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The Unacceptables Series Box Set by Kristen Hope Mazzola (16)

Chapter 3


It took a few days of playing by the rules for me to snap out of my funk. Ryder and I were keeping distance physically, but constantly texting. It fucking sucked, but the dust needed to settle.

Me: Heading into the bar now. How much longer will you be at the shop?

Ryder: All freaking day and probably a good part of the night. Abel has been more than interested in making my workload keep me from seeing the light of day.

Me: I’m sorry.

Ryder: You’re worth it. Have a good shift babe.

With a deep breath, I walked through the doors of the bar. Crickett was unloading a rack of beer glasses as she smiled at me. “Hey sweetheart. You ready to take over?”

“How was the day shift?” I put my purse under the register and grabbed Crickett’s draw of cash to put mine in.

Crickett shrugged. “Nothing to write home about, but tonight should be good. We have a new girl coming in to train.”

I was shocked. No one had mentioned getting another chick. “When was that decided?”

“Jesse’s niece just moved in with him and his old lady so we said she could work a few shifts here. It’ll help us out a lot.”

We did need more people and with Ryder working his ass off at the shop, his offer to help out was completely off of the table.

I started counting out Crickett’s money while she finished setting up the bar for my shift.

“You know this is all going to blow over, right sweetheart?”

I swallowed hard. “I just want everything to be back to normal. Dad has barely spoken to me and he’s working Ryder to death.”

“Just be happy that he’s still letting Ryder work.” She grabbed her stack of tips, shoving it into her bra strap. “Your dad’s in the back room, why don't you go say hi? Break the ice a bit.”

I could hear my heart in my chest as I knocked on the door to the office. “Come in.” My father’s burly voice leaked through into the back hallway.

“Hey Daddy. How’s it going?”

His eyes were wide, his shoulders stiff. “Fine.”

My heart was breaking. “Dad, I can’t take this any more. I need us to get back to normal.”

He dropped his shoulders and leaned back in his chair. “I’m just trying to do what is best for you, Raine.”

I sat in the folding chair next to him, taking his large, leathery hand in mine. “I know.”

“We’ll get through this baby doll. I just can’t see you head down this rough road. This life is too dangerous. I want more for you.”

“But what about what I want?”

His eyes locked on the floor. “I know what you want, but I am your father and I know what is best for you Raine.”

I stood up and yelled, “I am not a freaking child.”

Slowly, my father rose to his feet, gripped my shoulders, and glared into my eyes. Through gritted teeth, he tried to even his temper. “But you’re my child and I love you more than anyone, including Ryder.”

Tears started to sting my eyes. “You don't know that.”

“But, I do, baby doll. I surely do.”

I wiped my eyes, pulling away from him. “I have a shift to start.”

He nodded and watched me walk out of the office without saying another word.

* * *

“So, have you ever bartended before?” I wiped down the bar while trying to get to know Keira, our new bartender.

She shook her head, her long blonde hair swaying around her shoulders. “I was a server in Des Moines, but I have never worked behind the bar.”

Crickett grabbed her bag from behind me, putting her hand on my shoulder. “Raine is great, you’re learning from the best.” She winked at me before starting to head to the back door. “Holt will be in soon to take over as manager, you ok with holding down the fort for an hour?”

I nodded. “I got this.”

Other than a few members shooting darts over in the back corner, the bar was empty.

“Is it always this slow?” Keira helped unpack a few boxes of beer bottles into the troughs.

“It’ll pick up once dinner hour is over and the guys finish at the shop.”

Trent slammed his empty beer bottle down on the bar top. “Hey, you. Another heavy.”

I whipped around to see Trent eyeing Keira up and down, licking his lips.

“That ain’t a way to talk to us, Tre, and you fucking know it.”

He threw his hands in the air. “Sorry darlin’. What’s your name?”

Keira blushed as Trent started to lay on his sweet, thick southern drawl that always had northerners soaked within seconds. Trent was hot as fuck—tattooed, rippling muscles, tall, thick black hair with the burly beard to match—but his crassness and vulgarity seeped through every pore.

I popped the top off the Budweiser, handing it to him. “Play nice.”

“I just asked for the young lady’s name.” 

After looking up at me, Keira smiled sweetly at Trent. “Keira.”

“Oh, you’re Jesse’s newest member.”

She nodded. “Got into town last night.”

“Well, I hope you like our little town. Maybe I could show you around sometime.”

That’s where I drew the line; I wasn’t about to let this new, innocent chick be swooned by that scumbag. “Trent, don’t you have a game to get back to?”

He smirked at me, nodding. “Yes, ma’am, I do. Keira, it was a pleasure.”

