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A Night To Remember by Eve Vaughn (6)

Chapter Six

Charlie’s jaw dropped as she stared at Jake Fox as if he were an apparition.

“Is that a problem?” he asked with one sexy eyebrow cocked. He took her elbow, pulling her aside from the door. Charlie was speechless. She never thought she’d see him again, yet here he was as plain as day, and he was her boss. “Cat got your tongue?”

Charlie finally spoke. “No. I’m just surprised to see you.”

“Obviously. As I am you, but it’s a pleasant surprise, Charlie. I’ve been looking for you. Why the hell did you run off the way you did? You have no idea what torture you’ve put me through these past three years.” His voice was gruff with emotion.

Charlie heard the anguish in his voice and her stomach flipped. Why did she feel the need to throw herself in this man’s arms? Thoughts of her daughter flashed through her mind. She wasn’t prepared to just blurt out that he had a daughter after not seeing him for three years. “I have to go,” she stated, and would have walked away from him if he hadn’t grabbed her arm.

“Where do you think you’re going? You owe me an explanation.”

She was taken aback by his persistence. “What explanation do you think I owe you?”

Jake’s face grew red from apparent temper at her flippant words. “You can ask me that after what we shared?”

Charlie felt the blood drain from her face. This wasn’t supposed to happen. She couldn’t allow herself to give in to this man. “What we shared was just one a one-night stand. We’re both adults and these things happen, besides, I was missing my husband and you made an adequate substitute.It wasn’t her intention to crush his ego, but she needed to say something to get him to let her go.

Jake stepped back as if he had been slapped. His jaw tightened as he grinded his teeth. “I see.” At the look in his eyes, Charlie almost wished she hadn’t said what she did. “Despite what you say this conversation is far from over.”

“It is over, Jake. Accept it.”

“I won’t accept anything from you except your total surrender.”

She gasped. “Stop talking like that.”

“Go pick up your daughter, Charlie—your daughter? Funny. You didn’t mention a kid when we were together.”

“Because it was none of your business,” she said storming off. By the time she reached her car, she didn’t think she would make it home. What was she going to do? There was no way she could continue working for this company. What if Jake found out about Kristy and tried to take her away? Worst yet, how was she going to combat her feelings for him when he was in such close proximity?

When she finally made it to Kristy’s daycare, the two-year-old was back to her jovial self.

“I drawed you a picture, Mommy.” Kristy proudly displayed her latest work of art when Charlie walked into the daycare center.

“It’s beautiful, darling. We can put in on the refrigerator when we get home.”


Super was Kristy’s new word, and it always amused Charlie to hear her daughter use it, but she was so distracted she barely paid attention to anything the toddler said as Charlie strapped her into her car seat and drove home.

“Mommy!” Kristy yelled to get her attention.

Charlie shook her head, trying to get rid of thoughts of Jake. “Yes, sweetie?”

“Can I have ice cweam?”

“Maybe after dinner.”

“Okay.” Kristy seemed to accept this.

Charlie went on autopilot the minute she got home. She cooked dinner, letting Kristy assist her with rolling the meatballs. After Kristy was fed and bathed, Charlie read her daughter a story before putting her to bed.

She breathed a sigh of relief when the little girl nodded off to sleep. Charlie was a bundle of nerves as she contemplated what she should do next. After pacing her living room floor for at least an hour, she decided to give Laura a call. She had never told Laura who Kristy’s father was and she knew her friend would flip when she finally did and Charlie was right.

“Jake Fox! Are you fucking kidding me?” Laura screamed through the phone after Charlie broke the news to her.

“I wish I were kidding, but I never thought I would see him again which is why I never went into details with you.” Charlie was very close to tears.

“Oh my God, girl. Still waters sure run deep. If you’re going to have a drunken one-night stand, it might as well be with a hottie like Jake Fox.”

“Laura, this is no joking matter. I can’t work there anymore. What if he finds out about Kristy?”

