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When Our Worlds Go Silent by Lindsey Iler (3)


I wonder what he’s saying to her.

My father-in-law tucks Kennedy close to his chest, protecting her like any good father does, and dances with her. I’m sure he’s thought about this dance his whole life. Three minutes of rocking back and forth is packed full of memories. The first time she rode a bike. When she took the plunge into the pool for the first time without floaties. Her first dance recital, watching her nervously from the crowd. Her speech at high school graduation. These memories add up to this single dance. It’s right here in front of everyone.

Unconditional love.

As they sway to some country song, he smiles at her, every so often whispering something to her that makes her beautiful face lean back with a laugh. I made a promise to this man to forever put his daughter first, and as their song ends and he returns her to my side, I know I will uphold that promise.

“You take care of her, you hear me?” Mr. Conrad says, passing us to stand next to Mrs. Conrad.

They’ve easily become parent figures to me. I admire Mr. Conrad’s devotion to his family, the way he puts Mrs. Conrad before everything, and because he’s simply a good man, offering his help before I need to ask. Mrs. Conrad pulled my mom from the rubble, allowing her to have fresh air on her scarred skin, and forcing her to try new things. Until Mrs. Conrad, my mother lived under my father’s thumb. Kennedy’s mother took it upon herself to make sure my mom didn’t die under her comforter. For that alone, I’ll be forever in their debt.

“Take a walk with me?” I whisper in Kennedy’s ear. My answer comes in the form of a nod and a smack on my ass.

We walk into the back garden where we said our vows hours before. The air is warm but cooling. A perfect evening. I guide Kennedy to a bench under the cascading tree. The lanterns give a nice glow to Kennedy’s already perfect face.

“What are you thinking?” she asks, twisting the train of her dress close to her hip as we sit.

“I just needed a second of quiet with you.” This day has been everything I imagined it would be, but at the end of the day, sometimes I need to hear Kennedy breathe beside me to gain perspective.

She cuddles close to me, tucking herself into the crook of my body. Her head lays on my shoulder, and we stare off into the distance.

She’s done this more times than I can count, and it makes me feel on top of the world, as if her touch makes me invincible and lightweight. I don’t know how she manages to do it still, after all this time.

“Our lives have been hectic the last couple of years, you know? It’ll be nice to rest, just me and you, together. Not that I’d change anything.” She quickly clarifies herself even though she doesn’t need to.

Ben and I were a package deal, something Kennedy always knew. She never hesitated. And even when I wonder if I’ve pushed her too hard into this, she shows me she could never regret it for a minute.

“Even saints need a break, Baby.” I smile into the darkness, silently laughing. “And you, my beautiful wife, are a fucking modern-day Mother Teresa.”

“Is there a reason why you keep calling me wife?” Kennedy circles her thumb over my knee.

I tilt my head down and try to catch a glimpse of my wife’s beautiful face. “Because you are my wife.”

“No, it’s more than that. I’ve been your wife for a while now, but tonight, you’ve made it your mission to call me that over and over.”

“We were two kids who were never meant to cross paths, and somehow, we got here. It’s never made much sense to me.”

She sits up, draping her legs over my lap, and I hold her tight so she doesn’t slip from the bench. “I don’t think we ever made much sense to anyone.” She sighs happily. We’ve proven every single person wrong.

“And look at us now.” Her nose crunches up when I kiss the tip. Her skin is soft on my lips, and the wind blows the smell of her perfume around me.

“It’s every love story ever written. Good girl molds bad boy into marriage material. Except our story has a plot twist.” I rest back when her hand cups my cheek. “You were never a bad boy, Graham Black. You simply needed someone to show you what was always in your heart.”

“Guys,” Violet shouts, interrupting Kennedy. “It’s time.”

“Time for what?” Confused, I inspect Kennedy and find a shit-eating, I-have-my-own-secrets grin on her face.

“You’ll see.” She stands and yanks me to my feet, dragging me back into the tent.

Everyone is milling around the dance floor, swaying to a lighthearted song. Just then the DJ cuts the music, and Violet stops a few feet away from Kennedy and me, a microphone to her mouth.

“Graham, have a seat.” At her instructions, Dan pushes a chair into the back of my knees. Our guests gather in a circle around Kennedy and me.

“What’s going on?” I shout over the chatter.

“I feel most beautiful when you watch me dance,” she says, resting her hands on my knees, her beautiful dress draped around us. “Make me feel beautiful.”

