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Renegade by Shannon Myers (17)

Chapter Ten

Late June 2014



Exclusivity was bullshit.

Two weeks in and I was certain I was getting carpal tunnel in my right wrist. It didn’t seem to matter how much I jacked off, I’d see her face in my head and get hard again almost immediately. My hand hadn’t seen that much action since I was a teenager.

The worst part was that I was two weeks in and we’d yet to go on an actual date. I was still realistically looking at another five weeks of this shit.

I hadn’t meant to offer to cook for her last night. It had just slipped out. She was a five-dater though, so technically, cooking wasn’t an entirely unreasonable date.

Maybe because I’d offered to cook, it would count as two dates?

Hell, it was worth a shot.

The thing that threw me though was the fact that she’d asked me to stay. That wasn’t in the book; not like there were any actual guidelines for me to follow. I was flying blind here.

I just needed to buckle down and be patient. If I could handle Silent Phoenix MC, then surely, I could handle a feisty redhead for a few more weeks.

A few more weeks of this and then I’d fuck her brains out and move on with my life. I’d probably need to find a couple of hot twins to make up for the deprivation I’d been experiencing.

My jeans immediately grew tighter and I cursed. I was going to have to think of something else or spend the evening in agony. My brain was a sadist so I immediately thought of Lauren begging me to stay.

Fuck me.

I fired up the grill and then glanced at my watch. It was almost seven; I had about five minutes before she arrived.

Yep. That’d work.

I ran upstairs and into the bathroom. My jeans were on the floor within seconds and two minutes later, I was sane again. I washed my hands and pulled my pants back up before strolling back downstairs.

“Hey!” Lauren said from the screen door leading out onto the front porch and I jumped in fright.

I unlatched it and let her in. “Hey. How long have you been waiting?”

Translation: How much did you just hear?

She gave me an easy smile. “I just pulled up a second ago—I hadn’t even gotten a chance to knock. You’re out of breath. We’re you working out?”

I rubbed at the back of my neck and let out a small laugh. “No, just got the grill going and then ran upstairs to make sure everything was put away.”

Lauren looked around. “This place is amazing. I don’t know the last time I saw a house with a wraparound porch. And because you’re in the country, you don’t have neighbors. That’s gotta be nice. I hear my downstairs neighbors arguing all the time.”

The place had been a steal. It had needed a shit ton of work, but between David and myself we’d gotten it back to almost perfect. And just when I thought it was too much for the two of us, Grey had shown up and put his skills to work.

“You help me, I help you. What’d I say?”

It had felt like more than that though. When he said it, it had come out like an apology, as if he’d regretted pulling me into the club’s dealings.

“Is this the original flooring?” Lauren asked, before kneeling down and running her hand across a section of it.

I’d been more than a little preoccupied at getting busted doing the five-knuckle shuffle that I hadn’t taken the time to really look at her.

As she caressed the flooring, I had plenty of time to do just that. Her hair was braided and hung over her left shoulder, but her red sundress was what really caught my attention. It was short and cut just low enough for me to see right down it with the way she was bent over.

A fucking sundress?

Was she trying to kill me?

I shook my head. Five-dater. “It is the original flooring. What do you say we get those steaks on the grill and get to know each other a little more?”

She stood back up and smiled again. Her smile was like that of a child’s—given completely and without provocation. It was as if everything amused her.

We stepped out on the back patio and the evening sun highlighted the freckles across her nose and cheeks.

Goddamn. Could she be any more adorable?


What the fuck, Mike?

“What can I help with?” She offered, but I shook my head.

“Just sit there. Do you want a glass of wine? Beer?”

She sat down in the chair at the small patio table. “Wine sounds good.”

I poured her a glass and carried it out with the steaks. “So, Red, tell me about yourself. Where’d you grow up?”

She’d just a taken a drink of wine and looked up in surprise. “Oh, I grew up in Denver actually. What about you?”

I placed the last steak on the grill and closed the lid. “Denver, the sunshine state. Gorgeous!”

