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Russian Beast: Underground Fighters #2 by Aislinn Kearns (16)


Evie, for the first time in a long time, was happy.

She’d finished her exams confident she’d done well, she was working hard and earning good tips because of the smile on her face, and she had Alexei. It was him that had caused the smiles of the last week.

They’d spent a lot of that time in bed together. Evie was still exploring her own sexuality again, becoming comfortable with it all. She’d thought it would be too soon to jump into bed together, but now she couldn’t regret her decision.

She was like a new person. A better, happier, more confident person. Alexei had given her that. Given her the freedom to be herself, to slowly figure out who that was.

She almost felt like she could be normal now, not the damaged, broken woman she’d been a few months before. She was confident in herself and her relationship. She barely questioned things now that would have frightened her before, like knocks on the door and a man’s lips on hers.

The bell on the door to the diner tinkled and the man in question entered. Evie’s heart flipped at the sight of Alexei, so tall and strong. He was even handsome to her now, where before he’d looked like a brute. She suspected it was his care and kindness shining through, like an aura that gave him a glossy sheen. One look at him and memories of their recent sexual encounters flooded her mind, her heart pounding in desire. It was like a Pavlovian response when she saw him—just the sight of his broad shoulders and hot eyes made her body ready itself for an orgasm.

He came towards her and leaned over the counter.

“Hi,” he said with a smile.

Evie couldn’t help an answering grin and she leaned even closer. “Hi.”

He glanced over his shoulder at the only customers in the diner, two middle aged guys sharing a table but not talking to each other. The two men weren’t paying any attention to them, so Alexei turned back to her and captured her mouth in a kiss.

Evie sighed in pleasure and kissed him back. A pan banged in the kitchen and Evie jumped back guiltily. Bob raised his eyebrows at her through the gap in the wall, and she knew he’d done it on purpose. She couldn’t make herself feel bad about it, and Bob didn’t look truly annoyed.

Evie turned back to Alexei to see he’d slid into one of the bar stools at the counter.

“We should go out,” she said suddenly.

Alexei blinked at her, then looked around the diner, then back at her, clearly communicating his confusion since they were, technically, out.

“I mean a date,” she clarified, slightly annoyed he was still uncommunicative. She’d thought maybe his preference of using gestures instead of words came from a shyness, but now she realised it was just part of him.

“A date,” he repeated in a flat voice.


“Out in the real world?”

Evie shifted, suddenly awkward. Her hands grew clammy with nerves and her chest tightened. His lack of enthusiasm caused her to question everything about their relationship. Was he only using her for sex? Did he not want to be seen in public with her?

“Yeah, I thought dinner, a movie, drinks. Something.” Her voice came out slightly strangled. What would she do if he turned her down? She was already in love with him. It was too late for her. But would she be content with this relationship only being a physical one? Particularly when she was still healing, still so emotionally vulnerable? She didn’t know, and the thought of having to decide made her heart flutter in panic.

Alexei nodded slowly, and Evie held herself still while she waited desperately for what he might say.

He made a sound of frustration and looked away. “I can’t take you anywhere nice, like you deserve.”

Evie almost laughed in relief, the tension draining from her shoulder. “I don’t need anywhere fancy,” she assured him. “I just want to eat food that’s not diner food that I don’t have to cook.”

He exhaled at that, a slight smile tugging at his lips. “Okay,” he agreed. But there was something still bothering him, she could tell by the way he wouldn’t quite meet her eyes. She swallowed and leaned forward, taking his hand in hers.

“What’s wrong?” she asked in a low voice, so Bob and the other customers wouldn’t hear her.

Alexei’s jaw worked as he considered what to say. Evie waited, not filling the silence like she might want to, knowing it would only make him clam up.

He glanced over her shoulder at Bob, who Evie knew well enough to know he was probably eavesdropping.

“I might not fight anymore,” Alexei murmured so low she could barely hear it.

What?” she hissed. “Why?”

Alexei shrugged.

Evie narrowed her eyes. “Not because you took me to the gym.”

He shrugged again.

Tears sprang to Evie’s eyes. “Oh, Alexei. I’m so sorry.”

He rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand. “It’s okay. I’ll figure it out.”

“This is all my fault.”

“No,” he told her, his firm word punctuated with a shake of his head. “I took you there. You would not have known it was even there if I hadn’t. My own fault.”

“What will you do?” she asked. “If it happens?”

He gave a wry smile. “I’ll find something.” But she could see he was not as cavalier about this as his words implied. Worry etched his brow, and the way he absently squeezed her hand a shade too tight conveyed a tension in him that he was trying not to show.

“This McCready guy sounds like a real asshole, if you don’t mind me saying.”