I could see her cheeks flush as he winked and shoved away from the bar.

“Everyone around here seems so nice.”

I laughed. I couldn't help it, that shit was comical. How could she not see through that act? “Just be careful. There’s only one thing on Tre’s mind and that is not showing you around our town in any sense of what it might mean back in cow country.”

The shift kicked off and the bar started to get full after Holt showed up.

“Keira, this is the other manager, Holt. He’s my father’s right hand man.”

Holt shook her hand. “How are you liking it so far?”

Keira beamed up at him while making a Jack and Coke for her uncle. “It’s been great. Raine’s a good teacher.”

Holt winked at me. “That she is. Raine, we’re running low on lemons, grab some from the back? I’ll cover your section for a bit and see how our new girl is doing.”

“Ok, great. Don’t worry, he doesn't bite. Holt taught me everything I know.” 

Making my way to the back cooler, I heard footsteps behind me. Right as I spun around, I was grabbed by the hip. “Hey babe.” Ryder’s smooth tone washed over me like a slow setting sun next to the lake in the summer.

Wrapping my arms around him, I melted

“It’s only been two days since I held you, but that might as well be a lifetime.” His drawl was low and thick.

“What are you doing here? I thought Abel had you working late tonight.”

He kissed me quickly. “He told me I had been working hard enough and deserved a little bit of time off.”

There was no time to waste. I pulled Ryder into the cooler and slammed the door shut. Crushing our lips together in the chilly air, we hungrily made out like high schoolers under the stairs between classes.

“Who’s at the bar?” Ryder huffed, pulling my shirt up over my head. Instantly my nipples got hard under my thick lace bra from the frigid temperature in the small space.

“Your dad and the new chick. I only have a few minutes.”

“Fuck it.” He growled into my shoulder. “That’ll have to be enough time.”

Ryder undid his jeans, pulling his erect member out through the hole in his boxers. He yanked on my white shorts, letting them fall around my ankles. He turned me around and I arched my back as Ryder thrust himself roughly into my wetness. My hand pressed against the icy metal of the wall as his cock filled me with sheer pleasurable pain.

With his hand firmly around my mouth, I let out a muffled scream.

“Shhhh.” He hushed me. “We don't want anyone to hear.”

The head of his dick slammed into my g-spot over and over as we panted and lightly moaned. Right when his thumb started to massage my swelling clit, it was game over for the both of us.

“Fuck, your cunt feels so goddamned good taking my dick.” Ryder’s gravely drawl curled into my ear, pushing me completely over the edge.

My pussy pulsed and tightened around this throbbing shaft as we rode out our hasty orgasms together.

Before fixing our clothes, Ryder pulled me into him, kissing the top of my head, my bare back pressing against his cotton shirt and leather cut. “You’re fucking amazing, babe.”

I spun around in his arms, wrapping mine around his neck. “Right back at ya.” He handed me his black bandana from his back pocket to wipe the come that was dripping down my inner thigh.  “Thanks.”

“No worries. Can’t have you going back to work a fucking mess on my account.”

We both got dressed and made sure we looked somewhat presentable. Ryder even smoothed out my eyeliner for me with his thumb.

“Do you think anyone will notice that you were looking for lemons for more than ten minutes?”

I shook my head. “I’ll say I had to throw out the rotten ones if anyone asks.”

Ryder chuckled. “All right then.”

Bricks that had been resting on my shoulder for days slightly lifted. “This might all work out.”

He nodded. “Here’s to hoping. I’m going to post up at the bar.”

And just like that I felt like everything was falling back into place


After going to the bathroom to wash the sweet smell of Raine off my fingers, I bellied up to the bar for a much needed drink.

“Hey Ryder.” My dad put a beer down in front of me as I watched Raine cut lemons at the other end of the bar. “It’s good to see you here, son.”

I took a sip. “Yeah, tell me about it. Who’s the new chick?” I pointed the top of my bottle over to the blonde that was asking Raine questions in rapid fire.

“Jesse’s niece, Keira. She’s going to be staying with him and Barb for a while so we figured it would help everyone out if she started working here.”

I lit a cigarette, taking a few long drags. Even though I was within just a few feet of Raine, it might as well have been miles. The bar was slammed and between training the new girl and Tre trying to jump her bones, I barely got a chance to talk to her.

“Hey, Ryder, you coming out tonight?” I froze. Abel was standing right behind me and I hadn't even noticed.

How fucking long has he been there

Did he catch me eyeing Raine?

I turned to look at him, arms crossed, glaring down at me. “To Secrets?” I asked, completely shocked that Abel was even acknowledging me.  