Her nose wrinkled as she smiled. “What’s that?”

I shook my head. “It’s from a movie—Old School. It’s stupid. Anyway, I’m from the Galveston area. David and I grew up together.”

It was mostly true.

I’d already shared more with her than ninety-nine percent of the chicks I’d banged. The one percent was a therapist I had to see a few years back after a particularly hard case. I’d opened up to her and once our session was over, she’d opened up to me.

She took another sip. “I didn’t realize you guys went that far back. Do your parents still live down there? I know his mom does.”

I nodded. “My mom does.”

“And your dad?” she prodded.

I hadn’t spoken to my father since the morning after David’s wedding. He’d called me a traitor and a traitor to Michael Sullivan, Sr. was as good as dead. Grey or another biker had handled anything to do with me.

Last I checked, he was still making regular trips down to Beaumont to hook up with my mother though. I think that’d been the most disappointing thing. She’d done so well on her own, but then he showed up the night Patrick got killed and she’d immediately taken him back.

As if she hadn’t been capable of living on her own.

I’d told her about the cheating, certain that she’d change her mind, but she knew. Said she’d known from the beginning. They were no better than addicts—their drug of choice just happened to be the other person.

“Sorry, that was pushy. We can talk about something else.” Lauren was studying my face intently and for a minute I would’ve sworn she’d been able to read my thoughts.

I turned my back to her and began flipping the steaks. “What about you? Your parents still in Denver?”

This time her face fell, but she quickly recovered. “Um, well, my dads live outside of Austin. We moved to Texas in 2005 after they got married.”


I hadn’t expected that answer.

I turned back to her. “That’s a little intimidating.”

She cocked her head to the side as her smile faded again. “What do you mean?”

“I just meant that meeting one father is hard enough when dating a girl. Now, I’ve gotta meet two? I’ll be lucky to leave with my balls intact.”

She bit down on her lip and grinned widely. “I think you can manage.”

That was the thing with five-daters. They loved talk of the future and mention meeting their parents? Well, that was foreplay to them.

“So, I know you work at a dental office, but what exactly do you do there?” Satisfied that the steaks were going to be cooked perfectly, I closed the lid and rejoined her at the table.

 Lauren leaned back against her chair and laughed. “How much time do you have? I’m the office manager so it kind of falls on me to make sure the place is running smoothly. You name it, I probably do it.”

I took a swig of my beer. “Did you go to college?”

She nodded. “Yeah, I went to Tech and got my Bachelor’s in business management. What about you? Did you go to college or just cop school?”

Cop school?

How did she manage to say things like that and not sound stupid? She just came across as cute and witty.

God, I needed my head checked. I was starting to think like a chick.

“I did go to real school and cop school. Got my degree in sociology and then went to the academy.”

She nodded her approval. “You’re a smart one, aren’t ya, Tex?”

She hadn’t called me Tex since Galveston, back when I’d just been Jack the surfer. I’d convinced myself that I was just playing a role to get what I wanted, but was I really?

I hadn’t lied to her once tonight—I mean, I hadn’t been really upfront with the situation with my old man and where I really grew up, but I’d been honest enough that I was starting to question my intentions.

I was doing all of this just to get laid…right?


“Grab your wine and come sit with me on the front porch. You haven’t experienced a real west Texas sunset until you’ve seen it from my porch.”

We’d gotten to know each other even more over a dinner of steaks and salad. I’d planned on serving baked potatoes as well, but when I went back in I realized that in my fog, I’d forgotten one important step. Since I’d never turned it on, I had a cold oven full of raw potatoes.

Lauren hadn’t seemed to mind and I was starting to wonder if anything fazed her. Even when she’d confronted me on the patio at Nick’s, it had felt more like a questioning than anything aggressive.

The screen door slammed shut behind her and she balanced her wine glass as she settled in next to me on the front porch swing. I hadn’t planned on installing that, but David had assured me that every old farmhouse needed a good porch swing.

