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The Shifter's Secret Baby Girl by T. S. Ryder (60)

Chapter Nine


Kiara shook her head in shock. “I—I—”

Spence turned in a circle, flapping his wings, and raising his body into the air a few feet, then landed.

“Can you change back?” she asked.

It took him a few minutes of standing still with his eyes closed, but eventually his body shrunk and his scales and fur became skin again. She changed back when his transformation back to human was complete. They stared at each other, then he ran to her and gripped her into a tight hug.

“It worked!” he said. “I shifted and I’m alive! I feel great.”

She pushed back to look him in the eyes. “Something is not right, though. You’ve got wolfy parts! You’re like a… a… wolf dragon!”

“I know.” He shrugged. “I guess that’s because we used a wolf instead of a human. You know what’s weird? I can feel the wolf.”

She raised an eyebrow at him.

“It’s like… like if I had gone into his mind when he was alive. Now I can still see in his mind. Like he’s in my head or something. I don’t know. It’s kind of weird, but whoa.”

He tilted his head up into the sky and took in a long breath, then he squinted, looking hard into the night. He started laughing.

“This is awesome! I didn’t know I’d be able to smell and see better. Wow.”

“Wait, what?”

“My whole sense of smell and sight is better.”

“It is?” She made an incredulous face.

“Isn’t yours?”

She shook her head. “Only when I’m a dragon.”


“How’s your wound?” She untied the cloth from around his leg. The wound looked better, which she’d expected. That was a common thing that happened with shifters. Their bodies were so used to changing that they tended to heal very quickly.

“It’s so much better.” He looked at his leg in amazement. “Can you heal like that, too?”

She nodded. The enthusiasm in his voice relieved her some. He was alive and he would live. The relief still needed to sink in, and she had a deep feeling of dread in her gut. What if using the wolf had been wrong? What if something went wrong or there was some unforeseen problem?

“Hey.” He took her chin in his hand and tilted her face to his, then kissed her. “Don’t be all jealous because you don’t have my extra wolfy powers.”

She chuckled. “I’m not jealous. I’m just worried. I don’t know what this means, and what if something goes wrong?”

“Well, I feel great. I wouldn’t worry about.”

Then he changed suddenly back into his wolf-dragon form. He swung his tail around and put his paws on his face. He looked agitated.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, the worry heightening in her chest.

“I can’t change back.”

“Spence, are you serious? If you’re joking this is the worst joke ever.”

He shook his head, and his eyes were full of fear.

“Okay, well, let’s just fly for a while. Maybe it’s because you’re new. I’ll take you…” She did want to take him to the haven, but when they saw that he was part wolf would they be mad?

A dark shadow fell across them, large and heavy. Kiara spun around and saw Sindri landing softly on the ground. His presence was so huge that he blocked the moon.

Spence fell to the ground, human again, panting. “What just happened?”

“Si—” she almost used his name but remembered he hadn’t given it to Spence. “I don’t know what’s happening. I did the spell like you said.”

Sindri growled at her. “You stupid girl. You think you can trick the magic? You think you can cheat?”

“What? No, I—” She shook her head and backed away from him.

He narrowed his eyes. “Dragon magic is not to be toyed with.”

“But I did what you said!” Kiara fell to her knees, too scared and overwhelmed to stand to face him.

“You did not.”

Sindri pointed to the dead wolf pup’s body with along claw. “You choose an animal. You were told to use a human.”

“But you didn’t say that. You just said ‘virgin’. You never said it had to be a human virgin!” She started crying and Spence crawled to her side to put an arm around her.

“You have caused a great anomaly in the magic. There may be consequences.” He moved his face close to hers. “There should be. I should kill you for what you’ve done.”

“I didn’t mean to do anything bad or trick the magic.” She tried to wipe the tears from her eyes, but they kept coming as she pleaded with him. “I just didn’t want to kill a human, but I wanted Spence to live. I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to do something wrong.”

Sindri sat on his back legs and set a paw on each of their heads.

“Please don’t hurt us,” Spence said. “We didn’t know.”


They sat still, tears flowing freely down Kiara’s face. Finally, Sindri dropped his paws and stood. “I can feel that you had no malicious intent. You’re lucky. I will spare your lives. But be warned. This is not how the magic is intended to be used. I cannot tell you what might come as a result. I would not take him to the haven. It may not be safe for the others to see him. They may want him dead simply because his existence goes against nature.”

