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The Unacceptables Series Box Set by Kristen Hope Mazzola (6)

Chapter 6

How was school today, sweetie?”

Raine jumped into the front seat of Abel’s truck, throwing her bag in the back seat. “It was ok.”

She wasn’t her normal, bouncing, bubbly self.

“What’s up, gloomy? Everything all right?”

She shrugged. “Yeah.” With a huge forced sigh she hugged Miss Gilda to her chest.

“Was someone mean to you today?”

She nodded.

“Was it a girl or boy?”

“It was a bunch of kids.”

My heart gradually started breaking. No one ever deserved to be bullied, especially a child as sweet and goodhearted as Raine.

“What were they doing?”

She shifted in her seat, staring blankly out the window as I pulled out of the school’s parking lot.

“It’s ok, Raine. You can tell me.”

“They were saying mean stuff at recess.”

“Does this happen a lot?”

I kept glancing over at Raine as her cheeks got redder and redder, her nose started sniffling, and her eyes watered. I pulled the truck to the side of the road. I took my seatbelt off and shifted so I could put both my hands out for her to grab.

She just stared blankly at me. Clearly this was not something she felt comfortable telling grownups about. I really wished Abel was there to help handle it, but I couldn’t let her be sad, it wasn’t fair to her.

“Sweetie, please tell me. I know we just met, but I think we’re really good friends. Good friends trust each other with big secrets. Would it make you feel better if I told you a secret first?”

She wiped her nose with her sleeve before nodding.

“Ok.” I sighed and finally Raine took my hands, squeezing tightly. “I was bullied so bad in school because I didn’t have a daddy. He had moved far away when I was just about your age. Kids were mean to me about it.”

Her eyes got wide, like she was shocked someone else could relate to how mean kids could really be.

“Now can you tell me your secret?”

She took in a deep breath and with a sigh of relief, she whispered, “They were making fun of me because Mommy is in heaven.”

I felt the waterworks welling quickly. Those freaking jerks at her school were little monsters. I wanted to turn that truck around and go spank each and every one of them and then tell their parents to put hot sauce on their tongues, or better yet soap like my mom used to do to me when I talked back to her.

“That’s not fair sweetheart. I’m so sorry.”

She forced a smile, gripping my hands with her tiny fingers. “It’s ok. They don’t have a mommy angel and I do.”

And there ya had it: the most put together five-year-old on the freaking planet. Abel really was doing an amazing job with her.

“How about we get you home and we call your daddy to see if we can get some ice cream?”

She perked up in her seat. “Yay! Ice cream!”

Raine rushed into the house and got cleaned up as fast as she could while I called Abel.

His deep drawl came onto the line, sending chills down my arms instantly. “Hey, Crickett. Is everything ok?”

I started to pace in the kitchen. “Yeah, just got Raine home. She had a little bit of a rough day at school.”

He sighed softly. “She’s been having problems with a few of the kids in her class.”

“She told me. Can I take her for ice cream tonight? Cheer her up a bit?”

I could hear the smile on his face. “After she does her homework, that sounds like a great idea.”

“Awesome. How’s everything goin’?” I had no idea if I could even ask about what was going on with the missing club member, I just wanted to know when he was going to be coming home without sounding needy or desperate.

“It’s goin’. I’m gonna have to be out of town for a few more days than I expected. You don’t mind staying at my place while I’m gone, do you? It’s a huge help to Holt and me.”

I didn’t even have to think twice about it. “Sure. I can grab the rest of my stuff from the motel in the morning.”

“Thanks babe. I have to run, I’ll be in touch. Kiss Raine for me.”

Holt ambled into the kitchen. “Was that Abel?” He asked, grabbing a beer from the fridge.

“Yes sir.” I took a seat at the breakfast table.

Holt joined me. “Did he tell ya that he’s going to be gone?”

I nodded. “I’m going to stick around here and help you with Raine. If that’s okay with you.”

“If that’s what Abel asked you to do, that’s fine by me. We’re swamped at the garage and short staffed at the bar. It’s better if I’m there.”

“Well, I’ll hold down the fort. I really love Raine. She’s awesome.”

“I can agree to that. Oh, I forgot to tell you. I brought your car back so you don’t have to keep driving that big ole truck around town, unless you want to.”

“Thanks Holt, I appreciate it.”

Raine came down the stairs and Holt left to veg out on the couch after a long day at work. After homework and some ramen noodles, I took Raine to get ice cream in town. She was completely carefree, not showing any signs of the hurt or frustration she’d had when leaving school only hours before. When we got back home it was bath time, and then I read Cinderella to her.

Right as her tired eyes started to flutter closed, she wrapped her tiny arms around my neck and kissed me on the cheek. “I’m glad you’re here,” she whispered, resting her head on my shoulder.

I kissed the top of her head. “So am I.”

I shifted out from under her, pulling the covers up and making sure she was tucked in nice and tight.

“Goodnight, sweetie. Sleep well.”

Climbing into Abel’s massive bed not too long after tucking Raine in, with the soft cotton sheets and one of his soft white shirts and basketball shorts on, was amazing. I plugged my phone in on the nightstand, turned off the lights, and lay there wide-eyed. I knew I should have had a beer or two before bed to relax me a little but with being responsible for someone else’s kid, I just didn’t feel right about it.

I flipped through the late night channels trying to find something just boring enough to help put me to sleep. I finally settled on a documentary about cheetahs. The monotone voice of the narrator was as good as the Sandman throwing sleep in my eyes.

A few minutes later a text rattled my phone on the wooden table next to me.

Abel: Hope you’re making yourself at home, babe. Wish I was there holding you.

Me: Your bed is a little lonely without you in it.

Abel: How’s Raine doing?

Me: Fine. Much better than this afternoon.

Abel: Good. How are you doing?

Me: Can’t sleep. You?

Abel: I wish I could help.

Me: You’ll be home soon though.

Abel: I can’t wait.

Me: Me either. I’m going to try to get some rest.

Abel: I have to be up early too. Kiss Raine for me.

Me: I will. Goodnight.

Abel: Night, sugar. Miss you.

Me: Miss you too.