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Falling For Him by Khardine Gray (20)

Chapter 3


* * *

Taylor could hardly contain her excitement. What a great day. It was so perfect. First she found the ring certificate in Richard's pocket, then Wade came home. She didn't think she could be happier, and she'd had a hard time restraining the endless smile on her face.

She was seated in Chez Moi waiting for Richard. He wanted to see her for a very special dinner reservation. Oh, she wondered what that could be?

Taylor couldn't resist the little girly giggle as it escaped her lips. That Richard with his charm. He'd certainly enchanted her, and she would forever be under his spell.

She loved him so much. There had always been something captivating about him that drew her to him, right from the first time they met. Every day since had held its own excitement, and she couldn't wait to see him. She wondered how he would propose and what the ring looked like. She wondered what he'd say to her. Would he be creative and write her a poem, or maybe he would say a few words declaring his love for her then ask her to be his forever?

Richard wasn't the starry-eyed romantic she was. He was more of a doer. She knew that he loved her from the things that he did. To her, that was better. It was better to have someone who showed you they loved you rather than someone who was always telling you but disappointing you at the same time.

She sat back in her chair and smoothed her perfectly straightened hair down the side of her shoulder. It had taken hours to get it like this. Since she wasn't able to get an appointment at the salon, Kelly had helped her, and it turned out great. To complete the look she wore her favorite dress: a gold bodycon that showed off her perfect shape.

Now all she needed was Richard.

It was after eight now. He said he'd aim to get here for eight but might be late. Poor Richard, as hard as he tried, he could never be on time for anything.

She'd told Wade about him but didn't mention the ring certificate because she felt it was too soon. Wade looked strained enough as it was from their emotional meeting. When he looked at her, he gave her that sorrowful look, showing how sorry he was that he left and let her down.

She wished she could say that she didn't feel abandoned and disappointed by his departure but she couldn't. Taylor was, however, too happy to have him back to think about any issues she might have had with him leaving. And she was a hundred times happier to have him back drug free. Today she felt a sense of peace and contentment she hadn't experienced in a while.

Wade looked so much better than when she last saw him. It was a memory she would prefer to forget. He looked like he'd been in a fight and wouldn't tell them what had happened. She guessed it had something to do with his drug problem. He and their parents had a terrible argument because he was supposed to be in rehab. He smashed his room up as they argued and then he just walked out, walking straight past her without as much as a goodbye.

It was horrible, and it took her a long time to accept that she'd either never see him again, or he'd hopefully come back when he was ready. Thankfully he sent her the occasional message from time to time and a postcard when he went to a new country. She was glad that he'd at least done that.

She looked ahead and saw Richard rushing up to her looking very flustered. Sweat dripped from his dark spiky hair, and his clothes looked a little ruffled.

"Richard." She smiled at him sweetly as he approached her.

"Hey, babe. I'm sorry I'm late." She stood up as he came around to her side to kiss her.

"It's fine, don't worry." She beamed, reaching up to slip her arms around his neck. Her six-inch golden heels added to her height and gave her long legs the illusion that she was naturally tall. She did, however, love that Richard could still tower her by another couple of inches.

"Taylor, something bad has happened." Alarm filled his rich brown eyes, and a look of uneasiness settled across his handsome face.

"What? What's happened?" She straightened up and gazed up at him.

"A pickpocket took my wallet on my way here." He shook his head and frowned.

"Are you okay?" She released him and brought her hands up to her cheeks.

"I'm fine, just annoyed. He must have taken it while I was waiting to get you flowers." He huffed. "Babe I chose the perfect roses, then when I went to pay I realized the wallet was gone. There was a shifty guy who bumped into me just before that. How original." He grimaced, frustrated.

"I'm so sorry." She was robbed once back in college, so she knew how he felt.

"Taylor listen. I have to go to the police. There was some important work stuff in my wallet and my security pass." He was a scientist and worked at a research facility. She could imagine the threat and fear of what could happen if the wrong person got inside the facility. Plus, the worry of what could be stolen and tampered with. The facility specialized in research to cure diseases. "I'm also going on a business trip tomorrow. That was why I wanted to see you tonight." He sounded flustered.

