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Fighting for Love by L.P. Dover (10)

GARRETT HAD STROLLED DOWN TOWARD the ring while Lexi and I hung back a little ways so we could talk. Around the arena there were several other fighters waiting for their turn to get their pictures taken, ranging from every single division. Out of the corner of my eye, I spied Lexi taking pictures of those so-called fighters with a huge grin on her face. Hey, it was hard not to look, but my focus remained on only one person.

In the ring, Matt and another fighter posed in a faceoff with their gloves held up by their face in striking position. They looked so serious glaring at each other, but as soon as the pictures were done they grinned and immediately started talking. Matt was a likeable guy, and ever since we were younger he always had people migrate toward him. They loved him. He was a leader; charismatic and bound for great things.

Snapping pictures with her camera, Lexi nodded toward the ring and sighed. “Out of all the athletes Bryan could have picked for the article he chose Matt Reynolds. That’s fate right there. I can’t believe you didn’t call to tell me,” she scolded. Everything had gone so fast, calling her had completely slipped my mind. Although, I didn’t really want to tell her that.

With woeful eyes, she lowered her camera. “How are you holding up, anyway?” she asked.

Halfheartedly, I shrugged. “Fine, I guess. Just a little confused as to what we’re doing.”

“Have you two talked about getting back together?”

We hadn’t really discussed it per se, but from his actions I would say it was a given. “Kind of,” I told her. “I don’t know if you consider kissing a declaration of getting back together, but when I’m with him it feels right. Like it’s where I belong.”

Sighing, Lexi sat down in a seat on the front row and I joined her. Matt winked over at me and I smiled, loving the way he looked so happy up there in the ring.

“What are you going to do about Caleb? Have you told him yet?” Lexi asked sadly.

I shook my head. “No, I haven’t. I was going to last night, but Jace and I kind of got into it. I didn’t want to have to deal with another catastrophe.”

“What about our date tomorrow? Are we still going?” she asked. When I nodded, she continued, “Well, if you’re thinking of getting back together with Matt, what’s he going to say about you going on a date with someone else?”

Blowing out a heavy sigh, I lowered my head and groaned. “He’s not going to like it, but I plan on telling Caleb in person that I can’t see him again. He’s a great guy, but I can’t string him along. It’s not fair to him.”

“Okay, listen,” Lexi began, patting me on the hand. “I honestly think it’s a good thing that you’re going on a date, even if you’re breaking it off with Caleb. Matt needs to know that you haven’t been pining for him after all these years while he’s been out having his fun,” she ranted.

That’s true, but again, it isn’t like he cheated on me. “I know that, Lexi, and believe me it pisses me off. If for some reason he hasn’t changed then I’ll walk away. It’ll hurt, but at least I’ll know that it wasn’t meant to be.”

Happy with my answer, she nodded and squeezed my hand reassuringly. “Okay, and just so you know I think Matt’s about to come this way.”

Sure enough, Matt jumped out of the ring, with his gloves still on, and headed straight for me; his bare chest showed off the new tattoos he’d gotten over the years. The first one he ever got was a Celtic ankh on his left arm, and now it was surrounded by a whole sleeve that extended down his bicep to shoulder.

We had just graduated high school when we both had the urge to get our first tattoos; he got the ankh and I got a moon and shooting star on the upper right side of my back. Over the years, I was thankful I didn’t have it where I could see it every day to remind me. There were a lot of ‘firsts’ that Matt and I had, and it was almost like a game we played trying to see how many of them we could achieve together.

“Hey,” he said, wrapping his arm around my waist. His skin was so warm and hard. Immediately, my body melded against his side; I fit there perfectly.

“We’re almost done with the shoot, but there’s been a little hold up. Is this Lexi?” he asked, nodding toward her. Chill bumps fanned across my skin as his fingers slid under the hem of my shirt. He looked straight at Lexi, but the slight smirk on his face let me know he was fully aware of what his touch was doing to me.

Lexi froze, her mouth hanging open in awe. After a few seconds, she snapped out of it and sputtered, “Y–yes, I’m Lexi. Wow, it’s so different seeing you in the ring, all hardcore and getting bloody, and then seeing you like this. Now I can see why people fall all over you.”

Exasperated, I rolled my eyes while Matt chuckled. “Thank you,” he said. “I definitely take that as a compliment.” Gripping my waist, he squeezed to get my attention, and I looked up at him. “Hey, there are some people I want you to meet. Come on.”

Lexi winked at me before Matt put his arm around my shoulders and led me away. “Don’t forget what happens tonight if I win,” he reminded me, whispering huskily in my ear.

“Oh yeah, and what’s that again?” I teased. Was I really ready to take that step? My body screamed at me to go for it, but my heart wanted to play it safe.

