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Torpedo: A Second Chance Romance by Joanna Blake (10)


"Oh yeah, didn't you hit that back in high school?"

Their words were echoing in my brain as I carried the tray of dirty plates to the back. I could still hearing them laughing. Feel that guy's hand on my body.

No, not a guy. He was a pig.

It was just a reminder that people around here seemed to think I was up for grabs. That they could take what they wanted, when they wanted. I patted the pepper spray in my pocket.

I was safe. It was just a pinch. It wasn't like he'd jumped me in a back alley. Though I had been cornered a few times over the years and narrowly escaped assault. I told myself it wasn't just me. It was any woman who worked around alcohol that had to fend off unwanted advances.

But still, it hurt.

The worst part was how I felt. Vulnerable somehow. He'd taken a chink out of my armor with that move. I felt so exposed out there in the bar. Like I was naked and everyone else was wearing clothes.

I said something unladylike under my breath, taking a moment to try and pull myself together.

This was the last damn thing I needed.

First, Gabe was back. The one guy I'd thought about back in high school was being thrown in my face. Now this. There was a reason I didn't get to go out with a good guy like Gabe.

All the nice guys thought I was a whore.

Oh no, here come the waterworks.

I was about to break my no crying at work rule.


I spun around and there he was. The last person I wanted to see me cry. Gabe was here, at Garrity's. He looked so handsome tonight it took my breath away for a second.

I stared at him, not knowing what to say.

"I didn't know you worked here."

I nodded dumbly, hoping he couldn't see the tears in my eyes. The hallway was dark. Maybe he wouldn't notice.

"Hey, are you alright?"

I blinked, realizing I must look worse than I thought. The thought of Gabe feeling sorry for me was more than I could take. Deep down, I wanted him to like me dammit.

Not pity me.

I exhaled sharply. Now that I'd admitted to myself that my crush was still hanging around, I wanted to squash it immediately. Having feelings for Gabe- even just residual ones from my schoolgirl crush a million years ago- well, it was just asking for trouble.

More than trouble. Pain. I didn't think I could handle more heartbreak. I might crack and not be able to put myself back together again.

Be strong. Stay focused. Keep your distance.

"I'm fine. Can I get you something?"

He was watching me closely.

"I just wanted to say hi."

I nodded, forcing myself to smile. It wasn't a big smile, but I prayed it looked natural. It felt all wrong.

"I think you're in my section. So I'll be coming by in a few minutes."

Dammit. Now he knew I'd seen him come in. In fact, I had been busy trying not to stare at Gabe when the jerks at the bar manhandled me.

Gabe looked so handsome tonight. He'd shaved and put on a dinner jacket and tie. I swallowed, reminding myself that he wasn't interested in me. Not like that. Even if he was being nice.

All he'd ever wanted was sex. He'd been a horny teenager and thought I would be down to screw. Just a roll in the hay in the backseat of his car. That was it. And even that was a million years ago.

I wondered if I'd have the strength to say no if he asked me again.

"TJ you're orders up!"

I jumped at the sound of Sal's voice coming from the kitchen. One of my few friends, the short order cook was an older guy. He had two daughters a few years older than me, part of the reason I think he looked out for me.

He always walked me to my car at the end of the night, which I appreciated.

And he'd just once again saved my ass, because I had been staring at Gabe for three minutes, not saying a damn word.


"I have to get that."

Gabe nodded slowly.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow."

I gave him an odd look. "I'm coming right out to take your order."

He didn't smile.

"I know."

What did he mean he would talk to me tomorrow? The question whirled through my mind as I hustled through my work. I realized he was still watching me as the night wore on.

It was late by the time I got home and I still didn't understand what the hell he meant. One thing was for sure though.

He'd meant something.

I was falling asleep as it hit me. Gabe meant that he wanted to really talk to me. Not like a waitress. Maybe even not like an aid. That's what he meant.

I curled up in my bed, holding my pillow against me.

Why did the thought of talking to Gabe scare the living daylights out of me?