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Under the Mistletoe (A Blue Collar Alpha Christmas) by Aria Cole (19)

Chapter Ten


“English!” My girl squealed at the top of her lungs.

“In here!” I grinned, hardly able to contain the excitement in my voice.

Last night had left me with a hollow, desperate feeling in the center of my chest. Desperate to prove to her why she was here, why she needed us. Desperate to keep her.

“Hey, where’s my stuff?” Everly sped into my room, stopping when her eyes landed on her empty duffel bag at my feet, a lacy little thing hanging off my finger.

“I was putting away your stuff and ran across this cheeky number.” I arched an eyebrow.

“Mason.” She nailed me with a dirty look as she swiped at the lacy scrap of fabric.

“Nuh uh, kitten. We’re saving those for later.” I winked, shoving them in my pocket as ideas of a naughty photo shoot ran in my head.

She cocked her hip adorably. “Why did you bring my stuff in your room?” She cocked her hip adorably.

“Because I told you, you’re moving in.”

“Wait, we’re not done discussing this

“What? Moving into my room? I thought we settled it last night. Forever, remember?”

“Yeah, but this is moving pretty fast. I mean what about Savannah? Mrs. Potts?”

I shrugged. “Mrs. Potts will be thrilled. She’s probably already planning the wedding.”

“Wedding? What wedding—Mason, you’re talking crazy! Are you feeling okay?” She pressed a hand to my forehead.

“Better than ever. And Savannah loves you. It’s a done deal. I was thinking we could plan something for the end of November?”


“For the wedding.”

“Mason!” Everly shrieked, smacking my bicep. “You haven’t even asked me yet!”

A cocky grin spread across my face before I pulled her into my arms, smashing her against my body and taking her in a long, slow kiss. “Not yet, but when I do, you'll say yes.”

“You’re”—she said between my kisses—“so…”

I plunged my tongue past her lips again, halting her next word. “Charming?” I pulled away, sliding the pad of my thumb across her lush bottom lip.


“Not what I had in mind.”

“Trust me, me either,” she teased.

“You look cute when you pout.” I grinned and stole another kiss.

“You’re a scoundrel.”

“Ah, and I thought I recalled words last night like, ‘Mason, please, oh god.’” Everly’s blush deepened and I laughed, clasping her hand in mine before leading us out of my room.

“Sometimes I don’t know if you’re a blessing or a nightmare.”

“A little of both.” I winked as we descended the staircase. As usual, the warm, rich scents of home-cooked food wafted from the kitchen. “And don’t bother acting like you don’t like it.”

“Cheeky much, English?”

“I own this body. I’m confident about what’s mine.” At the bottom of the staircase, I pushed her against the wall and slid a hand up her shirt, dusting my fingertips against the curve of her tit.

“Hey…” Her eyes darkened as her breathing immediately sped up. “What if someone

“It’s so good to see some love in this house.” Mrs. Potts’s sing-song voice shattered our bubble.

Everly’s hands froze on my shoulders, her bottom lip caught between her teeth with embarrassment.

I grinned, tugging her lip from their grasp, and smiled. “I couldn't agree more, Mrs. Potts.”

“It’s dinnertime, loves. Savannah’s in the dining room already. You may want to share the news with her, since she’s been running around all day singing, ‘I saw Daddy kissing Everly.’” The old woman winked.

“Yes, ma’am,” I chimed, anxious to please Mrs. Potts, the only other woman in my life who mattered to me.

“Good, now eat up. I made enough for the entire British navy.”

I nodded, walking with Everly into the formal dining room.

My little girl sat perched on a chair, picking at a piece of bread and looking sullen. “Daddy!”

She hopped down, ran full force toward me, and latched onto not my leg, per usual, but Everly's. The sight warmed every cold corner of my heart. Everly was right where she belonged, with Savannah and me, bringing more light into our lives.

“How come you’re holding hands with Daddy?” Savannah peered up at the woman whom I hoped would become her mum.

“Ummm…” Everly looked at me desperately.

“Does this mean you’ll be my new mummy?” Savannah asked.

“Your daddy and I are really good friends,” Everly said.

“Like best friends? My friend Izzy says we’re BFFs and we hold hands sometimes.”

“Yeah, just like that, honey.” Everly bent down to Savannah’s level and wrapped her in a tight hug.

“I’m glad daddy has a BFF now. I already have one, but I felt bad he has no one to play with.”

I choked on a laugh before scooping Savannah into my arms. “Let’s eat, baby girl.” I placed a kiss on her cheek, winking at Everly as I led Savannah back to her seat.

“I really like her, Daddy. Can she stay forever?” Savannah’s angelic voice whispered not so quietly in my ear.

“That’s my hope, baby.” I grinned, placing a kiss on her cheek before setting her down.

She wiggled into her chair and placed her napkin across her lap with all the manners Mrs. Potts had taught her. I shook my head, thinking all too soon she would be grown up and gone and it would be just me here if I couldn’t convince Everly to stay. But I wasn’t giving her that option. If she wanted to leave we would leave with her. I would never let her go now that I’d found her.

She’d said last night that she was ready for forever, but did she mean it, or had she said it because my hands were sending her emotions into a tailspin? Her reaction to my suggestion of forever had been a bit of a surprise, but I’d also done it to test the waters. I wanted her to know I was serious about her and our future. There were no compromises, not between us. Our love was all or nothing. I didn’t know how to love her any other way.