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Country Cop, City Boy by Mia Terry (16)

Jai loved the city when it set out the welcome mat like this. He was old enough to know that this magical night wasn’t always the way the real world reacted to people like him, but the sheer joy of the evening was powerful. Watching Luke experience it for the first time just added to the excitement. When Luke had reached out to hold his hand in public, he told himself it was because it felt safe here, because Luke felt anonymous. It didn’t stop the jolt of pleasure that ran through him; it didn’t stop the rush of affection that came with Luke doing this for the first time with him, of Luke doing this for the first time with anyone. So Jai kept smiling and hoped that everyone put it down to the excitement of Mardi Gras. The wink he got from Kris told him this wasn’t completely successful.

Jai could see Luke’s eyes were falling out of his head everywhere he looked. The streets were colorfully decorated and the public even more so. This year, as with every year, the makers of spandex and gold paint and glitter must express their gratitude at their own special Mardi Gras altar. Perfect gym bodies were mixed with more everyday ones, but everyone was here to celebrate and have a good time.

It was early evening, before even dusk, and they were walking at cross-angles of the parade’s path that wouldn’t start for another two hours. These streets teemed, but they were nothing compared to the parade streets which would already be full of people jockeying for the best viewing position. Normally Kris and Jai would be front and center, ready to scream their support, but when Jai realized that Luke would be coming with them he decided they would be better watching the parade from the club balcony, where Luke might feel a little less exposed and overwhelmed. Even in Dungoon, which Luke seemed to be convinced was a conservative hotspot, Jai imagined there was more than one household that watched the nationally televised parade on TV. Kris thankfully agreed to the change in plan with minimal eye-rolling.

There was a roar that broke over even the loud street chatter. “What’s that?” asked Luke, on alert for trouble. The cop in him hadn’t gone away with the donning of the cowboy costume.

“Dykes on bikes getting revved up, gorgeous,” Kris replied. “They hang at Centennial Park pre-parade and in about a minute we’ll be able to see them.”

Kris was right in that it didn’t take long for them to start getting glimpses of the leather-clad riders. They revved their bikes, and with 200 of them it made quite the sound. Adding to the soundtrack was the shouts of support from the crowd as well as the occasional flash of breasts in salute. Tough and very cool, they were a longtime parade favorite.

The crowd was getting denser as they got closer to the club. There would be almost 400,000 people lining the streets of the parade tonight, the whole alphabet family, as well as allies there to party and show support. That amount of people meant more than a few cops, and Jai felt Luke grip his hand more tightly as they passed a group of police officers. It was a relaxed, friendly atmosphere this early in the night, and this particular group of officers looked happy to smile and pose with the crowd for photos. Jai couldn’t stop a smile at the enthusiasm with which one young officer agreed to a selfie with the drag queen wearing elaborate fairy wings.

“Not even your own mother would recognize you,” Jai whispered in Luke’s ear. It was true. With the black cowboy hat and the leather mask, Luke looked more calendar boy than officer of the law. God, even straight men would be distracted by the way his large and powerful body looked in the tight jeans and shirt. If Kris hadn’t been hovering around the apartment and Jai’s bedroom door hadn’t been left open, Jai would have had Luke take him right up against the wall as soon as he’d seen him dressed up. As it was, he’d been half hard the entire walk to the club just holding the man’s hand.

• • •

“Deep breath,” Jai warned, as they hit the lane that would take them onto Oxford Street. The press of people here made it almost impassable.

“Luckily I took classes in crowd control.” Luke smiled. “Hang on to Kris, will you?”

Personally Jai thought Luke’s movement through the crowd had more to do with his height and the power in his broad shoulders than in any specialty skills. Whatever is was, he was grateful as the three of them, hands linked, wove their way to the massive doors of one Sydney’s biggest gay clubs.

Kris got his mouth up to Jai’s shoulder. “Love myself a big boy who isn’t afraid to use his muscle beyond posing in a mirror. Come on, babe, there has to be real world application of that strength in the bedroom.”

Jai smiled at Kris’s murmured words and was glad the Luke’s height took him just out of hearing distance given the noise of the crowd. “Aren’t you supposed to be the angelic one in that costume? That does not sound like the words of a very pure angel.”

“Whatever. If I was wearing the devil costume I’d be volunteering to be your second-in-command in climbing that man like a tree.”