There was silence on the other end of the line before Laura responded. “Charlie, are you high? Not only do you want to give up this very high-paying job, but you also want to keep Kristy a secret from her father? It’s one thing when you didn’t think you would ever see him again, but it’s an entirely different issue now that you know how to contact your daughter’s father. That’s pretty low, Char,” Laura reprimanded.

“But what if he tries to take her away from me? He’s obviously in a better financial position than I am.”

“He’d be crazy to try. Any fool can see what a great mother you are. You were born for all that motherhood shit. Now calm down. It would be in your best interest as well as Kristy’s to tell him about her. With his money, Kristy could have the best of everything.”

“I don’t want anything from him. I’ve given Kristy everything she ever needed!” Charlie realized she was being irrational but she’d had her daughter to herself all this time and she didn’t like the idea of having to share her.

“I know you have, but like I said before, what are you going to say when she starts asking questions? What I know about my father I found out myself and let me tell you, I’ve always resented my mother for that. I don’t want Kristy to grow up feeling that way toward you.” She broke off for a moment. Charlie knew Laura’s own upbringing was still a sore point. “Is there another reason why you don’t want to tell him? Jake’s a pretty nice guy. I can’t possibly see him doing anything that would hurt you or Kristy.” What Laura said sounded reasonable enough, but Charlie wasn’t in the mood to be rational.

“I understand what you’re saying, but I just can’t take the chance of losing her.”

“Is it the prospect of losing your daughter or allowing Jake into your life that bothers you so much?”

Charlie paused. She didn’t want to let her friend know she was getting too close to the truth. “What do you mean?”

Laura sighed. “You know what I mean, Char. You haven’t dated since Paul died. You’ve become commitment phobic. Are you scared you may have feelings for Jake?”

“No! Absolutely not! How could I after a one-night stand three years ago?”

“The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”

“Cute, Laura, real cute. Look, I don’t have time for this. I’ll see you at work tomorrow.”

“You’re being pigheaded and you know it. Stop thinking about yourself for a moment and think about that beautiful little girl of yours. You can’t up and quit your job like this. Promise me that you’ll at least stay on at MBF until you find another job comparable to what you have now. You know how I feel about you telling Jake the truth about Kristy, and that is your decision, but giving up your job like that in the blink of an eye would be beyond selfish.”

Damn Laura for being right. Charlie sighed to herself. “Okay.”

“Promise me!” Laura demanded.

“I promise.”

“Good. Now go get some sleep. When you wake up your mind will be much clearer, and you’ll have a better idea what you want to do.

“Okay. Thanks for listening, girl.”

“That’s what I’m here for. Night, sweetie.”

“Goodnight, Laura.” Charlie hung up the phone.

Laura’s words still reverberated through Charlie’s mind as she spent a sleepless night in bed. What did she feel for Jake? She couldn’t possibly have feelings for him based on one night of lovemaking. Or could she?


Three months. It had been the longest three months of Jake’s life. Three months of Charlie avoiding him and with each day that passed, he wanted her more. Jake couldn’t eat, sleep or breathe without thoughts of her passing through his mind. He still couldn’t put his finger on why he put himself through the constant torture of pursuing a woman who made it obvious she wasn’t interested in him.

The first day she had run into him that instant chemistry was stronger than ever. Was he fooling himself into believing the magic was still present when it really wasn’t? Or could it be his ego guiding him? The fact that she had taken off after their lovemaking was a blow to his male vanity, but something deep within told him there was more to it.

He wanted her in his life, and in his bed, but each time they saw each other around the building, she would either turn around and go the other way, or flash by him so quickly he didn’t get a chance to speak to her.

When she couldn’t avoid him she ignored him. Because he wanted her so badly, it galled him when she pretended they had never met. He tried to be gallant by giving her some time, but that didn’t seem to work. Jake threw himself into his work, but even that didn’t help. He began to date different women to ease his suffering and even slept with a couple of them, but he ended up more miserable than before because none of those women were Charlie.

