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BRANDED: Wild Aces MC by April Lust (11)



If someone asked me to explain what I was feeling right then and there, I wouldn’t know how to answer. The emotions rolling around inside me were many and they were fluid, shifting with each new moment.


And I hadn’t really been expecting any of them.


This arrangement had been borne of necessity. My little sister Bree was dying. If she didn’t get a heart – which by some miracle they had found – then she wouldn’t live to see seventeen. But the operation wasn’t cheap and insurance wasn’t going to do anything. Namely because working as a waitress at a diner meant I didn’t have any.


Desperate, I did the only thing I could think of.


I offered up my virginity to the highest bidder. It was only a stroke of luck that the highest bidder was the sexy, godlike man in front of me – and that he was willing to pay the cost of the operation and then some.


All of this meant that I’d been taking a risk from the moment I responded to his email. It also meant that this was all entirely a business transaction.


Yes, there was sex involved, so I hoped that maybe I would get some… pleasure out of it, but I also knew that the first time often sucked for the woman. So I didn’t really have my hopes up. But he’d barely even touched me – and, god, it was one hell of a touch – and I was practically melting. My whole body felt like it was on fire, a fire that only grew with each order he gave me and each promise of what was to come.


Those intense emotions hadn’t been expected, but I could understand them.


I was a human woman. I had needs. Needs that I’d been ignoring for the last four years as I took care of my sister. No one would blame my body for responding, even in this strange sort of situation.


And the nervousness was easy to explain. I was a virgin and someone was paying to change that. A very sexy, tattooed, dominant someone.


But the emotions that were really throwing me off, really catching me off guard, were a lot more complicated. They were… comfort. I didn’t know how else to explain them. It was as though he was wrapping me up in a warm blanket when I was cold, easing away the worries and soothing away the aches of a hard life.


It shouldn’t have been this way, but I felt… safe. A man who ordered me around, who said that my body belonged to him and was his to do with as he saw fit… he was what made me feel safe.


In fact, I felt almost loved. It was insane, and impossible. I knew that this was all just wrapped up in some psychological craziness that was probably more roleplay than anything else, but it didn’t change the way I felt.


Maybe it wasn’t exactly loved, but it was revered. Like I was this precious thing that he wanted to take care of.


Every time he ordered me to go slow, it was to be careful. It was like he didn’t want me to be hurt in any way. And then he combed my hair. Just like when I was a little girl and mom was still alive. He was so patient, so careful. His fingers slipping through the long strands, untangling little knots where he found them.


I could have fallen asleep like that, kneeling on the bathroom floor, just because he was there.


And in exchange for all of this care, all I had to give him was my obedience. I just had to do what he asked of me.


How hard could it be? I thought as I stepped into the room.


It was a bedroom. Or more like, the bedroom. Clearly the master bed, the room was larger even than the one that was set aside for me. The ceiling seemed to go up forever and there was a huge window at the back wall, though the heavy drapes were closed. There was a row of bookshelves built directly into the wall opposite it and this time I wasn’t surprised.


After the library, I would have been disappointed if he didn’t have some in his room, too.


There looked to be another bathroom through a door that was mostly closed and on the opposite wall was a set of double doors that I thought might be a closet. A huge closet. The kind that is in every shopping girl’s dreams.


But the thing that really drew your attention, that grabbed it and held it, was the bed.


It was huge. Four poster and big enough to sleep a dozen people probably, it looked like it was stuffed with clouds and marshmallows. The pillows alone probably could have served as a suitable bed for me and surely was more comfortable than my own back home.


The bedding was a mixture of black and red with white accents woven in. It looked like a spiraling forest was embroidered into the comforter in a delicate white outline that was almost at odds with the dark coloring. But it was beautiful.


I swallowed hard, because I realized that this was it. The moment.


No more playing around with baths or spankings or teasing about the things he would do. This was the moment of truth. Here, in this bed, I would lose my virginity. He’d get what he paid for.


“Lie down,” he ordered.


His voice had been growing deeper, huskier, and I hadn’t missed the way his bright eyes raked over my body. I was still naked after my bath and under normal circumstances, I’d have been mortified. But it was hard to be uncomfortable when I had just shaved the most intimate part of myself right before his eyes, as he devoured me with them.


Swallowing heavily, my heart racing beneath my breast and my palms sweating profusely, I did as I was told.


I approached the bed. Biting my lip, I glanced back over my shoulder at him. He left the door open, but stood in front of the doorway. His eyes watched me hungrily, enjoying my nudity. Awkwardly, I climbed up onto the bed. It was difficult and I was trying not to show my ass – though at this point, why? – but it was impossible. I ended up crawling on all fours onto the mattress, discovering it was just as fluffy and soft as I had imagined. When I was completely on, I turned onto my butt and eased back.