"Oh, you're going away?" She tried to hide her disappointment. It wasn't that she disliked him going away. She knew he had to travel with his job, but of course she thought he'd be proposing tonight. That was the disappointment, especially since he had created a lot of hype earlier about the dinner.

Maybe it was just her eagerness, and understanding special to mean what she wanted it to mean.

"It's just for the week. One of the guys that was meant to be going to help on the clinical trials pulled out at the last minute due to a death in the family. I had to fill in."

"Of course, I completely understand." It sounded like an unavoidable situation. "Richard let me come with you to the police."

"No, no." He shook his head. "I got this. Besides, look at you." He looked her over with approval. She loved that even though they'd been together for two years he could still look at her like that. As if she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. "You don't belong in a police station. Not dressed like that, babe."

She guessed she could agree. Her dress wasn't for the police station at all. It was the type that would attract a lot of unwanted attention, and it was only intended for his.

"Call me when you're done. Maybe I can meet you back at your place." She looked him over, not bothering to hide the seduction in her stare and her voice.

"I would love nothing more, but we both know we won't get any sleep if you come back to mine. I need to be alert and focused tomorrow." He chuckled.

"Okay. Your loss," she teased, poking him in his chest.

"Yes, it most assuredly is. How about we aim for breakfast tomorrow? I have to leave at eleven, so we could meet up early."

"I like that. I'll get there for eight."

"Brilliant." He gave her a quick kiss and cupped her face. "I love you, beautiful."

There. There was the magic that melted her heart. It was all there in his words.

"I love you, too." It was always when she said that to him that she felt in awe at their relationship. She was in love with him and what they had. She'd never thought she'd have that with anyone and was so glad that it was with him.

He kissed her again, and she watched him go.

She missed him already and missed the promise of tonight. Every moment spent with him was precious to her.

It was fine. The night was still special and the day was still perfect. Of course, with the exception of Richard's wallet being stolen.

She was still happy and still looking forward to her proposal with great anticipation.

Taylor should go home, but the thought of being Mrs. Richard O'Brian made her stay a little longer. She was in the mood to celebrate, so she ordered the restaurant's finest meal of marinated steak adorned with chestnut mushrooms and roasted spring vegetables. And since no fine meal went without a good glass of wine, she ordered their finest of that too.

* * *


* * *

Wes cleared his throat loudly, eliciting a few curious stares from the neighboring tables in the staff restaurant. Chloe had been seated with him for the last half hour trying to eat what she could of her lunch. As like breakfast, she hadn't managed to get past the first mouthful. At least at breakfast she'd just started the day with her continuous job worry. She also had to evade Kelly with her disgusting tea, and her questions about her date with Chase, which had gone so well they planned to meet at the club tonight.

But now Chloe couldn't eat again because Wade was here sitting at one of the tables a few rows ahead of them. Right within her line of sight. There were so many empty tables, but he'd chosen to sit there so she could see him.

He was watching her when he first sat down, but then two of the guys in finance who he used to hang out with came up to him and started talking.

Chloe peered over the top of her book, looking at him. He'd had his hair neatened up since yesterday. It was short and spiky and had that sharp outline around the edges most men had. It drew even more attention to his striking, chiseled features. The dark clothes he wore, too, gave him that element of bravura and style.

He glanced her way and looked back when he saw she was looking. Knowing any interaction would infuriate her he raised his glass of drink and tipped his head at her. Chloe answered with a scowl.

"Jesus save us. Please. Anytime now would be good," Wes grumbled, giving her foot a little kick under the table.

Chloe winced at the impact, again causing people to look. "What is the matter with you, Wes?" She shot him a withering glare.

He ran his hands through his mass of dark curls. "Are you totally kidding me? How can you ask me that?"

"You just kicked me," she complained.

"Because you deserved it."

"Wes, you think I deserved to be kicked when I'm already down?" She was down-in-the-dirt down, and this here lady was tired.

He adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose and flicked back a lock of his dark hair as it fell forward onto his forehead. "You are not down, you silly girl."