At her final word, like magic, “Fix you” by Coldplay starts to play. Our song.

“Is this why you didn’t want it for our first dance?” I grin, anticipating watching my wife. It’s been too long since I’ve seen her body do what it was born for.

“No.” She grins, nodding her head. “Yes, but it’s you and me, Baby. Every lyric. Every chord. It’s imbedded into my bones.”

Kennedy slowly backs away. She fidgets with parts of her dress, unhooking buttons until the bottom half of the dress slips away from her body, leaving her in a flowy drape of fabric. How did that even happen?

As always, she dances beautifully, floating and flittering around me like a butterfly, proving magic can be found in many places. I’m in awe of her. She’ll always find a way to make my stomach twist in anticipation, wondering what she could possibly do next.

As the song comes to an end, the entire tent falls silent. They don’t know what to say or do, because any movement after watching Kennedy is insignificant. That’s how she dances, as if her small body can change the world the way it’s already changed mine.

Everyone applauds her, hooting and hollering with an excitement only she can draw from a crowd. My heart settles when she wraps her arms around my neck, and her lips connect with mine.

“I love you, Kennedy Lucille Black,” I whisper into her neck. “You’re a gift to this world.”

“Stop it. You’ll make me cry.” Kennedy shoves my shoulder. “It’s all I’ve done today. I swear I’m happy.” She giggles, taking the bottom half of her dress from Violet, and in seconds, it’s back to looking like it did when she walked down the aisle.

“What kind of sorcery is that?” I rub the fabric between my fingers.

“The designer your grandmother sent me to, well, he’s pretty much a genius.”

“I’d say so.”

“Wait ‘til your eyes catch what’s underneath. That’s where the fun stuff is.”

“We’re out of here.” I push Kennedy towards the opening of the tent, with every intention of getting her naked immediately. I have zero shame. I’ll fuck her under a bush if it means I get to feel her wrapped around my cock.

“Graham!” Kennedy laughs, apologizing to the waiter I’d almost knocked over in my hasty escape plan.

A girl I never thought in a million years I’d cross paths with again steps into our path.

“You’ve got to be shitting me.” I hug her, and when I back away, Kennedy clears her throat.

“Kennedy, this is Savannah.”

“No way!” Kennedy’s smile widens, and she bounces on her toes before wrapping Savannah in a tight hug. A loud squeal comes from the two of them as they embrace. “We sent the invitation, not even knowing if it would make it to you.”

“Well, years ago, I did demand Graham invite me to your wedding, so it only seemed right to come and make sure he’s taking care of the girl who stole his heart.” She shoves my shoulder, the same bright smile on her face I remember from years ago on Spring Break.

“Graham told me about looking you up when he was in Georgia for a baseball game,” Kennedy says. Her eyes widen, surprise written on her face.

“That’s when he told me how he’d transferred schools to be closer to you. I thought he was crazy and a damn fool.” Savannah shakes her head. “Typical Graham, taking the longest route to the easiest destination. I always knew you’d end up together. It took me five minutes of listening to him talk about you, Kennedy, to know you were it for him, even when he was young and dumb.”

“I can’t believe you’re here,” I say, snaking my arm around Kennedy’s waist and tugging her tight. Having Savannah in front of us is like déjà vu. She’s part of our time capsule.

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world, but I have to be off. This has truly been one of the most beautiful weddings I’ve ever witnessed.” She smacks my stomach before squeezing me. “You treat her good, you hear me?” Her demand is whispered in my ear, and she releases her hold to turn towards Kennedy. “He’s a good man because of you. Don’t ever forget that.”

“That’s what people keep telling me.” They embrace before Kennedy returns to my side. “Savannah, if you ever find yourself in the area again, be sure to call.”

“I’ll do that.”

As she walks away, a loud laugh catches our attention. Violet is in the middle of a mean dance battle with Coach Hagen, which is something I never thought I’d see. Mark and Bea are at the head table, whispering to each other. Rico and Amanda are, of course, arguing near the bar.

And then there’s our Ben, shuffling around the tent, talking to everyone who is willing to spare a moment to listen to the boy. Mrs. Betty taps on his shoulder and whispers something in his ear. They walk to the dance floor and begin to dance. Terribly, I might add. His smile is full of pride. He doesn’t care what people think because he’s having fun. My hope is he’ll live his life like that. Fearlessly, like his mother.