Alexei huffed a laugh. “He enjoys his power.” Then, in a clear effort to change the subject, he met her gaze. “Where and when would you like to go for our date?” He clearly relished saying the word date, like he was testing it. Clearly not something he did very often, which made Evie even more excited about it.

“There’s a place about a ten minute walk from us I’ve always wanted to try. Italian food. Seems reasonably priced.”

Alexei nodded. “Sounds good.”

Evie grinned. Yeah, it did. It sounded just about perfect.



Alexei didn’t want the evening to end. The restaurant Evie had chosen for the dinner had been a good choice—big portions of delicious food for an affordable price. The lighting had been low, and the atmosphere had been subtly romantic with the white tablecloths and soft music.

Now, they were meandering home in the cool night air, hand-in-hand. As much as he wanted to take Evie home and get her out of the pretty blue dress she wore, he also enjoyed the sizzling sexual tension in the air between them that drew out the anticipation of them getting naked.

This was also, technically, his first ever date, not including dinner at her house. He didn’t take women out and seduce them. He sat in bars and waited for them to approach him. This was different, and new, making him feel like a different kind of man.

The bright lights of a bar spilled out onto the street up ahead. Noise filtered down the street towards them, people well into their drinks and enjoying life because of it.

“Let’s get a drink,” Alexei suggested.

Evie glanced up at him in surprise, but then smiled and nodded.

It wasn’t until he’d pushed open the door to the bar and stepped inside behind Evie that he suspected he’d made a mistake. The cliental were mostly men in groups, professional types with mid-range suits and arrogant expressions. Many of them had already had more than their fair share of alcohol that evening, judging by the slumped postures and the way they openly eyed Evie without any remorse.

Unwilling to back down on his offer of a drink now he’d suggested it, at least not if he had to explain to Evie why, he ushered her towards the bar, past the watchful eyes that followed her. Alexei stuck as close to her as he could, glaring at anyone who caught his eye. Most of them quickly dropped their heads and turned away, but a few men didn’t seem to notice the open hostility radiating from Alexei.

Evie was his.

They made it to the bar without incident and ordered. Alexei leaned back against the wood to survey the surroundings as he waited for the bartender to pull his beer. It was a nice enough place—clean, the floors not sticking to the soles of his boots. Neon lights cast an eerie glow across the patrons. Alexei didn’t feel as out of place as he normally would have, since he’d dug out the same shirt he’d worn to Evie’s for dinner, this time washed and ironed, using her iron.

But he still knew he didn’t belong here, with these professional men and their arrogant expressions. He felt huge and rough in their presence, like a giant from the mountains not used to human contact.

Evie didn’t seem to notice, sipping her wine and smiling up at him.

One particular group of guys had their eyes on Evie, clearly talking about her amongst themselves by the way they’d glance back to each other and laugh before snapping their eyes back to her. Even that was enough to make Alexei insecure, unsure if they were talking about him. About how she could do so much better than the hulking beast next to her.

He ignored them as best he could as the bartender slid his beer across to him and Alexei paid the man with a generous tip. Even as he and Evie found seats around a small, raised table, he didn’t look their way. But it was like his hearing was attuned to them, to the laughter that kept rising about the murmur of the crowd.

One drink, he promised himself. Then they could go home and he could lose himself in Evie all over again.

“Are you okay?” she asked him.

Alexei tried to smile at her. “Fine. Just wishing we’d gone straight home to bed.” He let his eyes drift over her cleavage, proudly displayed in the dress that hugged her to the waist and flared out.

Evie’s eyes darkened and she smiled into her wine. “Patience,” she teased him. “It’ll all be yours soon enough.”

He laughed, feeling better. By the time he’d drained his drink, he’d forgotten about the men in their suits, too busy noticing the happy flush in Evie’s cheeks.

“Another drink?” he asked.

She thought about it for a moment. “One more,” she said. “Then we can go home.”

Alexei headed to the bar and ordered. While he waited, he went to the bathroom out the back of the bar. He came out minutes later, and raged flushed through him at what he saw.

Evie still sat at the table, but now she was surrounded by the four men who had been sitting a few tables over and laughing. She’d shrunk down, one hand clutched so tightly around her empty wineglass that her knuckles were white.

The men were all leaning over her, boxing her in so she couldn’t escape. They’d waited until Alexei had left her alone for a minute before they pounced when she was undefended. Cowardly predators.

He strode over to them, ignoring the drinks waiting for him at the bar.

Blood rushed in his ears, a need to protect Evie, to tear these men apart for scaring her. They didn’t know what she’d been through, what she’d survived. They only cared about what they wanted, not about her.

