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Claiming Zoey: A Small Town Romance by J.B. BAKER (16)


“Noah, I can’t believe that you have finally clinched it. Your granddad would be so proud of you. I guess you are a virgin no more.”

With a smile, I look at Glyn, my newly appointed partner, best man and co-owner of Butterbeat Records. Since his promotion, the company has reached new heights, and I have finally joined the elite club of billionaires. Life is grand. I have everything I ever wanted and today most of all.

I turn to look down the aisle. “She will be with you shortly. I swear,” Glyn chuckles, “I have never seen you look so nervous, Noah.”

I take a moment to think of my granddad. What I would have given to have him here with me today. But at the same time, I know he is looking down on me. I have my dear friend Glyn with me and my brother at long last. How stupid people can be when they hold a grudge. I am grateful my grandfather made that final effort before his passing to make sure we were reunited. There is nothing better than having a family, and boy I got that now. 

My gaze sweeps over granddad’s property. Both my brother and I inherited the land and Hunter got the diner. But Hunter insisted I take up ownership of the house so that I get to Fall Creek more often and wouldn’t have any more excuses not to. Not visiting would be impossible anyway because I have a more important status than that of billionaire music mogul, namely favorite uncle – Megan and Felicity are crazy about me. I already took Felicity to Disney World and Megan to a Beyoncé concert. Both trips meant the world to me, and I swear Megan can’t stop talking about meeting the star. 

I of course, against his protests, insisted I buy my brother out of granddad’s property. It was a good deal. Now, Felicity and Megan have a large college fund. That’s how I clinched it with Hunter. He can’t refuse his girls anything. 

The first thing I did was renovate the house. It now has a state-of-the-art kitchen with all of the most modern appliances and Zoey, and I decided to add more bedrooms for when we have children. I smile at that thought. The addition to our small family won’t last long. Zoey is already a few months pregnant.

Everything for our wedding today is how we want it. The house got a fresh coat of paint and the porch a serious overhaul. Hunter, Glyn and I are standing under a white wooden pagoda facing the lake with the local town priest. Garlands bedeck the house and chairs have been set up all the way up to where we stand.

I couldn’t ask for more. The weather is perfect. It’s a fine early spring day without a cloud in the sky. Even the birds are celebrating with us by adding their sweet and melodious trills from the trees all around. It is a small gathering and just as Zoey insisted. Only close friends and family are in attendance. I did manage to persuade Zoey that a larger celebration must be held for my business acquaintances and artists when we get back to New York after the honeymoon.

I swallow deeply when the small orchestra plays the wedding music, announcing my bride’s arrival. “Don’t worry, Noah. It’s a cinch. You’ll nail it,” says Hunter, patting me on the back.

I nod. “Yeah, I swear I have never been so excited in my life.” And the moment Zoey appears with her father, I know why.

She looks breathtaking in her Vera Wang wedding gown. It has a soft white one-shoulder organically crepe gown with asymmetrical sleeves with a silk organza and feather flower accent. A necklace of diamonds sits snuggly around her neck. In her hands, she holds a white nosegay of roses. With her come Savannah and Kaylee also resplendent in Vera Wang. 

I smile and look at my brother when I her him sniveling. The burly guy can be so soft sometimes it astounds me. I can’t blame him really for his two daughters look so cute in the light pink dresses I had especially made for them by the same designer as the wedding dress. Little Felicity and Megan are happily throwing pink and red rose petals as they advance behind my future wife. Next, to me, Glyn is nearly coming apart with emotion.

Time seems to stand still. My heart is beating at triple its usual rate. My mouth is dry, and my gaze is fixed on the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I see that Zoey is also a little nervous but, at the same time, I have never seen her look happier. The sun captures her Venetian blonde hair faultlessly. It shines on her head in imitation of a red and golden halo.

When Zoey finally gets to where I am standing, my heart skips a beat. She smiles at me timidly. In moments, Felicity skips past her and takes my hand. This action invites some chuckles from the seated guests.

“That’s for your auntie Zoey to do. I am sure your uncle Noah will devote much more attention to you when the ceremony is done,” says Hunter, grinning at his little girl.

“Why can’t I stand with uncle Noah, Daddy?” she asks with a frown on her face.

“Because that is Zoey’s place, sweetheart. You go stand with your sister, mom, and Savannah.”

I bend down so that my face is level with that of my niece. “I promise you are my girl after.”

Felicity plants a small kiss on my cheek. After, she scuttles off to the other ladies standing on the other side of the pagoda.

The priest clears his throat. “We are gathered here to unite these two hearts in the bonds of holy matrimony which is an honorable estate. Into this, these two now come to be joined. If anyone present can show just and legal cause why they may not be joined, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.”

Silence permeates over the gathering. I smile at Zoey. I guess we both half expected DJ Zac to come rushing up the aisle protesting. 

“Who gives this woman?” booms the clergyman.

“I, David Brooks, do give my daughter to this man,” says Zoey’s father. Pride laces his voice. He nods at me fondly and guides his daughter toward me.

I take her hands in mine and wait for the ceremony to continue. “Will you, Zoey Brooks, have this man as your lawful wedded partner, to live together in the estate of matrimony? Will you love him, honor him, comfort him, and keep him in sickness and in health; forsaking all others, be true to him/her as long as you both shall live?”

“I will,” says Zoey, squeezing my hands. Hearing her say that makes my heart jump up my throat.

The priest nods. “Will you, Noah Jackson, have this woman as your lawful wedded partner, to live together in the estate of matrimony? Will you love her, honor her, comfort her, and keep her in sickness and in health; forsaking all others, be true to her as long as you both shall live?

“I will.” I swear I have never said anything with more certainty in my life.

“Behold the symbol of wedlock…the perfect circle of love…” continues the priest.

Glyn steps forward and hands us the rings. His eyes are glistening with emotion. He doesn’t know where to look. Occasionally, he steals glances at Serge, sitting in the front row. Those two are next when Zoey and I get back from the honeymoon. 

“I, Zoey Brooks, take Noah Jackson, as my wedded partner, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.” Zoey slips the ring on the fourth finger on my left hand.

“I, Noah Jackson, take Zoey Brooks, as my wedded partner, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.” I slip the ring on her finger. Zoey and I had a small text engraved on the underside of the golden rings: ‘Tempus fugit amormanet.’ ‘Time flies but love endures.’  

“By the authority vested in me…” the priest says the final words before concluding, “you may kiss the bride.”

This is the part I have been waiting for the entire morning. I step closer to my wife and take her in my arms. My lips burn when I feel hers. Zoey responds eagerly as we take our first kiss as a married couple. It takes all of my restraint not to kiss her as forcefully as we usually do when we are alone. However, I can’t help holding on to her as if it were our last kiss.