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A Night To Remember by Eve Vaughn (13)

Chapter Fourteen

“Jake!” Charlie exclaimed in surprise. “What are you doing here?” Her heart fluttered slightly. Damn. Why did this man have such an effect on her whenever he was near?

“I would like to talk to you. May I come in?” He looked uncertain.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” she said, realizing how rude she was being by keeping him waiting outside, so she stepped aside to let him in. When Jake stepped into the light of the hallway, Charlie noticed Jake’s swollen bottom lip. “What happened to your mouth, Jake?” Alarm spread through her.

Jake laughed without humor. “I had a little run-in with my ex-best friend.”

“Steve? But why?” she asked.

“Don’t you know? Haven’t you heard what’s been going around the office about you?” he asked in disbelief.

“Yes, I’ve heard the rumors.” She shrugged nonchalantly. “I don’t care what people say about me at work. I never did. I’m there to do my job and that’s it, not to make friends. Sure, I like getting along with my coworkers, but I won’t lose sleep over them whispering behind my back. Anyway, I don’t see why you would get into a fight over it.”

“Don’t you?” he challenged.

“No, actually I don’t. Steve was indiscreet, but he wasn’t the one who spread the rumors. I don’t know him as well as you obviously do, but he doesn’t strike me as the gossiping type—male chauvinist pig maybe, but not a rumor monger.”

Jake seemed taken aback back her defense of Steve. His lips tightened. “Then how the hell did people find out what happened between us in my office if not from him? He was only other person who knew.”

“He confronted me with the information, someone overheard.”

“Who?” he demanded.

Charlie sighed not wanting to go into detail. It wasn’t as though she were trying to defend Sandy, but it would have been pointless to continue on with something she rather forgot about. “I don’t think it really matters.”

“I think it does, not that it exonerates Steve. He had no business confronting you with what happened. If he hadn’t, this person you’re trying to protect wouldn’t have had any ammunition to use against you.”

“I’m not trying to protect anyone, Jake, I just want to put it behind me, and I can’t do that if everyone keeps bringing it up. Look, I have company at the moment, but we’re about to have dessert. If you’d like to stay and have some with us, you’re welcome. I’m sure Kristy will be glad to see you.”

At the mention of his daughter, Jake cracked a genuine smile only to wince in pain.

“I’m going to get you some ice for that lip. It looks pretty nasty.” Charlie looked up at him, concern taking over. Her thumb lightly brushed his injured lip. The intensity of his ice blue gaze seemed to burn into her. Heat coursed through Charlie as it always did when she was near him. Charlie quickly lowered her hand, stepping away.

“No, I’m okay. It looks worse than it actually is. You should see how Steve looks. He got much worse than a fat lip,” Jake smirked.

“Violence is never the answer, Jake,” Charlie reprimanded.

“If you ask me, it was a long time coming. Who’s your guest?”

“Laura Tombaga. You probably know her from work. She works in the Human Resources Department.”

“Of course I know her. She and Steve…” he broke off.

“Steve and her what?”

“Nothing. I think there was a flirtation between those two at one point but I could be wrong.”


“But then again she could be the other Laura I’m thinking about.”

“Don’t you know the employees in your building?”

“Oh, I do know her, sometimes it takes me longer to match the name and the face. When I started my company, it was only myself and shortly after Jen and Steve. As MBF grew, it’s become harder for me to remember everyone right away.”

“I guess that’s understandable. Come on in. Kristy and Laura are in the living room. We’re having chocolate pudding for dessert.”

As Charlie had predicted, Kristy was thrilled to see her father again. She rushed to him the minute she saw him and hugged his leg in a vise grip. “I missed you so much, Daddy,” Kristy greeted.

“I missed you, too, sweetie,” he said, scooping her up. “Hi, Laura, how are you tonight? I hope I wasn’t disturbing anything.” Jake gave Laura a courteous nod.

“Not at all. Actually, we were just talking about you,” Laura said slyly, sneaking a quick peek at Charlie’s furious face. Charlie looked as if she was ready to commit murder.

“Oh yeah? What about?” Jake asked curiously.

“Oh, this and that.” Laura smiled with devilment.

“Good things I hope.”

“You could say that.”

Charlie knew Laura was trying to stir the pot as usual, and she felt like committing murder that very moment. “Laura, why don’t you come into the kitchen with me? I need help with the pudding.”

“But Jake and I were talking. Besides, you didn’t need my help before,” Laura pointed out saucily.

“Well, I changed my mind,” Charlie said through clenched teeth.