Jai laughed. God, he’d missed Kris. For all his teasing, and the affection that they shared as easily as breathing, sex and both of them in the same room wasn’t going to happen, sharing a man even less likely. So they winked, smiled, and giggled at the thought. However, Jai knew that if anyone wanted to come around and suggest an actual real-life threesome with him and Luke, their welcome was likely to be significantly cooler and more of the fuck off variety.

“Don’t worry about the line,” called Kris from over Jai’s shoulder as they got close enough to see the wait.

Luke sheltered both of them in front of him, and it took only seconds for Robbo the bouncer to recognize Kris and from the strong hug he offered Jai, him as well. The protest from the rest of the line was reasonably muted. Jai figured that the three of them were decorative enough that no one wanted to ruin their chances of scoring one of them. A few hours and many more drinks into the evening, and even Luke’s cute ass wouldn’t have saved them from the torrents of abuse they would have suffered for skipping.

As they got through the entrance, without having to once show the VIP tickets Kris had procured, Jai leaned back onto Luke and put his mouth to his ear. “That made it look like we come here way more often than actually was the case.”

He could feel rather than see Luke’s smile. “You two are memorable. Cheerleader theory—hot boys are hotter together.”

“Babe, are you sure you’ve been successfully passing for straight?” As soon as the flippant comment was out of his mouth, Jai regretted it. He didn’t want to jolt Luke back into serious stress. However, a wink from Luke relieved his worry.

“I got off this morning with the hottest guy in the room and then had a fun day among my gay friends—well, your gay friend who totally doesn’t hate me as much anymore—before partying on with Sydney in its celebration of it’s ‘love the gays’ party. So tonight, I am only partial closet dweller and proud of it.”

The “hottest guy” comment made him internally cringe, but he let it go knowing that Luke’s attitude was moving in the right direction. It felt more important.

At least in here, the cavernous space of the club, they could breathe. It was early enough in the night that the massive club was only half full, so the crowd was around the bar rather than filling every crevice of the building.

Even better was the level that Kris’s tickets gave them access to. Upstairs there were tables and chairs facing out onto the massive windows from where they could watch the parade. They had table service, and Jai felt that pinch of panic when the waiter came to get their order. At least this damn waiter was young enough that he wouldn’t have been on the scene back when Jai was having indiscriminate sex and blacked out memories. It was always a relief to know your waiter wasn’t going to spit in your drink because you couldn’t remember sleeping with them.

But Jai’s biggest sigh of relief was when Luke’s cop voice came out and he told the waiter they absolutely didn’t want any alcohol served at their table, all night, and to keep them topped up with sparkling water for him, Red Bull for Kris, and tonic water and ice for Jai. Luke was used to giving orders and, for the first time in ages, Jai didn’t feel like he would have to do the tiny tasting sip in case some asshole bartender didn’t think he was serious about the “no booze in his drink” thing. The knowing smile that Kris shot him showed that he also appreciated the gesture. Kris seemed to think it indicated a deeper relationship than Jai had told him about.

How closely Luke was sitting to him tonight was throwing Jai off as well. Luke had looped one strong arm around the back of Jai’s chair and their thighs were pressed together under the table. Jai had to keep on reminding himself that this was Luke flying a new flag this evening but that his new persona would not survive the flight home tomorrow. So Jai better not get to attached to the casual affection and not let his hopes decide that this was something that it was not.

So he let his body relax and soak up the closeness but tried to remind himself that this was a momentary deal with a definite expiry date.

• • •

“Three, two, one.” Came the countdown. Someone had turned on the live coverage at the beginning of the parade and the whole room was so excited that they counted down with the outside crowd. In the last hour, the room had filled and their little group of three had had to crowd in even closer to maintain their clear view out the window. Jai loved the moments when the dykes on bikes and then the boys on bikes roared through the streets. It was a moment when the whole crowd dropped their inhibitions and made as much noise as the hotted up machines. He loved everything about this moment: its tradition, its defiance, the extra screams that the rider with the assless chaps got. This night always reminded him he was part of a community, and it was a fun fucking community at that. Even more special was sharing the details with Luke, having him be part of the emotion, even part of the bitchy commentary when they laughed when the choreography on one of the corporate sponsors’ floats fell apart.

“Here comes the police service marchers.” Jai leaned forward to take a closer look at the decent-sized contingent of smiling male and female officers mixed with a few administration people. He only took his eyes from the marching for an instant, but that was all it took to see the look of longing in Luke’s eyes. If you knew him well enough to catch it, there was an expression of envy in seeing the officers out there, so strong in marching out and proud, or simply risking those assumptions by being allies to their friends, families or colleagues.