"I am not a silly girl. You're silly." She'd known Wes pretty much the same amount of time as she'd known the Vandervilles. They went to school together, had been lab partners and drama duos throughout high school. They were what you'd call life friends. The kind that grew on you.

He worked with the technical team, and just like high school she worked closely with him here too. He was hugely responsible for bringing her ideas to life. It helped a lot that he knew her so well. He understood her, her thoughts, and what she meant when it seemed like she was talking gibberish to everyone else.

For example, he'd be the one to decipher that if she said she wanted fairytale purple, he knew that meant a lavender sort of color with glitter dashed across it.

"This is like high school."

"Wes, if you kick me like that again I will pull your hair out." She pointed her finger at him and grimaced.

"Go ahead. I'll happily volunteer if it gets you to stop pining over that dumb jock," he hissed and shook his head at her. He and Wade had a terrible history. To be honest, his history with Wade had been quite bad. Worse than hers. All she had was that stupid incident, but Wade bullied Wes a lot in high school.

"I am not pining. I am scowling."

"Chloe, you think you're scowling. What I can see is pining."

As far as Wes was concerned she probably still looked like the girl who used to draw “Wade and Chloe forever” love hearts in her school books. He'd never known about that humiliating experience and would most assuredly laugh at her if he did.

"I am not. He just gets under my skin. I want to go over there and wring his neck."

"Okay Chloe, you are far too angry right now, and that is super weird. Just ignore him. Who knows, he might go away." Wes rolled his eyes. "Again."

Chloe looked back to Wade and saw that the finance guys had left. But now he was full-on staring at her. Anyone else would have looked away, or just not stared in the first place. But oh no, not King Wade who thought the general social rules and norms didn't apply to him. She forgot that he lived outside of reality and thought himself above everybody else.

Well, that was fine since Chloe could stare back too. She dropped her book and fixed her eyes on him, challenging him. He had the audacity to give her that menacing grin and enraged her further by dropping his eyes to her breasts and explicitly focusing his gaze there.

She sucked in a sharp breath, feeling her cheeks burn and her stomach erupt with butterflies. Chloe was mad at herself for giving him such power over her feelings. The annoyance and irritation, and damn it, the cursed attraction. She watched him assess her, then he brought his gaze back up to her eyes. He held her gaze there. Right there, where all that she felt blended into one mass of frustration, and she felt like screaming again.

Wes kicked her again, snapping the connection. "Chloe," he hissed. Now he looked annoyed with her. "Look, girly. You need to be careful." He kept his voice low.

"Be careful of what?" She didn't bother to adjust her tone or volume as he did. She didn't care who heard her when she got herself worked up like this.

Wes leaned closer. "Chloe, it might have escaped you that that guy is Wade Vanderville. Regina's son. Regina, our boss. The woman you sent your application to for the creative director position."

Suddenly her head felt light.

Wes sighed and tapped her hand, which lay next to his on the table. "You can't behave like that here. Yes, the guy is a jerk. A self-righteous jerk from hell. Actually, he could be the devil. He's just missing the horns and a tail. But remember where you are."

With the exception of Taylor, he didn't like the Vandervilles one bit. Wes hated the idea of working there, and was only there until he could secure a permanent job working on film sets.

And, he was right. It would be wise to remember where she was, and whose son Wade was. It was tiredness that was doing this to her. Making her irrational and erratic, making her lose control of the usual calm and professional manner she usually exhibited.

Wes leaned even closer. "If you want that job, you need to calm down," he whispered. "You know what Regina is like with her family. You never know, she may have already decided on giving him the damn job."


At that thought, which was entirely possible, her blood drained and her skin tingled from the impact.

"I don't think she would do that, Wes. The job requires a special set of skills." Wade wasn't skilled like that. Before he left, he worked there briefly. All he did was pick up women and sleep around. With all the willing models and gorgeous women eager to please, it was the perfect playground for him.

"It doesn't matter about skill. Chloe, look at Taylor." Wes gritted his teeth and tilted his head to the side. Taylor was a good point. She didn't exactly have a role but floated between whichever department took her interest. She mostly tended to stick with the creative team because she got to hang out with Chloe and she liked to have a hand in picking the designers they featured. As for a job role, though, she did a bit of everything and would probably be classed as the assistant editor in chief at another magazine. There were a lot of people that would kill for that title, and Taylor impliedly had it. She definitely wasn't qualified in the least.