“Everything is right in the world,” Kennedy whispers. Her expression softens when she scans the room. She takes this deep breath full of reassurance and hope.

This is our family. We’ve picked most of them, and somehow, we’ve managed to choose the best of them. They’re selfless and devoted. They’re ours.

“Mom.” Ben bounces over to us. “May I have this dance?” He reaches his hand out for hers.

Over her shoulder, Kennedy gives me a questioning look. I shrug, pretending to not know where he got the idea. She places her hand in his, and I wink over her shoulder. He did as we practiced, in hopes to woo his mom. His idea. Not mine.

Ben twirls Kennedy, and she ducks low to fit under his arm. He pulls her in close, resting his cheek against her chest.

Tucked into one of the empty chairs, I watch them giggle and chat through two more songs.

Everything I’ve ever wanted is right there on the dance floor.

I stand as a slow melody plays through the speaker, and approach them on the dance floor. “May I cut in?”

Ben groans and rolls his eyes. Apparently, he doesn’t appreciate my interruption. “Whatever, Dad,” he says, stomping away.

Kennedy and I are left alone. On instinct, she steps into my body, the smell of her perfume uniquely different. She picked out a signature scent for today. I didn’t understand the point, but to her, it was important. I bury my nose in her neck and inhale, experiencing the warm, sweet aroma of fruit.

My arms slip under hers and up, guiding her hands over my shoulders. My palms rest flat against her back, thumbs circling her shoulder blades.

“Is it everything you’ve ever dreamed?” I whisper into her hair. She shudders, and like always, I smirk to myself knowing the effect I have on her.

When I lean back, her eyes skip around the tent. It’s not hard to know what she sees. The beautiful center pieces, the crystal glasses, and ostentatious chandeliers stand out among the white fabrics draping over the ceiling. Everything she ever could have wanted on her wedding day, but when her eyes finally meet mine, the color blends and melts with mine.

“Dreams are just that, dreams, and sure, everything in this tent is a small slice of magic, but here, in your arms, none of it compares.” She plays with the collar of my shirt, smoothing out the shoulders before a sly grin slips onto her face.

I spin her around, digging my fingers into her hip as I dip her in my arms, kissing her neck before bringing her back upright. “Dreams are overrated. Reality is a much better place to be when you’re smiling beside me.”

“You are smooth, Mr. Black.”

“You are sexy as hell, Mrs. Black.”

We spend the better half of the reception on the dance floor, surrounded by our friends and family. Ben circles around the crowds, dancing with almost everyone, slipping between Violet and Dan, and then Mark and Bea. He’s a lady’s man, much like his dad, but I’ll be damned if he doesn’t understand the importance of devoting himself to the one when he gets older.

In the corner of the tent, sitting at a secluded table, Amanda and Rico bitch at each other, earning a heavy sigh from Kennedy. I twirl her away from their mayhem and guide her to the bar, holding up two fingers and mouthing my order to the bartender. He hands over two flutes of champagne.

I hold up my glass, and Kennedy follows suit. “I’d like to toast to all of the babies I plan on putting inside you tonight.”

A nervous giggle releases from her plump, pink lips, and I forget about what I said and lean forward to kiss her. With a gentleness, her fingers glide over my jaw line and onto my cheek. The warmth of her hand on my skin weakens my knees, and I steady myself on the bar.

Kennedy pulls away, her lips instantly missed by my own. “You’re insane, you know that, right?”

Mr. and Mrs. Conrad approach behind Kennedy. Ben is at his side, and when a yawn escapes him, I pluck him from the ground and hug him tight.

Kennedy pulls her parents into a tight hug. “You guys heading out?”

“Little Man is getting tired.” Mr. Conrad pats him on the head, but Ben jerks away, too cool to be treated like the nine-year-old he is.

“No, I’m not.” Ben gazes up at Kennedy. “Can I stay a little bit longer?”

“Come on, buddy. If you’re good, we’ll sneak you into the hotel pool and let you swim before bed,” Mrs. Conrad promises, knowing that will do the trick. Ben is a fish, and any chance he can be in the water, he’s the first one to do a cannonball, even if it’s freezing cold.

“Deal.” Ben places his hands on Kennedy’s shoulders to pull her down to his height. “I love you, Mom.”

