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Werebear's Nanny: A Paranormal Romance by T. S. Ryder (1)

Prologue – Tyrell


Five Years Ago

Numb shock. That was the only thing he could think of to describe the feelings on the island. As if it wasn’t enough that so many of their parents, including the previous alphas, had been killed in a storm several years ago. Now, as he stared at the boat limping back after a massive earthquake, tsunami and huge storm, he knew that their worst fears had come true yet again.

His stomach clenched as the boat arrived. Half a dozen people, soaked to the bone and with various injuries, hopped out of the boat and tied it to the dock. He, along with everybody who had to send someone out into the ocean two days ago, waited. From the corner of his eye, he saw Rex Tesla. Normally his bear would have snarled at the sight of his rival, but today it remained subdued.

He searched the half-dozen people who came up the dock now, rooted to the spot. Rex let out a bellow of pain and charged forward. One of the fishers grabbed his arm, but he tore himself away and rushed to the boat. He leaped on it, screaming for his parents and sister. Even though there was nowhere for them to be hidden. Even though if they had been there, they would have been brought out. Still, Tyrell watched, hoping despite himself that suddenly they would jump up and shout ‘surprise’. But nobody came.

A hand touched his elbow and he jumped. He whirled to find his sister staring at him with soft, tear-filled eyes. She held out her arms to him, but he stepped away from her. He didn’t deserve comfort, not now.

“Angela,” he choked out. “Angela… didn’t come back.”

“I know,” Ruby whispered. “I’m sorry, Tyrell. I’m sorry. But there is nothing you can do here. Let me take you back home. Please.”

Tyrell closed his eyes but nodded. He wasn’t even certain if his body was actually moving as Ruby took his hand and started to pull him away from the docks. All around him he heard people cursing and screaming and sobbing. He couldn’t work up a single tear. All he felt was disgust, anger, and fear. He hadn’t loved Angela, but at that moment he wondered if he could have. If he had, actually, and simply refused to see it.

If he had only lied to her…

“Jarvis!” Rex’s voice rang out behind him.

Tyrell turned to find Rex charging toward him. He didn’t move, not even when Rex’s eyes turned black and fur began to sprout over his body. He didn’t want to defend himself, not after what he had done. His bear didn’t even stir. He held his ground, waiting. But before Rex could get to him, a large shape came out of nowhere and rammed into him, knocking him off course. Rex snarled and twisted, but the man, hardly older than either Rex or Tyrell, held him down.

“Stop it,” Noel Davis rumbled, the authority of the alpha clear in his voice.

Rex’s anger was so great that he struggled against his alpha until Noel snarled again. Then he went limp and started to sob. Tyrell still stood there, as though frozen to the spot. Ruby grasped his arm again and tugged him away.

He let her take him to the truck. When he took the keys from his pocket, she snatched them from him.

“You can’t drive,” he protested. “You don’t have a license.”

“I’ve been driving almost as long as you. You’re in no state to drive anyway.”

He had to agree with her. His heart was heavy as he climbed into the passenger's side. A glance outside the window showed him that Rex was still sobbing, collapsed into a heap. And Tyrell’s eyes finally burned. By the time they got home, he was a sobbing mess. Ruby sat with him in the truck, not saying anything.

“It’s my fault,” he finally rasped. “My fault. And there is nothing I can do to make it better.”




It was the next day that the alpha of the Flatlands, and his good friend Ricky, stopped by the house. He carried with him an infant’s car seat. Snuggled inside was the tiniest creature Tyrell had ever seen. And he lived on a farm, he had seen plenty of baby animals. Nothing had ever seemed too small and fragile as the little baby that Ricky passed to him.

“You are her father,” Ricky said softly. “With Angela passed… if you want to have her adopted, I will have the paperwork drawn up.”

A fit of panic seized Tyrell’s throat. The baby was wrapped snug in a pink blanket, eyes closed, a light fluff of hair showing hints of his red. He, of course, knew he had a daughter. But he and Angela had already decided that she would raise their baby. He’d been with her in the hospital, helped to pick out the baby’s name, but be a father?

At that moment, he felt more like a child than he had since he was ten years old. “I… I’ll have to give her up. I can’t take care of a baby.”

Ricky nodded. Sorrow lined his face as he gripped Tyrell’s arm. “I will have the necessary paperwork drawn up, then.”

Tyrell nodded, feeling like he was under a thousand pounds of water. He continued to stare at the sleeping baby. It wasn’t until Ricky was gone that he realized that this meant he’d have to take care of her for the night. His chest tightened and he looked around wildly as if he’d find an instruction manual. What if he hurt her? What if…

There was a diaper bag on the counter. Tyrell breathed out a sigh of relief as he gently set the car seat down and went to it. Diapers, bottles, formula. And instructions on the formula how to make it. Good. There were also other little outfits. Tiny clothes that wouldn't even fit on his forearm.

The baby started to fuss and he rushed over, heart hammering. He struggled to free her from the seat, wincing when he caught her arm. As soon as she was snuggled into his arms, though, she relaxed. Big, beautiful eyes gazed up at him. The same shape and color as his own. His breath caught in his throat. He could see so much of himself in the tiny face.

A rush of warmth ran through him, a feeling of overwhelming protectiveness. And he knew at that moment that he would never be able to give her up.

“Welcome home, Tamara,” he whispered. “I promise… I promise I will always be here for you. Daddy’s got you. And he always will.”





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