"Oh God," Chloe breathed. Dark dread filled her, gripped at her stomach and squeezed it until she felt like she'd vomit. What if Wes was right?

He couldn't be, though. Regina wouldn't do that. Surely it would be too much of a risk with Fashion Week just six months away, and at least twenty shows in between where all sorts of major designers and representatives would be in attendance. Family did, however, mean everything to Regina. So, it was possible.

"Good, you're catching my drift. I'm not saying it will happen, just maybe limit your interaction with Wade till this all blows over. Then you can look at him all you want."

"I don't want to look at him." She frowned with displeasure.

"Keep telling yourself that for now." He motioned his hand in a circular gesture.

Chloe breathed out a ragged sigh. This was too much, and she hated worrying. What she needed to do was see Regina. She needed something that would stop her from worrying like this.

Chloe stood up and took one last look across at Wade before she left. As she did his eyes roamed over the full length of her body, and she realized he was assessing her, taking his time to look at her. His eyes lingered on her breasts again, then moved shamelessly down to the curves of her waist and her slim legs. She didn't think she'd ever had a man openly stare at her like that.

Her cheeks burned, but she ignored him. Instead, she lifted her head, held it high, and walked out of the restaurant exerting complete confidence and control. Wade could look all he wanted because he wasn't going to get to her anymore.

* * *

"Maud if you value your life you will move that miserable carcass of yours and fix this whole shamble," Regina screamed, raising her hands up in rage.

Chloe walked into the main studio, which did indeed look like a shamble. It was a photo shoot with penguins. The models were supposed to be sitting on the made-up beach with them milling about, but someone—Maud—dropped her sandwich right in the middle of the sand and the penguins had gone wild for it.

It would have been hilarious if Chloe was in a better mood, and if Regina wasn't there.

Regina didn't stand for any nonsense, and to be quite frank Maud was lucky to still have her head attached to her body. Maud moved her carcass alright and all but dived onto the set to retrieve what remained of her sandwich from the penguins.

"How dare you even eat in here, and then have the audacity to waste our time," Regina snarled. Maud was doing her best to be quick, but nerves got the better of her and she kept dropping bits of tuna in the sand. "Everyone let's just break for lunch. Meet back here in an hour."

Regina was still glowering at Maud and only stopped when Chloe approached.

"Chloe, dear." It was like Jekyll and Hyde. It always mesmerized her how Regina could switch personality with no effort at all. But she only did that with a handful of people.

"Hey, Regina." Chloe gave her a bright smile, which hopefully masked her anxiety.

"Do you see what I have to put up with? Remind me to shake up the rota for these shoots. I need more competent people so I don't have to waste my time overseeing a basic photo shoot." She rolled her eyes and cut a sharp glance at Maud again who was still trying to pick bits of tuna out of the sand.

"Are you okay, dear? You look worried. You don't want to wrinkle that beautiful face of yours." Regina smiled at her.

This was the side to Regina very few people saw. It was the side that Chloe was hoping to appeal to right now in her time of distress.

"I'm just a little on edge. I applied for the creative director position yesterday." Good, at least she was able to talk without revealing too much nervousness.

"Chloe darling, I know. I know everything that happens in this place. Of course I know you applied."

Chloe hoped that was a good thing. She really did.

"Oh yeah. Yes, of course, you know. Regina…" Chloe pulled in a breath before continuing, "I just wanted to let you know that working here is more than a job to me. I want Runway to do well. I want it to be the very best. I want what you want."

Regina reached out and tapped her head like she used to when Chloe was little.

"I know. I know, and I appreciate you telling me that." She smiled at Chloe with vibrancy and understanding that lifted her spirits.

For one moment she thought maybe all her worries were for nothing. Chloe worked extremely hard here, and Regina knew that. If she truly knew everything that went on in this place, then Regina would know that for sure.