Charlie shot her friend the you’re-in-big-trouble look. “Okay. Okay. Don’t get your panties in a bunch,” Laura said to Charlie before she turned to grin at Jake. “We’ll be back.”

Jake nodded absently. He was too busy listening to Kristy chatter away.

In the kitchen Charlie turned to Laura. “What the hell was that all about?”

“Oh, lighten up, Char. I was just having a little fun.” Laura grinned at her as if that explanation would fly.

Charlie wasn’t amused. “Well, it isn’t funny. He probably thinks I’ve been fantasizing about him or something.”

“Well, haven’t you been? I’m sure he already knows you have the hots for him.” Charlie hated her friend’s shrewdness at times.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Charlie protested.

“Yeah right.”

“Okay. I do have the hots for him, as you so graciously put it. I want him badly. Now there! Is that what you wanted to hear?” Charlie practically shouted.

Laura grinned knowingly. “Whether it was what I wanted to hear or not, I’m sure Jake just heard you, too.”

Charlie’s face grew hot with embarrassment. She hadn’t realized how loud her voice had risen. “Oh my God. Do you think he heard?” she asked in a panicked whisper.

“So what if he did? You want him and he wants you. You haven’t confirmed any of those rumors, but you certainly didn’t deny them either. Char, what’s so wrong with admitting you want the man? He’s drop-dead gorgeous, he’s rich, and he’s crazy about you.”

“Crazy about me? I think he’s crazier about getting into my pants.” Charlie pursed her lips and crossed her arms.

“How do you know? Girl, when he walked into the living room, you should have seen the look on his face when he was looking at you. He looked like a lovesick puppy. By the way what happened to his mouth?” Laura asked.

“Too much testosterone.”


“Never mind. Look, I really think you’re mistaken about Jake’s so-called feelings for me.”

“I don’t think so, Char. Jake Fox is crushing on you in a big way.”

“Well, even if it’s true, I can’t return his feelings.”

“Why the hell not? Girl, if Jake Fox wanted me the way he obviously does you, I’d be on my knees kissing his hairy nut sack every day.”

“Because I just can’t,” Charlie answered stubbornly. “And must you be so vulgar all the time?”

Laura grinned. “Not all the time. I have to sleep sometimes.”

“Ha ha. Very funny. Not.” Charlie rolled her eyes. “I meant what I said about Jake.”

“You’re not fooling anyone but yourself. You can’t live in constant fear for the rest of your life.”

“It’s my decision. Look, I’ve already made up my mind about what I want from Jake,” Charlie said with a determined gleam in her eyes.

“Well?” Laura prompted.

“I’m going to have an affair with him. You know how the saying goes, if you can’t beat them… I mean every time I’m near him, I lose all common sense, so I figure if I sleep with him voluntarily, my lust will eventually wane and then I’ll be able to move on with my life—without him in it.”

“What!?” Laura yelled, looking as if she couldn’t believe what she had just heard.

“I’m going to have an affair with him,” Charlie repeated.

“Get the fuck out of here.” Laura looked at Charlie with a stunned expression on her face. “I can’t believe I’m talking to the same Charlie Brown who waited for marriage in order to lose her virginity. Whoa. You’ve come a long way from that girl. Jake must have superdick if he’s made you make such an about-face.” Laura burst out laughing at the irony of it.

“Oh shut up, Laura.” Charlie glared. “As I’ve stated already, I’m only going to have an affair with him long enough to work him out of my system, and when I do, things will go back to normal. I know I’ll have to be friends with him for Kristy’s sake, but friendship is safer.”

“Personally, I think you should be committed. Jake Fox is a catch, and you’re nuts to let him slip through your fingers like this. What if your plan doesn’t work?”

“It has to work,” Charlie declared vehemently.


Dessert was a tense affair. Jake kept shooting Charlie looks she found unsettling. Laura watched them both with a smug expression on her face. Kristy was the only one oblivious to the tension. She was with three of her favorite people, her mommy, her daddy and her Auntie Laura.

Charlie was so tense by the time Laura left she felt like screaming. She let Jake give Kristy a bath while she washed dishes. The whole day had been so surreal. First, her crappy morning, then walking into the office to be greeted by “The Mouth”, and then her run-in with Steve. To top it all off, she was now the office bimbo. She knew she should have stayed in bed that morning.

Jake was another issue. He was acting as if he really did have feelings for her. On the one hand, she was a little annoyed he felt it was his right to go out and beat people up on her behalf, but on the other hand, it was actually quite gallant of him

God, I’m so confused.