The entire time, he watched me.


My heart was pounding so hard that I worried it might give out on me. This was all so much. My body felt like it was on fire, and he hadn’t done more than look at me yet. I felt like I might combust at any moment and it was strange, but the fire that was lit inside of me told me that the only thing that could ease what I was feeling was him.


I needed him to touch me.


But I dared not to say a word. I was submissive and he was dominant. I was his to do as he pleased. So long as I want him to, I reminded myself.


That settled the little part of myself that bristled with worry and the wrongness of the situation.


I waited for him for what felt like eternity, but finally, he joined me.


He came to the edge of the bed and I felt it dip with his weight as his knee pressed into the mattress. My breath caught as I felt his fingers brush against my ankle, trailing slowly up my calf. I didn’t think such a small, innocuous touch could send such lightning through my body, but it did. My skin was alive, and he’d only just begun.


“It’s okay,” I heard him murmur softly. It was so quiet that I almost thought I imagined it, but then I felt his lips brush against my leg where his fingers had just been. This, too, was soft and gentle, mirroring his words.


The sweetness was unraveling me quicker than the fire burning through my body.


He put more of his weight on the bed, pressing down as he continued to caress and lightly kiss up my legs. I was trembling with nervousness and need alike, not sure what to do to deal with either.


As though sensing this, I heard him murmur against my skin, “Relax. I won’t do anything you don’t want.”


I didn’t unwind, couldn’t relax, but the nervousness dropped as the desire rose. My body responded to him in ways that it had never done with anyone else. I’d also never gotten this far before, but neither kissing nor making out had brought any sort of fire with them. But this… this was what people must have been talking about.


His hands were on either side of me, each trailing up a leg. I felt his palms on the outside of my thighs and sucked in a breath. It felt good. It felt good and got better as he moved up higher. Eventually, he was at my hips and if that wasn’t enough to send me spiraling into a well of desire, his mouth was. He pressed kisses against my skin. He trailed up my legs and over my thighs and I nearly lost my mind. My voice came out hoarse and deep, not at all like myself. I think I said, yes, but I couldn’t be sure.


His breath spread over my bare mound, warm and just a little moist. I started to squirm, needing something that I wasn’t even sure of, but his hands became firm. He kept me still beneath him. “Easy,” he whispered to my core. “I’ve got you.”


And he did.


I felt his lips press against mine in a kiss that was unlike any other I’d ever had. A kiss between my legs that sent electric shocks through my system. I let out a gasp as my back arched all on its own. He kissed me again and this time I felt his tongue slip out and caress along the line of my nether lips.


Oh, god!


His hands moved from my hips, coming around to grasp my inner thighs. They pulled at me and my legs opened immediately, without any thought on my part. His mouth gained better access and he placed an openmouthed kiss against my moist entrance. I shuddered. His tongue slipped inside and I cried out, the pleasure instant.


I didn’t know it would be like this… or that it could be.


His hands massaged my thighs as he began to lick and play with my heated womanhood. He tongued me almost eagerly, like he really enjoyed it. I knew I did.


Heat and pressure began to build, a kind of tension that began with that spot inside me that his tongue seemed to be trying to reach, and built into a tight ball. I knew what it was. I’d touched myself plenty of times in my life, just to relieve stress more than anything else, but this was different. It was faster and already more intense.


My hands clutched at the comforter beneath me and my breathing was labored, my breasts heaving as I tried to get enough air into my lungs. My skin was flushed and my legs were shaking. Heart hammering within my chest, I clenched my eyes shut as sensations washed over me.


And when I finally found that release, I spilled over him, crying out his name. “JULES!”


My body went limp as aftershocks jerked through my system. I felt truly undone. I giggled, the remnants of such pleasure leaving me a little punch drunk. Opening my eyes, I glanced down my naked body toward Jules. I found him sitting on his knees between my spread legs. He was watching me with eyes that were clouded with fire and lust. He wiped at his mouth with the back of his hand.


I’d never be able to say why that turned me on all over again, but it did.


“Did you enjoy that?” he asked me.


I let out a ragged breath. “Y-yes, sir.”


He smiled at me and within that smile I saw promises of still more to come. My body felt almost boneless – but there was no question it wanted more.




He reached for the hem of his shirt and quickly jerked it over his head. His body was like a sculpture, perfectly cut and hard as rock. Tattoos wrapped around it, dipping over muscles and down his flat stomach toward those jutting darts at his pelvis. I had the strange urge to lick along those lines – and to follow the trail of light blonde hairs that started at his navel and dipped down into his leather pants.


My cheeks flushed at that desire and maybe if I hadn’t already found my release in his mouth and wasn’t spread open, naked before him, I might have felt embarrassed.