“I love you, too. Be good for Nana and Papa, and especially behave for Nana Black when we’re gone.” Kennedy kisses his forehead, cupping his cheek, and with one single glance, he’ll have no choice but to listen to her. There’s no way I’d get a look like that and not know to obey her or else.

Ben turns to me and flashes his pearly whites. His head tilts just right, and I know he’s up to something. “Dad, where are you guys going again?”

I glance between Ben and Kennedy. He’s quick to look away, but Kennedy holds my stare in hers until she can’t keep it in any longer. The sweetest giggle escapes her, and I nod my head.

“Nice try, you two.” I point between them.

“You still owe me twenty dollars,” Ben calls over his shoulder as he’s pulled out of the tent.

“You two have fun and be safe.” Mr. Conrad guides the three of them out and they disappear into the darkness of the night.

Once they are out of sight, I turn to see Kennedy leaning lazily against the bar. Her hips swish back and forth to the music while she runs her tongue on the backside of her teeth.

“See something you like?” I step into her.

She plays shy, casting her attention to the bar where a pool of water has formed around her glass. She circles her finger through the liquid. She licks it off, knowing damn well she has my full attention when she nips at her bottom lip. “That suit looks damn good on you.”

I lean forward until my lips graze her earlobe, breathing lightly. She shudders from the contact, and I smirk against her soft skin. “You can compliment me all you want, and bite that lip, pretty girl, but I’m still not telling you a damn thing about the honeymoon.”

After our shotgun wedding, we didn’t have time to go away. The process of adopting Ben consumed our lives. Home visits. Weekly training seminars. You name it, we did it to ensure Ben’s placement. When the time came to schedule our real honeymoon, I wanted to surprise my girl, and I knew just where to take her.

I’d give anything to put a smile on her face, and I’m dying to tell her where we are headed. Waiting another day to see her excitement when she figures out where we are going will be well worth it.

“Are you insinuating I’m trying to use my sex appeal to get information?” Her smile widens like the vixen she is.

“That’s exactly what you’re doing, and what is this about twenty dollars you owe our son?”

Kennedy shrugs, slipping out of her shoes, and waltzes away. Her hips sway, and I bite down on my lip to stop myself from running to her and stripping her out of her dress in the middle of this damn tent. Sex appeal may be a dirty tactic, but it’s a tactic that works.

Barefoot and beautiful, Kennedy props her legs on my lap when I sit down. Our friends are in the middle of a heated dispute over who’s responsible for Kennedy and me getting back together. Each of them has valid points, but none of them correct.

“Are you guys seriously arguing over this?” Kennedy laughs, thumbing the white linen table cloth.

“I’d like to think I played a big part in it,” Bea says.

Mark, Violet, and Dan slowly turn in her direction, daggers in their eyes, ready to sling at her.

“Babe, no offense, but you have zero part in this,” Mark says, kissing the back of her hand. “I’m the one who moved my whole life to bring Graham closer to Kennedy.”

“Yeah, but I’m her best friend, and the sweet voice in her ear when she didn’t believe things could possibly work out for the two of them,” Violet argues, attempting to one up Mark.

“What about you, Rico?” Kennedy pokes his leg with her foot.

“I have zero pawns in this game.” Rico shrugs, but quickly sits forward. “But, if I did, it would have definitely been that time I dared Violet and Kennedy to kiss, with tongue” —He winks at Kennedy— “and you lost your shit because you can’t stand to watch Kennedy kiss someone else, even if it’s her fucking best friend. Man, who complains about two girls making out?”

We laugh because, in typical Rico fashion, he manages to make everything seem a little bit lighter.

“No matter who is responsible, I think we can agree we are thankful you two found your way back to each other.” Amanda stands with her glass held high. “The world isn’t a place to live without knowing you two are happy and together. Cheers!”

Everyone downs the remainder of their drinks and stands, and one by one, they hug Kennedy and me, whispering and laughing small antidotes into our ears. When we are finally alone, we both sigh in relief. Leaving Kennedy at the table, I walk to the DJ as he begins to pack his equipment.

“Do you think we could have one more song?” I ask, pointing to his screen. He smiles at my selection. “Can’t Help Falling In Love” filters through the speakers. I reach out my hand, walking towards Kennedy. She slowly stands.

As I lead her to the dance floor, the main lights cut out, and the strands of twinkle lights above us come to life, casting the tent in a softness. It’s as if I planned it. I can’t take credit, though. Rico retreats from the switches, nods his head, and smiles, disappearing into the night.