Chloe was hoping to elaborate, but laughter stole the moment away. Wade had just entered the studio from the entrance on the opposite side of the room. He was talking to one of the photographers, another friend from the past.

Chloe tried to reign in her nerves and looked back to Regina, but she was thrown by the look of pride that filled Regina's face as she looked over at Wade. The wealth of emotions that brimmed within her eyes was touching. It was the way her mother looked at her. Full of love and hope.

Their conversation was inappropriate now that Wade had entered the room. Chloe knew how depressed Regina was when Wade went away. It took a very long time for her to function properly.

As she observed Regina, Chloe knew in her heart that the chance for the job was slipping away from her. Maybe Wes was right.

And…if Regina did just give the job to Wade, Chloe knew that it wouldn't be because she didn't appreciate her and her hard work.

"I'll let you catch up with him," Chloe said. Regina looked back to her and smiled. Her eyes looked glassy as if she was going to cry.

"I'm so glad he's home," Regina smiled. And, what happened next confirmed so much to Chloe. A tear ran down Regina’s cheek, and she blinked several times to keep the rest away. "Oh God, I'm crying again."

Chloe quickly retrieved a tissue from her purse and handed it to Regina, who dabbed her eyes.

Then watched in surprise as she didn't think Regina was capable of crying.

"Thank you, dear."

She gave Regina a quick hug when she saw Wade approaching them and backed away to leave. She didn't want any more awkwardness.

It was looking like she was going to have to make some harsh decisions for herself.

* * *


* * *

He should probably give Chloe a break. Just move past the fact that her reaction amused him and leave her alone.

However, all it took most times to encourage him was simply knowing she was in the same room as him. Then she would look at him and appeal to his candor, his straightforward openness that never made him think twice about holding back just because he may upset anybody or cause embarrassment.

Being home felt good, it felt right. However, everything about being back reminded him of why he left. He was hoping that since he'd changed things would be different for him.

Besides, it wasn't good to float around the world like a nomad, never belonging anywhere. Sure, the adventure was great, and he loved traveling from one country to the next to experience their way of life, but this was home. And since it was home he had to make it feel like home again.

He had to focus on the good parts, which admittedly looked a lot like a certain young woman dashing away and scowling at the sight of him. He chuckled to himself as she glanced back at him before she went through the door, long golden hair flowing behind, adding to her perfection.

He'd catch up with her later.

"Mom, you hug people at work?" He laughed and narrowed his eyes at her.

"Didn't I hug you just yesterday?"

"Yes, but that was different. I mean other people. I've never seen you hug in the presence of others." He laughed.

"That sweet girl is like family to me. You know Flick and Phil are my oldest friends." Chloe's parents. Wade hadn't seen them in many years. "Now that they're in Europe I have to keep an eye out for her."

"Be careful. People might think you've gone soft."

"My dear, if you'd come in five minutes earlier you wouldn't say that. That clumsy girl over there," she pointed to a woman with a bun and thick-rimmed glasses who was tending to some penguins. His eyes widened at the sight. He hadn't noticed that there were live penguins in here until just then. "She messed up the shoot. Now look, I have penguins running around the set."

"Should I go help?"

"No. Let her do it. It'll teach her a lesson. You ready?"

They were going to lunch. It was why he was here. He wanted to see her privately, away from everyone else. Especially his father.

"I'm ready."

Ten minutes later, they were seated in Vitelli's again. Yesterday when they were here it was emotional and a little draining. Today was different. More light hearted with more openness to talk.

His mother sat back in her chair and regarded Wade with keen eyes. "How are you doing, son?"

"I'm okay." He nodded. "Just trying to settle in."

"Good." She focused her gaze on him. "I really tried to give you the space you needed to do what you were doing, but I worried about you every day."

"I know. I'm sorry. I just had to take the time I needed."

It was more of a necessity after what happened. He'd never forget it. It was that incident that broke him and made him lose control. If he didn't leave, there's no telling what would have happened. He still wrestled with the guilt he felt for the careless actions he took that day and blamed himself relentlessly. There wasn't a day that had gone by that he didn't think about what had happened.

It was all his fault.