Jai had always enjoyed watching them, but it wasn’t until tonight that he really appreciated it. Appreciated the act of them marching and saw what they gained through it, the pride in themselves it represented. The relationship between the police and gay community had once been so fractured; the fact that now there was official support for the parade told them how far history had moved. He cheered loudly with the room and silently agreed with the comments around them about men in uniform. He also tightly squeezed Luke’s hand, knowing the complicated feelings watching this brought.

Kris must have seen the conflicting emotions Luke was experiencing because as soon as the police contingent were out of sight, he lightly asked Luke, “Did Jai tell you about the year we were float boys?”

That was the advantage of a friend who had done his own time in hell. He wasn’t about to ask any awkward questions and actually tried to ease others’ baggage.

“No,” Luke replied, this smile genuine. “Do tell.”

“Jai and I decided we wanted to support the Sydney Rainbow Rehabilitation Center. It wasn’t where we went, but if neither of our families had had the money they did, they would have been a great place to get help. The float organizer decided that the best way we could help was by dancing on the side of the float in pink sparkly Speedos.”

“There was no way they were actually Speedos,” Jai protested. “Speedo does not make any swimmers with a Brazilian cut.”

“That’s what he kept on telling the organizer.” Kris cackled. “We had to wear them anyway. It was hard to tell if it was more obscene to dance with your front or your back to the crowd.”

And because they had both been in recovery, there hadn’t even been any chemical confidence to get them through the nerves. However, the wistful look had disappeared from Luke’s face, so Jai continued the story.

“So that was the year where they had everyone on the float in birdcages like go-go dancers. There we bloody were, fake tanned and bedazzled to the wazoo, shaking our barely covered asses along the whole length of Oxford Street. It is amazing the amount of shaking a cheering crowd of almost half a million people can encourage.”

“That sounds like something worth seeing,” said Luke. Jai liked the way that he only focused his lecherous gaze at him. Too many guys had seen him and Kris together and thought they could get the package deal.

Jai waited until Kris was distracted by a particularly elaborate float before leaning over to Luke’s ear. “There might be the possibility I still have the pink sparkles somewhere in my room.”

Luke’s next exhale was audible enough that Jai could only wish that they were somewhere more private.

“The parade is going to go on for a long time,” he told Luke. “Do you want to have a dance break?”

While they’d been focused on what was happening outside the big picture windows, inside the club had started hopping in a more traditional way. The punters who hadn’t had the golden tickets allowing them window tables had started burning up the dance floor and the music had been getting progressively louder.

Jai was charmed when Luke leaned over to Kris. “If we go for a dance, are you going to be okay?”

From Kris’s gentle expression he could tell he was equally touched at the concern. “It’s fine. By the time I go get another Red Bull I’ll have run across at least four different groups I know and odds are one of the groups will actually be decent company.”

Kris was the more social of the two of them, so Jai knew he told the truth. That didn’t stop Jai getting him to promise to join them on the floor if everyone was too drunk to be bearable company.

Finally, though, he was heading for the dance floor with Luke’s hand firmly on the small of his back. He liked the steadying touch and felt pure joy when a song he loved started pumping through the speakers.

“Lady Gaga, really?” asked Luke, when he saw Jai’s expression. “Isn’t that just too cliché for a grown-up gay man?”

Jai found their spot on the dance floor and stepped back into Luke’s body, letting their bodies press together. “Give me three minutes and see if you still want to talk to me about clichés.”

From the way that Luke’s cock could be felt against the top of Jai’s ass, Jai didn’t think it would take even that to change Luke’s mind. Anyway, who could resist the lure of the energy of the cheering men around them as “Born This Way” poured through the speakers? Especially as even more shirts started getting pulled off all around them. Luke’s chest might be the only one Jai wanted to bite, but it didn’t mean that he couldn’t enjoy the scenery of incredibly fit bodies all around them and the sexually charged energy that came with it.

As the beat found a rhythm, in both their hips, Jai turned around and pushed himself even closer to Luke. Luke had widened his stance enough that their bodies perfectly aligned and Jai had to bite his own lip to hide the sigh wanted to force itself out of his lungs as their no-longer soft cocks pressed together.

