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Unbound; The Dominator III by DD Prince (2)


The Dominator III



A few weeks after Dare’s Wedding

(be sure to read Prologues first)


Tia was asleep, her cheek on my belly, her silky oats and honey-scented hair fanned out across the chest tattoo that bared her name and displayed her symbol. An owl on an olive branch. Wisdom. Forgiveness. Thinking about the symbolism made my gut churn, go sour.

My left hand was tangled in her hair and I was staring at the ring that sat on my finger. Gold and black. Light and dark. Good and evil. Right now, there was more black than gold to me because I’d spent a sleepless night plotting. Plotting the next moves that had to be made.  It all went round and round in my brain all fucking night long.

Take down Kruna, being the fucking gophers for the goddamn Feds without getting ourselves killed.

That fucking Zack.

If I had my way, when this was over, the footnote would be a gaping hole in his forehead. Dare was acting like he was leaning toward giving Zack a pass. I didn’t fucking think so.

Bastard didn’t earn my trust overnight. He worked at it, the motherfucking liar. And he’d pay for fucking us over. I never forgot betrayal.

We had to first confirm and then if she was there, (I suspected she was), get Angel’s sister Holly back from Alessandro Romero’s hellhole down in Mexico. Zack said he had it on good authority that this was where she was and it was gonna be a tricky proposition. He wasn’t useless. A lying fed motherfucker but he was resourceful. He was still fact-finding.

We had to find a way to get her back, knowing Romero knew what we’d done. We didn’t know him. We’d heard he was an ice-cold mother fucker and it stood to reason that he’d want me dead for killing his Uncle Juan Carlos and Dare dead for killing his brother Jesse. The cartel that I had a relationship with from the takedown of the Castillo cartel was something I didn’t relish the idea of calling on again. They’d helped me for what they’d get out of him being gone.

This time, if we needed their help, we’d be indebted to them and that would slow down our plan to distance ourselves from our Pop’s world as much as humanly possible without it meaning we had to disappear into thin air to escape that shit.

I didn’t know much about Romero other than the fact he’d inherited his father’s business in pedaling flesh and in dealing guns. And my guys alerted me once or twice to the fact that people had compared us.  I didn’t like that. I’d had people keep their ears to the ground, concerned Romero might set his sights on us after Jesse Romero was killed.

Beyond this shit with Kruna and with Angel’s sister, we also had the launch of Fete and Leo Denarda was being a fucking thorn in my side. This guy wanted in on partnership but I made my involvement contingent on him being kept out. Of course, he wasn’t happy. But he was a slimy asshole that I refused to associate with.

He didn’t take the news of his exclusion well and now he was trying to screw with us. And what’d started out as an annoyance had become more than a mere pain in my ass; like a mosquito trapped in a dark room with you.

My patience was not generous. If I found myself in a dark room with a mosquito and didn’t flush that fucker out within five minutes, I’d be tempted to blow the whole fucking room up.

My gut told me shit was becoming dangerous. It’d mean more enemies for us if we weren’t really fucking careful. He was already more hassle than he was worth. I’d talked about backing out, but my buddy John Lewis? Johnny needed the launch, financially. He needed it to go well. He needed our help and it’d oust Leo for once and for all. I had a feeling I’d need his help with some of the other shit on my plate. John was mostly clean but well-connected and respected. He was an ally and he was a good friend. I’d get to help him out and stick it to Leo Denarda at the same time.

I had to accomplish all of this without putting Tia and my unborn baby at risk. Do it all without losing precious time watching her pregnancy bloom. I couldn’t fucking wait to see her huge, to see her waddle, to feed her pickles and ice cream or whatever she craved.

So far, all she was craving was my cock. And sleep. All she wanted was fucking and sleeping. Talk about a dream come true…

I needed to get through all this shit while keeping my own demons at bay and those fucking demons were nagging at me with all this goddamn stress.

My tattoo. Forgiveness and wisdom. Maybe it wasn’t wise but I wasn’t feeling all that forgiving right now. Zack had snowed us with this Kruna shit. I told Dare to just keep his girl and forget Kruna existed. Let the lawyers deal with shit. I told John Lewis that Denarda was just an annoying little gnat but his uncle finally croaked and Denarda somehow had the stones to make a few key moves before word got out about his uncle’s death and so he now had more power.

He’d ruffled feathers throughout Vegas and beyond and that would work to our advantage because we’d have help taking him down if we needed it. And I had a feeling we would.

