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Dangerous Beauty (O'Connor Brothers Book 4) by Rhonda Brewer (12)

Chapter 12

The freaking cat was climbing up his leg, and her nails were digging into his thigh painfully, but he couldn’t move. Emily was crying in his arms, and he wasn’t one hundred percent sure why. It was probably because the entire day had been overwhelming, and although she seemed to be hiding her emotions from everyone, he knew.

“Let it out, Em,” Keith whispered. “You’ve been holding this in for way too long.”

Burlap finally gave up and jumped down from his leg. Keith was relieved, but with Emily so close it did things that were so wrong, considering the situation. She wanted comfort, and he had a hard on from having her pressed against him.

Such an asshole.

“This is so ridiculous.” Emily hiccupped and sniffed. “Mom’s safe.”

“Princess, you’ve been holding in everything for so long. Nobody can keep their emotions in forever. No matter how strong they are.” Keith kissed the top of her head without even thinking.

Holding her in his arms felt good. Felt Right. It was as if she’d been made to fit perfectly in his embrace. It was so wrong to think about Emily as more than a client, but he couldn’t help it. He was falling for her and damn if he could keep fighting it.

“I’m sorry,” Emily pressed her forehead against his chest.

“You’ve got nothing to be sorry for,” Keith whispered.

Emily tipped her head back, and Keith gazed down into her eyes. They glistened with tears, and red circles surrounded them, but she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

“Keith,” Emily whispered and dropped her gaze to his lips.

“Emily,” Keith cupped her cheek in his hand. He slowly lowered his head until his lips were a breath away from hers. “Tell me to stop.” He said it, but there was no way he wanted her to say it.

“I don’t want you to.” Emily pressed her lips against his before he could respond. It was like a shock jolted through his body as soon as their lips touched. Her hands were fisted in his shirt, and she was pulling him closer as her mouth opened to his. Damn, she tasted like the damn berry candies she’d been eating while they were at the hospital.

Her tongue glided across his lower lip as she tilted her head and slid her hand up his chest. He moved his hand to the back of her head and fisted her hair, and she whimpered, but her tongue delved into his mouth flicking against his.

He turned her, so she was between him and the counter. He ground himself against her. There was no doubt she could feel what she was doing to him. When she pressed her hips forward to meet his, he almost lost it.

Keith didn’t know where he got the strength to stop, but he tore his lips away and pressed his forehead against hers.

“Emily, we’ve got to stop,” Keith gasped.

“Why?” She threaded her fingers through his hair and kissed his chest where his shirt was open. “I can feel you want this as much as I do, and I need this.”

“Emily, I was hired to keep you safe.” Keith moaned when her tongue flicked against his Adam’s apple, and she pressed her hips forward again.

“Well, I can’t think of a safer place than in your arms,” Emily whispered.

“I don’t know if my arms are the safest place at the moment.” Keith chuckled.

“I want you, Keith.” Emily pressed her hands against his cheeks. “I’m not asking for anything beyond tonight, but I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone.”

Keith was lost in her eyes. Here she was offering herself to him for one night, and he was actually thinking about saying no. Probably because one night with Emily was never going to be enough for him.

“Do you have any idea what you’re saying right now?” Keith tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

“Yes,” Emily’s hands had moved to the buttons on his shirt, and she’d opened the first two. He wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted her onto the counter.

“I want you too, Princess but it’s not ethical for me to sleep with the woman I was hired to protect.” Keith groaned when her hands pressed against the bare skin of his chest. He was trying hard to ignore the fact that she now had his shirt completely open and her touch was doing wonderful things to his body.

“You’re fired.” Emily grinned as her nail flicked over his nipple.

“You didn’t hire me.” Keith gritted his teeth.

“Are you going to make me beg, Keith?” Emily moved back from him and leaned back on her hands. The position pushed her breasts up, and his gaze dropped to where her nipples were poking through the fabric.

“No, but I don’t want you to regret this in the morning. You’ve had a very emotional day.” He couldn’t tear his eyes from her breasts.

“I won’t.” Emily put her finger under his chin and lifted it until he met her eyes. “You’d probably enjoy looking at them more if I was naked.” She grinned.

The woman was a vixen, and she tempted him to the point of no return. When she ran her finger down between her tits and looked up at him through her lowered lashes, he was finished. He lifted her off the counter. She squeaked, but it didn’t take a second for her to wrap her legs around his waist.

Keith hurried down the hall to his bedroom, and although it was awkward, he managed to open his bedroom door without dropping her. A miracle really, since she’d started to suck on his earlobe and whisper some pretty dirty things in his ear.

He kicked the door closed and eased Emily down on the bed. She stared up at him, and for a moment he thought she’d changed her mind.

“You have the most beautiful blue eyes,” Emily whispered.

