotel room tonight.

When it’s time for dessert, I decide to get cheeky when the waitress asks us. “We’ll be taking dessert to go tonight,” I tell her without taking my eyes off of Natasha as I watch her blush. The waitress is smiling awkwardly also catching my drift. “What do you want?” I ask Natasha, pointing to the dessert menu.

She looks down, studying it for a moment. “I’ll take the dark chocolate espresso brownie,” she said with a smile. It fits her, that dessert.

“I would like apple pie, please,” I say, beaming at Natasha instead of the waitress. There is no other woman in this room or anywhere for me, and I make that clear wherever I go without even trying to.

My sweet tooth gets to me as I watch her while we wait. I hope to get a lot of dessert tonight that doesn't just involve my apple pie. I want more of what I had the last time I was in Seattle and it involves removing that dress she has on.

I get impatient waiting, but luckily, my hotel isn't far off. I have my hand on her back the whole way out as I lead her down the street, just a short walk across to the luxury amenities and king size bed that await us. I can feel it coming off of her too, that she is excited, that she wants me. But I also feel something else growing between us that I have to respect and wrap my head around. I don’t know if I am in love with her yet, but I know very well that I can get there.

We get to my room a little too slowly for my taste, and she kicks off her heels and sits on the bed with that come hither look in her eye. “Already begging for my body?” I ask her.

“Maybe, or maybe this bed looks incredibly comfortable.” She lays back, and her hair spreads out underneath her like a fan. I follow suit, getting undressed except for my shirt and boxers and lay down next to her to see things from her angle. It was quite a comfortable bed, and I smile at her as I turn my head to the side. My hand slides over her stomach, igniting the heat inside of her as my hand moves down over her sensitive spot through her dress. I feel her becoming pliable, and she closes her eyes for a moment.

I let her this time, let her enjoy just the sensation of my hand exploring her body. I pull her dress up and grin as I see the easy access she has given me; no panties. My cock answers to the call in my pants, but I ignore it in favor of my tongue. I want to taste her again and have my share of dessert.

I push her knees up so that I can get my head between them, closing my eyes as I take in her musky scent. She is wet for me, and my fingers slide over her folds before I dive in deep. My tongue flicks at her clit a few times, making her shiver with the sensation of it. Then, my tongue travels down until it finds that perfect pink hole, dripping with her sweet juice. I drink it in, my tongue going inside of her and pumping in and out just like my cock will be soon.

I rub around her clit with my thumb, making circles so that it drives her mad. Her back arches as she moans for me, and my tongue gets faster. I hold her ass cheeks in my other hand, squeezing it every time she tenses for me. That's when I feel her shake, letting go right into my mouth with a sea of sweetness. I lick it all up and swallow it, knowing it is better than any pie from one of my restaurants.

I get up on my knees, pulling my boxers down as I smile down at her. Those hazel eyes are staring at me now, waiting to see what I will do next. I stand up and drag her to the end of the bed, her legs in the air over my shoulders. I love this view of how flexible she is and how I can see that pink, wet center of hers, waiting for me to claim it as mine.

I slide into her pussy, slowly, wanting to make this time different from the rest. I slip all the way back, slamming against the furthest reaches inside of her before pulling back again. Her mouth opens in a large “O” as a gasp escapes her throat. It is hard to hold back when I see her in such ecstasy. Normally, I would just pump my cock in so hard and fast that she couldn't breathe. I can’t do that this time. I want to make her feel everything that I do through my actions, this secondary feeling pushing past the lust that attracted me to her first.

I don't know how long we go for, maybe thirty minutes or an hour until I finally let go and let her do the same, shaking all over again. I fall to her side and wrap my arms around her and hold her as she falls asleep that way.

It is two in the afternoon when I am trailing my fingers along Natasha's thigh that she tells me, “You know, you’re here on business, but you don't seem to be doing much working.” There is a smile on her face, and we both chuckle.

“My work isn't happening until later tonight. No need to feel responsible for me slacking off,” I tell her with a half-smile on my face as I pull her closer to me. I am not ready for her to go, for us to be done with this little honeymoon of sorts before I go to do the terrible, grueling work I have to do later tonight.

“When I am finished, I will call you, and we can go out for a late dinner,” I tell her.

Natasha kisses me lightly on the lips. “Sounds good to me.”

She pulls away from me, and I feel a chill envelope the space she filled. “Now, unlike you, I have to get to work.” I reach over just as she’s picking up her clothes and smack her ass, gaining me a squeal and her pulling me into her across the side of the bed for one more kiss. Then, like that, she’s gone, and I have to focus on the next bit of my night, preparing to make the man that gave the order to attempt to end Mariana's life pay with his fucking head.


My men and I don’t wait for any invitations. We knock, and the minute the fucker answers, we are on him, busting through the door full force. My men take him down fighting and use duct tape, handcuffs, rope, everything that we have on us to bind this guy up. He is going to tell us why he did it and who else is involved, or he is going to regret it. We will fuck him up until he dies a painful death, or he can tell us all he knows, and I might show him mercy.

I pull brass knuckles from my pocket and put them on, looking into the scared and confused eyes of Jan Constantin. The leader of the Constantin Clan is bound and waiting to see what I do next, and I like the control I feel. It’s that deep dark part of me I save for these moments. Sure, I get a little bit of control in the bedroom, but this, this is like home.

“So, tell me Jan, why in the fucking world would you order a hit out on Mariana Vasile?” I ask, getting down to his level.

“What the hell is this about, Anton?” he asks me. So, playing dumb is his tactic. I hack one into his face, a huge wad of spit to show my disrespect for this traitor.

“I asked you a fucking question. You can either answer or my men and I are going to see to it that you have a slow and agonizing death, and you will STILL tell me the answer. So, let’s try this again. Why did you order a hit on the queen of the Clans?” I seethe, giving him one last chance before I release hell on him. Actually, he will probably welcome hell with open arms when I am done with him.

“Why would I order a hit on Mariana, Anton?” he asks, daring to look me in the eye. I stand up and nod my head, giving the first order. Three of my men begin to go at him, one knocks him on the head with the butt of their gun while the other two kicked at his knees and shins. These were big guys, some of the biggest I have come across. I use them on purpose. Not even a Clan leader can go through this without feeling the pain and crying out. He seems to be trying though.

I put my hand up, causing them to stop. “Have you had enough yet? Are you ready to answer my question?”

“Do you really think I am the one who put the hit out on Mariana?” he asks, looking up at me again, and I can see a hint of defiance in his eyes, the kind that is dangerous for me. It needs to be gone. This time, I initiate the pain, the torture, with a blow to his face with the brass knuckles. His nose snaps under my fist, and the men start at it again, kicking him to the ground and going for his stomach, his back, as I continue to fuck up his smug face. His blood pools around him, as we beat him senseless, and I am surprised he is still clinging to consciousness. I can tell he is not going to give us shit. We should have done away with this vile prick long ago. He never felt right to me, so young and cocky.

I pull out my gun and hold it to the back of his head as my men pull him back up to his knees.

The sound of the front door stops us dead in our tracks. Who is coming home to Jan Constantin?

I look up and meet a pair of hazel eyes attached to a head with dark red locks flowing down over her curvy body. It is the same woman who left me at my hotel wanting more, and she is looking at me, covered in Jan’s blood, nothing but horror on her face.