I just had to be careful what kind of help I elicited because I didn’t wanna owe too many of a certain type of people favors.

And it was feeling like it was all coming to a head. Like a zit about to pop. A big zit filled with ugly shit that’d ooze over all of us.

Dare wanted to be clean, wanted us to be legit. For the girls. For our future kids. For the rest of the family. I guess I wanted the same; I don’t even know. I’m still having somewhat of an existential crisis. I don’t like the idea of letting go of the connections, the fire power in case we need it. Shit is so amped it feels like we’ll always need it.

What I did know is that more than anything, I wanted to watch my wife’s belly grow. Dare wanted to put a dozen babies in his wife’s belly. They’d just gotten married but he said she was off birth control and they wanted to get pregnant immediately.

But, we had a fucking war ahead of us. A war with more than one enemy. So, I’d have to play fucking dirty. If I had to channel all the dirty evil shit I’d been fighting to keep at bay, all that I’d inherited from my father in order to clean all this up, so be it.

If I had to hang onto the reins of the crime empire I’d inherited a bit longer so that I have the firepower and connections to see my way through this shit, I’d do it. I’d get as dirty as I had to. I’d get so dirty it’d make Pop smile and say, “That’s my boy.”

Dare and his new wife were going on their honeymoon. The wedding had happened fast. I didn’t blame him. Mine happened pretty damn fast, too. When a Ferrano man wants a woman, evidently, he doesn’t pull any punches.

I carefully extracted myself from the bed without waking Tia. She was the only person I knew who could sleep sixteen hours and then go back to bed ten hours later. The pregnancy was making her want to do nothing but sleep. And fuck. She was horny as fuck. I was not complaining.

She didn’t look pregnant yet, except her tits looked bigger, fuller. A nice side effect. But she complained they hurt so I kissed them better at every fuckin’ opportunity.

Her tits aside, nothing seemed different. But every fuckin’ thing was different at the same time. I couldn’t wait to see what it would look like. I couldn’t wait to meet this piece of us, this piece of her and me and of what had started out as an unholy union because it came from a place of greed and vengeance. It was already something beautiful, because of all she gave me, and now it would be more. Much more.

I could not wait until she was huge, knowing I made her that way. The ultimate power; to change a woman’s life like that? Tie her to you forever. It made her yours in even more ways. Getting her pregnant? Changing her life so monumentally? It made me feel like a king.

Today wasn’t going to be a good day to be king. I had to fly out to Vegas to meet with Johnny Lewis and Ben Goldberg.  The best I could hope for was that it’d be productive. All sorts of shit swirled around this Fete project and it was getting more and more unpleasant by the day.

When I got out of the shower, I heard my phone ringing from the nightstand. She was sleeping right through it despite the blaring noise right by her head.

I glanced at the screen. Zack Jacobs. My PI. A guy I trusted. Fuck him. Lying Fed rat motherfucker. I declined the call.  I spotted the pup half way under the blankets with Tia. His nose poked out of the covers.

“Dog!” I clipped.  He was sniffing the air, nose protruding a little more from the blankets.

“Marley,” I growled.

The covers started moving as his tail thumped slow. He knew he wasn’t allowed in the bed. Smart dog, too, because he also knew she’d let him away with it when I wasn’t there. She put a dog bed in the corner of the room and the little fucker jumped in bed with her as soon as I left it every day.

“Out,” I told him and he jumped down and slunk away, back to his own bed.

“Tia,” I leaned over and kissed her bare shoulder. She was sleeping in the buff.

“Mphf,” she grunted.

“Baby girl…”

Her beautiful jade eyes opened and she smiled at me.

“Morning,” she said, “Mm. Suit porn,” she added with a little stretch, her eyes doing a sweep of me.

I chuckled. “You finish packing for me? Suitcase is wide open. Anything else need to go in?”

“Nope, it’s ready. Zip ‘er up. You going? I’ll get up.”

“No, stay here, it’s early. I’ll call you when I land. Have fun doin’ your girls’ night.”

“Mkay.” She puckered her gorgeous full lips for a kiss.

“Be a good girl,” I told her and leaned over and touched my mouth to hers. I went to move away but she had my hair.

“You got ten minutes?”  she asked, her voice husky.

“Five. If that,” I told her.

“Quickie? You can do a lot with five minutes.”

“Baby, I don’t think so. Gotta zip up that suitcase, grab a coffee, hit my office for shit I’ve gotta bring. Nino’s probably outside already.”

