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The Unacceptables Series Box Set by Kristen Hope Mazzola (5)

Chapter 5

After reading the first half of Beauty and the Beast, Raine dozed off in my arms.

“Did she fall asleep quick?” Abel asked from the couch in the living room as I grabbed a beer from the fridge.

Taking a seat next to him, I nodded. “She’s precious.”

“She’s pretty amazing for sure.” He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me into his rock hard chest.

“I’ll take you to get your car in the morning.” He kissed the top of my head. “I can take you back to the motel now though, if you want.”

There was not a snowball’s chance in hell that I wanted to go back to the motel and leave his arms, but my brain was telling me that I still didn’t know this guy and that I should have my guard and high ass walls up to protect myself.

“I don’t want to go. Today has been more perfect than I can really explain.”

“What hurt you so badly, babe? Why are you running from something?”

I sighed into him. “I don’t know if I should put it into words or just let all the bad memories die in the past where they belong.”

Abel pulled me onto his lap. “We all got some skeletons, Crickett. As long as we don’t let them define us then we can move on. Stop letting them have a hold on you. Don’t let them win.”

“We just met, but I feel like I was supposed to come here.”

He hugged me to him. “Good, because I knew the moment I saw you and those bright red lips of yours that you were sent here for me to know.”

It was so cliché but right then, he grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled me in for another show-stopping kiss. My body buzzed just from our lips connecting. It was freaking incredible.

I pulled away from him. “Maybe we shouldn’t.” I bit my lip. It was better to at least try to be hard to get, even if my lady parts were screaming for him.

“I can make up the couch for you or take you back. It’s up to you.” He leaned down and kissed right under my ear, whispering softly, “Or I have a very comfortable bed upstairs. We can just sleep. I can be a gentleman when I have to be.”

I nodded, getting up from his lap. “Yeah. Ok.”

We made our way up to his room, on the opposite side of the house from Raine’s, which made me feel way more comfortable. If I was going to sleep with her father, I didn’t want her to hear us.

“Here.” Abel handed me a faded AC/DC shirt and a pair of basketball shorts. “You can sleep in these. The bathroom is there if you want to change with some privacy.”

“Where did you come from?” I laughed quietly, taking the clothes and heading to the bathroom.

“What?” He smiled his killer panty-dropping smile while pulling his cut and shirt off and tossing them on the armchair in the corner of the room.

“You’re just like a freaking Prince Charming swooping in to save the damsel.” I had to take a minute to catch my breath as I gaped at his chiseled abs and rock hard tattooed chest. I hadn’t thought it was possible for him to be any hotter than what I had pictured, but right there he was proving me wrong. The words “respect few, fear none” were etched into his skin with a badass skull in the middle. I was a total sucker for a guy with sexy tattoos.

He took a few steps toward me, then put his hands on my hips. His eyes were soft and deep as he looked into mine. “I’ll be Prince Charming if you need one, but trust me, this prince has a rough side to him. It’s just…for some reason you don’t bring out that part of me. Maybe later.” He winked and quickly smacked my ass. “Now get changed. I’m fucking exhausted.”

His hand hitting my ass made my sex clench and my heart start racing. I wanted him more than ever right then. The image of just pouncing on him was all too tempting, but I really wanted to take things slower than I had so far. I was already about to climb into bed with the guy, maybe I shouldn’t give all the milk away for free within the first few days of knowing him.

We climbed into bed and within ten minutes we were both sound asleep. I had a peaceful night full of steamy flashes of everything I wanted Abel to do to me, from deep sensual kisses all the way to tying me to his bed and coming on my face, with so many more fun adventures in between.

I was slowly brought out of my dream-filled sleep by Abel wrapping his arms around me and kissing my neck.

“Morning.” I yawned, rolling in his arms to look into his sleepy eyes.

“Mornin’ sugar.”

I gently kissed his lips. “What time is it?”

There was barely any light coming in from the window; it had to be the ass crack of dawn.

“Just about five-thirty. Raine wakes up around seven so I try to be up before her when I have someone over.”

The thought of Abel sharing his bed with other women wasn’t a crazy notion—he was a fucking dude—but jealously and possession washed over me in an instant. It was completely irrational but I hated the thought of him even touching other women.

“Does that mean I have to leave?” I couldn’t hide the disappointment in my voice as I sat up in the king size bed, wrapped in Abel’s amazingly soft sheets.

“No, that’s not what I meant. I just don’t want her to run in here and find me in bed with a chick. I like to be up and moving around so she doesn’t get the wrong idea.” He pulled me down, back into his arms. “I don’t know how to raise a kid, I’m going in blind here. I’m just trying to do the best that I can.”

I nodded and kissed his stubbly cheek. “I totally get it.”

“You know you’re the first chick I have let meet Raine since her mom died.”

Bam. That bomb had just been dropped. Raine’s mom was freaking dead and he just let it roll off his tongue like it was yesterday’s news. I was stunned. I had no idea what to say.

“Wow. I’m sorry.”