“I won’t.” She was calming down a little now that Sindri had said he’d spare their lives. She was unfamiliar with the magic he’d used to sense their intentions, but grateful for it. Maybe it was something similar to a lie detection spell.

“I can feel the wolf in him,” Sindri said. “It makes him strong. Stronger than you. Too strong.” He turned to Spence. “I suggest you use that strength wisely.”

“I’m so sorry,” Kiara whispered. “I didn’t know.”

Sindri nodded at her. “I know you tell the truth. Do not play with magic, child. You’re lucky it didn’t overtake you and kill you both.”

She nodded again and hung her head.

He gave a final snort, then took off into the night. Spence had been sitting beside her. As soon as Sindri took off, he let out a surprised cry and changed back into wolf-dragon form.

“What are you doing?” she asked, wiping the tears away.

“Oh no. I can’t change back! Why does this keep happening?”

She looked at the light from the moon glittering in his eyes. When Sindri landed he’d blocked the moon with his huge size. Spence had then changed back to human. When Sindri revealed the moon again, wolf-dragon it was. What if there was some truth to the moon thing in all those stories of werewolves?

“Come deeper into the woods,” she said. “I have an idea.”

He followed her into the trees. Once they left the clearing, and the cover of trees was thick enough to block the moon, he changed back.

“What the heck?” he said.

“It’s the moonlight.”

He looked to the moon, then at her. “You think? No.” He got up and walked back to the clearing. As soon as the moon’s light hit him he changed. He came back into the dark of the trees and changed again. “Okay. Well, I guess that’s one side effect.”

She nodded. “That will cause some problems. I guess that’s the price you pay for extra strength and a girlfriend who makes the worst decisions possible. I’m sorry it went like this. I really had no idea. I didn’t think I was tricking the magic. I thought I was just smart to realize he never specified it had to be a human sacrifice. I thought I had done the better thing by not killing someone.”

“You did.” He brought her into his arms and kissed her. “I’m so happy, I can’t even tell you. So what if I need to be careful in the moonlight? Vampires find a way to survive without the sun, werewolves change on a full moon and dragons can’t be seen or people die. We all have our thing.”

“Except that all those creatures don’t exist except dragons.”

“How do you know? If I’m part werewolf and part dragon shifter, then maybe they do.”

“Maybe.” Then a thought came to her. “Oh, no. What if I did kill a person, then? What if the wolf was really just a werewolf who was in wolf form instead of human?”

“No, you didn’t.” He smoothed her hair back. “I told you I can feel the wolf. He’s all wolf. No worries.”

That did bring her some relief. But now what? How did they get him out of the woods without him walking into the moonlight?

“We have to get you to learn the cloaking spell even faster than I did,” she said. “If you can change so easily, you have to be able to hide yourself just as easily.”

“Okay. Teach me.”

She turned to walk towards her bag of supplies and the clearing, but he reached out and turned her back to face him.

“Teach me,” he repeated. “Later.”

He kissed her and pulled her down to the ground to land on top of him. “I’m alive and feel better than ever, so right now, while we have the chance, before anything else goes wrong, let’s take care of that one pesky little problem.”

She pulled her lips into a crooked smile. “You mean that pesky virgin problem?”

“That’s the one.” He grinned back. “Eighteen is old enough, don’t you think? No reason to drag it out any longer.”

“Definitely old enough.”

She grinned and kissed him, pressing her hips into him until she felt him harden. They wiggled out of their clothes and right there in the dark of the trees, on piles of leaves, fully surrounded by nature, they made love for the first time.

She grinned and kissed him, enjoying the feel of her body on top of his. She pressed her hips down and felt that he was already hard. She rocked her hips back and forth as he pressed his up to meet her, and she grew hot with desire as his cock rubbed against her. There were too many clothes in the way, though.

The night was warm and she was already getting sweaty as her heart raced. Kiara reached up and pulled her shirt over her head. It was the first time she’d shown anyone her body, even if she was still wearing her bra. Her cheeks grew warmer as he looked up at her.

But then his lips pulled into a flirtatious smile and he reached up to caress her. He squeezed gently and slipped one breast out of the cup of the bra, then the other. He held them gently in his hands, almost unsure what exactly to do with them. She unhooked her bra and slid it off, setting it beside them on a pile of leaves.

He pinched gently at her nipples, watching her face for her reaction. The sensation sent ripples of pleasure through her and she bit her lip, then leaned back down over him so they could resume kissing.

