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Fighting for Love by L.P. Dover (12)

SEATED AND READY FOR THE FIGHT, Mason switched places with the guy to my left so he could sit beside me. Mason Bradley was a celebrity among the MMA world for his undercover work last summer. There were UFC fighters showing up dead in Las Vegas, and he was the one who figured it all out. I was determined to write an article on him some day.

The lights overhead started to dim and the crowd began to scream, knowing it was time for the fighters to come out. The announcer called for Tyler and immediately he came strutting out with his fists pumping in the air. He had his blond hair pulled back into a low ponytail, and was wearing a pair of white and black shorts with black gloves. When he smiled at the crowd the ladies went crazy, screaming obscene things that I would never attempt to say out loud in public. Tyler loved it, and as soon as he did his turn around the ring it was time for Matt to come out.

“All right, the time has come to announce our next fighter,” the announcer shouted. “We all know him as the charming, UFC bad boy and Heavyweight title champion. So, gentlemen, keep a hold of your ladies because this guy has been known to steal them away. I give you, MATT ‘THE DESTROYER’ REEEYYNNNOOLLLLDDSSSS!!!!”

The lights beamed brighter and the screams grew louder as Matt came into view, strolling down the walkway. The ladies were going crazy around him, trying to touch him as he walked past, except he kept his eyes on the ring and kept moving. Before, he used to slow down and let the women touch him and sometimes even kiss him. I wonder if he’s just doing that because I’m here, or if he really doesn’t want them to touch him.

When he got into the ring he searched around the arena until his gaze landed on me. At that moment it was just me and him, two people brought back together by some unknown force to give us a second opportunity; to give us a chance at redemption. Most people rolled their eyes at the talk of soulmates, that it was a myth or fairy tale. I, on the other hand, believed in such a miracle. Never once had I felt whole or complete without him in my life. The void, the ache in my chest was no longer there, tormenting me. However, I still harbored the guilt for my terrible decision to leave.

Was it selfish of me to keep my secrets? Yes, it was, but I couldn’t let go just yet.

The sound of the bell brought me back and Matt made sure to smile at me before he went head to head with Tyler. “He’s a good guy, you know?” Mason noted. His eyes were on the fight, but he continued to speak, “I think he just lost his way for a while, especially with coming from nothing and then having everything. I was the same way. It gets to your head.”

He had a point, and in a way it made me wonder if our separation saved us. If I would’ve stayed and Matt screwed up then that damage would most likely have been irreparable. It still hurt to know that he’d been with an uncountable amount of women, but unfortunately, our life paths are paved in mistakes.

“What made you want to change?” I asked him. “When do you realize that money and screwing numerous women aren’t what’s important in life?”

Mason’s lips tilted up in a sad smile before he looked over at me. “I left the sport to take care of my mother. She died a couple of years afterwards, but it made me grow up. That’s when I became a cop and put fighting aside. Claire knows of my past and what I was like. I was afraid she wouldn’t trust me if I came back to the sport, but I haven’t given her a reason not to. I love her too much to fuck up what we have.”

“I see,” I murmured.

Round one was over, but Matt and Tyler were still pumped and ready to go. They grinned at each other from across the ring and I couldn’t help but laugh. It was hard to fathom that even though they were friends they could still hit and pummel each other for sport. Matt was good at it and he loved it. At least he found something in life he loved doing.

Ding, ding, ding. The bell rang for round two. Only one more round to go.

“So, Shelby, let me get this straight. I can only assume by your question that you’re wondering if Matt is going to stay the infamous bad boy who fucks every woman that spreads her legs. Is that what you really wanted to ask me?”

“O–oh w–wow,” I stammered, clearing my throat. “Yeah, that was pretty much what I wanted to ask, but I was trying to figure out how to be tactful about it.”

He chuckled. “Well, I don’t do tactful. I usually just come right out and say the shit that’s on my mind. To answer your question, though, yes. He will most likely stay MMA’s bad boy until it comes time for him to retire. Even I couldn’t take that title away from him, and I was worse than him.”

Mason averted his gaze back to the ring and smiled when Matt took Tyler to the mat. “Uh-oh, the fight’s almost over. Tyler doesn’t do so well on the mat. His strength is in his punches. Anyway, to answer the other part, no, he’s not going to fuck every woman he gets his hands on and he hasn’t for a really long time. When we became friends and he started spending time with me and my wife, she must have said something to him that made him rethink what he was doing. So for the past six months or so he hasn’t let any women in his room after the fights. He’s been trying to change.”

Really? Oh, please let Mason be right.

Hearing Mason’s words gave me hope. That hope intensified when out of nowhere I was scooped into Matt’s sweaty yet strong arms with his mouth pressed hard to mine. The crowd hooted and hollered, whistling as Matt claimed me for his own in front of thousands among thousands of people. Everything about him was scorching to the touch; even his lips felt like they were on fire, the heat trailing through every vein in my body.

“Matt,” I gasped. “What are you doing?”

Still in his arms, he gazed down at me with his passionate, heat-filled green eyes. “I just won the fight, angel, and now it’s time to claim my prize. I hope you’re ready for this.”

