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The Shifter's Secret Baby Girl by T. S. Ryder (38)

Chapter Five – Tindra


The blow had Tindra’s arms jarring down, vibrating so hard it almost felt like her shoulders were going to pop from their sockets. She clenched her teeth and held her stance. While the dull blades might not be able to cut an arm off, that didn’t mean that they didn’t hurt when they landed. The many bruises on her arms were a testament to that.

"I will not yield," she shouted, putting all her strength into throwing Rollon back.

The king stepped back, a smile growing on his face. "What is that about?"

"Getting into character," Tindra grunted, swinging her blade towards the opening she saw on his left side.

Rollon easily sidestepped her. "Easy, now. You’re just learning the defense."

"I choose my own destiny!" As she hoped, his smile widened. He swung the sword towards her shoulder and she was just able to deflect it. "Ha! Your puny weapons are no match for the winter queen. Once I despatch you, I will descend the world into eternal snow and blizzards and ice cream!"

Rollon snorted. He stepped in a circle around her, easily evading her clumsy swings toward him. "What are you doing?"

"I’m the Winter Queen and you are my greatest enemy. I have to defeat you."

He snickered. She pulled the hammiest, most exaggerated grimace that she could and he burst into laughter. The tip of his sword dropped to the floor and Tindra stepped back, giggling as well. It hadn’t been that funny, but her heart warmed to see Rollon laughing like this. His eyes sparkled as he shook his head.

"You are insane," he said.

"No, I’m not. It’s a story that I’m planning to put into print eventually. Only the Winter Queen won’t be fighting a vampire king."

The door to the large gym opened and Thor strode in. Instantly, Rollon’s face returned to the normal harsh look he had and he took Tindra’s sword. She scowled at the prince. Just when they were making some progress! Thor grinned as he looked between them.

"Looks like you two are getting along," he said. "But I bet you’d be more impressed to see two skilled vampire warriors fight it out, huh Tindra. What do you say, Dad?"

Tindra glanced eagerly at the king. She wanted nothing more than to see what he was capable of. Unfortunately, he shook his head and his scowl deepened further. He always looked like this when they were around anybody else. Probably needing to keep the whole strong, badass king vibe going on. But why did badass mean he couldn’t smile once in a while? He was so tense he looked like he might explode.

"It’s been two weeks," Rollon said as he reached for a towel and tossed it at Tindra.

She mopped up the sweat on her chest and arms. The tank she had chosen still felt too warm after that exercise. Thank goodness she had a good sports bra. Even her small jigglers bouncing all over the place was uncomfortable.

"Dad," Thor started, voice wary.

"You need to properly claim her. There is talk about your lack of initiative, and there are grumblings that the human is fair game."

And they were just having so much fun. Tindra put her hands on her hips, glowering at the king. It was difficult at times to remember that he was a powerful king, and not just an overly brooding guy that she had occasionally fun with. When he loosened up, they got along really well. But he always ruined it by being a jerk.

"I have a say in all this too, you know," she reminded him.

"You’re human." He waved a hand dismissively. "If a vampire tried something, you’d agree."

Thor groaned.

"Excuse me? Do I look like the kind of girl that puts out because of a cute smile? I don’t let my hormones rule me, or else I’d—" Already have jumped him. Best not go there. "I’d have made a lot of mistakes in my life. Well. More mistakes than I’ve already made."

Her hands drifted unconsciously to her stomach and a spike of pain jolted through her. Her heart clenched, but she shoved those memories away quickly. The past was gone and there was no bringing it back. It didn’t stop her eyes from burning, which only made her angrier when Rollon spoke again.

"It’s nothing about you personally. Humans have the biological imperative to breed, and your repressive sexual culture leaves you prey to acting out your fantasies in inappropriate ways." Rollon swept back his long dark hair, which had come loose as they were sparring, and secured it with an elastic. "Just look at the porn industry. Do you think it would be as prevalent if human sexuality wasn’t so heavily repressed?"

"I don’t watch porn."