He nodded.

“I wasn’t planning on it, didn't know if it was a thing for prospects to do.”

“I’m telling you, you’ll be there.”

I let out a deep breath. “Then I will be there.”

He clapped me on the shoulder and waved to his daughter. Raine brought him his three fingers of whiskey with one ice cube in it. “Thanks, sweetheart.” He nodded to Raine, but her eyes never left mine.

Before ambling away, Abel slapped me on the shoulder. “See ya later, son.”

It was the most he had spoken to me since having me pinned against Raine’s wall

Hopefully that’s a good fucking sign.

* * *

Strip clubs were so far from my thing, but if Abel wanted me to go out with the guys, that’s what I was going to do. No questions asked, it was my role, and I wore that patch proudly.

I posted up at the bar with Ozzy, taking a few shots of tequila to kick the night off a bit and make the whole experience a little more tolerable. The fat, dimpled thighs of one of the D-listers jiggled on the bar top as she danced, giving it her all. I couldn’t understand for the life of me how a big old broad like her could shake her ass like that, gyrating all over the place without slipping in her clear eight-inch hooker heels, a thong, and pasties


I threw back another shot.

“I hate these places.” Ozzy slammed his empty shot glass down onto the bar, ordering up another round for us.

“You’re preaching to the fucking quire, brother.”

He nodded over to the lounge area where the rest of our crew was posted up, watching two dancers make out on stage. “Abel hates this shit too. Always says Crickett’s got her shit on lock and that she’s the only chick his dick twitches for now, but all the other guys think it’s the best thing since blowjobs, so here we are.”

I threw back another icy, clear, burning shot of numbing juice. “I just don't want a lap dance from some nasty ass snatch with gonorrhea falling out.”

Ozzy laughed before killing his last shot of tequila. “Ah, that one burned.” His eyes got a little watery as he wiped his upper lip with his leather sleeve.

Abel took the seat next to me. “Have you seen Tre?”

I shook my head. “Not since he went into the back with that last dancer. He’s probably getting his knob washed again.”

Abel waved over to the anorexic looking bartender in a bright pink corset and lace thong to match. “I’ll take a Bud please.” She smiled sweetly, grabbing it for him out of the fridge behind her

“Thanks, darlin’.” He threw a five down on the bar. After taking a few swigs, Abel looked down at his watch and sighed. “Go check it out, Ryder. He’s not known for his longevity.”

I grabbed my beer and made my way into the poorly lit back area. The strobe lights from the front made it hard to see down the hallway. Pulling back the sticky blackout curtain, I had to jump into savior mode. Trent was on the ground, facedown and foaming at the mouth. He was shaking, soaked in his own piss, and the goddamned stripper was nowhere to be found. I grabbed Trent and pulled his pants back up, holding my breath from the stench of puke and piss. Throwing his arm over my shoulder while he moaned and spit, I carried him to the front.

I waved over to Abel and all the guys rushed to me. “He’s fucking ODing, boss.”

Abel grabbed his phone and called Crickett. He said, “Meet us at the ER,” then hung up with just those words.

“Ozzy, you drove your truck?” 

Ozzy nodded and dug the keys out of his pocket

“Ryder, take Trent to the hospital. Ozzy will take your bike.”

I grabbed the keys, shifting Trent’s weight a little to keep his head up. “All right.”

Abel started for the front door, turning around quickly. “Oh and take that damn cut off of him and yourself.”

I had no time to argue or question it

“Keys, front pocket,” I yelled over the load music to Ozzy. He pursed his lips and quickly grabbed for my bike keys.

“Okay, let’s get the dumbass into the fucking truck.”

We huffed and puffed, carrying his dead weight through the packed parking lot. It took us a couple of minutes to get Trent shoved into the backseat with a towel under his head. It was weird that I wasn’t driving my own vehicle, but Trent was turning pale as he coughed and gasped for air.

“This fucker is going to make a mess of this thing. Damn it.” Ozzy slammed the door shut. “Drive like hell. We’ll see you there.”

I flew down the highway, praying that a cop wouldn't see that I was pushing a hundred in Ozzy’s Denali. The thing was an expensive ass truck and Trent was pissing and puking all over the backseat. I had to roll the windows down to keep from barfing.

The emergency room staff made quick work of taking Trent into the back on a stretcher, a nurse straddling him and taking his vitals while the other ran him down the hallway. I waited with the rest of the guys by the front doors. They came in a pack, each one with looks of sheer anger and frustration.

“Fuck!” Abel was pacing, sucking hard on a dying cig

Crickett came trotting down the sidewalk after them. “What’s going on?”