Now, as he sat here on his living room couch, downing vodka like it was water, he wondered what his next move should be or if he should bother to make a move at all, when the doorbell rang.

Damn. He hoped it wasn’t his sister, who never thought anything of just dropping by unannounced with her herd of boys in tow. When he opened the door, he realized to his annoyance he would rather have put up with his sister than his visitor now. Cynthia Dupree was one of the women he had dated in the last few months, but Jake had never conveyed to her he was interested in a permanent relationship. Cynthia, however, was a woman convinced of her own charms and didn’t take a hint, which is why he had been avoiding her calls lately.

Jake wasn’t in the mood to be hospitable. “What are you doing here, Cynthia?”

She gave him a toothy grin, flipping a lock of blonde hair over her shoulder. “I was visiting friends in the neighborhood, and I took the chance you’d be home. Aren’t you glad to see me?” She spoke in the little baby voice that annoyed the hell out of him.

“Umm, sure. I was having a chill-out night. You know, just relaxing—by myself,” he finished pointedly.

“Well, it’s a good thing I came then, so now I can keep you company.” She pushed past him to enter his house.

“Come on in, Cynthia,” Jake said sarcastically.

Cynthia laughed. “You’re so funny, Jake. I won’t keep you long, though.”

God, I hope not. The woman skin thicker than a rhino’s.

His inbred manners prompted Jake to offer her a drink.

“What are you drinking, darling? I don’t know if I can handle anything really strong. When I get tipsy, I get very…amorous,” she hinted.

“I’m having straight vodka. Shall I make one for you?”

“If you could mix it with cranberry juice that would be great.”

Jake took a deep breath before going to his bar to make her a drink. When he returned to his living room, Cynthia was sprawled on the couch; her miniskirt had ridden up so high that it barely covered her vagina. She lay on the couch in a way that gave Jake a good look down the inside of her blouse.

“Here’s your drink.” Jake handed it to her, choosing to sit in the armchair across from the couch.

She pouted. “Won’t you come and sit with me?”

“I don’t think so, Cyn. How about finishing your drink?”

“You’re not trying to rush me off, are you?” she asked coyly, twirling a strand of her hair with her fingers. He knew she was trying to entice him, but it wasn’t working.

Cynthia began to babble, taking a long time to finish the vodka and cranberry he had offered her. Jake was too distracted with thoughts of Charlie to even half listen to what the blonde had to say. It wasn’t long before Cynthia got bold and walked over to his armchair and plopped into his lap.

When Jake attempted to push her off, she rubbed her surgically enhanced body against him, and against his better judgment, he gave in to her not so subtle seduction. Hell, if he couldn’t have the woman he wanted, why couldn’t he take what was being so freely offered to him? He was a man after all.

Putting his drink aside, he dragged her upstairs to his bedroom, where they both undressed and fell on the bed.

Jake rolled the condom over his burgeoning shaft before sliding it into the folds of Cynthia’s wet and ready cunt. No foreplay was necessary. He simply needed to ease the ache created by Charlie. Perhaps by fucking Cynthia, he could drive out the demons riding him. Fortunately, Cynthia was moist and ready for him. His cock slid easily into her channel without a problem. He pushed until his balls rested against her bottom.

Cynthia ran her fingers through the dark mat of his chest hair, while looking at him with her fuck-me eyes. Jake could always count on her for being wild in the sack. He lifted her hips as he thrust in and out of her, not bothering to take his time. He didn’t want to be gentle with her, didn’t even want this to be anything like what he’d experienced with Charlie.

“Faster, Jake! Fuck me faster!” Cynthia demanded.

He slammed roughly into her to show her who was in control.

Cynthia squealed with pleasure. “Mmm, no one’s cock feels as good as yours, Jake.” She took matters into her own hands and bucked wildly against him, increasing the pace. Her muscles tightened around his rod and Jake thought that he would lose it right then and there.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and met him thrust for thrust. Her nails dug into his flesh. They fucked at a frenzied pace. Her silicone-filled breasts bobbed up and down and their bodies grew slick with sweat from their exertion.

