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Love Notes for a Duke (Spies and Spinsters Book 1) by Lillianna Downing (24)

Chapter Twenty Three

It was difficult to say who among them was the most nervous as time approached for the front doors to be opened and the guest to arrive.  Some of the students were edgy with excitement and others were quiet and contemplative.  Mrs. Kelly was bouncing around tending to one need after another like a overwrought mother hen and even the usual reserved Mr. Davis was showing some nerves.

Violet of course was taking it all in stride having hosted several balls in her home she was quite used to the hullabaloo.  While Charity thought she would cast up her accounts at any moment.  Staying below stairs to make certain everything was in its place for the most important evening of her life.  The entire building gleamed with a hint of lemon polish, candles were lit and reflected off every polished surface, vases teaming with fragrant blossoms adorned the tables with a riot of colors.  Champagne had been delivered earlier and was now chilled and cook out did herself with the food she prepared for the guests. The students formal wear arrived on time as did Charity’s gown which she had been chased upstairs to adorne.

After a quick bath with the help of Annie she slipped the gown over her head.  Annie deftly fastened the row of tiny buttons that ran down her back before setting Charity down at the vanity to perform miracles with her hair.  Piling Charity’s dark copper tinted hair at her crown Annie weaved thin braids throughout the curls in an intricate pattern fastening it secure with with a hair clip.  Annie was just putting the final touch to her masterpiece when Violet pushed through the door exclaiming over her creation.

“Oh Annie you have done an incredible job.” 

The maid blushed and stepped back so Violet could pull Charity off the stool, holding her hands Violet stepped back and looked at her cousin in awe.

“Charity you are so beautiful, you will turn heads tonight.”

“Thank you cousin,” Charity answered graciously but there was only one man’s attention she wanted to gain and he would not be in the audience.

“Annie, my mother’s pearl pendant and ear fobs please.”  The final adornment to complete her ensemble.

Taking the necklace Violet stepped behind her cousin, “Oh, I received word that our benefactor will be in attendance tonight.”

Pressing a hand to her stomach Charity said, “I don’t know if that is good news or if I am now more nervous.  Do you think he will introduce himself?”

“I believe that is his intention.”  Violet said with a smile and Charity could hear just a hint of something in her voice and was going to question her when Filbert who had graciously volunteered to help out announced that the first guests were arriving.  Seeing some of the color drain out of Charity’s cheeks Violet wrapped an arm around her shoulders, “You and the students will do just fine tonight.  Everyone practiced hard to prepared for this so don’t worry.  Trust in yourself dear cousin, you have done a wonderful thing here.”

Charity stopped at the top of the stairs, “I could not have done this without you, the staff I now consider more friends and the students.  Thank you cousin.”

“You can thank me by getting down there and knocking their socks off while I take their money.”  Laughing the two cousins descended the stairs together.

After meeting with the students in a side room to give them encouragement and to express how proud she was of each of them the recital began with Violet introducing the first performance.  The audience was seated in the grand recital room with the parents that were able to attend sitting in the front row.  Violet informed her that every seat was filled and more were standing along the walls.  Several works were performed and well received before the solo by William, a very promising and extraordinarily talented violinist performing Mozart’s Violin Concerto Number 5 in A major.  William’s techniques and precision were flawless and he held the audience enthralled throughout the entire performance receiving a standing ovation at the end of the first half of the recital.

During the intermission guest were given the opportunity to tour the school, meet the students and staff and make donations.  Charity was suddenly in high demand with several prominent members of the peerage demanding her attention.  It was quite overwhelming but it helped take her mind off Dane whom she had thought of several times during the evening.  How she missed him and wished he was at her side to celebrate in the success of the night and the school that he had been a big part of getting off the ground.

Intermission was almost over and she had not spoken to Violet the entire time and she was anxious to get her feedback.  After being pointed in the direction of Filbert she asked the butler if he knew where Violet went off to.