“Hey, Charlie.” Jake poked his head into the kitchen, breaking her out of her deep thoughts. “Kristy is in her pajamas and she’s asking for you. I’ve already read her a story.”

“Okay, I’m just drying up the last dish. I’ll be there in a minute.”

Charlie entered the bedroom to find Jake sitting by Kristy’s bedside stroking Kristy’s hair. The tender look he gave his daughter made her heart twinge at the poignant scene before her.

“Hi.” Charlie smiled at a sleepy Kristy.

“Hi, Mommy. Daddy read to me.”

“He did? What did he read?”


“That’s nice. Did you say your prayers?”

“Yes.” Kristy yawned.

“Okay. Well, I guess it’s off to sleep you go then.” Charlie leaned over to give Kristy a kiss on the cheek. “I love you.”

“I love you, too, Mommy.”

Jake followed suit and kissed Kristy goodnight as well. “Love you, kiddo.”

“Love you too, Daddy. Daddy, I wish you were here all the time,” Kristy said drowsily. She was losing the battle to stay awake.

“I do, too, baby.” Jake’s answer didn’t sit well with Charlie. She hoped her daughter didn’t get any ideas from that statement.

“I not a baby,” Kristy protested before drifting off to sleep.

Charlie and Jake looked at each other silently for several seconds until Charlie broke the silence. “Would you like to stay for coffee?” Charlie offered.

“Not really, but we need to talk.”

Charlie agreed.


In the living room, Jake took a seat on the couch and Charlie sat next to him. “Your cologne smells nice.” She smiled at him.

“Thanks.” If he didn’t know better, he would have thought she was interested in more than just talking. This was the first time she made an attempt to get close to him. Just being next to Charlie and inhaling her scent drove him crazy. He wanted to carry her to the bedroom and fuck her brains out.

“Charlie, I don’t know where to begin,” he said uneasily. This was going to be harder than he thought, especially with Charlie sitting so close to him, making his heart beat faster by her very nearness.

“Try the beginning,” she said, devouring him with her eyes.

Jake shifted uncomfortably in his seat. His cock stirred. It was as if she were deliberately doing this to him, but he wouldn’t be deterred from what he had to say, so he moved over, putting some space in between them. Charlie pouted, and Jake looked away nervously.

“Charlie, I’m really sorry about today. I blame myself,” he blurted out, going for the safer topic.

“Why blame yourself? I was just as much at fault as you were. What happened in your office was inevitable, just like you said.”

“You feel that way?” he asked in amazement. “You don’t care about what’s going around about you at work?” he asked again, not believing his ears.

“I was angry in the beginning, but as I was telling Laura, this will blow over. I don’t care what they say about me.”

“But I care, Charlie. I don’t want you to be the subject of office gossip.”

“Jake, if I don’t care you shouldn’t either. Now, I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”

“There’s actually something else I wanted to talk to you about.”

“Must we talk?” She looked at him with seductive eyes, scooting closer to him.

“Charlie, do you know what you’re asking for,” he asked huskily.

“Yes. I can’t fight it any longer, Jake.” She leaned over to touch her lips to his throat. The titillating feel of her lips against his skin was making his groin grow uncomfortably hard.

Jake went completely still as Charlie placed kisses against his neck and his jaw. The erotic charge she was creating made him groan. When she ran the tip of her tongue over the outline of his lips, he lost what little control he had been trying to maintain.

He grabbed her roughly in his arms and began to kiss her with an ungovernable passion that consumed them both. His tongue shoved its way through her parted lips. She tasted so good. He could search a million years but he knew no woman would taste as sweet as his Charlie. His Charlie. She belonged to him now.

Charlie twisted her head away. “Jake, let’s go to the bedroom,” Charlie suggested breathlessly.

Jake’s response was a long, hard kiss. When he was satisfied, he stood and pulled Charlie with him, swinging her into his arms. Jake carried her to the bedroom where he proceeded to undress her as quickly as he could, dropping kisses on her satiny skin as he exposed it to his hungry sight. When Charlie stood nude before him, he tossed her unceremoniously on the bed, eager to sample each inch of her delectable body. There was not one part of her he would leave unattended by his tongue this night.

He began to rip off his clothes, impatient to join Charlie on the bed.

“Slow down, Jake.” Charlie halted him. “I want to see your beautiful body. Take your clothes off slowly so I can enjoy the view,” she ordered huskily.