“Oh shit! I’m going to come!” Cynthia screamed, but Jake ignored the sound of her voice. He continued to fuck her as if he were possessed. After a time, she laid beneath him, writhing and moaning. Cynthia came two more times before he grunted loudly, signaling that he had finished.

Jake collapsed on her in an exhausted heap. When he caught his breath, he rolled over to his back to put some space between the two of them. Cynthia rolled over as well to wrap her arms around his waist. The last thing Jake wanted at that moment was to cuddle. “That was wonderful, Jake. You’ve never been so ferocious before, but I loved it,” she purred.

Jake absently kissed the top of her head and lay back on his pillow before closing his eyes. He didn’t feel like talking. He actually wished she would leave, but it seemed she had other ideas by the way she held him so tightly. Jake opened his eyes to look down at her. Her eyes were closed as if she were about to fall asleep. Knowing Cynthia, it was probably an act. He was no fool. She wanted him to ask her to spend the night, but Jake wasn’t feeling particularly chivalrous tonight. “Cynthia, I am getting rather sleepy,” Jake said, trying to drop a hint.

“Hmmm,” she murmured softly, cuddling even closer to him.

Jake tried a more direct approach. “I think it’s time for you to leave.”

As he suspected she hadn’t really been sleeping because she shot up with lightning speed. “I’m being dismissed? Are you dismissing me as if I’m some dime-store whore?” she demanded through narrowed blue eyes. He glared right back.

Jake knew he should have been blunter with her when they broke things off a few weeks back, but he didn’t want to hurt her feelings. Agreeing to remain friends with her had been a concession he made when she had cried and pleaded with him. She became his fuck buddy. Jake was aware Cynthia wanted nothing more than to start things up again, which was why he knew he would now need to sever all ties with her completely.

If he hadn’t been thinking with his dick, he would have told her to get lost, but he had needed to assuage the ache aroused within him by a certain exotic beauty. He felt like slime for using Cynthia so shamelessly, but he’d been upfront with her at the beginning of their relationship.

“You told me you were only coming over for a brief visit, and I do remember telling you I wanted to be alone tonight.”

“So you just fuck me and send me on my way?” She placed her hands on her hips

“It seems you’re suffering from a selective memory, Cynthia. You were the one who threw yourself at me and I only took what you so freely offered,” he pointed out.

“Why are you being such an asshole? How could you just fuck me like that and tell me to leave?”

“You knew the deal, besides, you weren’t invited so I hope you will see yourself out.He knew he was a being a jerk, but it was time she got the message loud and clear. There would be no more nightly romps between the two of them. While he fucked her, all he could think about was Charlie. He knew no one else would satisfy him now that she was within his grasp.

“You’re a miserable bastard.” Cynthia got off the bed in a huff to get dressed. “You’ll be sorry, Jake. Nobody treats me like this and gets away with it,” she threatened.

“I never meant to hurt you, Cynthia, but I wish you would have taken my words at face value when I said there could never be anything long term between you and me.” Jake sighed tiredly. He closed his eyes to block out her angry red face.

“Fuck you, Jake Fox!” she screeched as she stalked indignantly out of the room. He felt like an asshole but what could he do? It would hurt her far more if he had strung her along.

After getting rid of Cynthia, Jake knew there was only one way he would be able to exorcise Charlie Brown from his system, or at least find out what his feeling for her actually were. He would have to become more aggressive in his pursuit and no one would stand in his way. Not even Charlie.


Monday came too quickly for Charlie after a restless weekend. She didn’t think she had a decent night’s rest in the past three months. Thoughts of Jake Fox haunted her every night when she lay in bed.