But it was a little late for embarrassment.


He tossed his shirt aside, then his large hands went to work on his pants. I watched with rapt attention as he popped open the button, then slid down the zipper. I watched as the opening of his pants slowly exposed more of those golden hairs.


He’s not wearing underwear, I realized and that sent another flush of heat through me. I was beginning to realize that it was the little things that caught you.


“Are you ready for me?” he asked in a low voice that was equal parts soothing and lusty.


With a shuddering breath, I nodded. “Y-yes. Yes, sir.”


He smiled. Standing on his bed, still between my legs, he began to push down his leather pants. I watched him with wide eyes as he pulled the material away to expose a long, hard member. I’d watched porn before. I’d seen a cock and everything, but not in person. And not like this. Not like his.


It was hard as rock, the veins exposed along the shaft, stopping just before the bulbous head. The skin there was the same soft honeyed hue as the rest of him, but the mushroomed head was pinker. And glistening.


He kicked off his pants and threw them aside. I saw that his legs were just as muscular as the rest of him and I found them to be sexy, which was not the norm for me. I didn’t usually check out a guy’s legs, but when he was standing over you like the statue of Adonis, it was hard not to notice.


Settling back down on his knees, he leaned over me. He supported his weight on his strong, muscular arms. I wanted to reach out and touch them, but suddenly wasn’t sure if I should.


Biting at my lower lip, I glanced up at him, then asked, “Can I touch you, sir?”


He smiled down at me. It was almost tender.


“Yes. Tonight, touch me wherever you want.”


So I did.


My hands caressed his large arms and down his chest, exploring the hard muscles there. I touched at the darts at his hips, remembering how I’d wanted to lick at them. Maybe I’ll have a chance later.


My fingers ran through the short hairs at his navel, tracing them down lower and lower, until—


“Oh, yes,” he groaned. My eyes jerked up to look at him and found that there was a strained look on his face, his eyes hooded.


I watched him as I trailed my hand lower still. I found hard flesh at the same time he sucked in a heavy breath.


His member. I’m touching his length.


I let my fingers explore him and touch him, but when they wrapped around his hardness, he stopped me.


“No. Not tonight. We’ll get to that later.”


I didn’t have time to be embarrassed. He took my hand away and tucked it into his other hand, which held me above my head. His free hand traveled the length of my body, caressing my large breasts and flicking over a nipple. “You have a beautiful body,” he told me.


It wasn’t something I really thought, but it was so good to hear. Something I needed to hear.


His hand moved down my stomach and across my hips to dip between my legs. I inhaled deeply as his fingers slipped between my swollen and moist lips. Then he pulled them away. A second later, I felt something else at my entrance. Warm, hard, thick.


“I’ll be as gentle as I can,” he murmured to me.


I blinked at him. “What?” My head was foggy with lust and all that my senses were taking in.


He smiled down at me kindly. “This’ll hurt. You’ve never done this before and I’m… well-endowed. But I’ll go slow, let you adjust. Just tell me if you need to stop.”


I was only half hearing him; it was all I could do to nod in answer.


I felt the smallest pressure at my entrance. I had just enough time to think, This isn’t so bad, when that pressure changed. The pain came quickly as my opening was stretched wide, being forced open to accommodate this huge, hard length being forced inside me.


A whimper of pain escaped my lips and the movement stopped. Above me, I saw Jules frozen, straining against what must have been an impossible need to thrust the rest of the way inside me.


After a few moments, the pain eased, though the pressure remained. In a quiet voice, I told him, “It’s okay. Keep going.”


He nodded once and I felt that pain again. I dealt with it better this time, more prepared, and nodded at Jules to continue. He did, inch by inch. It seemed to take forever to fill me and when he finally did, he stopped altogether. I swear I could feel him at the very back of me, filling up every available inch inside of me. I was completely full.


“You’re so tight. Tighter than anything I’ve had before,” Jules murmured from above me. His eyes were bright with passion as he strained against the need to keep going.


I let out a stuttering breath. It took until that moment for me to realize it, but when I did, I told him. “You feel good.”


His full mouth tugged into a grin. “I thought you might feel that way. Are you ready for me to move?”


I nodded.


He began to shift. It was a little uncomfortable, but not bad. It was like stretching a sore muscle. It was almost painful, but it also felt good. Really good. And as Jules began to move his considerable length back out of me, I was beginning to realize just how good he felt sliding against my walls.


He pulled out until just the head of him was trapped within me. Then he started to push in again.


His movements were slow, deliberate, and very obviously hard for him. I could see the concentration on his face as he struggled against losing control and just pounding into me. But as the sensations within me became less sore and more filled with a full, needy pleasure, I became less concerned about that. In fact, I found that my body was almost craving it.