“Today was perfect,” Kennedy whispers into my tuxedo coat. Her head lays on my chest, our fingers clutched, hugged close together while I run my other hand along the soft skin of her back.

“Let’s play twenty questions.”

“We already know everything about each other, Graham.”

“Humor me.” I chuckle. “Dream vacation?”

“A beach, somewhere secluded, and an endless number of books on the shelf.” What a sight it would be to watch my sun-kissed wife on a beach with a book in her hand. She grins like she can read my thoughts. “Same question.”

“Honestly, anywhere you are.” It’s the truth. With how often men claim to effortlessly love a woman, yet still manage to hurt them, I’m the exception. I would do just about anything to ensure she never feels an ounce of pain.

Kennedy shakes her head. “What are you most scared of?”

“Everything changing,” I blurt, not even second guessing if my fear should be spoken.

“Baby, change can be a good thing.”

She’s right about that. Everything in my life that has caused some shift to my normal has been the best decisions. Kennedy. Connecticut. Ben.

“What doesn’t scare you?” I ask, switching up the question.

“Feeling happy.” She shrugs. “I don’t know if you know this, Graham Black, but I’ve spent an awful amount of time thinking something horrific will always follow my happiness. I’m not scared anymore to feel the warmth you create around me. What doesn’t scare you?”

“My dreams,” I admit without a trace of shame. “I’m not scared of what’s to come with my career. What I think scares me is the possibility of me not being able to have everything.”

“That’s ridiculous,” she says, rubbing her cheek on my chest.

“Is it, though?” I beg the question, afraid she’ll maybe begin to see it, too.

“Do you know why it’s ridiculous?” She sighs. “You’ve paid your dues. You’ve fought to the point of bleeding. You, Graham Black, deserve to have it all, because you have a little boy who looks at you like you’re the reason the stars sparkle at night. Don’t you ever let me hear you say you can’t have it all, because look around, open your eyes, and see how damn lucky you are.”

“What if the dream becomes too much for you? You’ve given up so much for me.

“Is that what this is about? You think that I’m going to grow tired of watching your dreams come true?” She steps back. “My happiest moments in this world have happened because of you, not in spite of you. When I look back on my life, you are the catalyst for my every good decision. I don’t live if you aren’t living your fullest and best life.”


Her sweet hand covers my mouth. “But nothing, Graham.” She drags me towards the parking lot. “Now, can you take me to our hotel and cuddle me?”

After I buckle her into her seat, I brace my hands on the roof and stare at her. “Like hell all we’re doing is cuddling tonight.”

“I’m exhausted, Graham.” Kennedy mocks a string of yawns, pressing her lips together to stop her giggles. “Don’t you want to lay down and hold me?”

“I’ll hold you.” I’ve kept my hands to myself long enough. “After I see what’s under that dress.”

“Let’s go consummate this marriage then, Mr. Black.”


“Please?” Her bottom lip protrudes in the cutest pout, and she holds her hand out for the boarding passes.

“Let me make myself clear.” I chuckle, because, damn, this girl has a hold of me. “This was supposed to be a surprise, and if I give these to you”—I tuck the papers behind my back, teasing her— “it will no longer be one.”

“Graham.” She distracts me with the sultry rasp in her voice. “Why don’t you just let me take a look at them?” Her fingertips grip the edge as she kisses the ridge of my jaw. She’s like a crack addict frantically searching for her fix.

“Dammit, woman.” I release my hold. Patiently, I watch her eyes dilate as they scan the paper.

“Paris? You’re taking me to Paris?” The girl I fell in love with gapes at me like I’ve fulfilled the hunger in her veins.

“Where else would I take you?” She thinks she’s sneaky, like I don’t notice her stopping when she passes the travel section in the book store and skims through the pages of the France guides.

Kennedy flings herself against my chest. “How’d I get so lucky?” She combs her fingertips through my hair. “No, really, how did I get so damn lucky to have you in my life?”

“You and I were always meant to be together. It’s that simple,” I say.

“Okay, husband of mine, fly me to Paris.” Kennedy glides down my body and sets the boarding passes on the counter. “Do you think they’ll give us champagne?”

The young, blonde attendant smiles at us. The red lip stick screams whore, but who am I to judge?

“Honeymooners?” she asks.

Kennedy squeals. “Yes, we are. How’d you guess?”

