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Melt by Carrie Aarons (14)



The sounds of Beauty and the Beast rang out from the living room, Lennon’s off key singing both adorable and grating.

“Okay, so I’m definitely going with this one.” I look at my mother as I stare at my own reflection in the floor length mirror.

After emptying out literally my entire closet, I’ve settled on a simple blue and white striped wrap dress with tan wedge sandals. It’s cute, but dressy enough if Jake is springing for a fancy place.

“You look gorgeous, sweetie. But … I thought you said it didn’t go well with Jake before. Although, I’m not sure how, since he’s so handsome, Samantha. And he’s always so nice with the neighborhood kids.”

I rolled my eyes, my previous words to my mother working against me. Wasn’t that always how it went?

“I’m still … testing the water. He’s nice, and funny, and it’s nice just to be looked at like I’m a woman and not a diaper-bag carrier or warm body who sleeps beside him.”

“I won’t say I told you so … but I told you in year four of your relationship with Derek that if you had no ring by that time, the man was never going to marry you. Never give up the milk before he buys the cow.”

My mother nods to herself sagely, as if she hadn’t just related my vagina and sex to a barn animal. But I couldn’t argue, she was right. And she’d agreed to come over and watch Lennon for a few hours while I pretended to be a normal single person, so I had to remain cordial.

My heart and head still flip-flopped between good idea and bad idea on this whole date with Jake thing. When I’d gone back to his place after the bar, it had been a spur of the moment, one-night stand type of deal. Sure, it helped that I’d had a banter with him beforehand, and was a semi-stranger after apparently seeing him in the college gym … but after the first date I was so sure there wasn’t going to be a second. I guess some people were right when they said a magical cock could change how you felt about a man.

“Mommy, when I grow up, I want to be Lumière!” Lennon ran in, dancing around with nothing but her big girl underwear on.

We’d been having trouble with potty-training, but she was finally starting not to have accidents during the day. And if I promised to buy her pink butterfly undies, she was even better.

Also, great … my daughter’s biggest goals were to become a talking candlestick.

“You can be whatever you want to be.” I kissed the top of her head, knowing that there was no way in hell she could be a singing inanimate object, but that discussion was for another day.

The buzzer to the door rang, and I hesitated as to what I should do. I’d taken a leap inviting Jake into Lennon’s life at the first chance, and it hadn’t paid off well. All of the parenting books, and apps and opinionated Facebook moms would advise against inviting strange men into your children’s lives until you’re completely sure and serious about continuing a relationship.

But … I’d always done parenting my way, and my daughter wasn’t completely screwed up so I must be doing something right. I wanted to always be honest with Lennon about my motives, and to show her that while I loved her, I could also be independent and go after things that I wanted.

So I decided to buzz him up. “Mom, can you just hit the button for the lobby door?”

I heard her hit it while I put the earring in my lobe, and then I headed for the living room.

“Well, it’s just a party in here, isn’t it?” Jake smirked as I opened the door, Lennon belting “Be Our Guest” behind me in her underwear.

He leaned in for a hug, the scent of sandalwood cologne surrounding me. I could feel the bulge of his arms through the rolled up sleeves of his button up, and I wanted to stay like this for a long time. If only my mother wasn’t waiting for us, probably cataloging the amount of seconds we hugged.

“Sorry for the chaos, but I thought it would be good for her to know where I was going. Or she’ll ask a million questions. Hell, she’ll ask a million questions anyway.”

“It’s a good thing I brought this then.” He pulled out one of those big rainbow lollipops, and followed it with a small bouquet of flowers. “Lennon, this is for you.”

She turned, stopping her theatrical performance, and ran with little grabby hands to him. “Ohhhhh! Tank you!”

Jake bent down to give it to her, my view of his perfectly sculpted ass just a plus as he interacted with my daughter.

“And these, Molly, are for you. Beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman.”

Okay, now he was just being a kiss ass. And my mother fell right for his trap.

“Oh Jake, how sweet of you! And sunflowers, my favorite.” She batted her eyelashes at him like she was some kind of cartoon princess.

“Yuck, enough. Is this your way of trying to get me to like you? Ignore the girl you’re interested in while giving attention to the ones you’re not?” I rolled my eyes in a dramatic way, teasing him.

He leaned in for only us to hear. “You get the big present later, if you know what I mean.

It was cheesy as hell, but my lady parts still perked up at the titillating innuendo.

“So, you ready to go? You look gorgeous by the way.” He stuck out his arm like he was about to escort me to the elevators.

“I told her so!” Mom chimed in, still trying to get Jake’s attention.

“Yeah, I am, just let me grab my purse. Lennon, come give Mommy a kiss goodbye.”

She didn’t budge from in front of the TV, and I knew she wouldn’t for the next half an hour. Walking to her, I bent down and smacked a wet one on her cheek.

“Ick, Mommy, messy! Bring home ice cream?” She stuck her chubby little hand in her mouth, and I didn’t know when she’d be able to disassociate Jake with ice cream.

Probably never. Which probably meant his business plan was working well.

“All right, I’ll be home soon,” I said, turning to my mother.

“I’ll make sure to have her home by eleven, and don’t worry, we won’t go parking or anything.” Jake winked at my mom.

I had to roll my eyes again as she giggled while we were walking out the door.

* * *

“You’re quite the charmer, you know. It’s probably what makes you such a good business owner.” I pointed my fork at him over the best seafood gnocchi I’d ever eaten in my life.

“It’s a gift and a curse. Women, they just flock to me.” Jake folds his hands, very talented hands might I add, under his chin like a good Catholic school boy.

“I’ll overlook that cocky comment if you’ll give me another bite of that pork risotto.” I stuck my fork across the table, nabbing a mouthful of his delicious plate.

“You know what I learned about you on this date? You’re a fork vulture. You’re one of those people who takes bites off another person’s plate without asking.”

I chuckle self-consciously. “And that’s a bad thing? We’re on a date, isn’t it assumed that I get to taste your meal too?”

“Actually, it’s kind of cute. And I don’t mind at all. This place is one of my favorites, so I’m glad you like it.” His green eyes flicker with the dance of the candle in between us.

“Like it? I think I’m going to move in over there by the kitchen and let them feed me as a form of rent.”

I wasn’t joking. Every course had been better than the last. And with a self-proclaimed wine expert, in all honesty he really did know his stuff, the drinks were paired fabulously. All in all, it had been a really great date … one that I surprisingly did not want to end. I felt the minutes ticking by, like I was Cinderella at the ball and at midnight I’d turn into a pumpkin whose daughter climbed into bed with her in the middle of the night and kicked her in the face.

“So, I know we’ve had some great conversation, but now I’m going to ask the dreaded ‘first couple of dates’ questions because I need to get to know you a little deeper if I’m going to allow you to take me out for a second fantastic meal.” I folded my napkin in my lap, squaring with him.

He fake shuddered. “Oh God, just rip the bandage off quick, gorgeous.”

I didn’t want to make things awkward, but we’d spent two dates and a hot night of sex together, and it was time to go below the surface. I knew he was funny, charming and handsome. I knew about his business, and that he could give just as good as he got in conversation … and in other areas that concerned men and women. But we hadn’t really gotten all that personal, and if I was really going to dive head first into the dating pool with someone again, I needed to know if the water was nice.

“Jake Brady, when was your last relationship?”