“I do believe she is in the small library.”  Filbert was quick to add when Charity moved to seek out her cousin.  “She is not alone Miss, she had a gentleman caller.”  There was no disapproval in his voice over the inappropriateness of a single lady being alone with a man.  Charity hoped it was who she thought it might be.

“Did you happen to catch the name of this gentleman caller Filbert?”

“Indeed I did Miss, I heard the dowager duchess refer to him as the Earl of Gillingford.”

Charity decided not to seek out her cousin, smiling she sent up a silent prayer that all would work out in Violet’s favor. She still had not been introduced to their mysterious benefactor and she was beginning to wonder if he would even show.  Making her way back to the recital room where Annie was waiting at the door to guide her through the crush Charity could not get over the feeling that she was being watched, a feeling much like she had at the cottage above the port town of Whitby.  Only this time it didn’t feel as threatening or dangerous.

The second half of the recital was nearly half over before Violet reappeared, surprising Charity by throwing her arms around her and squeezing her tight.

“What was the for?”  Charity whispered from where they stood at the side of the makeshift stage.

“Charles told me that you went to see him and gave him a resounding set down.  He is quite terrified of you now.”

“I judge from your voice that you are not upset with me for interfering, does that mean your reunion with the Earl went well?”

“Yes, thank you.  It went very well.”  If Charity had her sight she would have seen Violet’s cheeks turn a charming shade of pink.

“I am pleased, you deserve to have a good man in your life that makes you happy.”  Charity meant what she said and she truly was happy for her cousin but she could not prevent the little stab of jealousy.

“Just as you deserve to be happy too cousin.”  Violet said with that same odd tone to her voice that she had upstairs when Charity was dressing but she did not get to question her about it. 

The last recital performance by the students just finished to a resounding applause which meant it was her turn to take to the stage.  As the students left the stage with the careful guidance of Mrs. Kelly and Mr, Davis the grand piano was pushed to center stage.  This would be the first time Charity performed in front of an audience this large and she was just as nervous as her young students.

Seated on the stool Charity adjusted her skirts and after taking a long deep breath she raised her hands to the keys.  She choose to perform a composition that she had recently penned herself, a piano sonata of three movements.  Unlike most sonata’s of the time which are written with the first and third movements at a faster more upbeat pace than the slower second Charity switched hers.  The second being the only fast movement, plus she bucked tradition and played the first movement in the dark and powerful C sharp minor.

The crowd hushed as she struck the first notes, low and profoundly mournful.  As she moved through the piece Charity was transported to a different time and place, the audience no longer existed.  She found herself at her parents graveside on a grey wet morning, the grief so deep and weighty that she was too numb to even cry, as they were lowered into the dank dark earth.  Being too young at the time to understand the need to properly grieve Charity used her music to pour out all her sorrow.

The second movement though shorter than the first jumped in as if meant to rudely interrupt the first.  It’s quick and agitated pace had her fingers blazing across the keys.  The mood passionate and powerfully ferocious that built to a shocking crescendo that cascaded into the third movement.  Here she mixed her deeper emotions with quick spikes of lightheartedness that spoke of the love she felt for Dane.  As the piece moved closer to its conclusion it became a melody of profound heartache, loneliness and despair over the loss of that love.  Pouring all her anguish into the notes each stroke of the keys carried her tears and when the last note hung in the air she was shocked to realize tears traced wet tracks down her cheeks.

As quite often happens with a profoundly touching performance there was a slight pause in the audience as if they too were struggling to compose their emotions before bursting into applause.  The cheers and calls of bravo were deafening and though Charity was most appreciative she felt physically and emotionally drained.  Swiping away her tears she stood and pushed the stool back so she could curtsey to the audience.  Once the outpouring of cheers and admiration calmed Charity called the students to the stage to take their bows followed by the teachers and staff.  She expressed a special thanks to Violet before stepping off the stage to mingle with the remaining guests.

Overwhelmed by all the praise heaped upon her from members of the peerage who just months earlier would have nothing to do with her.  What surprised her more was how many of them begged for her performance at their next musical and even the odd gentlemen lewdly suggesting a private performance, which of course she turned down.