He had to duck his head to stay under Luke’s hat, but used this as an excuse to put his lips to his neck. He looked up through his lashes and saw Luke’s eyes half closed as he reveled in this sensation. Even better was when Jai decided that with Luke half slack with pleasure in a disguise he was comfortable in, now was the time to get in all his share of public displays of affection that had been missing from both of their lives. Jai started with gently running his hand under the back of Luke’s very tight T-shirt. Those warm hands on Luke’s body had Luke relaxing his muscles, and had Luke’s hips find a rhythm to the Gaga track that Jai would have been willing to bet were more fluid than they had been at any other time of his life. Jai wouldn’t have been young and horny if he didn’t hope all that rhythm wasn’t going to tire itself out before they had managed to burn up the sheets at least once.

“White guy is working the dance floor,” he joked in Luke’s ear, at the same time as distracting him, because the hands Jai had been running down his back started slowly wedging themselves into the warmth of the tight waistband of Luke’s jeans.

The smirk he got back in reply told him that Luke hadn’t fallen for the distraction, but he did also really enjoy anything that involved Jai’s hands against his skin.

“I think you’ll find a more accurate description of what’s happening is White Boy’s caramel lover is helping him dance better while at the same time as copping a feel,” Luke replied huskily.

“Fuck,” said Jai, wedging his hand just a little big more securely onto Luke’s hip. “It’s the night that we celebrate our community’s pride. What kind of gay boy would I be if I didn’t try and get my hands on the bare skin of the man who is coming home with me?” Jai continued with a smile. “In fact, in this room, I can see at least three not-so-discreet blow jobs taking place. Hand action with the jeans buttoned the whole way up? We aren’t even making the top hundred most interesting sexual contact happening on or around this dance floor.”

Luke’s head shot from side to side as he actually started looking at the action with the full cop focus, then almost as quickly he relaxed back into Jai’s body. “No warrant card on me today and I’m very, very off duty, so if anyone wants to commit acts of lewd behavior in public, they are on their own, and none of this particular’s clubs patrons seem like they are the slightest bit bothered by any displays apart from the ones that they want to join in on.”

“I’ve been single too many Mardi Gras nights not to want to make some of those bastards jealous.”

“And I’ve never had anyone with whom I was important enough to be an actual prop in a jealousy plot before, so you can count me in,” said Luke, his willingness to go with the flow surprising the hell out of Jai.

Jai didn’t really care about what anyone in the crowd was seeing, but if it gave him an excuse to be all over Luke, hell, he’d take it. He manhandled Luke until he was facing away from Jai and stepped in close enough to grind his crotch against that spectacular ass. He’d seen enough men on the dance floor checking out those muscular ass cheeks. They were so tightly clad in denim, and Jai wanted to stake his claim.

He knew Luke’s ass was virgin territory, but the way that Luke seemed to be receptive to Jai’s attention made his head fill with all sorts of erotic possibilities. Unfortunately, most of them weren’t possible in public. Tonight the general rules might be relaxed enough for all sorts of sex acts to be happening in public, but Jai didn’t want Luke to wake up to memories of feeling vulnerable and exposed. Jai knew that feeling himself and wouldn’t inflict that on a man he was growing to care about. Luke might not be drunk or have taken any drugs tonight, but there was no doubt he was flying high, intoxicated by the anonymity and freedom to go with all his impulses. Jai just had to make sure all of tomorrow’s memories brought a smile to his face.

That seemed to include Jai wrapping himself as tightly as possible to him and letting their bodies move as one to the beat as he traced his hand across the hard flex of Luke’s stomach. He wasn’t surprised to the see the way that the rather lovely twenty-something twerking in front of them kept on looking down. Luke’s dick print was impressive at any time, aroused and pushing out the front of his thin jeans, other men’s mouths were bound to water.

Luke’s hands though weren’t passive; he might have let Jai choose the position, but they were starting to wander behind him, holding Jai’s hips more securely to his body, making sure not even the warm air of the club came between them.

• • •

Multiple songs later and Jai was concerned his dick was going to be rubbed raw. It was showing no signs of softening, and he could feel the precum dampening his underwear. Dancing was usually a pretty satisfying alternative to sexual tension, but tonight all Jai was aching for were moves that could only take place behind a closed door.

“The streets will be clearing out after the parade by now,” he said into Luke’s ear. “Do you feel ready to go back to my place?”