I pulled her closer. “This is one of my favorite spots at night. It’s quiet, so I get a chance to decompress from the day.”

I had to be careful or I was going to end up pouring my heart out to her like some fucking Lifetime movie.

She sighed happily and murmured, “I don’t think I’d ever make it inside. I’d just kick my shoes off and spend the night out here.”

I glanced down at her bare feet. “Well, you’re halfway there already.”

Lauren rested her head against my shoulder and stroked my arm. “I didn’t know you had all these tattoos. I’ve only ever seen you in long-sleeved shirts, I guess.” Her fingers traced the intricate designs lightly, sending my body into overdrive.

I hadn’t thought much about my ink in a while. I laughed softly, “Well, I meant to just get one, but it became an addiction of sorts.”

“What does this mean?” She pointed to the quote that wrapped around my forearm and up into my bicep.

He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot, will be victorious—it’s a quote from Sun Tzu.” Seeing her blank expression, I added, “He wrote The Art of War.”

Lauren nodded and lightly dragged her finger over to the one next to it. “And this one?”

It was singlehandedly the most erotic thing I’d ever experienced while sitting on my front porch.


Perfer et obdura, dolor hic tibi proderit olim—Ovid. It’s Latin for ‘Be patient and tough; someday this pain will be useful to you.”

Nearly all of my tattoos were related to pain and war. Coincidentally, I’d started getting them once I knew I was indebted to the club for life.

If a therapist ever got wind of it, I was certain they’d piss themselves with excitement.

Lauren continued running her fingers across them before quietly saying, “It’s beautiful work though—they should put your arms in an art gallery.”

I tilted her chin up so I could see her face. Her eyes were a little glassy, but she wasn’t drunk like I’d suspected. “You wanna put my arms in an art gallery? Where’s Charlotte when we need her? She’d know if these babies were the next van Gogh.”

She bit down on her lip and smiled lazily. “I like you, Mike.”

I felt like puffing my chest out. I’d done it. Four more dates and she’d be mine. “I like you too, Red.”

The swing creaked as Lauren stood up suddenly. She swayed as she regained her balance.

I frowned. “You going somewhere?”

She drained her wine glass and then carefully set it down on the porch before coming back over to stand in front of me. She gave me a small grin and then surprised the hell out of me by placing a knee on either side of my legs, straddling me.

“Hi,” she breathed before brushing her lips against mine. “Is this nice?”

Nice? It was fucking exhilarating. I never expected to get this far on my first night with a five-dater.

I closed my eyes and nodded, trying to get my body under control. She pressed her lips to mine again, this time with more firmness, as her hips rocked against my body.

“And this?” She whispered again.

I nodded again, afraid to speak and break the spell she was most certainly under.

The air was filled with the sound of cicadas and our heavy breathing. At some point the sun had set, leaving us alone in twilight.

She sucked my bottom lip into her mouth and I groaned, conflicted. I wrestled with wanting to lift up that pretty dress and force her down onto my cock and respecting the fact that she was a five-dater.

I could taste the red wine on her lips and smell her scent in the air.

I was so screwed.

Lauren sat back and rubbed at her swollen lips before deftly unfastening the red microscopic buttons on her dress. She stopped just as she got to the top of her strapless bra and asked, “Is this nice?”

I nodded shakily as she slipped the strap down on one side and then the other until the dress fell around her waist. She took my hand and brought it up to rest against her tits.

“What about this?”

She was fucking with me—that had to be what this was. She wanted me to agree to all of it and then it’d somehow prove that I wasn’t long-term material.

She wouldn’t have been wrong though.

I dropped my hand back down and she gave me a puzzled look. “We don’t have to do this, Lauren. We can go inside and watch a movie or—”

She rocked against me again. “Is that what you want? To watch a movie?”

I exhaled loudly. “No. I just want to get to know you.”

She grinned. “That’s what we’re doing, silly. We’re just getting to know each other.”