His grip on me tightened. “It’s been a while. It’s hard but we’re moving on.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

He shook his head. “Maybe later. I don’t want to spoil what’s left of this morning with a sad trip down memory lane.” I watched his bare tattooed chest inflate as he sucked in a deep breath before he pulled me on top of him to straddle his waist.

I leaned over and kissed him. “I don’t know why I am this comfortable with you. It kind of scares the shit out of me.”

“I think I am going to take that as a compliment.” His husky voice was thick with lust dripping from it as he laced his fingers in my hair and guided my lips to his.

Slowly our bodies went into a hyper drive of passion. Our lips moved together as my heart started racing and his grip on my messy hair got tighter. I could feel his need for me grow as I gradually started to grind my swelling bud onto him through our clothes. I completely threw all notions of taking things slow with my beautiful stranger out the window. There was no turning back at that point.

I yanked his shirt off over my head and it was like a light switch went off in Abel’s mind. Through gritted teeth he sucked in a sharp breath and let out a lust filled moan as he gently pushed me onto the bed. He gripped the waistband of the basketball shorts I was wearing and looked me dead in the eyes. His gaze was almost black as he licked his pierced lip slowly.

“I want you, Crickett. Right the fuck now. If you want me to stop this is your only fucking chance.” His voice was strong, possessive. His chest heaved as he waited for my response.

“Abel, I want you. I’ve never wanted a man more.”

He looked up and down my body while he hesitated again. “Just know, you’ll be mine. In this moment I will claim you.”

His words should have sent me running. That should have been a red flag and I should have been scared of him and what they truly meant, but I was so consumed by him and the power over me he lusted for. It was one of the most intoxicating moments of my life. I had never wanted anything more than to be his, only his.

“Do I have to say it again?”

He nodded.

“Take me, Abel.”

He growled softly. “Say you’re mine, Crickett.”

“I’m all yours, Abel.”

With that he yanked off the shorts and his boxer briefs. His erect member was one of the most gorgeous dicks I had ever seen and definitely the biggest.

I licked my lips. “Let me taste you.”

A fire lit in his eyes. He grabbed my shoulders, pulled me down so my head was off the pillow, and straddled my head.

“If it gets too intense, just grab my thigh hard. Ok?”

I nodded and licked the tip of his dick slowly. “I think I can handle you, babe.”

A deep chuckle came from down in his chest. “I hope so, sugar, because I am not the most gentle man to say the least. Now open your fucking mouth.”

I’d had guys attempt dirty talk in the past, but none of them were ever good at it or really meant their words. With Abel, he was in charge and meant every command that leapt from his desire filled throat, and nothing had ever turned me on more. I felt slickness pool as my clit throbbed from the feeling of him slamming his cock into the back of my throat.

I sucked and licked while he thrust in and out of my mouth roughly. Tears formed in the corners of my eyes as he pushed harder with each thrust.

“Fuck, Crickett. You’re so goddamn good at this.”

I felt my sex ache for him. Want was building fast as I gripped his thigh.

Immediately he pulled away. “Are you ok?”

The amount of concern he showed was comforting. “Yeah. I want you to fuck me.”

His lips pulled into a sensual smile as he rolled me back on top of him. “As you wish, babe. But I want to see those tits bounce as your cunt takes in my dick.”

Fucking chills.

Goosebumps coursed up and down my entire body as he pressed his thumb to my clit, slowly teasing me.


Panting, Abel pointed to the nightstand. “Top drawer.”

I leaned over and yanked that drawer open as fast as I could while my knees were shaking from the small circles he continued to draw on my slick folds. Shoving my hand in, I felt what I thought was a condom wrapper, but what did I find instead? Fun Dip.

“Really?” I couldn’t help the laugh that flew out as I threw the blue package of my favorite childhood candy onto Abel’s bare muscular chest.

He shrugged. “So I have a sweet tooth, doesn’t everyone?”

I nodded, grabbing the candy. “I know what I’m having for dessert after.”

“You’ll need it once I am done with you.”

Abel rolled me off of him, grabbed a condom, and ripped the foil with his teeth. He handed it to me. “Go nice and slow, babe. Let’s make an event out of this.”

I climbed on top of him, doing as he asked, taking my time rolling the condom over him. He sucked in a sharp breath, gripping my hips tightly.

“Take it in.”

I rubbed the head of his dick over my slick lips, smirking a little. His grip got tighter, his jaw working intensely as he watched me.

“Don’t be a damn tease, babe,” he growled. He was not amused with my playtime.

“Fine.” I leaned back, positioning him at my opening. “How badly do you want it?”

“I think how hard my fucking dick is speaks for itself you firecracker.” He slapped my ass hard, gripping it firmly with one hand. “Fuck me, Crickett.”

I took my time taking him in. I gasped as I felt myself stretching, letting him consume me.

“Oh my God.” I moaned and started to rock my hips, grinding softly into him.

“Your cunt is so damn tight. Holy fucking shit.”

With his hand still on my ass, he pushed me hard down onto him, bucking his hips up into mine. He was perfectly positioned and within minutes I felt my climax building quickly in the pit of my stomach.

“I’m going to fucking come,” I moaned into his ear as I dug my nails into his shoulders.