I was more than ready.

THE DECISION TO GO TO Matt’s house was a mutual agreement. After changing into a pair of jeans and plain white T-shirt, we were out of the arena as fast as we could go. With the way Jace handled Matt this morning I didn’t want to take the chance on him being there, even if he’d said he wasn’t going to be. While on the way to his house in Santa Rosa, I had a couple of text messages come in from Caleb.

Caleb: Just letting you know I was thinking about you. Don’t forget about tomorrow night. It looks like the majority wants to go to Bay Ridge. I’ll pick you up at 6 and then after dinner there’s a party at Hayley’s.

Caleb: Is everything okay? You haven’t called or texted.

Quickly, I texted him back.

Me: Yes, everything’s fine. Just been busy. I’ll see you tomorrow.

The distress must’ve shown on my face because Matt lifted a curious brow and asked, “Are you all right?”

Not really, but I might as well get the date talk over and done with.

Releasing a heavy sigh, I groaned and turned my body toward him so I could face him. He was driving, so it was hard for him to really look at me, but at least I was facing him head on. “Yes, and no,” I answered honestly. “There’s something I need to tell you.”

His grip tightened on the wheel and he stiffened. Immediately, I regretted what I said because it was the same thing I said to him ten years ago in the same damn car.

“No, Matt, it’s not like that,” I shrieked, grabbing a hold of his arm. “I shouldn’t have used those words. I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking about that.” Once his hands relaxed, I continued, “Okay, so Lexi and her sister have made it their life’s mission to set me up with one of their friends. Well, the other day I met someone and we’ve been kind of getting to know each other. It’s not serious or anything, but we have a date tomorrow. It’s actually with a group of us, so it’s not like it’s just me and him. The date was planned before you even came into the picture.”

Clenching his teeth, he kept his eyes on the road, the lights from the street sparkling in his stormy yet wary gaze. We reached his house a few minutes later, and my mouth immediately dropped open as he drove us down the stone driveway. The Spanish style house sat atop a hill that no doubt had a glorious view of the mountains once daylight came. I couldn’t wait to see it in the morning.

Matt parked his Bronco out front and turned it off, letting the keys dangle in the ignition. I waited on him to look at me, but he didn’t. “Do you like this guy?” he finally asked.

Reaching over the seat, I put my hand on his cheek and turned his face toward me. He needed to see the truth in my eyes. “Matt, I need you to look at me,” I told him. When his green gaze found mine, I continued, “I’m not going to lie to you. Yes, I like him, but he reminded me so much of you that I couldn’t help but be drawn to him.”

“So what are you saying?”

“What I’m saying,” I began with a smile, “is that I’m going to tell him tomorrow night that I can’t see him anymore. After being with you again, I can’t imagine spending my time with anyone else.”

Sighing, he glanced down at my lips and back up to my eyes, a slow smile creeping across his lips. “Well, I guess the solution to that would be to make sure you don’t forget it. Let’s go inside.”

As soon as we walked through the front door, Matt led me to the kitchen and started pulling things out of the refrigerator. I figured he’d be hungry after the fight and I most definitely was. I hadn’t eaten since breakfast and it was already closing in on midnight. On the lavish kitchen counter, Matt had ham, turkey, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, pickles, mayonnaise, and a big bottle of mustard all splayed out in a row.

Grabbing a bottle of water, he slid it across the bar to me and I caught it before it could slide past. “Good catch,” he chimed. “Now where exactly are you going on your date tomorrow?”

His head was down, fixing our sandwiches, and I stole a pickle off of his. I used to do the same thing to him when he’d make us sandwiches a long time ago. Smiling, he shook his head and added more pickles.

“We’re going to dinner at Bay Ridge, and then there’s a party at Lexi’s sister’s house.” I cringed for a second wondering how he was going to take that.

“What kind of party is it?” he asked.

I shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ve never been to one of her party’s before. If it gets out of hand, I’ll text you the address and you can come pick me up,” I promised.

Smirking, he lifted his gaze to mine. “I like the sound of that. You could always text it to me and I’ll just steal you away. I can’t imagine it’ll be too fun after you tell your friend you can’t see him anymore.”

That’s true, I thought to myself.

Sliding my sandwich over to me, Matt finished making his and peered up at me. “I know sandwiches aren’t exactly Bay Ridge, but I promise I’ll take you anywhere you want to go,” he murmured. “There’s nothing I couldn’t do for you.”

“That kind of stuff isn’t important to me, Matt, and you know that,” I countered. “I loved you when you had nothing, and I would still love you if had nothing.”

We ate in silence, and afterwards he took me for a tour of his house. He had two swimming pools, a home theater, massage room, and a torch-lit tunnel that led to a well-stocked wine cellar. Not to mention the house had five bedrooms and seven bathrooms. He saved his bedroom for last, and when he opened the door, I slowly ambled into the darkness.