I put my hand on her shoulder, seeing her panic subside when she saw that Abel was ok. “Tre fell off the wagon again. We’re not sure what he took yet.”

All the guys were trying to figure out where Trent would have even gotten the stash

“We shouldn't have let him out of our sight. That goddamn junkie can’t say no to anything. Fucking ass.” Ozzy flicked his ash onto the ground.

“He’s a grown ass man, we shouldn't have to babysit him.” Abel worked his jaw. “Ozzy, Miller, y’all head inside and stay with him. Try to get to the bottom of this. I know that chick he was with, she wouldn't have given anything to him. She must have been paid off to lure him back there. Jesse, head back to Secrets, see if you can convince her to talk.” Abel handed Jesse a thick stack of cash from his wallet.

“No worries. I’m sure the whore will loosen those lips for me.”

“What can I do?” I took a step closer to Abel, his eyes boring into me once he realized I was talking to him.

“Go the fuck home. This isn’t your concern any more.”

That’s when I realized that more shit than I knew was going on. It was for members only and I was just a damn prospect. It was why they’d had me drive Trent to the hospital and hadn't come up until they knew he was safely inside: I didn't have a cut on, so I was the least likely to be recognized.

“Everyone else, let’s get back and make sure our shit is taken care of. I’m going to the shop to make sure it’s locked down. Holt, the bar’s already closed up and the girls are home?”

My dad nodded.

I traded keys with Ozzy. “See ya later, brother.”

He hit me on my back. “Good work tonight, Ryder.”

“Thanks man.”

* * *

I lay in bed, staring at the fan, trying to wrap my head around everything that was going on. It had been hours and I hadn’t heard anything about Trent. Even though I thought the guy was a creep, he was still my brother and deep down, I cared

No news better mean fucking good news.

I grabbed my leather jacket and pulled my boots back on. I knew I needed a little bit of fresh air and the quiet road to clear my head. I unlocked the front door and nearly jumped out of my skin when the living room light flicked on.

“Going somewhere, son?”

Holt was sitting in his recliner with a fifth of whiskey in one hand and his revolver in the other.

I dug my keys out of my pocket. “Just for a ride to clear my head.”

My dad pursed his lips. “It really ain’t safe to be riding alone right now, Ryder.”

I shook my head. “I’ll take my chances. I need out of this damn house for a bit.”

“Just be alert and bring your gun.”

I pulled up my jacket and cut so he could see my Kimber tucked safely in the back of my jeans. “Locked and loaded.”

“That a boy. Ride safe.”

I rubbed the back of my neck. “Any news on Tre?”

My old man shook his head. “We’ll hear something in the morning.”

“Yeah. Okay.”

Holt took a swig from the bottle. “Everything is going to work out. Abel will make sure of it.”

“I fucking hope you’re right.” I pulled open the front door, waving goodbye to my dad.

The cool night air stung my nostrils as I tried to just ignore all of the thoughts rattling around in my brain. I had no idea what was going on with my club, I wasn’t allowed to be with my girl, and my life just felt completely out of whack. I rode for what felt like an hour; my forearms were even starting to get a little bit of arm pump. Before I knew it, I was pulling up to the Hellock’s driveway.

I shot off a text to Raine, hoping she would still be up too.

Me: Hey babe, you up?

Raine: Yeah, can’t sleep either?

Me: Nah. I went for a ride to clear my head.

Raine: It’s a beautiful night out.

Me: It pales in comparison to you.

Raine: hahaha. Yeah right.

Me: You have no idea how breathtakingly gorgeous you are, do you?

Raine: There are prettier people in this world, I've seen it, it's a thing

Me: Your beauty radiates from inside and makes your outside blinding

Raine: How are you such a tough guy and then say things like that?

Me: Because every king has a queen that makes him see the softer side in life.

Raine: I’m your queen?

Me: That’s how I see it, anyway. It’s late, beautiful. 831.

Raine: what does 831 mean?

Me: eight letters, three words, one meaning.

Raine: And I love you. I can’t wait to kiss you again.

Me: Good. Open your window.

Raine unlocked her window and helped me climb into her bedroom. I knew it was a terrible idea but I just needed to be close to her. “I know you have to be up in a few hours, but I just needed to hold you.”

We crawled into bed, and I wrapped my arms around her middle

“This is perfect, babe.” She softly kissed my cheek.

I breathed her rose and lilac sent in, shifting the pillow under my head a little. “You’re perfect. Get some sleep. I have an alarm set for five, so I’ll be out of the house before Abel wakes up.”

“Everything all right, baby?”

I tightened my grip around her, making sure I was holding Raine with every inch of my body. “It is now.”




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