“Thank you.” Keith moved back from her and rested on his elbow.

“I like the five o’clock shadow. It’s a little redder than your hair but sexy as hell.” Emily rubbed her hand against his cheek.

“Thank you again. You’re kind of sexy yourself.” Keith ran his finger across the swell of her breast. She gave a little sigh.

“You’re the only one of your brothers with red hair,” Emily said.

“Ian’s is close, but yeah, I’m the only ginger.” Keith dipped his finger inside the edge of her bra, and her eyes drifted closed.

“Are you a true red head?” Her eyes slowly opened.

“Are all these questions your way of changing your mind, Emily?” Keith stared into her eyes. “Because if you’ve changed your mind just say so.”

“I haven’t changed my mind. I’d just like to know if you’re a real ginger. You know, red everywhere.” Her hand cupped his groin, and he groaned.

“Guess you’ll have to check for yourself.” Keith slowly unbuttoned her blouse as she popped the button of his jeans.

Emily slowly lowered the zipper of his jeans as he flicked open the clasp of her bra. The person who invented bras that opened in front was a bloody genius. He pushed the silky material aside and cupped her firm, full breast in one hand. She was so much more than a handful.

“So beautiful,” Keith said with reverence as he circled her nipple with his finger.

Her hand slipped inside his opened jeans, and her eyes darted up to meet his. It seemed she’d discovered he didn’t wear underwear. He always found them too constricting.

“Commando man, huh.” She grinned as her hand wrapped around his rock hard erection.

“Fuck, yes.” Keith’s eyes closed as she gently stroked him. “Emily, that feels so fucking good.” Never had a woman’s hand felt so good on his cock.

“Can we get rid of the clothes, please?” Emily squeezed him gently. “I really want to see what I’m feeling.”

Keith reluctantly rolled away from her and ripped off his shirt. He tossed it in the corner as he kicked off his boots. The whole while his eyes never moved from Emily. She’d removed her blouse, bra, jeans and was kneeling on the bed in a pair of the skimpiest pair of panties he’d ever seen. They were white with see-through lace, and he could see her bare pussy through them.

“Fuck, you’re completely bare,” Keith growled.

“The perks of owning a beauty salon.” She slid her fingers inside the waist of her panties and slowly slid them off.

“That right there is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” Keith whispered as he crawled onto the bed.

“Oh, no. You still have jeans on.” Emily pushed him back. “I told you I wanted to see what I was feeling.”

Keith backed up and stood next to the bed. Her gaze traveled down his body to where his cock was now peeking out of his opened jeans. He dropped them to the floor and watched as her eyes widened. It was a reaction he got from most women he slept with.

“I know I had my hand wrapped around it, but wow. You’re kind of large.” Emily crawled to the edge of the bed, and he held his breath. His cock was now seeping with pre-come, and when she flicked her tongue against the head, he almost fell to his knees.

“Baby, if you keep doing that I won’t get a chance to be inside that bare pussy.” Keith pushed her back on the bed and grabbed her knees. He pulled her to the edge of the bed and ran his hands up her thighs. “You’ve got the sexiest legs I’ve ever seen.”

“I’ve got chubby thighs, but I like the way you touch them.” Emily rested on her elbows as he worshiped her legs.

“Your legs, like the rest of you, are beautiful and there is nothing chubby about them,” Keith whispered as he slowly alternated his kisses from one leg to the other, going from her knees right up to her wet heat. “Fucking beautiful.” Keith rubbed his nose against her wetness. He could smell the scent of her arousal, and he couldn’t keep himself from tasting it.

“Keith,” Emily gasped with the first flick of his tongue against her clit. The second pass was slow between her folds, and she made the most amazing sound. A cross between a gasp and a moan. It was incredibly hot.

“Emily, you taste so fucking good.” Keith used his thumbs to open her so he could sink his tongue inside.

She raised her hips to meet the thrusts of his tongue. She’d lay back on the bed, and her hands were threaded through his hair. He sunk his finger inside her as his tongue worked her hard nub.

“Oh. Fuck. Keith.” The loud groan from her sweet mouth made him almost come then and there.

Keith pulled her clit into his mouth and quickly flicked his tongue against it as he pushed a second finger inside her. On the third thrust of his finger and sucking hard on her clit, Emily’s hips raised off the bed, her body shuttered, and she clamped around his fingers.

“Yes.” She screamed as her body shook. Keith didn’t stop until she collapsed on the bed. Her breathing was coming in fast gasps, and he pulled his fingers from inside her.

“Oh dear lord. What the hell did you just do?” Emily gasped.

“Made you come.” Keith chuckled as he hovered over her.

“No shit. I’ve never orgasmed like that. I mean not from just oral.” She lifted her head and brushed her lips against his.

“Princess, you were with the wrong men.” Keith bent down and placed soft kisses on the top of her breasts. He didn’t like the thought of another man having touched Emily like this.