Relief flooded her face as she noticed Alexei coming towards the group. But something in his expression must have scared her, because her smile faded as he came closer.

“Can I help you?” he asked the men through a clenched jaw as he arrived at the table, his gaze going to each one in turn. His accent thickened with his anger, and the nearest guy narrowed his eyes as he heard it.

All four men straightened and faced Alexei. None of them looked ashamed at what they’d been caught doing. In fact, they all looked slightly smug.

“No,” said one. “We were just talking to your girlfriend here.” He clapped one hand on Evie’s shoulder and she jumped like a frightened kitten. The rage building in Alexei’s gut grew stronger.

“You can stop now,” he gritted out.

The guy nearest to him tilted his head. “Why would we do that? She’s having fun, aren’t you sweetheart?” Evie sat frozen, staring up at the man with wide, terrified eyes. He didn’t notice or care.

“Leave her alone,” Alexei tried, stepping forward into the man’s space. Alcohol reeked on his breath, his eyes the unfocused belligerence of a drunk man looking for a fight. The guy took one step back as Alexei advanced, a look of trepidation fluttering across his face before his expression hardened. He straightened and glanced at his friends. All of them stepped towards Alexei, now surrounding him instead of Evie.

“Make me, big man,” said the nearest guy.

Alexei flexed his fists. These men were all shorter than him, but they seemed to enjoy the gym enough to have muscles beneath their shirts. Worse, there were four of them and only one of him. One-on-one he was sure he could beat them. But four-to-one was not good odds.

Still, the need to hurt them for scaring Evie obliterated all the rational reasons he had for walking away. He wanted to tear these men apart, show them that scaring women was not a fun group sport. He had no doubt that in private these guys could be like Jimmy, like his own father, and get off on scaring women. He wanted to teach them a lesson.

“What, too pussy?” asked one of the men behind him.

They didn’t seem to notice the fury racing through Alexei, or his superior size and strength. They were too busy congratulating each other with mocking smiles for Alexei’s benefit.

“Leave,” he growled. It was all he could say as anger focused his mind on a need to punish these men.

They laughed. The man in front of him kept smiling as he drew back his fist, ready to punch Alexei. The world grew quite as Alexei focused on the man before him, of his fist plowing through the air towards Alexei’s nose.

He sidestepped, avoiding the blow with the ease of practice, aided by the fact that the man’s drunkenness made him sloppy. The table rattled as he stepped into it, and glass shattered. Alexei didn’t take his attention off the man who’d thrown the punch. As the guy stumbled, Alexei placed his big hand on the back of the guy’s head and slammed it into the already unstable table.

The man dropped to the floor groaning, but Alexei wasn’t done. He glared at each of the three remaining men in turn, his chest heaving as adrenaline raced through him. This was the fight, this is what he was good at.

The three guys glanced between their friend, lying on the floor between them, and Alexei’s furious expression. They hesitated a moment, until their friend said “Get the fucker!” and they raised their fists ready to fight.

Alexei didn’t wait for them to swing. He took out the guy on the left with a solid punch to the nose, and he flew back into the table behind him and toppled over it, landing at the feet of a shocked couple on the other side.

Two more. One guy’s nostrils flared, and Alexei knew he’d be the next one to punch, so he waited while the guy shifted his stance and then tried to hit Alexei with an uppercut. But the guy next to him had been harder to read, and Alexei suddenly had two men swinging fists at him at the same time. He blocked the guy with the tell, but the unexpected puncher managed to get a solid hit in Alexei’s stomach.

Alexei grunted, but didn’t crumple. Instead, he kicked at his attacker’s groin, then slammed the other man’s head into the table and let him fall on top of his friend. One guy left. Alexei’s target backed away, eyes darting between his crumpled friends and Alexei.

Alexei stepped over the two on the floor and stalked toward him, wanting to finish the job. The guy banged into a table and stopped, starring at Alexei with wide, frightened eyes as he gripped the edge of the table. Three men sat behind him on barstools, watching the fight with shocked expressions. No one in the entire bar said a word.

Alexei grabbed the man’s collar and hauled him forward as he drew back for a punch. He grinned savagely and the man paled.

Evie’s voice rang out in the silence. “Alexei, stop!”

He scowled and whipped his head around to look at her. The bottom dropped out of his stomach at her expression, all the rage leaving him in a rush.

She looked horrified. At him. She trembled with fear as she met his gaze, but she didn’t back down, didn’t look away.

“Stop,” she whispered, her voice a strangled sound as if she could barely get the words out.

He immediately dropped the man he held, who fell to his knees on the hard floor. Alexei didn’t notice, because seeing Evie’s face, he already knew it was too late.

She’d seen the beast, and she was afraid.

Of him.




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