The last guest took their leave, candles were extinguished in the grand recital room and most of the students and staff had retired after what could only be described as a resounding success.  Charity was finally able to relax after many long weeks of preparation.  The only thing that clouded the joy of the evening was that she never got to meet their benefactor.  He either wasn’t in attendance or he choose to remain anonymous, whichever it was Charity was saddened to have not have the opportunity to thank him for his financial backing, without him it would have taken much longer for her to fulfill her dream.

Charity was just about to climb the stairs to her chamber where she knew Annie would be waiting to help her out of her gown when Violet called to her from down the corridor. 

“Violet I thought you had gone home or perhaps accompanied a certain gentleman home,” she said mischievously as she strolled over to where her cousin waited.

“Later dear cousin.  For now there is one more thing that demands your attention before the night is over.”

“Oh, and what could that be?”

“Our esteemed benefactor wishes to meet you,” Violet told her with an impish tone that caused Charity to wonder what her cousin was really up to.

“He’s been here all this time?  Who is he?  Where is he?”

Violet chuckled and taking her arm led Charity into one of the larger class rooms.  Immediately she could tell from the shuffling of feet and the barely stifled giggles that they were not alone.  Violet took her to the middle of the room that had been cleared of furniture and then with a quick kiss on the cheek she left her side.

“Violet, are you not going introduce us?”

“There is no need,” she responded with another laugh from a distance.

Suddenly the room fell hushed as if everyone was holding their breath.  Charity slowly became aware that she was not standing alone in the middle of the room.  She sensed someone intently watching her, the same feeling she had earlier in the evening only now she was reminded of how she felt when…   That scent...sandalwood and leather.  Her hand flew to her throat and her knees turned to pudding.

“Hello my sweet Cherry.”

Dane had never given up hope that one day Charity would be his.  He knew that she had been deeply hurt by his failure to disclose the truth but the fact was he was slightly embarrassed by the whole deal with Violet and had just wanted to leave it in the past.  But he refused to give up hope and he refused to stay away.  Though he never called on her personally he would spent a hour or two each day at the school.  Violet and the rest of the staff helped keep his presence a secret and he even took to refraining from using his favorite cologne one Charity was all to familiar with just so she would not be made aware of his presence.  There were many times he had to swallow his guilt, for it was really dishonest of him but he could not survive a day without seeing her.

He loved watching her as she diligently worked heart and soul to get the school up and running and he was never happier than the day she and Violet made amends.  It gave his heart something to hope for.

Dane fell in love with her a little more each day and then tonight when he watched her come down the stairs with her hair arranged so lovely dressed in a gown that emphasized her womanly curves he thought she was the most stunningly beautiful woman in all of England.  Oh how he ached for her to be on his arm but he agreed with Violet, she needed to get through this night for herself.  Her confidence had been shattered by the events in the past and a success tonight would guarantee that her past would finally be put behind her.

So he stood at the back and watched her interact with her students encouraging and congratulating them. Watched as she mingled with the guests as if she belonged among high society all along.  But it was when she stepped up to the piano for the last performance of the night that he became so completely enthralled.  Watching her perform that piece was like watching a rose slowly open its petals, or witnessing for the first time a life being born.  All the feelings she put into the song were reflected on her face and he could see the deep emotional cost it took for her to play that particular piece.  His heart ached right along with hers and when her performance drew to an end he felt his own tears tracing down his cheeks like many others in the audience.

Violet had insisted that after the recital he must reveal himself as their benefactor and had arranged for them to meet in the larger of the class rooms.  He never imagined with all the dangers he had faced, the intrigue and espionage that he would be so utterly frightened over the outcome.

“Hello my sweet Cherry.”

Dane watched a myriad of emotions washed over her face, confusion, puzzlement, dawning awareness, perhaps a little bit of fear but then a softening of her features that could mean forgiveness and dare he hope, love.

“Dane,” his name came out on a rush of breath as she took a step toward him.

His heart soared but he would not give in to the need to pull her into his arms until he had his say.