Stopping mid-stride, he tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear, and caressed the sensitive skin just below. A sense of longing shone in those green eyes of his that I hadn’t seen in a really long time. It made me feel vulnerable, completely open with nothing to protect me. It was scary as hell.

With his hands caressing my back, his breath tickled my skin when he murmured in my ear, “You will be mine tonight, angel. Your body, your lips … all mine.”

“For how long?” I whispered back, shivering from his touch. “One night? Two?” I had to know what he wanted.

He nipped my earlobe with his teeth and a deep rumble sounded in his chest. “I want you always, but I’ll settle for as long as you want to give me. Whether that be one night, two, or fifty years. It’s all up to you.”

“You love making things difficult, don’t you?” I breathed, trying not to moan. My nipples were sensitive as they strained against my bra, aching to be touched, while my underwear felt drenched between my legs.

Matt chuckled. “It’s what keeps things interesting, baby, but I’m sure we’ve given everyone here enough of a show. Let’s go.”

He led me over to two men, one being the guy he was in the ring with earlier and the other a man who looked like an older version of Matt’s opponent. “Well, well, who do we have here?” the younger one asked. “If you’re saying she’s my date tonight I’ll happily accept. Especially, if she looks at me like she was doing to you over there. Talk about hot as hell.”

He was cute with platinum blond hair that brushed the tops of his shoulders, mischievous gray eyes, and one of the most charming smiles I’d ever seen on a guy other than Matt. It was obvious he was joking, and from the looks on everyone’s faces they knew it, too.

“Sorry, Tyler, but you need to keep your dick to yourself with this one. She’s mine. Her name is Shelby and she writes for Physique. I thought she’d like to meet you,” Matt pointed out. “Who knows, maybe one day she’ll be writing an article on you.”

Extending my hand, Tyler took it and pulled me closer to him, placing my hand across his heart. “Ah, Shelby. What’s a pretty thing like you doing with a guy like him? I promise I’m much nicer, and also better looking.”

Matt scoffed, but he had a smile on his face when I peered up at him. The older gentleman beside Tyler rolled his eyes and stole my hand away so he could introduce himself, “Shelby, I’m Stephen Rushing, Tyler’s father and trainer. My son has a habit of pushing buttons, but thankfully, Matt doesn’t take him seriously. Otherwise, I’d be taking Tyler to the hospital tonight.”

“Well, it’s nice to meet you both. I’m sure it’s going to be an amazing fight,” I said.

Tyler chuckled. “Yeah, if I can ever beat his sorry ass,” he replied, glaring halfheartedly at Matt. “You better bring it hard tonight so that even if I lose I’ll still get noticed.”

Matt slapped him on the shoulder. “You’ll get noticed no matter what. You’re one hell of a fighter. I bet after tonight you’ll get approached by a sponsor. I’m sure of it.”

Matt’s enthusiasm toward Tyler was heartwarming. In the competitive world we were in it was rare to see someone who was truly genuine and wanted to see others succeed instead of taking it all for themselves. If Matt knew for certain that Tyler would get a sponsor and a contract if he lost the fight tonight, I bet he’d lose it in a heartbeat to help out his friend. Even though Matt had changed in other ways, his heart was still the same.

“Hey, young lady,” a voice called out.

All four of us turned to look in the direction of the voice. Pointing at me from inside of the ring was the photographer. He was a short, bald man with a graying goatee and glasses, wearing really tight jeans and a white button-down shirt.

“Who, me?” I hollered back, pointing to myself. Other than Lexi I was the only girl in the room and he wasn’t looking at her.

The photographer nodded and smiled wide. “Yes you, my dear. Can you do me a favor?”

Matt shrugged and followed me up to the ring. “I wonder what he needs me for,” I murmured quietly.

“Who knows,” Matt replied. “His name’s Ryan. Whatever it is, he’s pretty cool.”

When I got up to the cage, Ryan’s eyes lit up with excitement. “Oh yes, you’ll be perfect,” he crooned. He waved over another guy and whispered something to him while I stood there with confusion written all over my face.

What was I perfect for? I wondered.

Ryan’s assistant, or whoever he was, strolled out of the ring, grinning from ear to ear. Ryan beamed down at me and said, “All right, little lamb. It’s time to let you loose in the den of wolves. My assistant, Terry, will take you to the back and get you ready.”

“Wait,” I exclaimed, “I hadn’t agreed to anything yet.”

Smirking, Ryan peered down at me and shook his head. “Oh, honey, live a little bit. You’ll be great, now go with Terry. We’re running out of time.”

Terry motioned for me to follow him, and as I did I glanced back at Matt and everyone else. Matt’s expression was unreadable, but I had a strange feeling he knew what I was about to have to do.

What have I gotten myself in to?