What would it feel like for him to lose control within me?


My free hand went to touch his shoulders and chest as I whispered to him, “Please, sir, move.”


And that must have been what he was waiting for. Grabbing my other hand, he shoved it down on the bed next to the other so that it was trapped above my head. He held both wrists in just one hand so that his other could be free.


“Remember your safe word,” he told me, then he really began.


His next thrust was hard and shoved his entire length inside my body so that I felt like I might break with the force of it. But my body liked it, I liked it. His free hand came to grab my left breast. As he pulled out, only to shove back inside me, he squeezed at my flesh. I let out a moan and the speed of his thrusts increased.


He massaged my breast and pinched at the nipple there, just hard enough that there was a spike of pain, but nothing more.


His hard length shoved inside me again and again, filling me up completely each time. My back arched and my hips struggled to meet his thrusts. His hand moved from my breast and slid down to capture my hip, preventing my matching thrusts. I struggled anyway, losing myself in the moment.


Smiling down at me, he shushed me. I hadn’t realized that I was crying out.


“Shh, pet. I’ve got you.”


Then he did something that we hadn’t tried yet: He kissed me.


His mouth was warm and incredibly soft, his full lips gentle as they pressed into mine. He was soft, sweet, in direct odds with the power of his thrusts. With his teeth, he nipped at my lower lip, not hard at all. My reaction was to gasp, opening my mouth against his. He took the opportunity to snake his tongue inside, his hips pounding against mine at the same time so that I felt like I was being consumed by him.


My legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him to me, needing him as close as he could be.


His mouth made love to me the way his body claimed me.


At some point, his hand released mine. My arms wound their way around his neck, pulling him closer as we kissed and moved against each other. His arm supported his weight above me, while the other caressed my body, my hair, my face. He seemed to need to touch me as much as I wanted him to.


It was more than I ever could have hoped for.


He broke the kiss suddenly, his body going rigid. His jaw worked tightly as I felt him stiffen within me. One of his hands reached between us. I wondered why until I felt his thumb brush against my swollen nub, sending shocks through my body.


I realized why.


He was reaching his climax and he wanted me to fall over that edge with him. I was about to tell him that that wasn’t important – he’d already brought me there once – when I felt the familiar building of pressure within me.


It took only moments of his length buried within me and his fingers stroking my sensitive nub before I cried out to him again. He swallowed that cry with a kiss and then he spilled himself inside of me.


It was unlike anything I’d ever experienced before, more than I ever expected.


Exhausted, he pulled himself out of my sore, limp body and rolled over to collapse beside me. For several minutes, all we did was breathe heavily. I was too exhausted to do much more.


But after a while, the bed shifted beside me. I was disappointed to see that Jules was getting up. In fact, I was… hurt.


That’s not a good reaction to have.


Unfortunately, it wasn’t one I could change.


Jules found a pair of loose sweats and slipped them on as I let my eyes wander over his firm backside. Then he turned to me. “I forgot to ask, do you have any allergies?”


I blinked at him. What? After all that… he wants to know if I’m allergic to anything?


“Um, no, sir.”


He nodded once. “Good. Feel free to get cleaned up. I made quite a mess of you.” My cheeks flushed crimson as I felt exactly what he meant. His fluids and mine both coated my inner thighs.


He turned then to leave the room. I bit my lip and had almost convinced myself not to ask when it slipped out. “Where are you going?” As an afterthought, I added, “Sir.”


Pausing at the doorway, he offered me a smile. “To bring you food. You need to eat after that. Then you’ll sleep. You need your rest; tomorrow’s going to be a rough day.”


I stared at him wide eyed and watched as he grinned, then left. A rough day… I didn’t know exactly what I meant, but as I slung my feet over the edge of the bed and winced, I thought I could guess.


That had been amazing, but it had left my body a hot mess.


I went to the adjoined bathroom and cleaned up. I thought of how careful he’d been with me, until I asked him for more. How he’d treated me like I was precious. How he’d kissed me like he couldn’t get enough.


Was that how all men were? Was that how all sex was? Or had this been… different?


That was how it had felt to me. I’d gotten this feeling like he was making love to me, like I was the only woman in the world.


“Don’t be an idiot,” I muttered to myself ruefully. “This is just a business deal. Don’t forget that.”


After I was clean, he brought me a quick dinner that was mostly fresh fruit. Then he tucked me into bed like I was a kid, kissed my forehead, and told me to sleep. I couldn’t, not right away. I was too wired. And I wanted him to lie down with me. But eventually, I drifted off, only barely registering the dip in the bed or the strong, hard arms that wrapped themselves around my tired body.