“Not yet.” He pulled out and rolled me onto my stomach. “Lean on your forearms and get that cunt in the fucking air, sugar.”

“I’ve never…” I blushed before I finished my statement. I wasn’t used to many positions. I wasn’t really well-versed in sex at all, except what I’d learned watching porn alone with my battery powered pocket boyfriend. I had been with a few people but they’d all sucked or were lazy assholes. The trailer park didn’t have too many options in the men department and there was no freaking way I was going to sleep with one of the customers at the strip club. That was more my mom’s style, not mine.

“There’s a first for everything, babe. This will be fun. I like being your first for something.”

He guided me into the position, kneeling behind me and wrapping his hands around my waist. Pulling me close to him, he leaned down and kissed my back. “This might hurt at first. Play through the pain. It will be worth it.”

Pain quickly crashed with pleasure as he plunged into me. My knees shook as I gripped the comforter under me. It was the first time I had felt this much pleasure from sex, ever. Period. Hands down. I was quickly addicted.

He pressed his thumbs harder into the small of my back, pulling me firmly into him and making me cry out.

“Like that, Crickett?”

“More than you know!” I groaned into the blanket.

He thrust into me faster and harder, pulling my hips back into him as his balls smacked against my swollen clit. I cried out without even realizing what I was doing. Quickly, he wrapped his hand around my mouth.

“Shhh.” He whispered, “You’ll wake up the whole freaking house, babe.”

I forced my voice to level. “I’m so close, Abel.”

“Good.” His gravely tone sent electricity up my spine. “I’m going to come with you.”

Our bodies shook and pulsed as our climaxes crashed around us.

I felt drunk, at least that was the closest feeling I could compare to how amazing I felt in that moment.

Abel pulled me to him and kissed right under my ear. “You’re perfect.”

“You’re pretty unbelievable yourself.”

“Let’s get cleaned up. Raine is going to be getting up soon.”

Abel shoved up from the bed, making his way into the bathroom. I heard the shower start and I hoped he wouldn’t mind if I hopped in with him. My body craved to be near his, even though it had been only seconds since he’d walked away; it was more than a little unnerving, but also thrilling all at once. I had never lusted before. Maybe I had never really liked a man more than just a little crush. Whatever was going on with me, my head, and my libido, for the first time in my life I was going with the flow and enjoying myself, not worrying about what my next move had to be. It was pretty incredible.

A pounding sounded on the door and I quickly covered myself with the sheet.

Abel ran to the door with a towel wrapped around his waist and threw it open. “What the fuck?”

Holt was standing in the doorway. “It’s Rave, he didn’t check in after his meeting in Riverside last night and no one can get ahold of him.”

Rave. That name sent chills through me again. Could it really be my dad? How many Raves existed in the world? My body started shaking as I pulled the covers higher up my chest.

“Fuck. Yeah, ok.” Abel rubbed the back of his neck. “Let me get some damn clothes on and I’ll be down in a second.”

Holt nodded and turned to leave, but not before peeking around Abel to wave at me.

Well this is humiliating.

Abel slammed the door, grumbling to himself.

“Can I help?” I started to pull my jeans on.

“Actually, how comfortable are you with driving trucks?”

I shrugged. “Friends back home used to let me take their mud trucks out all the time. Why?”

“Would you mind taking Raine to school and maybe picking her up? I really need to handle this right away.”

“I don’t mind at all. What should I do about work?”

Abel shook his head. “I’ll handle that. While I’m gone, you won’t have to work.”

He grabbed a piece of paper from his dresser, scribbled on it, and handed it to me. “Here is the number of the house I will be staying at while I am away, just in case I don’t have cell service. Call if you need anything. Drive my truck around, we’ll grab your car when I get back into town. I don’t want to worry about you getting stranded again.”

He threw clothes on, shoved his keys into his pocket, kissed me on the forehead, and headed out the door. “I’ll check in with you guys tonight.” He called through the door before jogging down the stairs.

I hopped in the shower for a quick rinse off, rummaged through his shirts until I found one small enough to pass on me, and made my way down to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee.

Right as the pot was finishing up Raine bounced into the kitchen. “Where’s Daddy?” she asked while climbing onto one of the big wooden chairs at the table I was leaning on.

Holt followed her in. “He had to go meet up with Pop, but he’ll be back soon, sweetheart.” He patted her on the head before grabbing two mugs out of the cupboard and handing one to me.


He nodded. “Thanks for sticking around here to help with her. Don’t worry about the bar, a few of the guys and Ronda are going to pick up some hours here and there. We’ll be fine. Just do what you have to.”

“Ronda’s okay with that?”

I could just picture her freaking out when they called this early in the morning to add hours to her shifts.

Holt shrugged. “She’s gonna have to be. Abel or Rich will deal with her. That ain’t nothing for you to worry about.”

“Sounds good to me, I guess.” I shrugged before turning to Raine. “What do you want for breakfast, honey?”

“Captain Crunch, please.” She sat at the table with Miss Gilda at her side while I fixed her a bowl of cereal.




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