Then she reached behind her back and unfastened her bra, letting it fall onto the porch. “It’s a good thing you don’t have neighbors,” she giggled as she leaned in to kiss me again.

Lauren may have been a tiny little thing, but goddamn, did she make up for it with her breasts. My hand was halfway up before the bra hit the porch, ready to cop a feel. I was betting she was a C... maybe a D.

Pale pink nipples hardened due to the slight evening breeze and my hands ached to cup them. I needed to stay focused on the task at hand. I was going to pass her little test until date five. By date five, you could bet your ass I was going to be motorboating the hell out of them.

Her mouth and tits were pressed up against me, making my brain go haywire. I had zero experience with five-daters, but I was fairly certain that they didn’t do that on a first date.

Maybe she was a one-dater?

Only one way to find out. I was going to get my life back in order sooner than I thought if this worked. “Can I take you upstairs?”

She nodded and dropped her head on my shoulder. Instead of waiting for her to move, I just stood up, carrying her in my arms through the front door and up the stairs with her dress bunched up around her waist and a pair of fantastic tits smashed against my chest.

I gently laid her down on my king-sized bed and she shimmied the rest of the way out of her dress before kicking it off the side.

I paused with my hand on my jeans. “You’re not drunk, right?”

She smiled and shook her head. “Sober as a judge, officer. What about you?”

“Well, I had two beers, so I’d say that I’m good.”

She sat up on her knees and rested her hands against my chest. I quickly worked my jeans down off of my hips, thankful that I’d taken my shoes off after dinner, all while Lauren placed soft kisses down my jaw and neck.

It was like a race to get my clothes off. I was so afraid that she was going to change her mind if I wasted another minute. I reached behind my head and pulled my shirt off, leaving the two of us in just our underwear.

As if reading my mind, she rocked back on her heels and I could see that her sexy little hipster panties were soaked already. The material clung to her skin, perfectly framing the lips of her pussy for me.

 She slid them off with a wink and I followed suit, while she stared wide-eyed at my erection.

“He won’t bite, Darlin’.”

She nodded, but continued staring. I leaned down and let my teeth graze her jaw before pulling her mouth back to mine. Four years later and she was still the only woman who kept me mesmerized by her mouth.

Lauren’s hand reached around the back of my neck, pinning me in place, while the other rested against the side of my head. Her moans grew louder as my mouth moved down past her collar bone and latched onto her nipple. I cupped her and confidently decided that she was indeed a D before nipping her with my teeth.

She shuddered and raked her nails down the side of my head as her skin broke into goosebumps. I grinned at her reaction and alternated between licking and sucking until she tossed her head back in ecstasy.

Thank you very much.

 The tingle in my spine warned me that taking my time wasn’t going to be an option for much longer. She’d had me in a perpetual state of arousal and I was on a strict three hour masturbatory schedule.

I flipped her onto her belly and pulled her hips back toward me. I’d had enough sex by this point to have a pattern. I preferred doggy style, but I’d let the chick be on top from time to time depending on my mood. I never did missionary; it was too personal.

Lauren kept reaching back for me, but I moved out of her reach and grabbed a condom from the nightstand, taking my time to ensure I was completely prepared.


I rubbed her lower back once her hips were in position. “Shhhh…just relax.”

She nodded and put her face down against the comforter. This moment had been four years in the making. We’d encountered a lot of obstacles and resistance, but I was about to make that pussy mine and then send her on her merry way.

Speaking of resistance…

I froze. Holy fuck.


She picked her head up and reluctantly turned to face me. I could see the crimson on her cheeks thanks to the moonlight streaming in. “I was going to tell you…”

“You’re a virgin?”

She nodded and bit down on her lip.

I’d done a lot of things…a virgin was not one of them though. I was suddenly having second thoughts about the whole thing.

I began pulling out, but she reached back and rested her hand against the hairs on my thigh. “Please don’t stop. I want this.”