“Because you look at him like you want to rip his clothes off.” The attendant slips the passes to me, her finger grazing my thumb. I jerk back into the couple behind us. “Can’t really blame her.”

Oh shit. Kennedy gives me the I’ll-hit-a-bitch look, and I quickly steer her down the terminal to board the plane. The entire walk, Kennedy is silent. She doesn’t make a sound as she settles into her seat, organizes her reading material, and unscrews the lid to her water. She even smiles politely to the attendant, declining a moist towel.

For my own pure amusement, I don’t say anything either. If I know Kennedy, she’ll crack soon. I fidget with my tray, move my water bottle from one side to the other, order a pair of headphones I won’t use, and silently snicker as Kennedy stews. Half the fun is hearing her unravel.

“Did she really just say that shit right in front of me?” Kennedy grumbles as soon as the wheels are up. “And then she touched you. Red lipstick wearing whore.”

At this point, what else can I do but laugh?

“This isn’t funny, Graham. I can’t take you anywhere without some broad throwing herself at your feet.” She shifts in her seat and glares at me.

“You can’t hold that against me, and Babe, you’re blessed to have my beautiful ass by your side.”

“Cocky isn’t a good look, Graham Black.” She rests her elbow on the arm rest and tilts forward to kiss my cheek. Right away, I’m forgiven.

“Did you just say Graham Black, like the Major League hopeful?” A man peeks around my seat, annoying me with the interruption. “I’m Bill. I’m a fan. Been watching you since college.”

“Thanks, man.” We shake hands, and I expect that to be the end of the conversation.

I’m not so lucky. Bill chats my ear off for another fifteen minutes. I sign his napkin and turn to face another famous Kennedy stare down.

“Even men love you.” She narrows her eyes on me in the cutest way, unbuckling her seatbelt.

“I’m charismatic. Can you blame them?” I pretend to toss my hair over my shoulder. Kennedy and I fall into a comfortable laughter, the type I can’t quite explain to those who’ve never experienced it. It warms me in parts I never knew existed.

“You’re a ridiculous human being.” Kennedy jabs her elbow into my side, then cuddles against me.

“Always have been.”

Kennedy laughs and grabs the thing she reads her books on. I don’t know what it’s called, but it’s always close by. She opens Facebook and scrolls the page until she stalls on photos of Ben. “Are you as nervous as me?”

“I have my doubts, but you saw the way she smiled after she offered to watch him and we actually said yes.” I stretch to look at the screen.

“Look at that smile.” I run my thumb over the photo of them at the bowling alley. Ben’s grin is infectious and goofy as he looks up at my mom.

It would be easy to harbor some sick, twisted resentment towards my mom. Hatred isn’t something I’ve ever felt though. What we have is misunderstanding.

We are taught that adults, our parents especially, are meant to have an innate drive to protect us. I learned at an early age that that’s sometimes not true. Sometimes we are weak enough that we choose flight over fight. In those blips in our lifetime, we leave the ones who need the protecting behind. I was left behind.

I promised myself, the minute I knew Ben would be ours, I’d never allow him to feel an ounce of the pain I was given. He’d never doubt if he was loved or protected. If one thing is true, he’d always be certain of that simple fact.

“I mean, it’s not like she’d leave him at the grocery store or anything, right?” Kennedy’s laugh fades, and her hair whips me in the face as she twists around. “She wouldn’t, right?”

My fingers grip the e-reader and set it on the tray in front of her, face down so she doesn’t overthink leaving Ben with my mom. “Listen to me, my mother is perhaps sometimes flakey, but she loves Ben. She wouldn’t let anything happen to him. I promise.”

“We’ve never left him.” She worries her lip. “What if he needs something? What if he needs me?” Her tears rip into my chest.

I never thought about how hard it would be for her to leave him. She’s with him every single day, and as much as I hate to be absent, there are times where I’m on the road with baseball. She’ll never admit it, because once those words are spoken, she knows I’d be more than willing to cancel our trip.

“Baby.” I sigh, gripping her hand and placing it on my lap. “He’s going to be okay. I promise you.”

At my words, she props her head on my shoulder. Having her pressed against me is the greatest feeling in the world. There is nothing like holding her close. Kennedy doesn’t make it through the opening credits before her breath evens out, and she falls asleep.

