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Seal'd to Her: A Billionaire Second Chance Romance by Piper Sullivan (39)

Chapter 9


The subsequent months were a blur. I was still working just as much as I ever did. I hadn’t told anyone of my pregnancy, and I hadn’t started showing yet, so I still had time to hold onto my secret. A lot had happened since I found out I was pregnant, and my emotions were all over the place with my hormones.

My dad had been hospitalized as winter hit. He had come down with pneumonia, and with his age, it had given him a turn for the worse. I was pretty much running the restaurant at this point, but we had cut back on the hours of operation, since Brian was our only other cook at the time.

I was standing at the cash register on a cold November afternoon as the phone rang. I think that I almost felt a bad vibe from the phone before I answered it, although I don’t know how that was possible. My head started to spin as I picked up the phone, and I barely managed to get the words out, “Baxter’s Family Restaurant, can I help you?” My voice was hoarse and it cracked.

“Ms. Baxter. It’s Dr. Mitchell. I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news this afternoon but we need you to come down to the hospital. Your father’s condition has worsened and he is in a critical condition. We are doing everything we can to help him, but I would advise you to come over and help him get his affairs in order.”

It was the worst possible thing that I could have heard in that moment. Everything went black and I was out.




It took me more than a few moments of consciousness to figure out that I was lying in a hospital bed next to my father. I looked over at him, and he seemed to be awake, so in a very raspy voice, I tried to get his attention. “Dad, are you there?”

He turned over to look at me, I could tell he needed a lot of effort to do that. He gave a terribly weak smile, then spoke “Would you look at us? We should just let Brian take over the family restaurant.”

I gave a weak laugh, we were both a sight for sore eyes. “I’m pregnant, Dad.” His eyes opened wide, and he seemed to be in shock. I gave him another smile, telling him I was happy I was going to give him a grandson. He tried to speak, but he suddenly went into a spasm of coughs. He started to have trouble breathing and I gathered up all my strength to sit up and start shouting for a nurse. Just then he mustered all the energy he had to say one last thing, “Take care of my grandkid. Explore the world.” Then he deeply breathed out, and that was it. Dad was gone. Brian and Patricia had just shown up from outside, as they had drove me after I passed out back at the restaurant. When they realized what was happening, they started to cry. I was crying too. It was one of the worsts days of my life, as you can imagine.

“Teresa, may I speak with you?” Dr. Mitchell had entered the room. He looked concerned, and now that Dad was gone, I couldn’t begin to imagine what bad news he had to tell me now.

I looked at my Dad’s body. I didn’t want to leave his side just yet. “Can this wait, Doctor?” I asked, thinking whatever it was could wait.

“I’m afraid not, Teresa. Please come with me, this will only take a moment.” Dr. Mitchell turned and exited the room. It was obvious this was terribly urgent and confidential, so I got up and followed him with the little energy I had.

“What is it, Doctor?” I asked after finding him out in the hallway waiting for me.

“Teresa, I didn’t want to say this in front of the others, but I have to let you know that the baby is fine. You had a very substantial fall this afternoon, and I want you to know that we did all the necessary checks, and everything seems fine. However, I highly recommend you take it easy. With the pregnancy, and your father, and the business, the stress might get to you. You need a break from this. You need to relax, or you are going to have complications with this pregnancy. Do you understand?”

Dr. Mitchell came over with his wife to the diner every other Tuesday and Thursday. He meant well as he spoke, and passed on his condolences as he left. I leaned against the wall, trying to take it all in. My mind was racing, and my tears were still falling. I felt heavy, and my weak body felt like it couldn’t handle anything at the moment. I hadn’t thought about the baby’s condition since I came to, and after what had just transpired, all I could think about was being with my dad on his deathbed. I had thought about the phone call and the news that made me pass out, and now the doctor was reminding me that I had this pregnancy to worry about. Thank goodness Dr. Mitchell didn’t ask who the father was. I had managed to keep all of this a secret up until now. I didn’t need the entire population of this little town knowing that I was carrying a bastard child. I had to find a way out. My father’s last words echoed my mother’s last wish. I needed to get away or I would lose my mind, or worse, my child. I made up my mind in that moment that I would leave town after Dad’s affairs were wrapped up. I was going to build a new life for me and my unborn child.