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Claiming Zoey: A Small Town Romance by J.B. BAKER (9)


The color rushes to my face with blistering intent. Now that I am no longer angry with Noah, all of the sensual thoughts I had about him the last two nights hit me at the same time. I have the clearest of memories of how I awoke after I pleasured myself in my sleep to the thought of him fingering my pussy. Last night it was even more intense – I took a bath and imagined him making love to me in the tub. I had another earthshattering climax just like the first one. What’s happening to me? I don’t usually self-pleasure so often.

“Hi, Zoey…I am sorry for being such a dick yesterday at the hospital.” Noah laughs throatily. “To be frank, I apologize for always being a prick when I am around you.” He holds out his hand.

I take it. I am immediately aware of the current that flows between us. Holding him feels even better than the first time.“Thanks…” I laugh nervously. “You were a prick, but I forgive you. Any guy who is able to identify his faults and do something about them is a man worth knowing,” I say. I wink at James Jackson who is standing next to Glyn behind Noah with a large smile on his face.

I can’t help but think he has something to do with Noah’s apology. Who cares - it takes a big man to say sorry. That’s why so few do it. 

“Now that wasn’t so difficult, eh,” says James, brushing past his grandson. “All you have to do is be yourself, Noah. And the rest will sort itself out.” He walks up to Jake at the counter and the morning ritual commences.

“Hi, Glyn,” I say, shaking his hand. “We never had the chance to meet at the party really. James dragged you away so quickly the other night.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean. When that man puts his mind to something, nothing can stop him.”

I laugh as we walk to the booth where James always sits. On the way over there, I can’t help sneaking furtive looks in Noah’s direction. Damn, the man is sexy. Also, his sexiness rating just catapulted into the stratosphere now that he’s not trying so hard to impress me. He’s actually nicer than I imagined him to be when he is his natural self.

“Three cups of joe with sugar and cream…”

“James, I think you should let Glyn and Noah give me their orders themselves,” I say. James grunts something as he sits down, his daily car negotiation concluded.

“Zoey, you got to tell me how you do it? You literally have my grandfather so well trained. He takes you seriously,” says Noah.

I chuckle. “It took years of practice but in the end, perseverance prevailed, and I now have him eating out of my hand.”

“Be careful, young lady. I can change that in a heartbeat…now, how about that joe and my usual…”

I raise my hand to forestall James from giving me his entire order. For the first time ever, he stops. “How about you two? What are you having?” Noah opts for the same as his grandfather (no surprise there), and Glyn goes for the healthiest item on the menu if it can be called as such: pancakes with seasonal berries and maple syrup. Glyn has a juice and Noah coffee à la James Jackson.

Those two are quite alike, I think on the way to Orlando in the kitchen. While I am waiting, I think of ways to get Noah to myself. I love the fact that he is trying to act civil. However, at the same time, I worry that I might have made him think that he has to be ultra-slow and careful when it comes to wooing me - that is if he still wants to.

Maybe, he thinks I am this mega ice queen bitch type with a small town girl’s chip on her shoulder. Noah might’ve changed his mind. Maybe, he is waiting it out in Fall Creek until he is certain that his granddad is okay and he and Glyn will head back to New York and him back to his gaggle of women.

Perish the thought. I am too much trouble for him; I am certain of it. I saw the stuff on him on the Internet. He can have anybody he wants, and they are all half as difficult as I am. Out there in the urban jungle, everybody is willing to fuck and get fucked. I should have done what Savannah said. I should’ve just gone for a steak dinner and slept with the guy. I bet he is better in real life than any of my dreams could ever design.

“Here, Zoey. Two Jackson specials and one healthy pancake,” says Orlando, sliding the plates over the counter.

“Thanks,” I say, taking them. On my way back to the table, I weigh up the options in my mind. Should I just go out on a date with him and let him have his way with me? Or should I be a lady and let him go back to his life and his women and remain none the wiser about his obvious sexual talents? By the time I get to the table, I still have not made my mind up – fuck!

“Hey, Hunter,” I say, placing the dishes in front of their respective recipients. “Black coffee for ya?” I ask the new arrival with a surprised look on my face. I half expect the two brothers to kill one another.

“Yeah, and the same food as my brother and grandfather please, Zoey,” says Hunter.

“Sure.” On the way back to the kitchen, I can’t help but hear that Hunter just invited Noah to his place for dinner. Wow, Kaylee must’ve really ripped him a new asshole, as Gunny Highway would say. I hope the dinner turns out okay.