“Charity let me first begin by saying how tremendously proud I am of what you have accomplished here, what you have done…” he had to stop and swallow past the lump of pure emotion that swelled up.

“I apologize for not being totally forthcoming about my past and can only promise in the future to never keep anything from you.  And I’m sorry also for not having told you that I resigned my position with the home office.  I was just so happy to be spending everyday with you that it didn’t occur to me that you would not have guessed the truth.”

When she didn’t reply, just stood there with her face raised, his heart began to painfully hammer in his chest and his stomach twisted in knots.  He took a deep breath ready to charge on when a discreet clearing of a throat caught his attention reminding him of his plan to win Charity over.

Taking her hand he bowed over it, noting how it trembled and kissed it lightly before asking, “May I have this dance my lady?”

On cue the students struck up an introduction to the waltz they had secretly practised all week.  Dane swept Charity into his arms where he had ached for weeks to have her.  She followed him around the floor with the grace of someone that was used to dancing every dance and when he could stand it no longer he pulled her tight against his body and dropped his mouth next to her ear where he expressed what was in his heart.

“I love you Charity.  I love you with all my heart and soul and I don’t want another day to go by without you at my side.”

When he pulled back to look down at her face he was surprised to see her crying.

“Oh Dane I am so sorry.  Can you ever forgive me for pushing you away?”

Brushing a tear away with the pad of his thumb he confessed, “You did not think you could push me away that easy did you?  I was watching over you the entire time.”

She gasped, “Those time I thought I imagined your voice, you were really here.”

“I couldn’t bear to stay away.”

Charity slung her arm around his neck, her fingers snaking through his hair as she pulled him down, “I love you Dane, my heart has always been yours.” 

There were no other words in human vocabulary that could make Dane happier than the one’s just uttered.  He closed the distance between their lips and devoured hers with a hunger long suppressed.  Vaguely he heard feet shuffling and then the door click closed but he paid no mind.

His tongue sought and found its way inside her mouth, she tasted of champagne and honey, sweet and intoxicating and a thrill shot through him when her tongue met his in a seductive dance that heated his blood.  She moaned when he broke free of her lips only to trail wet open mouth kisses down the delicate line of her throat.  He remembered how aroused she got when he would play with her earlobe, sucking it into his mouth, nipping it with his teeth and that had not changed.  Her breaths came it quick shallow pants and he could feel her breast rise and fall against his chest.  Her little mewls of pleasure driving him wild with need.

Dane’s own breathing was harsh and difficult as he marked a trail down to her collarbone settling in where her heartbeat pulsed against her silken skin.  The corner of his lips lifted when he felt the slight pressure from the hand she held on the back of his head urging him to move on.  He did not deny her.  The soft swell of her breasts the sweetest pillow where he laid his head, his tongue delving into the tight crease between the two succulent globes.  He wanted her tight peaked nipple in his mouth, he was mad for it but her stays and tight fitting bodice would not relinquish the treasure they hid.

When she cried out in dismay at the slight tearing sound his passion driven search caused he forced himself to cool his ardour by putting a few inches between them.  There was one more thing that needed to be said but it would not be in the middle of a classroom.  He wanted absolute privacy and the proximity of a bed for what he had to say so he bent down and scooped her up in his arms.

His long strides had them in her suite within seconds.  He hadn’t intended on taking her into the bedroom first but it seemed so nature that he didn’t stop until the door was closed behind them, Annie mysteriously absent.  Even as he reached the side of the bed he couldn’t find the will to put her out of his arms so he kissed her until she started to squirm.

“Put me down Dane,” she said against his lips.  “I need to touch you, I need to be closer to you my love and I can’t do that in your arms like this.”

Her erotically suggestive words sent lightning bolts of lust straight to his cock that was already aching for her.

“Good God woman what you do to me,” he exclaimed hoarsely as he quickly complied to her wishes.  

Her small talented hands made quick work of removing his tailcoat and she was working on loosening the buttons on his waistcoat when he took a moment to just look at her in awe.

“Marry me.”




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