Her face is void of any worry as she falls deeper into slumber. Halfway through the movie, my mind starts to race. What if Kennedy’s right? What if something happens, and Mom doesn’t know how to handle the situation? Ben eats like a grown man most days. We are constantly reminding him to take smaller bites. He could choke. I can’t remember if Kennedy told Mom he’s allergic to strawberries. What if she doesn’t know where his EpiPen is? Or what if she forgets to give him his antibiotics? He’s just getting over an ear infection.


With careful, quiet movements, I slip the e-reader off Kennedy’s tray and push the top button. The home screen is a picture of the three of us at the beach when I had a break from training, and we spent it near the coast. We needed that trip. We were, and still are, dealing with our adjusted life with me being drafted.

I swipe my finger across the screen, open the Facebook app, and type a quick message. The dots alerting me someone is responding blink for several minutes with no true response.

“What are you doing?” Kennedy whispers, laughter quick on her tongue.

“Fuck,” I whisper yell.

The sexy little thing next to me knows it, too. The device drops to my lap as Kennedy sits up in her seat. Her warmth is immediately missed, and I’m tempted to tug her back into my side.

“You were messaging your mom, weren’t you?” She grins, pointing at me. “See! You’re worried, too.”

“I just remembered that I needed to tell her to make sure Ben takes small bites while he’s eating. You’ve watched the kid. He can out eat Rico,” I argue my case. Kennedy kindly passes the tablet back to me, and we both stare at the blinking dots.

“How long has this been going on?” Kennedy squirms in her seat.

“Just a few minutes,” I say, covering her hand to stop the insistent tapping on the tray.

Ben’s toothy grin pops up on the screen, and Kennedy giggles.

“Hey, Benny.” She waves at the screen. “How are you?”

“I’m good, but Nana told me to tell you to leave us alone. I’m safe and having fun.” Ben laughs as my mom takes the tablet, giggling along with him.

“Kids, will you please just enjoy your honeymoon? I have this under control. Kennedy, your mom is even coming over tomorrow night for pizza and movies before they head back home. We’re good here.” Her eyes widen, reprimanding Kennedy and me through the screen.

“Okay, Mom, we get it. Give Ben a hug for us,” I say.

“Don’t forget to put sunscreen on him and make sure he reads a little bit before bedtime,” Kennedy adds. “Can I talk to him really quick?”

My mom passes the tablet to Ben. “Mom, seriously, I’m okay. I promise. Go have fun. Nana and I have this under control. I love you and tell Dad not to forget to get me a souvenir.”

“We’ll get something from every place we go,” I say, closing in next to Kennedy so Ben can see me. “We love you. Be good for your nana.”

“Love you, too,” Ben says, and then the screen goes blank.

He’s too mature for his own good. Sometimes it’s hard to remember he’s nine-years old.

“That boy...” Kennedy says.

“Is going to give us hell well into his teenage years.” I rest against the seat and roll my head towards Kennedy.

“If he’s anything like his dad, I’d say that’s one hundred percent true. Lord knows I can barely keep up with all your antics.”

“Speaking of antics... close these,” I demand, grazing my fingertip along her eyelids.

“Why?” Kennedy’s eyebrows pinch together.

“Just do it.” I smirk. “Please.”

Her smile shines bright in the darkness of the cabin. Once I know she isn’t peeking, I stand and open the overhead bin, blindly searching for the box.

“Keep them closed.” I sit down and place the velvet case in her slim fingers.

The soft fabric touches her skin, and her lashes flutter open with a wild excitement I can’t help but love. Nothing gives me greater pleasure than surprising Kennedy with a present.

“What is this?” The box tilts in her grasp.

I nod my chin. “Open it.”

Kennedy smirks as she slowly opens the rectangular package. “Graham.” She gasps, running her finger along the sparkling gems.

“Like I’d let the Eiffel Tower shine brighter than my wife.”

I pull the diamond necklace from the box, and like we share one brain, Kennedy twists her back to me, collecting her hair over one shoulder to expose her slender neck. I lay the strand against her ivory skin and clasp it into place.

Kennedy runs her fingertips over the diamonds and shakes her head. “You didn’t have to.”

“I never have to do anything. The point is I want to give you everything you’ve ever wanted, and a few things you never knew you were in desperate need of.”

“Like a diamond necklace?” Kennedy’s eyes shift over my shoulder, and I turn to see what’s caught her attention.