Jake didn’t know if he could hold out long with Charlie lying in bed, leaning back on her elbows looking like she had just stepped out of a teenager’s wet dream. Her womanly, chocolate-dipped body was the most beautiful sight he had ever beheld. Her pert bounty of breasts jutted out temptingly, just begging to be sucked. She spread her legs ever so slightly so he could get a glimpse of her gorgeous pussy. The flash of the succulent pinkness of her treasure made come drip from his already aching cock.

He gulped, trying to keep himself from taking her right then and there. “Charlie, I need you, baby. Let me make love to you now,” he pleaded. He rubbed his balls to relieve the pressure built up there. This was torture, pure and simple.

“Shh.” She placed a finger over her lips and winked. “Please, Jake. For me.” She pouted.

He sighed. When she pouted with those full sexy lips of hers, he could deny her nothing. He slowly removed his clothing.

Jake felt a sudden rush of desire as Charlie’s eyes feasted on his body. His cock surged forward when he freed it from his boxers. Charlie licked her lips.

“You’re so sexy, Jake. Mmm, I can already feel that big, beautiful cock of yours filling me. It’s a monster,” Charlie whispered. “Turn around so I can see all of you,” she ordered.

Jake did, turned on by the way the woman he loved found him so desirable. Charlie slid off the bed and stood behind him before wrapping her arms around his waist. With slow, deliberate movements, she ran her tongue down the entire length of his spine, then nibbled at the tangy flesh, stimulating every nerve in his big trembling body.

Jake shuddered. He hadn’t realized how erotic it was to be touched and kissed on his back. He let out a loud moan as Charlie slid to her knees and ran her tongue along one hard cheek. He shivered as she cupped and squeezed his buns in her hands, her fingers sending shockwaves throughout his entire being. She traced the curves and contours of his rear with her palm. Jake clenched and unclenched his fists, trying to control the raging fire Charlie ignited.

She pushed his legs further apart to gain access to his throbbing jewels. She lightly fondled his balls, tracing their hair-roughened surface. He thought his knees would give out. Jake was fast losing control but remained still. His breath came out in quick, shallow huffs. Charlie leaned forward and wrapped her lips around the throbbing tissue of his sack, sucking it gently into her mouth. “You taste yummy,” she whispered against his flesh.

“Oh God!” he shouted. “Your mouth is amazing, Charlie,” he muttered. He had never been touched quite like this before.

Jake gritted his teeth. He was so highly aroused by Charlie’s hot, fervent mouth. With his balls still firmly in her mouth, Charlie reached between his legs to touch his cock, and that was when the fine line of Jake’s control snapped. He could no longer take the delicious torture she administered. Jake pulled away from her, Charlie whimpered as his balls were practically ripped from her greedy lips. ”I want more.” She pouted.

“Lady, any more of that and I will finish before I even get started.”

Jake turned around and yanked Charlie off her knees and then pushed her back on the bed where he immediately covered her body with his. He pulled her legs apart as far as they would go. “This is what you get for teasing me, woman!” Jake said before ramming his big, thick cock into her waiting cunt. He slid balls deep into her with just one stroke. Nothing compared to being inside of her.

“Do you like this, baby?” He wore a devilish grin on his face as he slammed into her.

“Oh. Yes, Jake. I love your big fat cock!”

“Do you like the way this big fat cock feels inside of you? Do you like your pussy being stretched by my dick?” he asked knowingly.

“Oh yes, Jake! Don’t hold back. Fuck me! Make this pussy yours!” Charlie screamed, tossing her head from side to side.

Jake needed no further prompting to unleash all his animalistic passions upon her. He fucked her with reckless abandon, branding her with each and every thrust.

“Your pussy is so fucking good,” he groaned as he continued to thrust his hard cock into her tight pussy. He couldn’t get enough of her. Everything about Charlie turned him on.

“Your cock is so fucking good,” she answered back, tilting her hips forward ever so slightly so he could push deeper still. The sensation was like nothing he had ever felt before. She bucked her hips against him to meet his thrusts.

Jake continued to pound into her with a vigor only Charlie could inspire within him. He felt his balls tighten. He grasped her thighs tightly and shuddered against her. As his seed shot up her sizzling passage, it triggered Charlie’s own orgasm.

“Oh my God, Jake,” she screamed.

Jake wasn’t finished with her yet. He wanted some ass. He flipped her over on her belly, grinding her behind with his hardness. He parted her cheeks and began to rub his thumb over her puckered bud. Charlie stiffened.

“Jake?” Uncertainty wavered her voice.