Rollon shrugged. "You are clearly attracted to vampires. There is no shame in that. I’m simply saying that if a vampire were to approach you, your attraction would get the best of you and you would act. Again, not something to be ashamed of. Vampires are high—"

"Just because I’m attracted to some vampires doesn’t mean I’m attracted to all vampires."

Rollon froze. His eyes flashed and his nostrils flared. "Some vampires? Who else are you attracted to?"

Tindra opened her mouth to reply to that, but her words got caught in her throat. Who else? Her eyes widened as she backed a step away from him. He knew. How could he know – never mind that, how could he not know? She constantly blushed if he complimented her. He got under her skin so easily. It was impossible not to see her attraction to him.

She glanced at Thor, who said nothing. His expression was blank, hands clasped behind his back. Rollon glanced at his son and grimaced.

"I’m sorry, Thor. Either you need to claim her and end her looking at others or throw her back."

As if she was a fish that nobody wanted.

"Look," she shouted. "I don’t know what you’re talking about. Just because girls throw themselves at you all day long doesn’t mean that I’m one of them. You’re rude, arrogant, and the only time you act like a halfway decent person is when there is nobody around to see it. You think you’re all macho and alpha? You’re not. You’re a pitiful, broken man who doesn’t know how to feel and who thinks being strong is being invincible. It’s not! I don’t like you that way, and I’m not going to be thrown back. I’m not a catfish!"

She ran from the room before either of them could speak. Tears burned her eyes and she internally cursed up a storm at herself. Way to be immature and irresponsible! Great going. This is why you should never have kids.

Her heart clenched again and she fought the tears unsuccessfully. She raced back to her room and slammed the door.

"You’re back early."

Great. Tindra took a deep breath and turned to face Ingrid. "I’m fine."

Ingrid looked at the tear stains on her face and shook her head. "I didn’t say you weren’t. I’ve started a nice hot bath to help with the aches after your sparring. I think I’ll throw in some peppermint oil to give it a nice soothing fragrance, too."

Soon the bath was ready, and Ingrid sat behind a partisan while Tindra slipped into the massive tub. The water was just the right temperature, and Tindra allowed herself to float while holding the sides of the tub. The scent of peppermint helped to relax her as the bruises from her sparring session increased.

"I messed up," she confessed. "I messed up bad. I won’t be surprised if Rol – the king has me sent away after today."

"What did you do? You didn’t attack him, did you?"

"Not physically. I might as well have, though." She quickly recounted what had happened, careful to leave her own feelings out of it. "I know that it’s not entirely true. Maybe there are a few half-truths to what I said, but I had no right to say them. I was just so embarrassed and angry and . . . "

Ingrid hummed. "And because you are highly attracted to the king."

Her eyes drifted shut. "Yeah. The truth is, if he approached me, saying no wouldn’t even occur to me. I blame Thor for this mess. If he hadn’t decided to play match maker, I’d be at home watching The Last Airbender right now. The cartoon, not the movie."

Ingrid pulled the partisan aside. Her eyes sparkled and Tindra yelped. She turned so that she was mostly hidden from view.

"Do you mind?"

"You are really attracted to the king?"

Tindra shook her head. "I changed my mind. Stop looking at me."

"I’m not looking at you." Ingrid leaned forward. "You are attracted to Rollon. This is excellent news. He is attracted to you as well. I can see it on his face when you two are together, no matter how much he tries to hide it. It would be marvelous to see him happy again. To have a queen."

"Right. Well, the potential queen doesn't want anybody staring at her while she’s naked."

Ingrid drew the partisan back. "Except Rollon."

Tindra snorted. "After what I said to him?"

"I can’t wait for you to get pregnant. Imagine, a little boy with your pretty eyes and Rollon’s dark hair. Or a girl. Rollon would be such a doting father. I remember when Thor was little . . . "

Tindra closed her eyes, trying to push away the stab of pain in her chest. All this constant talk of babies. They couldn’t know of course, but it brought out all the worries and doubts that she just couldn’t deal with.

"I’m not having children," she whispered. "You’ll have to pin your hopes on someone else."