Jai got to feel Luke’s superior strength against his own as Luke turned around to face him. “Fuck yeah, let’s get out of here.”

Jai wanted to drag Luke out of the place, to have him pinned against a wall as soon as humanly possible, but he wasn’t about to forget that he hadn’t come here alone. Luckily, it didn’t take long to spot Kris on the dance floor, and from the way that his best friend seemed to be enjoying himself, he wasn’t risking any long-term grudge by abandoning him tonight.

He still made his way to where Kris was dancing, Luke following closely behind. “We’re cutting out, babe,” he said, when he got Kris’s attention. “Are you going to be all right to make your own way home?”

The wink Jai got as a reply was enough for him to understand that wherever Kris went tonight, it probably wasn’t going to be an empty bed in their shared apartment. The shared smile between them told him that Kris knew Jai also was planning maximum fun.

• • •

Out on the streets, the crowd had considerably cleared post-parade as most people either headed for home or the clubs. There was still enough of a crowd for hanging on to Luke’s hands to be rather nice necessity, rather than the sheer luxury of touch. Jai was grateful for the continuing physical connection, at this point he wasn’t sure if he could bear Luke pulling away. The magic of Mardi Gras was strong, and he wanted to keep on celebrating it with this man.

“How did you like your first Mardi Gras?” asked Jai when they got far enough away from the parade route to speak comfortably.

Luke ducked his head so his hat brim covered his eyes. “Um, pretty amazing. You see it on TV and you don’t realize just how many people are on the streets cheering for the parade.”

Jai was serious when he replied. “I wish every gay teen could experience it. I mean, homophobia is still really real, but this gives you one night where it feels like the world is out there celebrating your choices.” He didn’t want to lose the sexy, fun vibe they had created between them, so he added. “Also, the smorgasbord of fuckable men of every type.”

“There is that,” Luke smiled. “A man for every taste.”

“And what flavor would be your favorite?” Jai couldn’t resist asking.

“Blonds,” was Luke’s deadpan reply.

Jai made a show of dropping his hand. “Well then, the night is still young.”

Luke’s laugh rang out, as amused and generously loud as Jai had ever heard it. “Yeah, well, that doesn’t include my current craving for biracial Asian men who are just a little shorter than me but so much prettier than I’ll ever be.”

“I’m not sure about prettier ’cause the way you were rocking the cowboy look tonight was certainly getting it’s share of attention.” They were getting close enough to Jai’s apartment that he quickened the pace. Now that they were approaching a door that locked, his earlier arousal was again building.

When they got to the street entrance of the apartment, Jai turned to Luke and put a soft seductive kiss to his lips. “Last chance for new options.”

“Get the fucking keys out,” was the growled reply.

By the time they had made it out of the lift, the kissing had gotten increasingly heated, and Jai was cursing the tightness of the jeans he had convinced Luke to buy. He might have been able to slip his hand under his waistband in the club, but it was proving impossible to get it in any farther, and there certainly wasn’t enough space between them for him to attack the zip.

Luke was keeping them moving down the apartment corridor, pushing Jai in the right direction, even as he didn’t surrender his lips. Once they got to the actual door, Jai had to give up the kissing for the promise of what could happen once they had complete privacy and an apartment to themselves.

“Keys, clothes, and bed—in that order,” he told Luke in between kisses before he pulled himself away.

Every movement felt clumsy, felt weighted with the fog of arousal; he struggled getting the key on the lock and it felt like a major achievement when he got them both to the other side of the door.

“Nuh,” said Luke as he flopped down on the bed. “I was promised a show from a float boy with pink sparkles included.”

Damn, Jai was hoping he’d forget that. “Would you take a rain check until tomorrow?”

“Yeah, right, you’ll get dressed in the cold light of day and do the kind of performance I’m after. Anyway, if you show me tomorrow, I won’t be able to say that I fucked a float boy on Mardi Gras.”

Jai restrained himself from asking Luke exactly who he was going to tell, seeing the only person he talked to about sex was here in this room. Instead, he replied, “Who said I’m the one getting fucked tonight?” and watched Luke’s eyes dilate. He wasn’t sure if it was fear or excitement, but it was enough that he went to his dressing table and started to rummage around in the drawers.

The tiny pink swimsuit could be held in the palm of Jai’s hand. “I’ll get ready in Kris’s bathroom if you want to shower in mine,” he offered.