“That’s one beautiful necklace, ma’am,” the young flight attendant says as she passes to offer drinks to other passengers.

“Am I old enough to be a ma’am? She’s my age, for fuck’s sake.”

“You’re a mom. I’d say it’s time to pack up those sexy-as-sin, lace booty shorts and rock some oversized granny panties.” I lock my lips shut, trying not to laugh at the red hue crawling onto Kennedy’s cheeks.

Kennedy’s chest bumps into my bicep, and the heat from her body warms me. I shudder from the contact of her lips on my ear.

“Do you want to guess what kind I’m wearing right now?”

Oh, shit. I know that voice. I’ve heard that voice many times, and every time, I’ve found myself pants down and balls deep.

“Here?” I glance around the cabin.

“Well, not here. I’m horny. I’m not an exhibitionist.” Kennedy’s attention shifts towards the bathroom. “Ever thought about joining the mile-high club?”

“With you, Baby, I’ve thought about laying you across every available surface.”

Kennedy releases a moan, and stands, straddling my lap to get out of her seat. Her fingertip glides down my chest, landing awfully close to my throbbing cock.

“I’ll see you in a bit, okay?” Kennedy whispers. With a wink full of promise, she’s gone.

I’m really tall. That’s my thought when I slink out of my chair. Why is everyone looking at me like that? They know where I’m headed. Any man following Kennedy is interested in one thing, and I plan to bury myself inside her.

I drum my knuckles on the door, and it opens in a flash. With a tight grip on my shirt, Kennedy yanks me inside. Her mouth devours mine, not giving me a second to acclimate myself with my surroundings.

Sharp nails slip up the back of my shirt and bite into the skin. On her tiptoes, Kennedy slips onto the sink and pulls me between her legs. A single second before our lips meet again, I take in the size of the bathroom.

“This is much roomier than I expected,” I say, grinning at my flushed cheeked wife who has sin in her eyes and a smile to match.

Kennedy lifts her tight ass off the counter while I guide her leggings to the floor. Making quick work of my button and zipper, she rakes her heels down the back of my legs, forcing the jeans and briefs low enough to free me. Her fingers grip me, stroking me into submission. Her skin tastes salty on my tongue as I kiss a trail up her neck to the sweet spot behind her ear.

With a smolder in her eyes, she runs the tip of my dick over her opening. I groan at the warmth of her center. The feel of her makes me grow harder. I plunge inside her comfort, watching the way her lips quiver, soaking every sensation into my memory. Kennedy’s arms drape over my shoulders, and she plants her face in the crook of my neck as I work myself in and out of her with speed and precision.

“We don’t have a ton of time, Baby,” I pant into her wild hair.

“Don’t hold back then.”

That’s all she needs to say. I pummel into her, pumping until her walls are trembling around my dick. Sweat beads on our skin, and our bodies collide, our hearts beating in rhythm as we come undone.

“Ma’am! Sir! Is everything okay in there?” A loud rap on the door startles Kennedy, and she begins to giggle. I cover her mouth to hide the verbal evidence of our wrong doing.

“She has something stuck in her... eye.” I stifle my giddy-as-fuck wife’s laughter.

“We’re going to need you to exit the bathroom, Sir. It’s a safety hazard.” The attendant knocks on the door again, a sound warning us to get our asses out of here.

In a flash, Kennedy slips on her leggings and shoes. When I open the door, she’s bent over the sink, inspecting her eye.

“I don’t know what happened. Some sort of debris flew into my eye when I turned on the vent.” Kennedy shrugs, turning back to the mirror.

“Sir, please take your seat.” The attendants tone is rigid and skeptical.

“No problem.” I hold up my hands in front of me and slip past her.

Back in my seat, I realize the memory of Kennedy coming undone around me in the airplane bathroom will last me a lifetime. Sex with her has always been easy. We don’t have to think.

We feel; we breathe; we break. But only for each other.

No one else can make me crack right down the middle and willingly expose the good, but more importantly, the bad. It’s in there. Sometimes I wonder if, through all the beauty in my life, the ugliness will rear its nasty head.

“Do you think they bought it?” Kennedy steps over my lap and plops in her seat. A sly smile greets me.

“Unlikely.” I grin, waving at the attendant who hasn’t stopped glaring at me since I returned. We’ve officially lost the trust of the staff.

“Oh well.” Kennedy’s arm links through mine, and she rests her cheek on my bicep.




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