“I guess so.” Emily moaned when he pulled her nipple into his mouth.

“Fuck, Em, I need to be inside you.” Keith groaned as he ground his cock against her wetness.

“Well, why are you still talking about it?” Emily giggled.

A realization hit Keith, and he cursed himself. He didn’t have a condom, and there weren’t any in his house because he didn’t bring women home. When he’d go on his ‘fishing’ trips with Bull, he’d usually pick them up just before he needed them.

“Em, I’m a fucking idiot. I don’t have a condom.” Keith dropped his head into the crook of her neck, but when she started to giggle, he raised his head and stared down at her.

“Do you think men are the only ones that should be carrying condoms?” She pushed him until he lay on his back and hovered over him.

“Well, yeah. I mean no, but…” Emily pressed her lips against his stopping him from putting his foot in his mouth.

“I’ve got some in my purse.” Emily pulled back from his lips and jumped off the bed. A few seconds later she returned with her purse and opened it. “Ta-da,” Emily said as she pulled out a small box.

Keith reached for it, but she pulled it away from him.

“Woman, you’re killing me.” Keith groaned.

“Slow down there big boy.” Emily crawled over him and settled herself between his legs. “You got to taste me. Now it’s my turn.”

Before Keith could say a word, Emily wrapped her lips around the head of his erection and circled her tongue slowly.

“Holy fuck.” Keith groaned through gritted teeth. As good as her mouth felt on him, he wouldn’t last a minute with her sucking him the way she was.

“Mmm.” Emily slowly slid her lips over his length, but there was no way she could take the full length of him in her mouth. At least that was what he thought.

When her lips moved back to the top of his cock, he was ready to pull her off and roll on the condom. Then she did it. She took the entire length of his cock into her mouth, and he roared out. When she took him almost entirely out a second time, he shook as he tried to keep back the orgasm that was inevitable if she continued to deep throat him. Before she could do it again, he pulled her up on top of him.

“Sorry, Princess. If you keep that up, I’m finished.” Keith rolled her onto her back. “I want to be deep inside you when I come, and I don’t mean inside your mouth, but fuck let me tell you, that was fucking incredible.” Keith grabbed the box of condoms that had gotten tossed aside and ripped it open.

He pressed his lips against hers as he spread her legs with his knee. He was about to cross a line that he couldn’t return from. Hell, he’d pretty much passed it the minute he kissed her, but there was nothing he could do to turn around now. He needed to be inside her.

“Keith, why are you stopping?” Emily cupped his face.

“I’m waiting for you to change your mind,” Keith admitted.

“I’m not going to,” Emily whispered just before she guided him to her entrance. “I want you.”

With that, Keith covered her mouth with his and pushed into her. She sucked his tongue into her mouth the same way her pussy sucked his cock deep inside.

“Fuck, baby. You’re so fucking hot.” Keith groaned as he pumped into her. He wasn’t going to last, but he was taking her with him. He reached between them and pressed his thumb against her clit as he thrust in and out of her.

“Keith, don’t stop.” Emily grabbed his ass and dug her nails in as he took them both over the edge.

He felt her close around him right before she screamed his name as her hips pushed up off the bed. He was sure she’d broken the skin on his ass as she dug her nails in, but he didn’t care as he pumped once more and spilled into her.

“Fuck, Em,” Keith yelled as he drove deep inside one last time. His body shuttered with the most intense orgasm he’d ever experienced and for a moment he didn’t think it would stop.

“Yes, you did.” Emily giggled when Keith rolled off her and flopped onto the bed.

“I did what?” Keith turned his head to look at the beautiful woman laying next to him. She was curled on her side and her arm under her head.

“You said, ‘fuck, Em,’ and I said, ‘yes, you did,’” Emily grinned, and Keith chuckled.

“I need to take care of this,” Keith rolled off the bed. “Don’t move.”

“Jeez, can I breathe.” Emily teased.

“As long as you’re still in that bed when I get out of the bathroom,” Keith winked as he made his way to the ensuite off his room.

He disposed of the condom and grabbed a cloth for Emily. As he passed the vanity, he caught sight of himself in the mirror. The sudden realization of what just happened between them hit him in the gut like a punch.

“You fucking idiot.” Keith plowed his hand through his hair and sighed. It was too late to change things now because now that he’d had Emily there was no going back.

It had been less than ten minutes, and he already wanted to be inside her again, but what he wanted wasn’t worth a crock of shit. What was important was what Emily wanted. Yes, she did say she wanted him tonight, but did she just need an outlet for all the stress in her life over the last few weeks, or did she feel the same as Keith?

He’d never been one to pull punches, but asking Emily where she saw them going was the scariest thing he would ever do. Keith wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer.

Do you want it to go somewhere?