Luke still looked a little glazed over as he nodded his assent. Jai knew that Luke feeling fresh and clean would only increase the chances that he’d be able to convince him to let down a few of his boundaries tonight.

• • •

Ten minutes later, Jai was showered and reconsidering his promise to go before Luke in just the sparkling bathers. Somehow they seemed even more exposing than naked, from the way they bulged at his still semi-aroused crotch, and clung in the especially high cut back area. Leg and ass day at the gym must have been changing his body type more than he realized, because he was definitely sure these swimmers covered a touch more skin when he wore them on the float. Actually, the fact he had worn them in public at all had his cheeks heating up even alone in the bathroom. What had he been thinking at the time? He and Kris must have looked like the twinkest of twinks, four years younger and too polite to say no to the outrageous costume. Well, at least they’d earned their support from the crowd.

Jai decided to get out there now; the fact he couldn’t stop thinking about Luke not saying no to the idea of Jai taking his ass was only going to make the swimsuit more exposing. In fact, if he thought about Luke in any more detail, his dick was actually going to be making a bare appearance of its own—out the top of the waistband.

• • •

“No laughing if I look stupid,” Jai warned before walking through his own bedroom door to where Luke was lying on the bed.

He only had to take a look at Luke’s face to realize he needn’t worry about laughter. Luke looked sex dumb and he hadn’t even been touched yet, his eyes glazed and his breath coming too fast. Jai had to admit to himself his own breathing was a little more rapid than usual, Luke might have looked fuckable as a cowboy, but lying on Jai’s bed completely exposed, he was spectacular. His dick pointed high, shiny at the tip, and all those lovely muscles were sharply defined probably because he looked anything but relaxed.

“Would you like me to turn around?” Jai asked. “Would you like to see what your big cock has owned?”

Yeah, well, Jai had stopped feeling ridiculous in his pink spangles and instead enjoyed the push of nylon against his very erect dick. The intensity of Luke’s gaze was making him feel more powerful.

“Hands where I can see them.” The order barked by Luke after he had turned around startled him. An instinctive reaction to the command in the voice though had him following the instructions. “Spread your legs too.”

Jai took the position as if he was about to be frisked. Palms pressed to the cold of the wardrobe and legs apart. He could see in the mirror that the only movement that Luke had made was that his hand had moved to his dick, not getting himself off, but almost as if he needed the pressure. The moment stretched, and the only sound was two men very audibly sucking air into their lungs.

Suddenly Jai couldn’t take the tension. He wrenched off the little shorts; tonight he wasn’t in the mood to be the decorative twink. Instead, he walked over to the bed and enjoyed the sensation of towering over Luke. “If you turn over, I’ll do something that I promise that you’ll like.”

He could see it wasn’t a straightforward decision for the man.

“Don’t worry, I would never stick it in without asking you first,” Jai assured him. As much as he wanted Luke’s ass, he wasn’t going to do anything that Luke wasn’t completely sure about first.

For a few long moments, Jai wasn’t sure Luke was going to turn over at all, and then the big man gave him a short nod and followed his instructions, resettling himself on Jai’s sheets. Jai knew it was an act of trust and something in his chest turned over at Luke’s bravery, in being authentic with him and only him.

“Gorgeous man,” Jai said, as he ran his hand gently from Luke’s neck down his spine and felt an almost imperceptible shudder in his body. He made sure supplies were close by before he settled his body down the bottom of the bed and leaned down to put the softest lick over Luke’s pucker.

This time the shudder in Luke’s body was a jolt. Yeah, Jai knew he probably hadn’t allowed that to happen before. Knowing that it was the first time, that Luke had felt this very distinctive pleasure, had him applying his mouth even more firmly. Luke was freshly showered so Jai didn’t hesitate to lick and suck his pucker, spreading the cheeks to get at it. There was something so primal about holding a strong man down this way, watching him squirm and twist and try to rut himself onto the bed. Jai loved the control, especially because he knew how hard won it was for Luke to hand it over.

Wanting Luke’s absolute submission, Jai used his tongue to spear at Luke’s hole. If Luke was going to bottom for the first time tonight, he wanted those muscles soft and ready for him. Side benefit of that was his own dick was iron-bar hard from the needy sounds that were coming out of Luke’s mouth.

Anymore, and one of them would be spilling on the sheets, so Jai crawled to the top of the bed and bit hard on Luke’s neck. “Up to you what we do tonight, but I’d love to feel you all tight around my cock.”




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