She turned back around and placed her face against the comforter again, completely submissive, but it felt wrong. She deserved for her first time to be special—I wasn’t a complete animal.

I gently rolled her onto her back and knelt down between her legs, sliding a finger through her wetness. Her moans let me know that I’d gotten off to the right start.

God, I couldn’t remember the last time I’d done this—I was pretty much popping my own cherry again. I stroked her again, moving my finger in a figure eight pattern, praying that I was hitting a pleasure point. Her moans disappeared and I was left with the sound of soft breathing.

Okay, step two.

I brought my face down and licked along her slit, like an inexperienced teen. The moaning returned and I began lapping at her clit like a kid would a water hose on a hot summer day. I soon realized why I never did this; my fucking tongue was cramping up—I was probably giving myself TMJ.

Her pants grew louder so I slowly pushed my middle finger inside of her, while still maintaining rhythm with my tongue. While she initially fought the intrusion, within a few seconds she was writhing against my face.

I wanted nothing more than to feel her wrapped around me. So, I brushed the evidence of her orgasm off of my face with the back of my hand and sat back up. I moved slowly, pressing the head of my dick against her pussy. “Darlin’, are you sure?”

She whispered, “Please…” so, I pushed in a couple of inches, letting her adjust to my size. I stopped once I hit her barrier and dropped down onto my forearms. “Ready?”

She nodded with wide fearful eyes even as her body began to inch up on the bed away from me in retreat. I felt like a prick. Her first time should’ve been with someone who wasn’t me.

I pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. “It may hurt, but I’ll go slow.” That earned me another nervous nod.

Then I realized that if I went slowly, I was going to hurt her a lot more. At the same time, I couldn’t tell her I was going to be quick. I pulled back until I was almost out before thrusting in roughly and breaking through her hymen.

I’d done it.

I’d just deflowered a virgin.

God, I bet my mom would be so proud.

She cried out and dug her nails into my shoulders and I paused, kissing her again. I’d pictured her countless times, spread out before me just like this, but my imagination was nothing compared to the real thing. While giving her body a chance to adjust to me, my hands roamed freely down her arms and across to her tits. “You feel so fucking amazing,” I whispered and those green eyes tilted up to meet mine.

She did too. The tightness gripped my dick, pulling me in deeper. Within a few seconds, her body began involuntarily rocking against me and we fell into a rhythm of sorts.

Knowing how awkward my first time had been, I felt like I had this standard to meet with her. It had suddenly become my job to ensure that Lauren experienced an orgasm during her first time. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist before I backed her up against the wall.

The position gave me better control. At this angle, my dick was thrusting right up against her front wall and I knew within a couple of seconds that I was hitting her G-spot. Her body went stiff and her mouth fell open, but no sound came out.

Gripping her ass tightly in my hands, I forced myself deeper. Lauren grew louder again, so I moved faster to keep up. My balls tightened and I groaned. The heels of her feet stroked my lower back, encouraging me to join her.

My thrusts became quicker and shallower as she raked her nails down my back and cried out something unintelligible, milking my cock for all it was worth. I thrust once more and then joined her in a freefall.

My face was numb.

I didn’t think it was possible, but I’d just had the best sex of my life with a virgin. I led us back to the bed and settled her in against the pillows before disposing of the condom.

Then I did something else unexpected—I climbed in next to her and pulled her to my chest before whispering, “Stay the night?”

Lauren nodded sleepily and nestled in closer.

I dozed briefly, but woke while it was still dark, rock hard and ready for her again. We were still spooning, so I just slid down the bed a bit and lifted her leg before sliding back into her still damp folds. She awoke with a loud moan and I realized that she was probably sore as hell and not in the mood for more sex. That thought changed when she began stroking herself while whispering, “Harder.”

What was it about this woman that made her feel like home to me?

When did I start thinking like a greeting card?

When would the wanting her go away?

I was so beyond fucked that I needed a new word to describe it. One night wasn’t going to be enough and now that I knew that no one else had ever been inside of her, I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to share.




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