“I want to fuck your ass, Charlie. Will you deny me?” He moistened his finger before inserting it into her behind. Charlie gasped.

“I’ve…never done it before.” She sounded scared.

“You know I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. Say the word and I won’t do it,” he said as his finger worked slowly in and out of her bottom.

“That feels good, Jake, but I don’t know if I could handle your cock back there.” She still sounded uncertain.

“I won’t hurt you,” he whispered.

“I…oh God, Jake.” She moaned as he slid another finger into her.

“If it hurts too much, tell me to stop and I will,” he promised.

Charlie merely nodded. Jake removed his finger. With his other hand, he slid two fingers into her dripping cunt, and scooped out a generous amount of their mingled juices before rubbing it over her anus, slathering it for his entry.

“It may hurt a little at first, but it gets better,” Jake warned. His dick was rock hard as it was poised to take her anal cherry. “Relax,” he instructed when he felt her clench up.

He had wanted to do this to her since he first laid eyes on her magnificent ass. Her body was perfect. She only had to say the word and he would stop, but she only moaned. Jake watched her reaction, pleased she was as turned on as he was; Charlie’s body trembled under his hand.

Jake thrust forward.

“Oh shit!” Charlie screamed.

Jake leaned over to kiss her neck and shoulders. “Do you want me to pull out?” he asked, although he would have liked nothing more than to ram her bountiful booty, her comfort was more important to him.

“I…I think if you stay still I will be okay,” she whispered.

Jake kissed her check. “You’re very brave, but I can’t stay still for too long.”

“I know,” she said quietly. “Oh, Jake, it hurts a little but it feels so good.” She sighed with content.

“Not as good as how my cock feels right now, baby.” His hands caressed her round bottom.

Jake tried to remain still as long as he could but his dick had other ideas. He grasped her hips and began to pump gently at first. He felt a buildup in the pit of his belly. The two lovers became lost in the crescendo of their passion. Jake continued to thrust relentlessly into her rear.

“Oh God, woman, what are you doing to me?” he groaned. Charlie’s face was buried in her pillow. He could tell her climax was near by the way she shuddered beneath him. With one last powerful thrust, Jake shot his load up her ass.

“Oh fuck yeah,” he yelled.

Charlie convulsed beneath him as she came with him. Reluctantly, he pulled his now semi-erect penis from the tight little hole of her butt and turned her over.

He gave her a long slow kiss before collapsing on top of her. With their bodies drenched in sweat they embraced, content to lie in each other’s arms. Jake leaned over and kissed her tenderly. Nothing could compare to this moment. His heart felt as if it would burst with the love he felt.

“Where is your shower?” Jake asked.

“Through there.” Charlie pointed toward the door at the far corner of the bedroom.

Jake slid off the bed and took Charlie’s arm. “Let’s cool off,” he said, pulling her off the bed.


Under the chilly spray of the showerhead, they began to soap one another. Jake took his time running his hands over her coffee-colored skin. As Charlie’s hands washed his penis, it began to stiffen once more. Jake lifted her in his arms and thrust forcefully into her wet, soapy cunt.

Charlie wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck as he bucked in and out of her. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” Charlie screamed, reveling in the glory of their lust.

Jake buried his face in her neck as he possessed her. “I can’t get enough of you, Charlie. I can do this all night.” The erotic experience of their soap-slicked bodies sliding against each other was highly intense. Jake groaned loudly as he once again shot his load into her passage. Charlie shuddered against him when she reached her own climax. Once they were rinsed and dried off, Jake carried Charlie back to the bed.

Charlie was surprised when only minutes later Jake was hard again. He positioned himself over her and slid into her wet folds before he began to pump gently. She wrapped her arms around his neck, caught up in the beauty of the moment.

When Jake made love to her like this, she almost wished her heart was open to love again. The thought brought tears to her eyes so she clung tighter to him as he continued to move slowly in and out of her. Instead of concentrating on what she couldn’t give him, she concentrated on the wonderful sensations coursing through her body. They climaxed within seconds of each other.

Jake fell to his side, and pulled Charlie within the crook of his arm. She rested her head against his chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat. Jake stroked Charlie’s back gently.

“Charlie?” Jake finally broke the silence.


“Look at me. I want to tell you something.”

She lifted her head, instantly alert by the seriousness of tone. “What is it, Jake?”

“I’ve wanted to tell you for a long time now, but I was just too scared to tell you up until now.”

“What? Tell me, Jake.”

“I love you, Charlie, and I want you to marry me.”




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