He ran his hands along her back, dragging his nails softly against her skin. She reached under his shirt and felt his strong stomach muscles. His shirt and sweatshirt were gone a minute later and she let her fingers roam over the hard ridges of his stomach.

She was glad he wore sweatpants. It made things much easier than dealing with buttons and zippers. She hesitated for a moment. She’d never actually touched a dick. Or even see one close up for that matter. She slid her hand under his pants and tightened her fingers around his shaft. His back arched and he moaned as she moved her hand up and down, stroking him.

“That feels so good,” he said.

She felt relieved at that, but wished she’d had maybe a little bit of experience before him. Just so she didn’t feel so awkward. What should happen next? Maybe a blowjob? That seemed daunting, but they’d come this far, right?

She pushed down his pants until his dick was free. She slid down and put him into her mouth. She tried to think of what they’d done in the few porn movies she’d watched. She moved her mouth up and down, pressing her tongue against him.

“Ahhh,” he said, moaning, and gripped her shoulder. “Wait a second, stop.”

She looked up at him and let his hard cock fall from her mouth. Had she done something wrong?

“Come here,” he whispered.

She came back to him, kissing him, wondering what had gone wrong.

He kissed along her neck to her ear and whispered, “Sorry, that felt so good. I almost came.”

She wanted to laugh. At least she hadn’t done something wrong, then.

He yanked at her jeans, eager to get them undone. The snap popped open and he pulled down the zipper. But jeans could only push down so far. She had to slip her sneakers off and wiggle out of her pants. Everything about this felt awkward, and she was sure she wasn’t undressing in a way that was anything close to sexy.

She climbed back on top of him, her heart racing now as much from nervousness as from desire. Was it going to hurt?

“Wait a minute.” Spence slid out from under her and pulled up his pants as he went back towards the clearing.

Kiara sat naked in the woods, watching him, tempted to cover herself back up. He grabbed the blanket that he’d been wrapped in and laid it out beside her.

“That’s better,” he said. He slid his pants down and pulled them off with his sneakers.

She scooted over onto the blanket and laid down. He knelt between her knees, gently pushing her legs farther apart. He looked up at her and gulped, then lowered his face to her pussy. He licked her tentatively and when she moved towards him, involuntarily moving towards the pleasurable feeling, he seemed to gain confidence and pressed his tongue harder, flicking at her clit and in between her lips.

He wet his finger and slid it slowly into her. She moaned and squirmed as he moved it in and out of her. How had she never done this before? She’d been missing out big time. By the time he stopped her head was spinning and she wanted all of him.

He wiped his mouth and came back to her. The look on his face showed just as much nervousness as she felt.

“Just be careful,” she said.

“I will.”

She tensed slightly when she felt the tip of his dick press against her. But he didn’t slip inside her yet. He rubbed his cock between her lips, spreading her wetness around. Then he placed his head at her opening and pushed in the tiniest bit.

She relaxed and he pressed deeper. He stopped and looked at her face. She nodded and he pushed in more until he was full inside her. It didn’t hurt like she thought it would. He stopped for a moment, his body shivering in delight.

“Oh, my God,” he said. “I never thought it could feel so good.”

She dug her fingers into his hair and kissed him. He began to move his hips slowly, backing out of her slightly then pressing in deep again. After a few minutes they sped up and found a rocking motion.

Her body thrummed in pleasure, every nerve on fire with it. She gripped his ass to pull him deeper and he moaned in her ear. They moved together, and she felt the dizzy feeling again. The intensity built in her until she knew what was coming.

She thrust her hips hard against him as she felt the orgasm break over her. She cried out in pleasure, forcing him in harder and deeper as she came. He thrust against her faster and faster until he also cried out, then fell against her in shudders.

He breathed heavily, his whole body trembling just like hers. “Holy crap,” he panted. “I had no idea it would feel that good. No wonder everyone makes such a huge deal out of it.”

“I know,” she breathed back. “That was amazing.”

“Thank you,” he said.

She chuckled. “You’re welcome?”

He laughed and dropped his head to nuzzle her neck. “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” she said. “But I think we have a new problem now.”

“What?” He picked up his head to look at her.

“Well, we’re going to have to do this all the time. I don’t see how I’ll be able to keep my hands off you.”

He pulled his mouth into a crooked smile. “You’d better not.”