Maybe Jake wouldn’t want anything to do with his daughter but she couldn’t be sure, so she decided she would continue to keep Kristy a secret. Since Laura had convinced her to keep her job until she found another one, Charlie had been searching in earnest. So far, Charlie had had no luck on that front.

It was a shame, because she liked her job. The only two problems she had with the company were Jake and Steve. Steve. She was beginning to agree with Laura. The man was a menace. Steve Suarez thought he was God’s gift to women and it was embarrassing how he constantly asked her out.

Charlie hated being the center of office gossip, but with the persistent Don Juan constantly finding reasons to show up in her department Charlie had to set him straight on several occasions. He had extremely thick skin, unfortunately. Short of telling him to go to hell, she simply started ignoring him. As annoying as Steve was, Jake was another story altogether.

Charlie rarely saw Jake, but when she did, she turned the other way. Being so close to him wreaked havoc on her nerves. Her mind raced to the incident when they’d shared an elevator last week.

Just as the doors were closing, a strong, sinewy hand reached out to stop their progress.

Charlie gasped to see Jake step inside. He, however, didn’t seem very surprised. She moved to the far corner of the elevator, attempting to move as far away from him as she could. The wolfish grin he gave her sent Charlie’s pulse racing.

“Good afternoon, Charlie.”

She nodded in acknowledgement, not trusting herself to speak.

“I haven’t had a chance to ask how you like the job.”

She looked frantically at the numbers over the door. Why was this friggin’ thing so slow? “I like it a lot, thank you.”

“I’m glad to hear it. Brian says you’ve quickly become an invaluable asset to the finance department.” His eyes looked as if they were undressing her.

Charlie couldn’t hold back the shiver which shot through her. “Please don’t,” she groaned involuntarily.”

He lifted his brow in question. “Don’t what, Charlie?”

“Look at me that way.”

“How am I looking at you?”

She took a deep breath, her hands balling into fists at her sides. “You know how.”

“If I did I wouldn’t be asking.”

“Please don’t insult my intelligence. You’re looking at me like you see right through my clothing.”

“Ah. It’s not my intention to make you uncomfortable, Charlie.” The elevator stopped one floor above her destination and Jake moved to leave, but not before one parting shot. “Oh, and while I don’t have the ability to see through your clothes, I don’t need it, because I already know what you look like underneath them.” Then he left her to stew. She realized then it was growing more dangerous to be in the same workplace as Jake. Something had to give.

He was obviously still smarting over her comment about using him as a substitute. Charlie wished she hadn’t said it because it was a pretty rotten thing to say, but she had to let him know their one-night stand had been just that. Not that it probably mattered to him anyway, she had heard through the grapevine that Jake wasn’t hurting from lack of female attention. And as much as she pretended that it didn’t matter, deep down it did.

Charlie was going over some numbers with Brian, when he asked her to deliver a proposal for him upstairs.

“No problem. Who do I need to drop it off to?”


Charlie stiffened.

“Is there a problem?”

“Umm, no. Not at all. I…well, I was just a bit surprised because you usually make this particular delivery yourself.”

“Yes, but Jake asked for you specifically.”

“Why?” The word was out of her mouth before she realized how it must have sounded. “I mean, I’m just a low person on the totem pole. It surprises me that he even bothers with the peons.”

“Every position in this company is valuable. He probably wants to talk to the person whose praises I’ve been singing lately. You’re a real jewel, Charlie. I don’t know how we managed without you.” Brian grinned at her.

“Me?” she asked in amazement. What the hell was Jake up to? She didn’t doubt Brian was pleased with her work, because she worked damn hard, but it made her uneasy that Jake would ask for her specifically.

“Yes, you. He always takes an interest in our shining stars, and since you’re one of them, he wants to meet you. Go on, he won’t bite,” Brian prodded.

How could she tell Brian that Jake’s interest had nothing to do with the work she was doing, and she was absolutely certain Jake Fox did bite? She couldn’t very well tell him no. “Okay. I’ll take it up,” she said reluctantly.