It had taken him all that time to learn how to deal with his part in the accident. It was a hard thing to learn to live with. It didn't help that he'd never been able to talk to anyone about it. Wade was too ashamed of himself.

"Are you better?"

"Much. And I'm drug free, Mom." He knew that was what she was worried about. It was understandable after his messy departure. "I know you're wondering about that too."

"I don't mean to." She looked guilty for the implication. "I wasn't judging you. I just want so badly to know you're okay."

"I'm okay. I promise you I'm okay. I came back to start a new life." It was a promise he'd made himself when he was able to see past the influence of the drugs and alcohol. He sorted himself out, checked into an intense rehab facility while in Holland, and the rest—the self-building and restructure of his mind—came from his travels in India and Japan.

No one would believe what he'd put himself through to get to this stage. Getting himself cleaned up was the hardest thing he'd ever done in his life. To give up his addictive habits he'd focused solely on what he wanted to achieve.

Those first days, and first steps, were the worst because he had to make himself believe that he could do better and be better than what he had become. He had to believe in a better version of himself. What fueled him was remembering all the hurt he'd caused his family and friends, and all the damage he'd done to others. Drugs had been a one-way ticket to destruction for him and had affected him physically and mentally. They were everything that was bad.

Going through rehab was difficult. It was difficult not having his family around, but he saw getting clean as a mission he had to achieve by himself. He thought he'd done enough damage and wouldn't return until he'd accomplished his goal.

When he said he was okay, he really was. Now that he was back, however, he had to face the music. Face his family and face life in general. This was the brand new him who wasn't going to sponge off his parents and screw up his life. Wade had a few plans, but right now he had some questions for his mother.

"I'm proud of you. It takes a strong person to come back from all that darkness." She smoothed her hand over his and gave him a reassuring squeeze.

He nodded. "Thank you. Mom, can I ask how you and Dad are doing?"

She pressed her lips together and sighed. "We are as we've always been."

So that meant not good. "He didn't know I was in Japan."

"Did he message you every day like I did?"


"Well, then he didn't deserve to know." She shook her head and straightened up against her chair.

"When he came to see me I said some bad things to him I'm not proud of." Wade felt ashamed.

"It doesn't matter; he could have still messaged you, just like I did."

"So I guess it really is the same between you two. I thought when I saw him at the office things might have changed a little."

She shook her head. "Wade, I don't want to get worked up and spoil our lovely lunch." Uneasiness pulled at her brows, making him more curious. "I've waited a long time to see you, and this is a treat for me."

Something was going on. "What's up, Mom? There's no point tiptoeing around the situation. I'm probably going to find out at some point anyway."

She thought for a moment, brought her hands up to her rosy cheeks, then sighed, looking a little weary. "Your father came by yesterday to ask me if we could be joint owners of Runway."

He tilted his head back slightly and narrowed his eyes at her. As strange as things went that was by far the strangest of them all. His father hated anything to do with fashion. He'd also made it quite clear over the years that he wanted nothing to do with Runway. Why the hell would he want to be a joint owner?

"That was the same face I had when he came to me with the idea, and even brought a contract to sign." She rolled her eyes.

"What is he up to?" His father was focused on politics. Runway didn't have anything to do with politics. So, there was definitely a question in why a state's attorney would want joint ownership of a fashion magazine. It just didn't fit. It didn't fit with his current role, the companies he owned, or anything. Everything his father did or had fit somewhere.

"I have no idea, son."

"He's up to something." In the past, Wade would keep his comments to himself, but age and wisdom had changed that. Wade knew that while his father was an important man, he was also not to be trusted.

He loved his parents, but based on his distrust for his father his loyalties would always lie with his mother.

"It would appear so, my dear boy. I have Gilly checking things out."

Wade lifted his brows. "This is very interesting, Mom."

"It is, but leave him to me. I'll get to the bottom of it. Let's not let anything ruin your return." She offered a warm smile. "Just focus on you."

He nodded, agreeing, but was still thinking about what his father could be up to.

If it was one thing Wade knew, it was that his father was one shady character. One shady character who had the potential to be dangerous. He'd seen things in the past and heard things he shouldn't have.

This was why he was concerned.




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