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The Trade (The Clans Book 2) by Elizabeth Knox (15)

The mirror of a man’s heart is his actions. -


I know when Sergei leaves that I am going to have a lot to make up to Natasha. I guess I should have thought this through. I honestly did not expect the man to visit in person without warning and this soon. I thought I would have time to get Natasha back and use to the desires of being with me, and then I could propose to her and let her know I already asked her father for permission. That was how it was all going to go down in my head, but that's not how this is going at all.

Instead, not only did the fact that we are technically engaged get revealed to her by someone other than myself, but she knew before she even had a ring on her finger before we had even spent more than a good 24 hours together without being upset. This is not good, and I know it. So, how am I going to show her I mean well by this? It must look terrible considering I made a business deal by throwing her name out there to her father.

Now that I have talked to him, he seems eager to get all of this underway. I am not sure if this is just because he likes the idea of his daughter with someone who might know what he is doing, as far as the business, or if he wants the money that he gets out of this. For all I know, he could be genuinely happy for his daughter under all of that. I don't think Natasha can see any of that, though. I can see why, since he was a little cruel to her at first. He seems like a distant man, even in business.

What I did get out of this was a date, a wedding date. We set it together. He made sure I knew he wanted it to be soon and to be a big spectacle for his men and all the Clans to come to. It figures, but I am okay with it, Natasha deserves a big wedding. I just hope the bride will actually show up on the day. I would deserve it if she does not.

I go into her room, and I don't bother knocking. I have come in here so many times without permission, I feel it’s a habit. She doesn't protest, but I can see the anger is still there. “I am sorry about that. I really didn't expect him to show up so soon. I meant to get a chance to ease into this. I guess your father doesn’t work that way.”

She scoffs and says nothing else, so I ask her, “Would you like to come to the beach with me and go for a walk? I would love to spend more time with you if you will let me.”

“Are you sure you don't have more business to discuss with my father?” she quips. Fuck. She really is pissed at me. Damn it.

“No, your father has left, but if you don’t want to come with me, I get it. I just thought we could watch the sunset together.” She eyes me and sighs, and I know she is giving in.

“Let me get dressed, okay?” I nod and leave the room. I should probably get into something more suited for this as well. I doubt I am going to fit in too well wearing a button down and slacks to the beach. I think this is all Natasha ever sees me in, but honestly, it feels unnatural sometimes to be in anything else. I am always in business mode, but I think that's my problem. Maybe it is time to show her a different side of me, if I can remember how to find it.

She meets me at the door in a bathing suit, a two-piece that makes her look sexy as hell, and a pair of cut off shorts over her bikini bottom. Hopefully, I can get that off of her a little later.

I take her hand in mine, and we make the short walk to the beach. It is nice to be right here on the water, though, I rarely take advantage of it. This is actually a private beach for the whole high-rise complex. When we get out there, there are not many people out. It is a Friday night, and I suspect most of the people who would come out here are out at bars and clubs in the area and won't be around until the wee hours of the morning. This is perfect for us, of course.

We walk in the sand as it squishes between our toes, and she looks over at me and smiles, almost laughs.

“What is it?” I ask her, and she shakes her head. “No, tell me. I told you that you need to vocalize.” I stop and make her turn to me, and she furrows her brow.

“I don't think I have ever seen you so casual, it’s different. You almost look like some surfer.”

“I am a terrible swimmer,” I say, smiling because she is amused. “I don't think a surfboard is for me, but I am glad this amuses you.”

“Don’t think this means I am not still angry,” she warns me, and I give her a wicked smile, feeling challenged. This is the best part about being with Natasha, I am always on my toes.

I stop and pull her to me by the waist, her hair blowing behind her in the gentle breeze. She looks so perfect out here, like a fantasy creature. I slide my fingers so gently along her hurt cheek once more and then the other cheek before pulling her mouth to mine, tasting her savory lips as I suck them into my mouth.

I feel her go weak at the knees and I know this is working just the way I want it to. I am so glad to know what happened earlier was a small setback and not the end of our journey back to one another.

“Just because you’re mad at me doesn't mean you can’t enjoy me,” I tell her with an evil grin as I pull back.

“True,” she says, but I hear the breathlessness in her voice. I walk her towards the edge of the water where we can dip out toes in. I notice a few hermit crabs scuttling along the shore as we totally submerge our feet in the warm wetness of the peaceful waves. Suddenly, she kicks some water up at me, splashing it onto my shorts. I look at her and see a cheeky smile on her face that I am loving.

I kick back, splashing sea water all over her legs, and then a fight ensues, with her reaching down her hands to spray water at my face and torso. She is laughing as we splash and chase each other in the slippery band at the edge of the water. We are having fun as if we are just children in the moment, and not adults with the weight of the world on our shoulders. I didn't think anyone would ever make me feel like this. Free. I feel free.

Natasha tackles me, and I am off guard as I fall into the damp sand, the smell of salt surrounding me as she lands on top of me, giving me a slow, sensual kiss. This is temptation, and I am going to give in.

I grab her round ass through these barely-there jeans shorts and squeeze and push her into me as her tongue slips inside my mouth. I nibbled at the tip of her tongue gently as I slide my hands down her legs and back up, hopefully giving her a pleasurable chill at my touch.

It is dark now, and all I can hear are the sounds of the animals and sea around us. I doubt anyone would notice if I just indulge in this a bit, the waves crashing over us as they break into shore. I slip off her shorts and lift her up from her thighs so that I can pull her bathing suit to the side. Her beautiful pink pussy is just waiting for me to indulge it once again.

I slip my cock out of my shorts and let it rub against her, so she can feel how hard I am as she looks down on me, her hair a halo around us. I lift her up and then help her sit back down on top of me sliding inside of her as she lets out a long sigh. I grab onto her hips and pull them towards me as she pushes off with her legs on the ground, rocking so that my cock slides deeper into her effortlessly, hitting her G-spot almost immediately. It’s like we have this dance memorized, and yet, it just gets better every time.

I pull her down to my chest so that she is right up against me, transferring her body heat as I begin to thrust my hips up with her, making it more intense. Natasha moans into my neck and then licks it slowly with her tongue before coming up to lick my lips. It is so fucking hot, I swear I am going to explode right here and now.

I moan into her as I thrust quickly, feeling myself so close as her pussy squeezes around me. “Fuck,” I breathe as she moans out my name, sitting back up to pop her hips into me a few more times as she quivers around me and causes me to release inside of her. I can’t say for certain what the far future holds for us, but I hope I get the option to do this every night for the rest of my fucking life. If so, I will be a happy man. I will worship the fucking ground she walks on if she decides to let me make her mine forever.