“Aww,” she pouted.

“Tia, I fucked you twice last night. You’re that hungry for my cock already?”

“Mm hm.” She stretched and the blankets slid down, revealing her tits.


She looked at me and smiled, seeing where my eyes were. She circled a nipple with her index finger and I watched it pucker up tight. My cock rose to attention.

“Baby, you’re lucky you’re carrying my baby or I’d throw you over my knee for being such a sassy little vixen when I gotta go.”

“You can still throw me over your knee. Gently. The throwing part. Spank my butt as hard as you want. Just as long as I get your you-know-what for a couple minutes.”

“I’m not spanking you.” I told her.

“Even if I’m very, verrrry naughty?” she pedaled her feet until she’d kicked the blankets way down and then she spread her legs and trailed her fingers down until she got her middle and ring fingers of her right hand down there and they disappeared between her folds.

I felt a rumble come up. She’d started out bashful about touching herself in front of me. Not since I married her and especially not since I knocked her up, though. I glanced at the time on the phone. Her left hand went to her tit and she squeezed it. The diamonds in her wedding rings sparkled.

Fuck it. If anyone could get me there on time it’d be Nino. I tossed the phone onto the nightstand.

“Knees. Now,” I demanded as I undid my belt and then my suit pants. She smirked triumphantly as she turned over and rose, presenting me with her cute little ass. I grabbed her thigh in one hand, and her throat in the other, and then got her earlobe in my mouth as I slammed inside, to the root, feeling no resistance whatsoever. She was like hot silk.


She groaned and tightened her pussy around me.

I let go of her thigh and started working her clit, driving in fast and hard.

She whimpered and started circling her hips, rearing back against me.

“Fuck, you feel good baby,” I told her, “Who do you belong to?”

“You, Tommy. You. Ahh!”

“Yeah, you naughty girl. And since I’m late, if you don’t hurry up and come I’m doin’ it without you. I need to go. Come quick for me, baby girl.” I gave her a playful little slap.

“It’s okay, if you don’t, I’ll finish myself off after you g-go,” she panted I just about came right then.

“I don’t fuckin’ think so. I get you off. Every time. Don’t I?”

“Yeah,” she said, “Every time.”

“So, come for me, babe; fuckin’ hurry. And when I get home, I’m watching you make yourself come five times in a row.” I gave her pussy a little slap and then tweaked her clit harder.

“Ah!” She was starting to circle faster.

My phone made a sound and that briefly brought my mind back to the trip and the surrounding bullshit and before I started to lose my hard-on, I looked down at her sweet ass, at her back, bowed in front of me, and let go of her throat and grabbed her tit and sensation started to build at my spine.

She made a weird sound.

I slowed.

Her body heaved forward a little and then she gagged.


“Unf,” she scrambled away from me and ran for the bathroom, her hand over her mouth.

And then I heard her puking.

I was on my knees on the bed, my dick hanging out and my wife was naked, hurling into the toilet, the door wide open. I could see her small feet with pink toenails and her bare ass from where I was.

I shook my head, got to my feet, and put the beast away. With the sound of her puking, the beast didn’t really mind.

I wandered into the walk-in closet and zipped up my suitcase and carried it out to put it by the door. I heard her flush the toilet so I went into the bathroom and she was sprawled and half laying on the toilet seat. She looked grey.

“You done puking?” I asked.

She nodded, “I think so.”

I got to the sink and wet a washcloth and crouched down and wiped her forehead and cheeks and then she took it from me and put it over her mouth. She gave me big apologetic eyes.

I scooped her up into my arms and carried her back to the bed.

“I’ll go get you some water. Crackers?”

She nodded.

I kissed her forehead and went down and got her a glass of ice water and a sleeve of crackers and brought them up. Her eyes were closed.


Her eyes opened.

“Here, baby. You want me to take a later flight?” She sat up a bit and I fed her some water. I fetched one of my plaid shirts from the closet and helped her into it.

“No. I’ll just sleep a bit. It was like this yesterday. The crackers helped. I’ll be okay.”

I let out a breath, not feeling great about the idea of leaving her.

“It’s okay, baby,” she waved it off, her too-long sleeve flopping, “I read that morning sickness is a sign of high hormone levels. This is probably a good thing, means things are going like they’re supposed to. Even if it feels like a shit thing. I’m sorry.”

“Naw, don’t be sorry.” I hit Sarah Martinez’s contact details, “Just grow our baby strong. I’ll survive.”




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