My eyes had to adjust to the light when he turned it on, and when they did, my first thought was, Oh, my God. His bedroom was all in gray, white, and black; the perfect combinations for someone as charismatic and dominant as Matt. The walls were a light shade of gray, his bedspread a combination of all three colors against a modern black headboard. The curtains were what finished up the room, giving it a sensual quality to the masculine feel. They were floor length, sheer gray gossamer curtains that no doubt billowed into the room like magic on a windy California day. The room radiated with the energy of sex, lust, and sensuality; a lethal combination.

“I bet the ladies loved coming here,” I mumbled, thinking Matt couldn’t hear me.

I was appalled when his answer came right behind my ear, his hands skirting around my waist. “Actually, I never brought any women here. It wasn’t like that,” he breathed. “It looks like you’ll be another first for me.”

We were each other’s first at lot of things; mainly being we lost our virginity to the other. We were sixteen years old; he had just bought his Ford Bronco and drove over to my house to show me. It was a Saturday night and my parents had left to go to Seattle for the weekend, leaving me home alone. I remembered being nervous as hell because I knew it would hurt, but I wanted him to be my first. It didn’t last long, of course, with it being his first time as well, but it didn’t make it any less special.

Matt nuzzled my neck, pushing my hair out of the way so he could kiss his way up my jaw. Tilting my head to the side, I moaned and closed my eyes. Chill bumps raced across my skin and I shivered, leaning against him to steal some of his warmth. He chuckled in my ear and pressed his hard cock against my back, lightly thrusting it up and down. To keep him as close to me as possible, I held onto the back of his thighs, firmly.

“I want more,” I breathed.

In that instant, I held on tight as Matt picked me up in his arms, kissing me feverishly and hard while taking us to the bed. He set me down gently and slid off my shoes, along with his, before crawling his way over to me.

“I’m going to give you more, angel. Don’t worry,” he promised. Sliding his fingers under my shirt, he lifted it up over my head and threw it on the floor. He moaned deep in his chest when he gazed down at me with his sexy green eyes, licking his lips. Kissing the mounds of my breasts, he lowered the fabric over one of them and began to suck on one of my taut, sensitive nipples while reaching behind me to unclasp my bra. When my bra was undone, he shoved it away still keeping his lips enclosed over my breast. I wanted to feel him inside me, to satiate the craving between my legs.

Already, my body responded to his touch and I was achingly wet on the verge of letting go. Fumbling with his jeans, I tried desperately to get them undone so I could wrap my fingers around his cock and feel it pulsate with my touch. Matt helped me out, kicking off his jeans once I had them undone. Once he was free, I took him in my hands and squeezed, pumping him up and down.

“Fuck, that feels good,” he groaned. “Don’t stop.”

Harder and faster I stroked his length, enjoying the satisfied rumble in his chest. Now it was his turn to fumble with my jeans. Once he got them undone and slid them down my legs, I was completely naked and vulnerable before him. With his arm around my waist, he moved up the bed and spread my legs wide with his knee. Keeping his gaze on mine, he kissed me gently at first and then harder as he pushed his fingers inside me. Gasping from the sensations, I opened wider for him and let his fingers fuck me, loving the sound of his satisfied moans.

“Harder, Matt,” I begged, spreading my legs wider.

He did as I said, and as soon as he did that was my undoing. Tightening around his fingers, he bit down on my lip and sucked as I cried out in pleasure and pain from my orgasm. Slowly, he rubbed my sensitive clit with his thumb and swirled his fingers in the wetness between my legs. Keeping his gaze on mine, he traced my nipples with my desire, leaving wet trails in his wake, and sucked them both greedily, tasting the result of how my body craved him. I could feel his cock pressing closer to my opening, and as soon as he pushed in just a tiny bit, I gasped.

“I love the noises you make, baby. It’s so fucking hot,” he growled low.

Almost instantly, he pushed inside of me … hard. Not only did I gasp, but I cried out so loud I could barely recognize the sound of my own voice. I was throbbing and wet, fully ready for him, ready for him to give me all that he had. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I rocked my hips along with his and held on tight, crying out with each thrust. The muscles in his back tightened and flexed as he worked his body to give us both pleasure, and I made sure to let him know how good it felt by grazing my fingernails all the way down to his ass.

I was so close to losing it again, my body clenching tight around his cock, which pulsated inside of me with every passionate thrust. “Dammit, this feels so good I don’t want to stop. I’m going to come so fucking hard in you, angel,” he growled.

“Do it,” I begged, “I want you to.”

My breaths started coming out as pants as the ache between my legs got stronger, wilder. We were both so close, and the moment I tipped over the edge I dug my nails into his back just as he gripped onto me tighter, plunging in as deep as he could go and filling me with his release. Breathing hard, he took my face in his hands and lowered his forehead to mine.

“Promise me you’re not going to leave me again,” he murmured against my lips.

Kissing him gently, I knew within my heart that I would never leave him like I did last time. I wish I could say the same for him once he finds out what I did.

Softly, I whispered my answer, “I promise, Matt. As long as you want me, I promise I’ll always be here.”

Satisfied with my answer, he pulled out of me and settled behind me as I turned, draping his arm snugly across my stomach. Feeling safe and warm within his arms, I drifted off into the best sleep I’d had in ten years.